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How To Find Out If You Have Stomach Cancer

Surgery To Ease Your Symptoms

Everything you need to know about stomach cancer by Dr. Deep Goel

If your stomach cancer has spread beyond your stomach, it may not be possible to remove it using surgery.

However, if your stomach has been significantly affected by cancer it can cause a blockage, which prevents food from being properly digested. A blocked stomach can cause symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting and feeling very full after eating.

If your stomach is blocked, there are a few options:

  • stenting a stent is a plastic or wire mesh tube inserted through the oesophagus using an endoscope under local anaesthetic after being inserted, the stent will be expanded and open up the stomach
  • partial or total gastrectomy to remove the blockage and improve your symptoms

Shes Also More Motivated Than Ever When It Comes To Her Activism Thanks To Her Diagnosis

Fonda is a passionate environmental advocate, and says her most recent diagnosis has further fueled her drive in the fight against climate change. This diagnosis has only made me more determined than ever to continue to end the deadly effects of fossil fuels, she wrote. While most of us know that fossil fuels are the primary cause of the climate crisis, many may not know that fossil fuel emissions also cause cancer as well as other major health problems like birth defects, childhood leukemia, heart attacks, strokes, lung disease and preterm birth. We must find a way to come together to put an end to this deadly correlation.

We have it within our power to change this and I intend to do everything in my power to do so. This cancer will not deter me, Fonda wrote.

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Screening For Stomach Cancer

Unfortunately, theres no recommended screening test for spotting earlygastric cancer in the general population. However, Ngamruengphong saysdoctors use upper endoscopy to screen for and detect stomach cancer inpeople at high risk for developing the disease.

Theres no standard guideline on who to screen for stomach cancer, so webase screening recommendations on patients risk for developing thiscancer. Based on what we find, we determine how often patients shouldundergo follow-up screenings, she says.

Factors that Ngamruengphong considers when identifying at-risk patientsinclude:

  • Ethnicity : First- and second-generation immigrants from East Asia, Russia and South America are considered higher risk. Those areas see more cases of stomach cancer than the United States.
  • Family history : Having a family member with stomach cancer increases risk.
  • Race : Non-Caucasians are at higher risk.
  • Smoking history : Smoking increases the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Physical health and genetics : Certain types of gastric infection and hereditary syndromes, such as Lynch syndrome and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, also increase stomach cancer risk.

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What Makes Endoscopy So Effective

Even with an endoscope, it can be difficult to distinguish cancerouslesions from healthy or scarred stomach tissue.

Ngamruengphong explains why: When we perform a screening endoscopy, wedont see a large mass when cancer is present. Instead, we often see verysmall, very subtle lesions.

Doctors with extensive experience using this screening tool can more easilyspot the subtleties of very early stomach cancer. With the help of recentendoscopic technology advances such as high-quality images and dyes,doctors can detect cancer at even earlier stages.

The combination of experienced doctors and sophisticated technologyadvancements means people can get diagnosed and treated earlier. Andthe earlier cancer is treated, the higher the chance of a successfulresult.

Can You Treat Stomach Cancer By Changing Your Diet

Stomach Cancer

Using a healthy diet to treat stomach cancer is not enough to cure cancer, but you can talk to your doctor about using it as part of a medical plan to improve your overall health. Those who eat a diet rich in produce like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains may decrease their risk for stomach cancer. However, some studies show that increasing plant-based foods reduces the risk of fatal stomach cancer in men, but not women. Talk with your healthcare provider about your dietary options.

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Surgery To Remove Stomach Cancer

If stomach cancer is found early, has not spread or has not spread far you may be able to have surgery to remove it.

Surgery will remove part or all of the stomach. They may also need to remove parts of other organs around the stomach.

Recovery from surgery to treat stomach cancer can take a long time. The specialist team looking after you will discuss all the benefits and side effects.

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Who Might Get Stomach Cancer

You may have more risk for getting stomach cancer if you are old, if you are a man, if you smoke cigarettes, if you drink a lot of alcohol, or if you eat a lot of pickled or salty foods. Certain groups of people such as blacks, Native Americans, and Hispanics also may have an increased risk. Your chance of getting stomach cancer is higher if you have had an infection in your stomach caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer doesnt typically cause symptoms during the early stages. Even the most common early signs of stomach cancer often unexplained weight loss and stomach pain dont usually show up until the cancer is more advanced.

Symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Black stool or vomiting blood.
  • Feeling bloated or gassy after eating.
  • Stomach pain, often above your belly button.
  • Feeling full even after eating a small meal or snack.

Many of these symptoms are common in other conditions, too. See your provider to check if your symptoms are a sign of stomach cancer or another disease.

Feeling And Being Sick

Stomach Cancer – All Symptoms

Stomach cancer can cause a blockage in the stomach. This stops food from passing through your digestive symptom which can make you feel or be sick.

Rarely, there is blood in the vomit. You may not be able to see any blood if it is small amounts. The blood might be bright red, which means it is fresh bleeding. Or it may look dark brown, like used coffee grounds, if the blood has been in the stomach for a while.

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Having Another Type Of Cancer

Your risk of developing stomach cancer is increased if you’ve had another type of cancer, such as cancer of the oesophagus or non-Hodgkin lymphoma .

For men, the risk of getting stomach cancer is increased after having prostate cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer or testicular cancer. For women, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases after having ovarian cancer, breast cancer or cervical cancer.

Diagnosis Of Stomach Cancer

If your doctor thinks you may have stomach cancer, you will be referred for further tests. The main test is an endoscopy . The doctor will use a thin, flexible tube with a camera , which passes into the mouth, down the throat and oesophagus into the stomach in order to look at the digestive tract.

If any suspicious-looking areas are detected, a small amount of tissue from the stomach lining may be removed and examined under a microscope. Less commonly used is an endoscopic ultrasound where the endoscope has an ultrasound probe at the end.

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When Should I See My Healthcare Provider

If youre at increased risk of stomach cancer, speak with your provider about the pros and cons of regular screenings. Otherwise, keep tabs on your symptoms. Many of the symptoms associated with stomach cancer may be signs of another condition. Only your provider can make a definitive diagnosis.

See your provider if you have symptoms like stomach pain and unexplained weight loss with or without symptoms, like:

  • Trouble eating.

Stages Of Stomach Cancer

Are The Signs Of Stomach Cancer

The stage of stomach cancer indicates how far the cancer has spread in the body.

Usually, the TNM system from the American Joint Committee on Cancer is used to determine the stage of stomach cancer. The system looks at three areas:

  • T category: the size of the tumor and how far it extends
  • N category: how far the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes
  • M category: whether the cancer has spread to distant areas of the body

The findings in each category are combined to determine a stage of 0 to 4. A lower number represents an earlier stage of cancer. While tumor growth and spread will vary, in general, each stage looks like:

As long as the cancer hasnt spread to distant parts of the body, it will be between stage 0 and 3. If it has spread to other areas, the diagnosis will be stage 4 stomach cancer.

Different stages have different treatments and expected survival rates. With early stage cancer thats only in the stomach, theres a

32 percent of all people with stomach cancer are expected to survive at least 5 years after getting a diagnosis.

Most of these survivors have a localized diagnosis. This means that the stomach was the original source of the cancer and it hasnt spread. When the origin is unknown, it can be difficult to diagnose and stage the cancer. This makes the cancer harder to treat.

Its also more difficult to treat stomach cancer once it reaches the later stages. If your cancer is more advanced, you may want to consider participating in a clinical trial.

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What Are Some General Signs And Symptoms Of Cancer

Most signs and symptoms are not caused by cancer but can be caused by other things. If you have any signs and symptoms that dont go away or get worse, you should see a doctor to find out whats causing them. If cancer is not the cause, a doctor can help figure out what the cause is and treat it, if needed.

For instance, lymph nodes are part of the bodys immune system and help capture harmful substances in the body. Normal lymph nodes are tiny and can be hard to find. But when theres infection, inflammation, or cancer, the nodes can get larger. Those near the bodys surface can get big enough to feel with your fingers, and some can even be seen as swelling or a lump under the skin. One reason lymph nodes may swell is if cancer gets trapped there. So, if you have unusual swelling or a lump, you should see your doctor to figure out whats going on.

Here are some of the more common signs and symptoms that may be caused by cancer. However, any of these can be caused by other problems as well.

Sometimes, its possible to find cancer before you have symptoms. The American Cancer Society and other health groups recommend cancer-related check-ups and certain tests for people even though they have no symptoms. This helps find certain cancers early. You can find more information on early detection at the American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer.

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Signs That Warrant An Immediate Trip To A Doctor

Some common cancer signs that should result in a visit to the emergency room or to a doctor as soon as possible include:

  • coughing up mucus tinged with blood
  • blood in stools or urine
  • lump in the breast, testicles, under the arm, or anywhere that it didnt exist before
  • unexplained but noticeable weight loss
  • severe unexplained pain in the head, neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis

These and other signs and symptoms will be evaluated. Screenings, such as blood and urine tests and imaging tests, will be used if your doctor thinks its appropriate.

These tests are done both to help make a diagnosis as well as rule out various causes of your signs and symptoms.

When seeing a doctor, be prepared to share the following information:

  • your personal medical history, including all symptoms you have experienced, as well as when they began
  • family history of cancer or other chronic conditions
  • list of all medications and supplements you take

For some cancers that are screened for on a regular basis, survival rates tend to be high. Thats because theyre often diagnosed early on, before symptoms develop.

The 5-year survival rate for people with localized

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How Do You Get It

Although it is not known exactly how H. pylori enters the body, researchers believe that the spiral-shaped bacteria probably get into your body through your mouth. Then, they burrow into the mucus that lines your stomach.

You could pick up an H. pylori infection in several ways. The bug can be found in contaminated food or water. If a household member has H. pylori, it is more likely that others in the household also are infected. It has also been found in domesticated animals.

H. pylori is much more common in parts of the world where theres poor sanitation, poverty, and overcrowding.

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/13other Early Signs To Look For

Be Clear on Cancer – Heartburn, most days for 3 weeks or more. BSL leaflet

Apart from the skin condition, first signs of gastric cancer include poor appetite, sudden weight loss, abdominal pain and discomfort or swelling in the abdomen. Other signs of the disease include heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, which could be with or without blood. You may also feel full too soon after eating only a small amount of food. Low hemoglobin can also be a sign of stomach cancer.

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Age Diet And Stomach Disease Can Affect The Risk Of Developing Gastric Cancer

Anything that increases your risk of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer not having risk factors doesnt mean that you will not get cancer. Talk with your doctor if you think you may be at risk. Risk factors for gastric cancer include the following:

  • Eating a diet high in salted, smoked foods and low in fruits and vegetables.
  • Eating foods that have not been prepared or stored properly.
  • Being older or male.

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Living With Advanced Cancer

Advanced cancer usually means cancer that is unlikely to be cured. Some people can live for many months or years with advanced cancer. During this time palliative care services can help.

Most people continue to have treatment for advanced cancer as part of palliative care, as it helps manage the cancer and improve their day-to-day lives. Many people think that palliative care is for people who are dying but palliative care is for any stage of advanced cancer. There are doctors, nurses and other people who specialise in palliative care.

Treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy or another type of treatment. It can help in these ways:

  • Slow down how fast the cancer is growing.
  • Shrink the cancer.
  • Help you to live more comfortably by managing symptoms, like pain.

Treatment depends on:

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Stomach Cancer Screening In People At Increased Risk

The benefits of screening might outweigh the risks in some people who are at increased risk for stomach cancer because they have certain risk factors . For example, upper endoscopy might be recommended at regular intervals in these people.

If you have risk factors that might increase your risk of stomach cancer, talk to your doctor about the possible pros and cons of stomach cancer screening for you.

Screening isn’t usually recommended for people in families with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer . Instead, doctors often recommend that people who have changes in the CDH1 gene that causes this syndrome consider having their stomach removed , because their risk of stomach cancer is very high.

What About Other Treatments I Hear About

The Cancer

You might hear about other ways to treat the cancer or to treat your symptoms. These may not always be standard medical treatments. These treatments may be vitamins, herbs, special diets, and other things.

Some of these are known to help, but many have not been tested. Some have been shown not to help. A few have even been found to be harmful. Talk to your doctor about anything youre thinking about using, whether its a vitamin, a diet, or anything else.

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Changes In Bowel Habits

Changes in bowel habits, including diarrhea and constipation, are common occurrences that everyone experiences at one time or another. But persistent changes, including intermittent bouts of constipation and diarrhea, may be early signs of stomach cancer.

Cancer itself can alter digestion and lead to these problems. At the same time, as the malignancy spreads, it can cause the narrowing of the intestinal passageway and the onset of constipation. The accumulation of fluid behind the stricture can eventually cause the release of watery diarrhea, typically accompanied by acute abdominal pain.

What Are Symptoms Of Gastric Cancer

Stomach cancer may not cause any symptoms in its earlier stages. Some symptoms of stomach cancer, such as early satiety , mild belly pain and fatigue are common, and similar tosymptoms of other, less serious conditions.

However, some symptoms are more suggestive of stomach cancer. If you experience any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, you should see a gastroenterologist:

Other diagnostic procedures include endoscopy with biopsy and endoscopic ultrasound.

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How To Detect Stomach Cancer

Medically Reviewed by: Dr. BautistaUpdated on: July 25, 2021

Most people refer to their general abdominal region as their stomach, but the actual stomach organ plays the all-important role of digesting food. Its where much of the digestive breakdown occurs as your stomach secretes gastric juices and absorbs all the nutrients from the food that you have consumed.

Stomach cancer was once the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, but it has since dropped significantly. Today, stomach cancers make up about 1.5 percent of new cancer diagnoses in the country. Still, treating cancer of any kind starts with detecting it as early as possible. Learn more about how to detect stomach cancer below.

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