Sunday, September 15, 2024

Can Stomach Gas Cause Back Pain

Low Back Pain Symptoms And Signs

Home remedy for back pain due to gas | Can stomach problems cause lower back pain?

Pain in the lumbosacral area is the primary symptom of low back pain.

  • The pain may radiate down the front, side, or back of your leg, or it may be confined to the low back.
  • The pain may become worse with activity.
  • Occasionally, the pain may be worse at night or with prolonged sitting such as on a long car trip.
  • You may have numbness or weakness in the part of the leg that receives its nerve supply from a compressed nerve.
  • This can cause an inability to plantar flex the foot. This means you would be unable to stand on your toes or bring your foot downward. This occurs when the first sacral nerve is compressed or injured.
  • Another example would be the inability to raise your big toe upward. This results when the fifth lumbar nerve is compromised.

Treating Back And Stomach Pain

In order to properly relieve your pain, a proper diagnosis will be important. A doctor will listen to you describe your symptoms and medical history to try and determine potential causes and will then use a series of tests to rule out serious issues. These tests may include blood tests, ultrasounds, endoscopies, X-rays, or urine tests. You may also be sent to an Atlanta MRI center for more advanced imaging.

At AICA Orthopedics, our onsite imaging site is readily available and works with a range of doctors, giving you access to various forms of treatment depending on your diagnosis. If you are experiencing a combination of stomach and back pain, call AICA Orthopedics today.

Causes Of Stomach And Back Pain

There are several conditions that could be causing your back and stomach pain.

Acute pain might indicate a gastrointestinal or muscular problem, such as a stomach bug or pulled muscle, but it can also be a sign of something serious.

Inflammation and irritation of the internal organs can usually be felt somewhere around the midsection. And it can feel like its coming at you from all directions.

Take a minute to read this quick overview of possible causes of back and stomach pain. Any one of these conditions could be the cause of your painsome of them are pretty serious.

You will need to visit your personal physician for an accurate diagnosis if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

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What Your Doctor Will Check

Your doctor will ask what youâve been feeling, give you a physical exam, and may touch or listen to your belly. Youâll answer questions about what you eat. Bring any notes youâve kept on what you eat and drink and when you have pain. If you have other symptoms, like weight loss or diarrhea, you may need more tests.

What Causes Gas In The Digestive Tract

Back pain and bloating: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Gas in the digestive tract comes from two sources:

  • Aerophagia . This is usually caused by eating or drinking rapidly, chewing gum, smoking, or wearing loose dentures.

    Belching is the way most swallowed air leaves the stomach. The remaining gas is partially absorbed into the small intestine and a small amount goes into the large intestine and is released through the rectum.

  • Breakdown of certain undigested foods by harmless bacteria naturally present in the large intestine Some carbohydrates are not digested or absorbed in the small intestine because of a shortage or absence of certain enzymes. The undigested or unabsorbed food then passes into the large intestine, where harmless and normal bacteria break down the food. This process produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and, in about one-third of all people, methane gases, which are released through the rectum.

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Upper Abdominal And Back Pain

Common causes of abdominal pain that radiates orspreads to the back include:

  • Severe upper abdominal and back pain
  • Pain that occurs after eating rich foods, fatty foods, or foods with lots of protein
  • Abdominal and back pain that worsens when lying down and gets slightly better by leaning forward

Pancreatitis isa serious illness that can mimic gastritis, stomach ulcers, or duodenal ulcers.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a life-longcondition in which the bowels develop a sensitivity to stressful situations andcertain foods. IBS is a condition three times more common in women than in men. The abdominal pain of irritable bowel syndrome is often experienced bypeople as abdominal pain on the left side.

IBS can be associated with constipation, the passageof mucus in the stool, or diarrhoea. Sufferers may feel abdominal bloating, weariness,fatigue, backaches, and sometimes an increase in frequency or urgency ofurinating.

The symptoms are often made worse by stressfulexperiences and can last for months and years.

Myth: Lower Back Pain Is A Telltale Sign Of Pregnancy

Truth: Research indicates that anatomical and hormonal changes can cause back pain to occur in the later stages of pregnancy, during the second or third trimester, and only a small fraction of women develop back pain during the very early stages.1

The possibility may be considered when back pain is accompanied by other revealing symptoms and signs, such as a missed menstrual period, morning sickness, fatigue, headache, and/or body soreness.

See Back Pain in Pregnancy

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Final Thoughts And Key Takeaways

There are many possible explanations for your back and stomach pain, some of which require a doctors attention. Others can be fixed by reducing inflammation, avoiding irritants, and being more informed about your treatment choices.

Key takeaway #1: If you have been using NSAIDs to treat a strained or aching lower back, they may be the cause of your problem.

Key takeaway #2: NSAIDs can cause additional problems, like increasing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Key takeaway #3: There are natural treatments available that can help ease the pain and get to the root of your problem.

How Do You Pass Big Hard Stools

Stomach and Back Pain at the Same Time

Functional constipation can be relieved by several different remedies and medications. It can be problematic if you have problems with hemorrhoids. Because if you have the condition of hemorrhoids, its not the normal constipation case that you can use on normal occasions.

But its up to you whether you want to see a doctor and get prescribed medicines for treating your constipation problem, or you can try different remedies at home. Passing hard stools can be a huge problem and there are different ways you can go through. For instantaneous solutions, you may use external remedies to get temporary relief. Here are other options you can go through.

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How To Distinguish A Regular Bloat From A Sign Of Cancer

For bloating to be a cause for concern, it generally needs to have lasted for more than two weeks in a month, saids Monique Swain, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, writing in an editorial on the medical website Health.

If bloating is persistent and does not vary with changing eating habits or bowel movements, it is a good idea to seek medical care, added Alex Hewlett, DO, associate professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in the same article.

Another telltale sign that bloating could be a sign of ovarian cancer is a change in your toilet habits.

Out-of-the-ordinary bowel or urinary issues is a sign that something is wrong.

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For example, you might suddenly need to go to the bathroom more urgently if a mass is big enough and pressing on the bladder, said Dr Swain.

Bloating can also signal advanced bowel cancer.

As Cancer Research UK explains, advanced bowel cancer can sometimes cause swelling of the tummy .

This is due to a build up of fluid in the tummy .

Signs And Symptoms Of Abdominal Bloating

Abdominal pain and bloating are considered two different symptoms. That being said, you are likely to feel both at the same time. These symptoms refer to the ache or distention felt under the gastral cavity and above your pubic bone, also called the lower and upper abdominal regions.

Its important to note that a bloated stomach is not related to gaining fat mass around the stomach or water retention. It is mainly caused by air being temporarily stuck around the abdomen.

You may experience the following signs and symptoms alongside the gassiness, fullness, and stomach pain of abdominal bloating:Signs of an allergic reaction

  • A fever
  • Swollen, painful lymph nodes in your throat, armpits, or groin

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What Are The Symptoms Of Gas

Gas symptoms vary from person to person. Common symptoms of gas in the digestive tract include belching, bloating and distention, and passing gas. Having some gas symptoms is normal, especially during or after meals.

Gas symptoms may be a problem if they occur often, bother you, or affect your daily activities.

Middle Abdominal And Back Pain

Can Lower Back Pain Be Due to IBS, Gas or Stomach Problems ...

For pain in the middle abdomen that spreads to theback, the causes are well-defined. The main causes are:

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is the dilatation of thewall of large blood vessel that bring blood from the heart into the abdomen. If the aorta balloons or dilates for any reason, it couldstart to leak blood in small amounts. This leads to middle or lower abdominalpain that spreads to the back.

This condition occurs in middle-aged or elderly menand women who have smoked in the past. The pain is often accompanied by dizzinessupon standing. Sufferers can collapse or faint with this pain if bleeding issignificant.

Youcan read more about symptoms of ruptured abdominal aorticaneurysm here.

Heart Attack

Heart attacks can start as abdominal pain. Typically,the pain begins in the middle upper abdomen, above the umbilicus and below thebreastbone.

Heart attack pain that starts in the abdomen tends tocome suddenly either as mild discomfort or severe ache. Patients describe thefeeling of more severe heart attack pain as a heavy load or pressure on thechest. Heart attack pain that starts in the abdomen could spread up to the leftarm, neck, and jaw. It is often accompanied by sweats, nausea, andvomiting. The pain could last a few minutes or up to an hour or two beforeit goes away. If it goes away.

Kidney Stones

The symptoms of kidney stone pain include:

Sufferersof kidney stones usually describe the pain as quite severe.

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Treatment For Gas In The Digestive Tract

Specific treatment for gas in the digestive tract will be determined by your doctor based on:

  • Your age, overall health, and medical history

  • Extent of the condition

  • Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies

  • Expectations for the course of the condition

  • Your opinion or preference

Ibs Treatments And Living With Ibs

Treatment for IBS differs from person to person, but generally focuses on relieving symptoms and improving overall quality of life. There are numerous therapies available. None will work for everybody with IBS, and frequently the best approach is a mix of strategies.

For those with back pain, theres good news: Treating your IBS may also help to ease back pain without specifically targeting your back. You wont need surgery for IBS-related back pain, and you can likely avoid long-term painkiller use by treating the other symptoms of IBS. Speak with a healthcare provider to find the right combination for you.

Yoga’s physical and mental benefits make it an effective complementary treatment for both IBS and back pain

Common treatments include:

  • Dietary changes. There is no specific diet for IBS. Your doctor may recommend changing your fiber intake or keeping a food diary to help pinpoint items that trigger your symptoms. They may also suggest limiting citrus, carbonated drinks and high-FODMAP foods, or foods that contain a carbohydrate linked to gastrointestinal troubles. These include wheat, dairy and legumes .
  • Therapy. Some IBS patients can benefit by speaking with a mental health professional. Studies have found that cognitive behavioral therapy, during which you learn how to recognize and change your response to stress, may be especially valuable for dealing with either IBS or back pain.

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Gas: Whats Normal And What Isnt

7 min Read Time

Everyone burps and passes gas. Some do these things more often than others. It can be loud and sometimes smelly, but gas is a normal part of the digestive process even if its uncomfortable or embarrassing.

Understanding what causes gas can help you feel less self-conscious and find some relief. Its also important to recognize when gas, bloating and belly pain are actually warning signs of a more serious health condition, according to Brian van der Linden, MD, an HCA Healthcare gastroenterologist.

Overeating And Back Pain

How To Get Rid Of Back Pain Caused By Gas – 10 Home Remedies For Back Pain Due To Gas

Dumping large amounts of food in your stomach puts enormous strain on the digestion.

The tell-tale signs of digestive distress as a result of overeating are stomach aches, bloating and indigestion.

As the stomach bloats and expands it puts stress on the spine and back muscles causing discomfort and pain.

But you can easily remedy the problem with a simple lifestyle change.

Rather than sitting down to 3 heavy meals a day or binge eating at the down town all you can eat buffet…

You can still eat as much as by eating smaller quantities frequently throughout the day.

Your digestion will thank you for it as its better able to cope with smaller quantities of food and liquid.

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When To See A Doctor About Ibs Pain

If youâre experiencing any kind of pain associated with IBS, it may be a good idea to make an appointment with a healthcare professional to discuss treatment options. Your doctor can ensure youâve received a correct IBS diagnosis, check that youâre using the right treatments, and help you identify any red flags that might indicate a condition other than IBS.Red flags of potentially serious conditions include:

  • Rectal bleeding
  • A family history of colon cancer
  • Fever
  • Late-onset of IBS symptoms â

What Is Ibs Pain

IBS is a painful condition for many people. In fact, pain is the number one reason people see a doctor for IBS.

While IBS pain can be felt in multiple places around the body, it is most commonly experienced in the lower abdomen .

IBS pain can occur after eating and may be relieved or worsen after a bowel movement. It can range from mild discomfort to a stabbing pain that can be so intense it is sometimes mistaken for appendicitis or heart attack pain.

Pain is a key symptom in assessing whether someone has IBS. The current medical guidelines, also known as the Rome IV criteria, required that for an IBS diagnosis, a person needs to experience: âââ

âRecurrent abdominal pain, on average, at least one day/week the last three months, associated with two or more of the following criteria:

  • Related to defecation
  • Associated with a change in frequency of stool.
  • Associated with a change in form of stool.â

IBS pain that lasts for more than six months is known as chronic pain. Chronic pain with IBS may mean that you feel pain or discomfort consistently or that you are experiencing frequently recurring pain often over an extended period of time.

Although abdominal pain is the most common type of IBS pain, research now indicates that people with IBS are more likely to experience other kinds of pain, including headache, back pain, and muscle ache.â

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Lower Abdominal Pain That Spreads To The Back

For pain in the lower abdomen that spreads tothe back, there are several possible causes, including irritable bowelsyndrome. The other causes include:


Cystitis is a common and treatable infection of thekidneys, bladder, or urethra. It is often characterised by inflammation in the bladder.Those who suffer from cystitis tend to feel more tired than usual, pass urinemore often, and experience burning or stinging during urination.

Cystitis can also cause:

  • A dull ache in the lower abdomen around or just below the bikini line
  • Pain that worsens when leaning forward
  • Pain that spreads to the lower back and sometimes to one side of your back
  • A feeling of sickness and loss of appetite

Darkerurine, often accompanied by a stronger odour

Ovarian Cysts

  • Ovarian cysts are a common cause of abdominal and backpain on the right side, and abdominal pain on the lower left side in women betweenthe ages of 13 and 53. The pain of ovarian cyst typically: Starts on one side of the lower abdomen and spreads to the hip on that side, and to the lower back and upper thigh Continues but occasionally increases in severity Occurs a few days after menstruation, and for two weeks thereafter Lasts for a few hours but can become very bad within daysLeadto vomiting and abdominal bloating and severe pain if the ovary is twisted

Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain is followed a few days later with avaginal bleed. The pain tends to get better after the bleeding has gone onfor a few days.

Can Trapped Gas Cause Back Pain

Home remedy for back pain due to gas

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