Thursday, April 25, 2024

How To Get Rid Of Middle Age Stomach Fat

Take Inventory Of Your Starting Statistics

Middle Age Woman? How to Lose Belly Fat!

You wouldn’t try and run a business without tracking sales, revenue, and expenses would you?

Losing belly fat is no different.

Knowing your key tracking stats will give you your current starting point for your weight loss journey.

It will also let you track results as the weeks go on to prove to yourself that you’re making progress.

How Much Body Fat Should You Have

The way in which women could and should lose belly fat is different to that of men. Women need somebelly fat to function fat cells store oestrogen, so having too little can cause your whole hormonal function to go out of whack, causing serious health issues such as irregular periods and even infertility.

To that end, striving to lose fat from your stomach with the aim of getting a six-pack, for most females, wouldn’t be healthy. Instead, aim to sit within the 21-30% body fat category. This is what’s considered a healthy body fat percentage range for women.

At 70 How Do I Eliminate Belly Fat

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There are a lot of reasons why your body changes as you get older, says Dr. Patrick Siparsky, an orthopedist at the University of Toledo, and lead , the age-related decrease in lean body mass.

You dont get as much protein, and often you get these hormonal changes, that can make it more difficult to maintain your ideal body composition, Siparsky says. Insulin resistance, for example, makes it easier to build fat than it used to be. Also the muscles that occupied a lot of that space are shrinking, Siparsky says, which could make the belly fat you already had seem more prominent.

This natural aging process doesnt make a squishier belly completely inevitable. The most effective way to combat that bulge is by maintaining, or even improving, your muscle mass. Heres how:

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Add Some Calcium To Your Meals

Increasing your calcium intake does more than just improve the strength of your bonesâit’s also an easy way to keep those extra pounds from congregating around your waist. Researchers in Shanghai found that college students with low calcium intakes who increased their calcium and vitamin D consumption and engaged in moderate exercise lost more visceral fat than the control group. While many people assume that dairy is the best way to boost your calcium intake, there are plenty of vegan-friendly ways to do that very thing, too. Sunflower seeds, oranges, almonds, beans, and green vegetables, like kale, watercress, and broccoli, are all easy non-dairy ways to add calcium to every meal.

Enjoy Some Dark Chocolate

How to Lose Your Middle Age Belly Fat

A little chocolate on your menu can make a big difference when it comes to shedding that muffin top for good. Research published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences reveals that normal weight women with excess belly fat who added 100 grams of high-flavonol dark chocolate to their diet over a weeklong period reduced both their waist circumference and their cholesterol.

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Try Adding More Strength Training To Your Workouts

A daily run or spin class is great for your heart, but cardio workouts alone won’t do much for your waist. “You need to do a combination of weights and cardiovascular training,” Sangeeta Kashyap, MD, an endocrinologist at Cleveland Clinic, tells Health. Strength training increases muscle mass, which sets your body up to burn more fat.

“Muscle burns more calories than fat, and therefore you naturally burn more calories throughout the day by having more muscle,” Kate Patton, RD, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic, tells Health. Patton recommends 250 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 125 minutes of high-intensity exercise a week.

Dr. Cheskin also agrees strength training is the way to go, as it builds muscle. “When you build muscle, you tend to replace fat with that muscle,” he says.

Will My Hormones Influence How Much Belly Fat I Have

During our reproductive life women have less visceral fat than men, but this changes as oestrogen levels fall during midlife and at the menopause. At this stage, testosterone starts to play a more significant role in where women lay down fat, favouring the upper body rather than the hips and thighs, with our proportion of fat to body weight also increasing.

Menopause is not the only time when hormones play an influential role in fat storage. Women diagnosed with the condition PCOS may also be prone to increased intra-abdominal fat storage.

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Think Eating Plan Not Diet

Ultimately, you need to pick a healthy eating plan you can stick to,Stewart says. The benefit of a low-carb approach is that it simply involveslearning better food choicesno calorie-counting is necessary. In general,a low-carb way of eating shifts your intake away from problem foodsthosehigh in carbs and sugar and without much fiber, like bread, bagels andsodasand toward high-fiber or high-protein choices, like vegetables, beansand healthy meats.

No It’s Not Entirely Your Fault Yes You Can Shed Those Extra Pounds

Losing Belly Fat in Middle-Aged Women

by Hallie Levine, AARP, July 30, 2018| 0

As you hit your mid-to-late 40s, you may notice that besides battling the occasional hot flash or mood swing, your favorite black go-to pants are starting to feel noticeably more snug. This time it’s not your imagination.

The average woman gains about four-and-a-half pounds as she starts the transition to menopause in her 40s, according to a landmark study. And it’s a trend that doesn’t slow down, either: Women continue to put on about a pound and a half each year in their 50s and 60s, according to a new review published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

“The main reason is the natural loss of muscle mass that occurs with age,” explains Jo Ann Pinkerton, M.D., executive director of the North American Menopause Society and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Virginia Health System. “Since muscle burns more calories than fat, your metabolism slows down, causing you to put on weight.” Starting at age 30, research shows that you lose on average about a half pound of muscle each year and that number rises to almost a full pound once you hit 50.

Sounds daunting, but there are expert-approved ways to reverse your scale’s upward spiral. Here’s how:

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How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat After Age 65

Despite all these challenges, seniors can lose belly fat. But before we let you in on these practices, we must advise you first to seek professional help and advice. It is not about implementing any other practice but instead the most suitable one to help you lose belly fat. With that said, here is a look at some practices on how to lose belly fat fast after 65:

Lose Belly Fat By Macro Counting

If you’re already familiar with counting calories and want to fine-tune your fat loss efforts to focus on how to lose belly fat in particular, you might want to consider learning how to count and calculate your macros.

“Counting macros” is a diet technique to make sure you’re eating the right amounts of each macronutrient protein, fat and carbohydrates. By tweaking the volume of each you can make your fat loss efforts more efficient.

How? Each macronutrient plays a different role in keeping our bodies ticking over. In broad strokes: protein helps to build and maintain muscle tissue, carbohydrates provide fast and slow-release energy and healthy fats support hormone function.

Tweaking the volumes you eat can help build muscle and lose body fat more efficiently, as well as allowing you to re-incorporate some of your favourite foods. Because you’re looking at what makes up what you eat, foods that are less nutrient-dense can be incorporated . All you’ll need to do is work out how that impacts the rest of your day.

Counting macros isn’t for everyone, but it can be a helpful guide if you find counting calories too restrictive.

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Menopause Belly Fat: How To Defeat The Meno

Research shows us that weight-gain with menopause is common. The average woman will gain around 2 kilograms. While this doesnt sound like a lot, 2kg of body fat can be very noticeable. If youre troubled by menopause belly fat, your entire life can be affected. Weight-gain can contribute to a variety of lifestyle changes, from a decline in confidence and self-esteem to aggravation or onset of health problems.

Im a qualified personal trainer and nutritionist here at The Sport Dietitian. Ive achieved a masters in health and nutrition, have worked for the NHS and also have a qualification from the International Olympic Committee.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because Im about to lay out some very simple truths:

  • Youre not going through this alone
  • You dont have to put up with this weight-gain
  • You can beat menopause belly fat
  • Anyone can make progress if they follow the right exercise and diet programs
  • This is NOT just how your life has to be

If your weight is of concern to you and if youre struggling with the meno-pot and want an answer to your problems, then keep reading this blog. From postmenopausal women with new belly fat to those concerned about their future, anyone and everyone going through menopause can benefit from the advice on this page.

Why Is Belly Fat So Hard To Shift

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat for Men

Belly fat is tricky to shift because there are so many factors influencing it. For example, where you gain fat will be influenced by your genes, your age and even your weight at birth, with smaller babiesgaining more belly fat later in life. If youre female and child-free then youre less likely to develop high levels of visceral fat than if you are a mum.

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Dress Your Salad With Vinegar

While people who claim that vinegar can do everything from cure headaches to clean glass without leaving a single streak may be overstating its benefits, adding some to your meal plan can actually help you shrink your belly. The results of a 2009 study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry reveals that obese study subjects who added vinegar to their diet over a 12-week period lost significantly more weight and belly fat than those in the control group. If drinking straight vinegar is a less-than-appetizing proposition, try adding just a little apple cider vinegar to your favorite smoothie or mixing some with olive oil, mustard, and garlic for a flavorful salad dressing.

Weight Loss For Men: How Does A Man Lose Belly Fat

You go to the gym at least twice a week. You only have a few beers and eat fast food here and there. You think youre eating reasonable portion sizes, but you just cant lose the beer belly. At Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY, we are passionate about helping our clients lead happier, healthier lives. Today, we explain weight loss for men to help you lose belly fat.

Weight loss for men is the same as weight loss for women. You must consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. At the end of the day, there are only two things you have to consider. First, you must consider how many calories you consume in a given period. Second, you must consider how many calories you burn in a given period.

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Keep Portions In Check And Time Your Meals Right

Your metabolism has slowed down by the time you hit menopause with some research suggesting it burns a couple hundred calories fewer a day. You can very quickly avoid 200 calories, but that can also very quickly add up if you dont reduce the number of calories you consume, says Christine Palumbo, RD, a nutrition expert in Chicago.

Its also this time in your life, Palumbo notes, when you may be easing up from the daily duties of preparing meals for your family, and you just want to take a break from the kitchen. She has cooked for 25 years, and is sick of it, and she just wants to go out to eat, says Palumbo. What happens then is that you will inevitably eat twice as many calories as you need at that meal, and its often accompanied by alcohol, which is also associated with abdominal weight gain. Order appetizers as entrees and ask for a to-go container for leftovers when you do indulge in a large main course.

Could Menopause Belly Fat Impact Your Health

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Most women will likely be concerned with the physical and noticeable changes in their body composition, and the overall appearance of their menopause belly fat. Im not here to tell you that you should feel this way. Modern culture puts a big emphasis on body confidence and pride in whatever we look like, and thats great if it works for you. However, not everyone feels that way, and if abdominal fat makes you feel unattractive or hurts your confidence levels, youre going to want to do something about it.

But menopausal belly fat goes deeper than this. If you gain weight in menopause, you may find youre at a higher risk of some serious health conditions. Menopause increases the presence of deep-tissue belly fat, known as visceral fat. Visceral fat is different from subcutaneous fat, which is found elsewhere in the body, just below the skin, such as on your legs and arms. According to Harvard University, studies show us that higher levels of menopause belly fat can lead to increased risks of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems and even breast cancer. Even if your BMI is healthy, because your overall body weight is low, a high occurrence of belly fat will raise the risk of early death.

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What Is Belly Fat Anyway

The definition of belly fat might sound obviousit’s clearly the fat that sits around your middle, right? Well, not quite. While belly fat does indeed reside around your midsection, it goes deeper than just below the skin, padding your intestines and other vital organs, Lawrence Cheskin, MD, professor and chair of the department of nutrition and food studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, tells Health.

“The reason it’s different than other forms of fat is because it’s more metabolically activeit gets into the bloodstream faster than the stuff under your skin,” Dr. Cheskin explains. “Belly fat has a bad influence on blood cholesterol and blood sugar, and all the metabolic diseases.” So with belly fat also comes a heightened risk of those metabolic diseases, like diabetes.

Belly fat can also be independent from overall body fat, meaning someone who’s not overweight could still have a lot of excess fat around his or her waist. The good news: For most people, when they lose weight, it tends to come off the middle, says Dr. Cheskin. People also tend to shed belly fat a little quicker than other areas, because the tummy is just a temporary holding zone for fat, he adds.

Something to keep in mind: It’s normal to carry some weight around your middle. Dr. Cheskin says a normal waist circumference is less than 40 inches for men and 36 inches for womenbut if you want to trim it down, here are a few things you can do.

Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat After Menopause

It strikes without warning. One day youre strolling along, thinking youre finally getting the hang of this thing called life, when BAM! it hits you as you try to zip up your pants. Its a reminder that you are not yet done with every challenge.

Can you guess what it is? Yup: belly fat.

Those two little words strike more fear in women than standing in front of a four-way mirror trying on swimsuits.

If I had a dime for every email I got that asked me how to get rid of belly fat, Id be on my own private island, under a palm tree, being fed peeled grapes by a half-naked man named Sven. Such is not the case.

Why is belly fat such a big issue after 60, you ask? Great question. I wish we could blame global warming, the flat earthers, or the pandemic, but sadly, theres more to it.

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Add Some Asparagus To Your Menu

Instead of your usual starchy side, try adding some asparagus to tonight’s dinnerâyour belly will thank you. Asparagus is a good source of inulin, a prebiotic fiber that’s been linked to reductions in waist circumference and belly fat accumulation. Research also suggests that inulin can help support the growth of healthy gut bacteria, giving your immune system a boost in the process.

Tracking Progress And Staying Motivated

How to get rid of belly and love handles
  • 1Weigh yourself. To get rid or reduce belly fat you’ll need to reduce your weight. To help keep track of your weight loss, weigh yourself regularly.
  • It’s best to weigh yourself about one to two times a week. In addition, try to weigh yourself on the same day of the week, at the same time and wearing the same clothes.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • Keep track of your weight in a journal. Seeing your progress can be motivating to help you stay on track. It can also show you any trends where you’re gaining weight as well.
  • 2Take measurements. In addition to weight loss, one of the best ways to measure your progress of losing belly fat to is track your waist circumference. This is the measurement around the smallest part of your waist. As you decrease belly fat, your waist circumference will decrease.XResearch source
  • Use a tape measurer to measure the circumference of your waist. Do this by finding the top of your hip bone and your lowest rib and wrapping the tape around your belly between these two points. Continue taking measurements as you diet to track your progress.XResearch source
  • A high waist circumference or a measurement over 37 inches indicates you have a large quantity of belly fat and are at risk for chronic diseases.XResearch source
  • Ideas to try include: taking a walk, reading a book, cleaning out a junk drawer, talking to a friend or family member on the phone or doing household chores.
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