Proton Pump Inhibitors May Cause Depression
Few studies have noted an increased risk of developing Major Depressive Disorder with use of proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, esomeprazole.
Chronic proton pump inhibitor use may cause magnesium deficiency and magnesium is known to have an antidepressant effect.
PPIs may also increase the risk of severe cognitive impairment and dementia.
Quick Gist: Chronic use of proton pump inhibitors is associated with increased risk of depression. A few reasons to explain this could lack treatment response to PPIs or persistent reflux symptoms may be responsible for increased depression risk.
Is Anxiety Related To Gut Health
When you experience anxiety, the body releases hormones and neurotransmitters which affect the digestive system since the vagus nerve links the brain to the gut.
It can result in nausea, diarrhea, or even constipation. Is anxiety related to gut health? It may be. When nervous or anxious, your body releases some hormones and chemicals that enter the digestive system which can cause nausea, diarrhea, or constipation.
Thats because all of these things are controlled by the same part of your brain that deals with fear and stress the amygdala. Furthermore, it doesnt take a lot to set off those feelings of anxiety.
A small trigger can have a large effect on your stomach physically and emotionally. Once youre aware that you need to take care of your stomach when feeling anxious, you can find ways to do so without overindulging in unhealthy foods or drinks like coffee or alcohol.
The key is finding healthy methods for managing anxiety-related symptoms in your stomach without worsening them further. You could try deep breathing or relaxing yoga poses if you find yourself experiencing symptoms like a racing heart rate and an upset stomach often
Symptoms Of Gerd And Anxiety
GERD and anxiety can cause a number of different symptoms, though there are a few that both conditions seem to have in common.
GI issues, such as heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain are common symptoms of both conditions. Another symptom common in both is globus sensation, which is the painless feeling of a lump in your throat or a tightening or choking sensation.
People who experience globus sensation also often have hoarseness, a chronic cough, or a persistent need to clear their throat, which are also common symptoms caused by GERD and acid reflux.
Disrupted sleep is also a common symptom of both conditions. Acid reflux may be worse when lying down, which can cause you to wake up often. Anxiety affects your sleep pattern and can make it hard for you to fall asleep or stay asleep.
Other symptoms of GERD include:
- regurgitation of sour liquid or food
Other symptoms of anxiety include:
- feeling restless or nervous
- a sense of impending doom or danger
- rapid heartrate
- difficulty controlling worry
- chest tightening or pain
Both conditions can cause chest pain and other symptoms that are also symptoms of a heart attack. Call 911 if you have chest pain, especially if it is accompanied by shortness of breath or arm or jaw pain.
Treating GERD and anxiety may require a combination of medications for both conditions, though acid-suppressing drugs commonly used to treat GERD have been found to be less effective in people whose symptoms are related to anxiety.
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How To Improve Anxiety Digestion
Much of your digestive issues are the result of problems that you simply cannot control if you have anxiety. Anxiety will always affect digestion on a cellular and chemical level, turning down your brain in favor of your anxiety symptoms. So if you still suffer from anxiety, you’re likely going to suffer from indigestion. But there are a few tips that can help:
- Eat Easy to Digest Foods Digestion is still digestion. Even though your body is creating the digestive problems, the foods you eat are going to contribute to the effects of those digestive issues. So make sure you’re eating healthy foods that are easy to digest, and avoiding fried foods and anything that may make it even harder for your body to operate.
- Don’t Avoid Sleep Not all sleep problems are going to be your fault. If you have anxiety, you may find that it keeps you awake. But if you have the opportunity to sleep, don’t turn it down. Try your best to always get a full night’s sleep to ensure that your body is operating well.
- Jog Exercise seems to also have an effect on digestion. It may be the anxiety-lowering qualities. Jogging is actually an incredibly effective tool for dealing with stress. But exercise in general appears to have some benefit on improving your ability to digest food. So make sure you’re exercising regularly to help you find relief.
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Remedies For Stomach Problems Cause Due To Anxiety
To overcome the symptoms of stomach problems, you are required to treat your anxiety by evaluating its severity level. There are some strategies, which you need to use to reduce the symptoms of stomach problems caused by anxiety.
These were some of the methods that you may implement when you are suffering from anxiety attacks and also to prevent stomach problems. You may consult your doctor and undergo a test to evaluate the severity of anxiety and get treatment and personalized recommendations to overcome anxiety and stomach problems.
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Stress Can Itself Increase Inflammation For Instance Which Can Then Affect The Microbes In Our Gut
Gut microbes also influence how we digest and metabolise the precursors of important neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Our gut flora even has a direct line of communication to the brain, through the vagus nerve, which has receptors near the gut lining that allow it to keep a check on our digestion. Microbes in the intestine can therefore release chemical messengers that alter the signalling of the vagus nerve and, as a consequence, the brains activity. Locally in the gut, theres a lot of opportunity for the bacteria to communicate with the host systems including the nervous system, says Foster. Its a very dynamic, interactive, rich space.
These pathways are not one-way streets however, so brain activity can also influence the gut flora composition. Stress can itself increase inflammation, for instance, which can then affect the microbes in our gut. The result could be a kind of feedback loop.
New avenues
Foster says research in this field is now rapidly accelerating, conducted both by university scientists and commercial companies academic meetings, discussing the findings, are now dime-a-dozen every week.
Ultimately, these researchers hope that their findings will offer a new treatment target for illnesses such as depression.
Researchers who dosed germfree mice with a strain of friendly bacteria found they had much less serious reactions to stress
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An Uncomfortable Cycle Of Stress
Stress makes acid indigestion and heartburn worseIts proven. In fact, the American Journal of Gastroenterology wondered about the correlation between stress, acid indigestion, and heartburn. So they researched a group of adults with heartburn.
What they found is that participants with higher stress levels showed more severe symptoms than those with lower stress levels. So on top of that delicious plate of triple-volcanic buffalo wings with your favorite fizzy beverage, stress can cause physical symptoms.
Stress can cause acid indigestion and heartburn which can stress you out even more.
This is how it goes: your potential new boss starts drilling in on some fussy detail. Your accountant reveals a huge, expensive tax error. You hit a big pothole with a towering wedding cake in the back seat. Or OMG! your drive-thru order is all wrong and youre already late.
Suddenly ugh. You feel acid indigestion or heartburn.
Your stomach is making sure you know how stressed out you are.
Because stress can cause stomach acid to build up. That can create all the discomfort and acid indigestion associated with heartburn.
But what if youve had all those spicy wings as well? The fat, spice, and salt all contribute to producing more stomach acid and relaxing your lower esophageal sphincter, the muscle that seals the connection between your stomach and throat.
So now theres more acid and its leaking up into your esophagus. Thats acid indigestion and heartburn.
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What Kind Of Stomach Problems Can Anxiety Cause
Anxiety can cause a range of stomach problems. They include:
- Upset stomach after eating
Anxiety disorders can increase susceptibility to gastrointestinal symptoms and worsen the severity and frequency of these symptoms. There are a few ways anxiety can affect your digestion.
One way is through stress hormones that make your organs work more slowly or improperly. Another way is by causing you to have too many stomach contractions or spasms.
Lastly, anxiety can also cause nausea and vomiting which further affects the guts ability to digest food. Its important to note that anxiety doesnt always cause these side effects in everyone, but its a possibility for some people with anxiety disorders.
Types Of Stomach Problems From Anxiety
What’s interesting about anxiety stomach problems is that they may occur at different times for different people. Some people get stomach problems only during severe anxiety attacks. Others get these problems all throughout the day but know that they suffer from intense anxiety.
The following represent the most common types of “stomach problems” from anxiety. Remember, people often use the word stomach to also include bowels, colloquially.
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Treatment Of Pain In Ms
Exercise and physical therapy may help to decrease spasticity and soreness of muscles. Regular stretching exercises can help flexorspasms. Relaxation techniques such as progressive relaxation, meditation and deep breathing can contribute to the management of chronic pain.
Other techniques which may relieve pain include massage, ultrasound, chiropractic treatments, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, transcutaneous nerve stimulation , moist heat and ice.
Pain from damage to the nerves in the central nervous system in MS is normally not relieved by the usual analgesics . Drugs that treat seizures and antidepressants are often effective in these cases. Treatment for spasms can include baclofen, tizanidine and ibuprofen.
Searching My Symptoms Online
As usual, I got online and typed my symptoms into the search box. Two things kept popping up time and again. According to the internet, its either Irritable Bowel Syndrome or cancer. Hmm. The internet does have its limitations. As a differential diagnostics expert it makes a lovely patchwork quiltand a poor substitute for a good old-fashioned doctor visit.
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Could Multiple Sclerosis Begin In The Gut
MS researchers are focusing on the content of the guts microbiome as a possible contributor to the bodys autoimmune attack on its nervous system
Multiple sclerosis is an electrical disorder, or rather one of impaired myelin, a fatty, insulating substance that better allows electric current to bolt down our neurons and release the neurotransmitters that help run our bodies and brains. Researchers have speculated for some time that the myelin degradation seen in MS is due, at least in part, to autoimmune activity against the nervous system. Recent work presented at the MS Boston 2014 Meeting suggests that this aberrant immune response begins in the gut.
Eighty percent of the human immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract. Alongside it are the trillions of symbiotic bacteria, fungi and other single-celled organisms that make up our guts microbiomes. Normally everyone wins: The microorganisms benefit from a home and a steady food supply we enjoy the essential assistance they provide in various metabolic and digestive functions. Our microbiomes also help calibrate our immune systems, so our bodies recognize which co-inhabitants should be there and which should not. Yet mounting evidence suggests that when our resident biota are out of balance, they contribute to numerous diseases, including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, autism and, it appears, MS by inciting rogue immune activity that can spread throughout the body and brain.
Does Ms Cause Excessive Gas
Many people with multiple sclerosis struggle with intestinal issues. There is evidence of the link between gut health and MS. Bloating is a common result of these issues. Its super annoying and always happens at the worst time, such as when youre out and about or wearing something fitted to an event.
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Should I Be Getting Screened Regularly For Colon Cancer Or Other Gi Tract Cancers
As of 2021, the United States Preventative Services Task Force and major GI medical societies recommend that adults at average risk for colorectal cancer are regularly screened beginning at age 45.
People who have a family history of colorectal cancer or other GI tract cancers, including stomach or pancreas cancer, or a history of GI conditions like inflammatory bowel disease may need routine cancer screening earlier than age 45.
Talk your primary care physician about your risk and ask if you should get tested.
The Effects Of Anxiety
It will be of importance to first and foremost discuss some of the major effects of anxiety on our anatomy. This will help us distinguish between those that are related to the digestive system from those that may have effects on other parts of the body.
From time to time, we all are faced with one form of anxiety to the other. Speaking of which, anxiety may present itself in different ways. Here is a list of the most common anxiety disorders.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
The short term effects of anxiety may increase your heart rateas well as that of your breathing. This in return will increase the concentration of blood into your brain. Under normal circumstances, its not bad for the brain as it will help in supplying the vital nutrients and oxygen to the brain. However, when the anxiety is too intense, it may cause you to feel nauseous or lightheaded. This is not only devastating to your mental health, but to your physical health as well.
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Attention: Your Stress Can Trigger Heartburn And Acidity
Yes, you heard it right! You must have noticed that before or during stressful situations like attending an important meeting, an office presentation, interview or meeting someone special, you tend to experience acid reflux or heartburn which is commonly referred to as acidity.
Stress or anxiety once in a while does not pose much concern, but stress over a period of time can have deleterious effects on our bodies. And stress is directly correlated to acidity, implying the more stress you take the more you experience the symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn. Its important to know how stress is related to acidity so that you can manage them both effectively.
Anxiety & Depression Worsen Quality Of Life Of Gerd Patients
GERD patients with depression and/or anxiety tend to experience greater symptoms and lower quality of life despite having similar reflux parameters as other GERD patients who do not have mental health issues.
Anxiety in these patients is associated with increased heartburn and chest pain
Patients with Non-erosive reflux disorder tend to experience mental health symptoms more than other subtypes of GERD.
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Managing Bowel Problems With Ms
It is important that you prioritise your emotional wellbeing when you have MS, as losing motivation or feeling low can cause constipation. If you feel upset, embarrassed or stressed by MS bowel problems this can also exacerbate the problem. The mind-body connection is powerful.
Managing bowel problems with MS is key in taking back control over your body and not letting it stop you from enjoying life to the fullest.
Its not easy to approach a professional about bowel issues, but your doctor, neurologist or continence advisor will be able to help. If you combine this advice with positive lifestyle changes with the OMS 7-Step Recovery Program you will be improving other MS symptoms as well.
Links Between Ms And Gastroparesis
Research published in 2018 in Frontiers in Immunology looked at the relationship between latitude, vitamin D deficiency, melatonin levels and the digestive system as a way to better understand how MS develops.2
They found that deficiencies in melatonin and vitamin D can impact the ability of the intestines to absorb calcium. This leads to the potential for developing gastroparesis because the digestive system needs adequate amounts of calcium in order for the smooth muscles of the intestine to contract properly.
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Eat Properly To Help Your Digestion
It’s very easy to spend our working lives eating on the move or at our desks, gulping down food between meetings and then crashing out in front of the TV with a takeaway in the evenings.
But eating this way can play havoc with our digestive system.
Follow some basic rules to prevent problems:
- Do not rush your food. Take the time to eat slowly. Try putting your fork down between bites and chew each mouthful well.
- Do not overeat. Reduce the size of your portions at mealtimes, or try eating 4 to 5 small meals instead of 3 large ones.
- Eat regularly and try not to skip meals.
- Avoid eating a big meal just before you go to bed. Eat your last meal at least 2 to 3 hours before lying down.
- Make sure you have plenty of water to drink.
Here Are Two Signs Your Abdominal Pain Could Be Mental
Whether your stomach cramps strike every time you have to take a flight or before big work presentations, it could be a sign that youre so stressed its affecting your gut.
Theres a clear connection between the brain and our emotions and how our body feels, says Sperling. Realizing that your abdominal pain always crops up around moments of fear, stress, or anxiety can help you figure out that your emotions are behind the discomfort.
If you already know you have anxiety but are having a hard time managing this symptom, talk to your doctor or therapist to see if any tweaks in your treatment may help. If youre not sure your abdominal pain is connected with changes in your emotions, consider keeping a journal for a few weeks to chart how you feel and how your pain comes and goes in response.
In the event that your GI issues do seem tied with mental health concerns like anxiety, a mental health professional may be able to help you through methods like cognitive behavioral therapy . This form of therapy aims to help people identify and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviors to live healthier, happier lives. If youre interested in trying it, heres a guide on how to find an affordable therapist.
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