Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How Do They Drain Fluid From Your Stomach

How Do You Get Rid Of Fluid In Your Feet And Legs

how to perform an abdominal fluid drainage procedure – Nurse Practitioner Student Mrs Starr

Nowadays, the problem of water or fluid retention in the body especially in the legs and feet has increased drastically. There are many causes that lead to water retention, lets take a look on some the ways to avoid water retention by flushing the excess fluid from the body.

Visit a Doctor: Water or fluid retention is a common indication of different types of health problems related to liver, kidney or heart. Hence, it is very important that one should visit a medical expert and get proper treatment for the health problem.

Increase Intake of Protein: People suffering from accumulation of fluid in the feet or legs should increase their daily protein intake. This is because protein is very helpful in releasing excess fluid accumulated in the body.

Frequent Change of Medication: Patients who alter the dose of medication also suffer from fluid accumulation in the body. Hence, one should alter the dose of medication only when it is prescribed by the doctor. Never make the mistake of altering medication dosage on its own.

Increase intake of Bananas:Bananas are high in potassium content and potassium is very efficient in removing excess amount of fluid from the body. Also, one should include more and more vegetables like parsley, leafy vegetables, cucumber and cabbage in daily diet.

Acupuncture: Many people suffering from fluid accumulation have experienced relief from acupuncture. This therapy is used to release excess fluid from legs and feet from individual body.

Symptoms Of Water Retention In Stomach And How To Get Rid Of It

Minor water retention can occur from time to time. Some women experience mild water retention during certain points of their menstrual cycle. Water retention, however, can be caused by a more serious pathological condition. It should not be taken lightly and when patients notice that they are starting to retain significant amounts of fluid in their belly area, they need to seek medical help.

The condition is medically known as Ascites. It is defined as the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Its presence is related to problems with the Liver, the Heart, and Malnutrition.

What Are The Risks And/or Side Effects

Some of the risks of paracentesis include:

  • Puncture. The needle used for the procedure has a very small chance to puncture the bowels, bladder, or a blood vessel.
  • Infection. There is a small chance for an infection.
  • If a lot of fluid is taken out, there is a risk for lowered blood pressure or kidney failure.

After having the procedure, you may feel:

  • Numb
  • Lightheaded

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What Treatments Are Available For Ascites

It can be treated in various ways, from lifestyle and diet changes to medication and medical procedures. All patients with ascites caused by liver cirrhosis are advised to minimize or stop drinking alcohol as this will help prevent fluid build-up and improve response to medications. It is important to follow a no added salt diet so you may be seen by a dietitian to discuss this and be aware that many foods contain more salt that might be expected. In some mild cases of ascites, reducing salt intake is enough to control it. However, if this fails or the volume of ascites is more significant, medications called diuretics may be necessary. These work by removing excess fluid, partly by increasing the amount of urine the body produces.

Unfortunately sometimes these simple measures and medication will not prevent further build-up of fluid. In this case further treatment may be necessary called Paracentesis, also known as an ascitic drain. This involves numbing the skin on the side of abdomen, then inserting a small tube into the abdominal cavity to drain the fluid. The tube is then removed once the fluid has drained. If the fluid re-accumulates, this procedure may need to be repeated.

How To Empty Surgical Drains

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The surgical drain container attached to the end of the tubing is a clear flexible bulb with markings on its side and a drain port with a plug in cap. To empty the drain first milk the fluid in the tubing toward the bulb to ensure you measure all of the drained fluid. Measure the amount in the bulb by holding it upright and taking the reading. Unplug the drain cap, invert and drain into the toilet by squeezing and compressing the bulb flat. After the bulb is empty insert the cap while the bulb is still compressed flat to make a new vacuum.

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Diagnosis Of Fluid Collections

The most important diagnostic consideration for fluid collections is a good clinical history to be taken by your physician. For example, in patients who have had acute pancreatitis and developed a fluid collection, the most likely type of fluid collection is a pseudocyst or WOPN. Your physician usually will want to take a picture of the fluid collection either with a computed tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan. Both are painless and non-invasive, and will generally be a good indicator of the type of collection present. Occasionally, your physician may want to evaluate the collection with a procedure called an endoscopic ultrasound . This procedure, in which an endoscope is passed via the mouth while the patient is sedated, allows a specialist to evaluate the cyst with very good accuracy by using an internal ultrasound device. The device also allows for sampling of the fluid collection, which is often helpful to determine its cause. There are also a collection of blood and fluid tests that can be helpful in determining the cause of the fluid collection.

How Is Ascites Diagnosed

Your doctor may use one or more of the following tests to locate, diagnose, or plan treatment for ascites:

  • Physical examination

  • Computerized tomography scan, which creates a 3-dimensional picture of the inside of the body using x-rays.

  • Paracentesis, which is when a needle removes fluid from the abdomen for testing or to relieve symptoms.

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How Does Cirrhosis Cause Ascites

When you have cirrhosis, your liver doesnt function as it should. The decrease in liver function combines with portal hypertension to cause ascites symptoms. Portal hypertension is high pressure in the portal vein that delivers blood to your liver. The high pressure causes fluid to leak out of your veins into your belly and collect there.

Types Of Surgical Drains

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There are many types of drains, ranging from chest tubes that keep fluid from accumulating around the heart after open-heart surgery to small bulb-type drains that apply gentle suction.

The type of drain that is used depends on the type of surgery, the preference of the surgeon, and the site of the surgery. There may be one drain or several, depending on the nature of the problem.

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Ask About Your Medications

You may need to stop taking some of your medications before your procedure. Talk with your doctor about which medications are safe for you to stop taking. We have included some common examples below. Tell your doctor or nurse what medications youre taking, including prescription medications, patches, creams, herbal supplements, and over-the-counter medications.


If you take a blood thinner, which is a medication that affects the way your blood clots, ask the doctor performing your procedure what to do. Some over the counter medications, such as aspirin, can also thin your blood, so its important to tell your doctor every medication you take. Whether they recommend you stop taking the medication depends on the reason youre taking it.

Do not stop taking your blood thinner medication without talking with your doctor that prescribes it.

Examples of Blood Thinners

How Is Ascites Treated

Limiting sodium in your diet is crucial for treating ascites. For people with ascites, recommended sodium intake is less than 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams a day.

A dietitian can help create a healthy eating plan for you. You may also need to take diuretics . These water pills help fluid and sodium leave your body.

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When Will I Know The Results

The fluid that is taken out of your body will be sent to a lab to be tested. The time it may take for the lab to get the results back to you varies.

If you had a paracentesis to remove a larger volume of fluid from your abdominal cavity, you might notice that you have less pain right away, since the fluid isnt pressing on your belly anymore.

What Is Ascites Final Stage Cancer

Runs for Cookies: Surgical drains (and other TMI)

In some cancer patients, the condition ascites develops. This is due to various factors. For example, they include situations like cancer effects/damages the liver, prevents lymph nodes from working properly, or has spread to the abdomen.

When a patient gets ascites this causes a swollen stomach. This can cause various symptoms like:

  • Nausea
  • Indigestion/less appetite
  • Full feeling

Doctors often treat ascites by using a tube to remove the abdominal fluid. You dont have to worry about pain due to the local anesthetic used. This procedure can be used again if the fluid buildup happens again. The doctors might use a tube that stays in the abdomen to drain fluid.

Stage 4 is generally considered to be cancers fourth stage. There are various reasons you should be aware of your cancers stage. Thats because your doctor will be able to pick the most effective treatment for your condition.

There are various types of late-stage treatments available. Chemotherapy is one of the most common ones. However, your doctor can help to explain your options and the best ones for your particular situation.

Then theres your outlook. The patients recovery is also based on how soon doctors can find cancer. Knowing your cancers stage can help to determine what outcomes are possible based on the situation.

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Answer: Removing Fluid Post Tt

thank you for your question. Your options are removing the fluid with a needle, and then continue with a binder and limited activity. Usually this will solve the problem although a repeat aspiration may be necessary. If that does not work or if it is very large, then putting a drain back in may be necessary.

What Will Happen Afterwards

Once the drain is removed, you will stay in the hospice or hospital for a while so that the healthcare professionals can check that youre well enough to go home. You might be able to go home on the same day, or you might stay in overnight. This depends on how youre feeling and whether you have any other concerns that the healthcare professionals can help you with.

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Are There Any Drawbacks To Surgical Drains

  • There are differences of opinion between surgeons as to whether surgical drains are always needed. Some studies have shown that they don’t necessarily allow things to heal any faster. And sometimes they can cause problems like infection around where the drain comes out or they can interfere with things healing inside your body.
  • They are not usually painful.
  • They can keep you in hospital longer.
  • Sometimes they can stop you moving around as much as you’d like, particularly if you have a drain from your chest area.
  • If they are left in for too long accidentally, they can be difficult to pull out and may leave a small tract which will take a while to heal up.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Cirrhosis Of The Liver

Draining almost 6 liters of fluid from the abdomen of a dog with ascites due to heart failure….

Cirrhosis is a complication of liver disease that involves loss of liver cells and irreversible scarring of the liver. Signs and Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver include weakness, loss of appetite, easy bruising, yellowing of the skin , itching, and fatigue.

The most common cause of ascites is advanced liver disease or cirrhosis. Although the exact mechanism of ascites development is not completely understood, most theories suggest portal hypertension as the main contributor. The basic principle is similar to the formation of edema elsewhere in the body due to an imbalance of pressure between inside the circulation and outside, in this case, the abdominal cavity . The increase in portal blood pressure and decrease in albumin may be responsible in forming the pressure gradient and resulting in abdominal ascites.

Other factors that may contribute to ascites are salt and water retention. The circulating blood volume may be perceived as low by the sensors in the kidneys as the formation of ascites may deplete some volume from the blood. This signals the kidneys to reabsorb more salt and water to compensate for the volume loss.

Some other causes of ascites related to increased pressure gradient are congestive heart failure and advanced kidney failure due to generalized retention of fluid in the body.

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What Are Complications Of Ascites

Ascites can lead to:

  • Abdominal problems: The fluid buildup may lead to pain, discomfort and difficulty breathing. These symptoms can interfere with your ability to eat, walk and do daily activities.
  • Infection: The fluids can become infected, called spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. You may have fever and stomach pain. Call your healthcare provider if you have these symptoms. Youll need IV antibiotics and long-term antibiotic treatment to keep the infection from coming back.
  • Hepatic hydrothorax, or fluid in the lungs: Abdominal fluid fills the lung, usually on the right side. You may experience shortness of breath, cough, chest discomfort and hypoxemia . You may need thoracentesis to remove the fluid.
  • Ascites-related hernias: The increase in abdominal pressure can lead to hernias, specifically umbilical and inguinal hernias. Your healthcare provider will discuss your treatment options.
  • Kidney failure: If cirrhosis worsens, it may lead to kidney failure .

How Is It Done Or Administered

Paracentesis can be done in the doctors office or in the hospital and usually doesnt take long. Usually, the doctor doing your paracentesis will:

  • Clean the spot on your abdomen where the procedure will take place. This spot might also need to be shaved if it has hair.
  • Give you local anesthesia to numb the skin and reduce pain. You might feel a sting when the anesthesia is given.
  • Put a needle one or two inches into your abdomen. Sometimes a cut is made to help the needle get in easier. A syringe is used to draw the fluid out.
  • Once the needle is removed, the area will be bandaged. If your doctor made a cut to help insert the needle, you may need stitches to close it back up.
  • In some cases, an ultrasound will be used to make sure the needle goes into the right place. Ultrasounds dont cause any pain.

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If I Have Ascites How Can I Best Take Care Of Myself

People with ascites should work with a dietitian to plan a sodium-restricted diet. Check food labels, and avoid high-sodium foods.

You can use several salt substitutes. However, avoid substitutes with potassium, since the medicine you may be taking for ascites can also increase potassium. A dietitian can help you plan a healthy diet and provide recommendations for salt alternatives.

In addition, you should:

  • Take your diuretics as prescribed.
  • Record your weight every day.
  • Stop drinking alcohol, which can cause further liver damage.
  • Treat hepatitis B or C if necessary.

What Is The Treatment For Ascites

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What treatments help the cause of ascites?

The treatment of ascites largely depends on the underlying cause. For example, peritoneal carcinomatosis or malignant ascites may be treated by surgical resection of the cancer and chemotherapy, while management of ascites related to heart failure is directed toward treating heart failure with medical management and dietary restrictions. Because cirrhosis of the liver is the main cause of ascites, it will be the main focus of this section.

Is there a special diet for ascites?

Managing ascites in patients with cirrhosis typically involves limiting dietary sodium intake and prescribing diuretics . Restricting dietary sodium intake to less than 2 grams per day is very practical, successful, and widely recommended for patients with ascites. In the majority of cases, this approach needs to be combined with the use of diuretics as salt restriction alone is generally not an effective way to treat ascites. Consultation with a nutrition expert in regards to daily salt restriction can be very helpful for patients with ascites.

What medications treat ascites?

What other methods treat ascites?

For patients who do not respond well to or cannot tolerate the above regimen, frequent therapeutic paracentesis can be performed to remove large amounts of fluid. A few liters of fluid can be removed safely by this procedure each time. For patients with malignant ascites, this procedure may also be more effective than diuretic use.

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How Do You Prepare For Paracentesis

Before you have paracentesis, your doctor will take your medical history and give you a physical exam. They may also order other laboratory tests, such as blood tests.

Based on the hospitals guidelines and your doctors recommendation, you may be asked to stop eating or drinking a few hours before the procedure.

Youll also need to empty your bladder right before the procedure starts.

Paracentesis can be performed in the doctors office, a treatment room, or the hospital.

No general anesthesia is required. Paracentesis involves the following steps:

  • The abdominal area is cleaned and shaved.
  • The doctor applies a local anesthetic. This numbs the area to prevent any pain or discomfort. For larger fluid removal, your doctor may need to make a small cut in the skin to accommodate the needle.
  • Once the area is ready, the doctor inserts a needle into the skin. The needle itself only goes 1 to 2 inches deep. Here, the fluid is extracted with a syringe.
  • Your doctor removes the needle.
  • Your doctor may or may not use ultrasound during paracentesis.
  • The amount of fluid removed depends largely on the original purpose of the procedure.

    Your doctor may perform a small diagnostic tap, or they may perform a large-volume tap. During a large-volume tap, your doctor will remove several liters of fluid to decrease the pressure and pain. If this is the case, a catheter may be attached between the needle and syringe to help your doctor get more fluids.

    Other risks include:

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