Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How Much Is Smart Lipo For Stomach

Preparing For A Smart Liposuction Procedure

Smart Lipo on 55-year-old woman

Your initial consultation

During your initial consultation for the Fat Lipolysis, the doctors will properly evaluate you in determining if you an ideal candidate for this procedure. After the evaluation, they will discuss what lipo technique best suits your body composition.

Together with what is possible and your desires, together, you will decide what results you would like from the procedure. During your pre-op appointment, your surgeon will also provide a list of medications and items you will need for your surgery.

It is important for patients to follow all instructions provided by the doctor in order to have a successful surgery without complications. At least a month before the scheduled surgery date, patients must stop consumptions of

  • Alcohol which prevents wound healing
  • Smoking which can increase the chance of complications
  • Discontinue use of blood thinners, Aspirin, alcohol, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements.
  • Remember, the doctor will provide a list of specific medications that should be avoided.

Before your surgery, you should gather these items and be ready. Some of these items include loose clothing, ice packs, stool softeners, bandages, pain medication and healthy foods and drinks.

Get And Stay Hydrated

For most of us, avoiding alcohol isnt enough to keep us hydrated. We are chronically dehydrated and need to dedicate a couple of weeks to hydrating to get our bodies healthy and strong. Drink between 64 and 128 ounces of water per day in the two weeks leading up to your procedure. Drink more water if your water is bright or dark.

How Can I Help Promote Healing And Good Results

While liposuction removes a certain number of fat cells in the treatment area for good, the remaining cells can continue to store fat and grow in size. Following a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and participating in a regular exercise routine can help promote healing, maintain a healthy body weight and help you achieve your desired body contour after the swelling goes down.

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Smartlipo Pricing At Wifh

In order to determine the cost of Smartlipo you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Cox in person so he can evaluate what needs to be done to achieve your personal goals.

Our fee for your Smartlipo procedure is all inclusive, and generally will be in the range of $2,500 $7,000. Several factors come into play when determining the cost of Smartlipo, including your height, weight and previous medical history, impact what we are able to do, and thus our fee. We wish it was as simple as putting a list of body parts and prices on our website, however, this procedure is customized to meet each patients unique need.

We do offer discounts for additional body parts whether they are done at the same time or not. Our fee includes all your care from pre-op evaluation to post-operative care including labs and compression garment and all of your visits.

Body Part
Arms $3,700 $4,300

*This chart is not a complete list of the areas we can perform Smartlipo on rather it is a list of our most popular areas. *This is simply a price range. For accurate pricing please schedule a consultation so that Dr. Cox can evaluate your particular case. *Custom pricing and discounts are extended when having multiple areas done. This will be determined during consultation.

No Scalpels Or Stitches

MyShape Lipo Adds New Smart Lipo MPX Laser for Skin ...

Rather than cutting large incisions with a scalpel, AirSculpt® uses a biopsy punch tool just two millimeters wide to create an entryway that heals with dissolvable sutures. Entry points wind up looking like mere freckle marks, and surgeons strategically make them in folds or creases where they can be easily concealed.


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Liposuction Cost In Memphis

Liposuction cost can vary greatly depending on the patient. We can explain this with 2 example cases.

An average size woman 52 and 135 lbs . who desires a slimmer abdomen can expect the following costs:

  • The price of Liposuction starts at $4,000 for only 1 area
  • Let now add the mid-section , this is $1500 more
  • Now the subtotal is $5500
  • The pricing increases by $1,000 to $1,500 for every additional lipo area

Now let analyze the case of a larger patient with a higher BMI 57 and 190 lbs . This patient wants to have liposuction of her chin, inner / outer thighs and abdomen.

The price breakdown would be the following:

  • Abdomen: $4,500
  • Outer Thighs: $1,700
  • Chin: $1,200

As you see the cost for liposuction depends on the size of the patient and the number of body parts to be treated.

In general, liposuction of a larger area like the abdomen will cost more than liposuction of a smaller area, such as the chin.

Our doctor will personally discuss any costs with you. We only engage patients with simple, straightforward surgical quotes. We do not utilize high-pressure sales tactics or follow up phone calls.

What Is Smart Lipo

The field of plastic surgery has seen the introduction of several advanced technologies and techniques to make the procedures safer and more effective. One such procedure is Smart Lipo, which is a system of laser based lipolysis. Smart Lipo can be used in combination with traditional liposuction procedure to reduce its invasiveness, or may even be used independently, depending on the patients needs.

Plastic surgeons can employ this system to treat localized excess fat deposits in the body. It uses laser energy to destroy the targeted fat cells as well as causes biostimulation of natural collagen in the body to achieve skin tightening. The treatment has been proven to be safe in several clinical studies conducted over the last decade. Positive recommendations from patients and doctors have led to a rise in the popularity of this procedure.

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Number Of Treatments Required

Most people will only require one smart lipo treatment to achieve their desired results in their targeted area. Of course, if you plan to target multiple areas you might need more than one treatment to do so. Coolsculpting, on the other hand, can require multiple treatments to achieve the best results. Because it can remove up to 23% of fat in an area per treatment, you might require two or three treatments total to see a 50% fat reduction.

Weight Loss And Abdomen Liposuction

My SMART LIPOSUCTION (Lipo) Recovery | How Much I Paid | LIVE Surgery Footage | My Lipo Recovery

Weight loss is a important factor for most patient that come to our office. Since more than half our patients would fall into a obese category, they can certainly benefit from weight loss. Liposuction by Dr. Su helps an obese patient establish a shapelier figure. Even a rounded obese patient can achieve a slimming of abdomen and waist giving more of a hour glass shape. Dr. Su cannot make an obese patient skinny only shapelier. However, weight loss can get that patient closer to their goal of not being obese any more.

Weight loss is great for patients after liposuction in that order. Dr. Su does not recommend a patient try to lose a lot of weight just prior to lipo. Instead, the weight should be stable or going down before having lipo, not going up.

Dr. Cesar Lara is the most experienced weight loss physician in Tampa Bay and is who we recommend. He is not only effective, but stands out because of his dedication to all aspects of the patients well being. This means that you wont be put on a pill and sent home with minimal support. You will have a physician network that will address all the intangible aspects of weight management that will help you succeed!

Schedule a Consultation

Visit Some of our Other Liposuction Sites

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Cost Of Tummy Liposuction Tampa

Surgeons in the Tampa Bay area charge anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 for lipo of the stomach area. There is a big range because of what is being performed. One of the Groupon doctors only charges $3,000 but his results are almost imperceptible and he spends very little time compared to a more complete surgeon. It takes about 3 to 4 hours to do a very complete sculpting of 90% by Dr. Su. Or you can go to a surgeon who spends 2 hours but removes only 50%. The problem is that no surgeon is going to openly tell you that they are going to remove 50%. Instead they will likely tell you you are going to look great and thats it. Look at before and after photos to see the quality of what a surgeon is creating.

There is also a big difference in price in our practice based on size and complexity. This means that if the abdomen is large and has folds, this will take much more effort than a small tummy that is smooth and has good skin. Our price can vary with a full tummy from approximately $5,000 to $9,000. This is higher than the average, but the results are way beyond the average! Do you want the best or the cheapest?

What To Expect After Liposuction A Look At Recovery And Results

Many people struggle with excess body fat every day. When a healthy diet and exercise fail to get rid of fat bulges, liposuction is often a good option to achieve their desired body contour. Liposuction can target many areas, such as the abdominal region, thighs and hips.

Unfortunately, some men and women may have unrealistic expectations for their liposuction procedure, and when their desired results are not immediately achieved, they often feel as though the surgery was not successful. Knowing what to expect after the procedure and following your plastic surgeon’s after-care instructions can help you achieve the desired results.

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Can You Achieve A Flat Stomach With Liposuction

When patients come in for stomach liposuction, one of the first things we provide is a consultation where we discuss your case individually and walk over the kind of results that you personally can expect from liposuction of the abdomen, and whether it will achieve the results you are looking for. This will include an examination where we address visceral and subcutaneous fat, as well as other conditions such as diastasis recti that may impact your results. Dr. Bergeron will make recommendations based on your personal case so that you know ahead of time what you can achieve with liposuction, and whether diet and exercise will improve your results.

to schedule a consult today and learn whether you are a candidate for lipo.

What Smartlipo Results Can You Expect

How Much Fat Is Needed for Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer

After SmartLipo, patients will be alert. There is still some local anesthesia left, which helps minimize the natural pain that occurs after surgery. Patients will not suffer with nausea, or the washed out feeling caused by general anesthesia. Swelling and bruising are healed relatively quickly.

Patients may return to work and resume regular activities two days after this procedure is performed. Compression garments are typically worn only during the first two weeks after Laser Fat Removal while after traditional liposuction patients will need to wear them for six weeks.

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How Long To Wear Compression Garment After Liposuction

After liposuction, most patients are advised to wear compression garment 24/7 for 3 weeks. Then, they will have to wear it for another three weeks during the day, taking it off at night.

There are different types of compression garments, depending on the body areas where liposuction is performed.

Compression garments like Leonisa make recovery quicker and prevent fluid retention while promoting comfort throughout the recovery period.

Tampas Expert In Abdomen Liposuction

Liposuction of the abdomen, tummy, belly, or stomach is our most popular procedure at our Tampa office. Almost 60% of patients who come to us wish to have a flatter stomach or belly. Most patients have tried diets or exercise to get rid of their tummy bulge but have not been fully successful. Even if they have been able to reduce the size, there is often still a bulge on the lower abdomen. It is hard to flatten these bulges with just diet and exercise alone because our body doesnt just burn the fat from this undesirable area. It burns fat from all over the body in a very spread out fashion.

Doing liposuction of the belly is a sure way to get rid of that bulge because we are targeting it specifically and can physically take away most of that fat. This will leave you with a flatter, sexier tummy in a few short hours. We treat all types of patients from skinny patients with a small bump, to large patients with a large belly bulge and hang. Dr. Su is an expert and specializes in only liposuction. He has learned secrets of liposuction on the tummy that enables him to achieve significant skin tightening which other doctors have no clue about. Dr. Sus stomach liposuction results are the best in the Tampa Bay area. Dont take our word for it, just visit our photo gallery to see!

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Results Of Your Liposuction

Liposuction surgery reduces areas of fatty deposits that previously created unflattering bulges. Typically there will be a noticeable difference in the treated area within a week after surgery, but the final cosmetic result will be achieved approximately 3 months after surgery. Patient experiences vary.

Do You Need Skin Tightening

Abdominal Liposuction, Smart Lipo, MyShape Lipo and Trevor Schmidt PA-C

If you have severe skin laxity, our doctors may recommend that you look into a more invasive treatment, like a tummy tuck, rather than SmartLipo. SmartLipo can provide skin tightening, especially when combined with Tummy Tite or Profound treatments. The addition of these treatments will increase the cost of your liposuction procedure.

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How Does Smart Lipo Procedure Work

Summary of Laser Lipo Procedure:

During the SmartLipo procedure, the desired area is injected with a saline solution, generally containing local anesthesia. The doctor then inserts a tiny cannula containing the laser fiber into the small incision and directly into the layers of the targeted fat. The energy transferred from the laser causes the fat cells to be destroyed and then drained away.

Each area that is treated takes less than an hour and involves much less bruising and bleeding than traditional liposuction. The usage of the laser results in a very clean and painless procedure with minimal scarring. Laser Fat Removal can be performed on various areas of the body including the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, buttocks, etc.

The ASPS states that Laser Liposuction:

Laser or ultrasound assisted liposuction, like traditional liposuction, are not a weight control method or a fix for obesity. They are used to help contour your body in those areas that are not responsive to diet and exercise such as saddlebags or a paunchy stomach.

Details of the Smart Lipo Process:

Unlike regular liposuction, laser lipolysis can be performed under local or general anesthesia according to the amount of fat that needs to be extracted and the patients preference.

After this is decided, a small incision is created on the patients skin through the use of a medical grade cannula which houses the laser technology and saline solution.

  • Thighs
  • Flanks

How Stomachliposuction Is Done

A technique called “tumescent liposuction” is the most common method for removing fat around the stomach, buttocks, thighs and ankles. It’s also considered the safest. “Tumescent” means that large amounts of buffered salt water are injected into fatty tissue beneath the skin. The doctor makes a cut in the fatty area to be treated, then inserts beneath the flesh a strawlike tube called a cannula that is attached to a vacuum. At the end of the cannula is a stiff wand. The doctor moves it back and forth in rapid motions to loosen fat. The procedure takes 45 minutes to two hours, with a recovery time of up to two weeks. The full effect of liposuction is seen six to 12 weeks after the procedure is performed. After the procedure, the area is bandaged and the patient must wear a compression garment for one to two weeks. Pain and bruising may last up to two weeks, and swelling may last for two weeks to two months.

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Who Is A Good Candidate For Liposuction

A good candidate for liposuction is someone who is in good health and who has one or more areas of localized accumulation of fatty tissue. Ideally, a good candidate has realistic expectations about what the procedure can accomplish. Some of Dr. Dickies most satisfied patients have been individuals with a high BMI because they expected improvement, not perfection. There isnt an age limit for people undergoing liposuction.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Smartlipo Triplex

Common areas for SmartLipo laser liposuction. Atlanta ...

SmartLipo is ideal for creating a high definition, sculpted look by defining waistlines in women and abdominal muscles in men. It works well for any area of the body that isnt responding well to exercise and diet, including difficult areas such as love handles, muffin tops, and saddle bags. It is also ideal for treating thighs, buttocks, small areas of the face, neck, arms, and breasts.

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Cost Of Airsculpt For Stomach

With this procedure, you can target and eliminate pockets of fat deposited either in the upper region or lower region of your stomach. The lower stomach is particularly susceptible to fat formation, especially among young mothers who have baby fat.

If both upper and lower regions need to be treated, the liposuction average for that is $3,800 $8,000. This puts AirSculpt upper and lower stomach treatment at around $5000 $7000.

Stomach AirSculpt can treat people from 18 to 81 years old, so elderly people can get this particular treatment as well. No matter what your age is, the physician will go over what you can and cannot expect from the treatment.

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