Reducing The Need To Fart
Farting is the way the body releases swallowed air and other trapped gasses. The positions listed above may help relieve gas temporarily, but many people also look for ways to reduce the need to pass gas.
While it may be impossible to make farts disappear completely, there are some ways to reduce the number of times a person has to pass gas each day.
Many foods increase the amount of gas that results from the digestion of food. Beans are well-known culprits, but these pulses contain many nutrients so should still be included in a healthful diet.
Soaking beans before cooking them may help reduce flatulence in some people, while others may want to limit the quantity of beans they eat.
Cutting down on other foods that cause gas may help as well. This includes foods high in sulfur or certain fermentable carbs and fibers, such as:
- cauliflower
- beer
- carbonated drinks
Dairy foods, including cheese and ice cream, may also cause gas, especially for people who are sensitive to lactose.
Another important tip is to chew all food slowly and with a closed mouth. A lot of trapped gas is swallowed air, which is more likely to happen if a person eats quickly or with their mouth open.
Why Is My Stomach Bloated
The most common cause of stomach pain and bloating is excess intestinal gas. If you get a bloated stomach after eating, it may be a digestive issue. It might be as simple as eating too much too fast, or you could have a food intolerance or other condition that causes gas and digestive contents to build up. Your menstrual cycle is another common cause of temporary bloating. Sometimes a bloated stomach can indicate a more serious medical condition.
The Bottom Line On Bloating
Stomach bloating, and bloating in general, can be horribly frustrating. Especially if you know what youre doing with your diet and training and are trying to maintain a lean, muscular physique.
Use the strategies in this article and chances are very good that youll get that flat belly and thin skin youve always wanted.
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What Causes A Bloated Stomach
Abdominal bloating usually results from a disorder of the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Abdominal bloating could be due to any of the following causes :
Abdominal bloating sensations need not be always due to gas in the bowel. Sometimes the tummy may feel full, tight and distended in other conditions as well which include:
- Ascites In this condition, there is an accumulation of excess fluid which may be due to liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, or infection.
- Tumor A tumor in the abdomen can cause distention and a tense feeling.
Ascites and tumors are usually reported as abdominal swelling and not as abdominal bloating. If the abdomen is more seen as distended it is more likely to be abdominal swelling rather than abdominal bloating. On the contrary, abdominal bloating is more felt than seen. About 25% of those who complain of abdominal bloating do not complain of abdominal distension. Up to 1400 ml of gas, which is about 7 times the normal gas level , is required to cause an increase in the abdominal girth by 2 cm.
What Causes Bloating In The Stomach
Gas is a natural byproduct of digestion, but too much intestinal gas means your digestion is gone awry. While you can ingest gasses by swallowing air or drinking carbonated beverages, these gasses mostly escape through belching before they reach your intestines. Gasses in your intestines are mostly produced by gut bacteria digesting carbohydrates, in a process called fermentation.
If theres too much fermentation going on, its because too many carbohydrates werent naturally absorbed earlier in the digestive process, before reaching those gut bacteria. That could be for several reasons. Maybe you just ate too much too fast for proper digestion. Or you might have a specific food intolerance or gastrointestinal disease. Some possible causes include:
Digestive Contents
These can include solids, liquids, and gas. Digestive contents can build up in your digestive system when there is a backup or restriction in your digestive tract or when the muscles that move digestive contents along are somehow impaired. Any build-up of digestive contents along the digestive tract will leave less room for normal amounts of gas to process through. It also leaves less room for other things in your abdomen, including circulatory fluids and fat, making everything feel tighter. Causes of build-up can include:
Other Causes
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Be Aware Of Common Culprits
Certain healthy foods may also increase the risk of bloating. While these shouldn’t be avoided completely, it may be worth eating them in moderation to reduce bloating. Common culprits include beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, peaches, prunes, lentils, corn and dairy products. Eating lots of fibre without drinking an adequate amount of water can also result in bloating and constipation.
Does Quitting Smoking Cause Bloating
Quitting smoking can leave you with a bloated stomach and constipation. Nicotine stimulates intestinal transit and aids bowel movements, and habitual smokers often develop nicotine dependency.
A distended abdomen can be a withdrawal symptom of quitting smoking, which can take a month or two to subside. In the meantime, increase your fluid intake and eat a fiber-rich diet to encourage better digestion.
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You Dont Drink Enough Water
Most people fail to drink enough water . Insufficient fluid intake can lead to dehydration which prevents bodily systems and functions, including the digestive system, working at peak efficiency. Dehydration has many other side effects.
The foods mentioned above are all a key part of a healthy diet. When you do eat, particularly meals which contain a high percentage of high fiber, you should aim to drink more water. This will help maintain motility within the digestive system and prevent bloating and constipation.
Check For Lactose Intolerance
Lactose is a sugar found in milk.
Your body needs an enzyme called lactase to break down lactose. However, most people dont produce enough of this enzyme to break down lactose once they reach adulthood. The resulting condition is called lactose intolerance (
22 ):
- Increasing your fiber intake. Aim for 1830 grams per day of both soluble and insoluble fiber from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
- Drinking adequate fluids. Drink 68.5 cups per day of water and other fluids.
- Exercising regularly. Walking, jogging, swimming, or bicycling for about 30 minutes each day may help keep your bowels moving regularly.
Keep in mind that you may need to increase your soluble fiber intake with caution, as this type of fiber is fermented in your colon and may contribute to bloated feelings .
Additionally, adding fiber to your diet too rapidly may worsen constipation, so its important to increase your intake slowly. Aim for an intake of 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men .
While constipation may be relieved with medication, certain types like bulk and osmotic laxatives may make bloating worse, so talk with your doctor about your symptoms to determine whats best for you (
39 ).
Finally, high amounts of fats in your intestine may retain gas and increase the sensation of bloating. This may be why people often report feeling bloated after fatty meals .
45 ).
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Eat At Regular Intervals
Many people experience bloating directly after a big meal. It is possible to avoid this by eating several smaller meals each day, which can help to keep the digestive system moving.
Swallowing food quickly can introduce air into the digestive tract. Drinking from a straw can also lead to people swallowing more air, which in turn leads to gas and bloating. People who have bloating should avoid using straws if possible and try eating slowly to avoid swallowing air during meals.
Coeliac Disease Food Intolerance & Ibs
Coeliac disease
Coeliac disease is a common autoimmune disorder where your small intestine cant absorb gluten found in wheat, barley or rye. Coeliac disease can trigger bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fatigue . If you think you may have coeliac disease, discuss it with your GP. They may recommend you have a blood test or a biopsy to check if you have it.
Food intolerance
The foods most commonly associated with intolerances are wheat, barley and rye products or dairy foods. If you think you might have a food intolerance, seek your GPs advice. The best way to identify an intolerance is to keep track of how you feel when you cut certain foods out of your diet.
People with IBS generally experience bloating, especially in the evening. You can manage the condition by identifying and avoiding the foods that trigger symptoms, by managing everyday stress and taking regular exercise. Speak to your pharmacist or GP about treatment options suitable for you.
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Why Do You Get A Bloated Stomach
Bloat sneaks up on you in surprising ways, depending on what you eat, certain habits you have, and even specific medical conditions. For example, bloating can be a result of digestive distress from eating certain foods , eating habits that cause you to take in more air, and even certain conditions such as a weak heart or being pregnant can all contribute to water retention.
Women can also retain water while they’re menstruating. Those who have irritable bowel syndrome can also experience uncomfortable bouts of bloating after eating foods that contain FODMAPS or during moments of stress.
Warm Lemon Water To Get Rid Of Stomach Bloating
Drinking warm water is good for your health as it helps to remove harmful toxins from the body. It also keeps your body hydrated. Lemons are rich in vitamins B and C, proteins, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin and carbohydrates that help in digestion.
Steps to Use Lemon Water to Get Relief from Stomach Bloating:
- Combining lemon and water can be beneficial for your digestive system.
- Drinking warm lemon water gives you relief from stomach gas and bloating.
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What Helps With Bloating
Most of us get bloating from time to time that uncomfortable feeling when your tummy feels very full, tight and sometimes, hard and very sore. You usually get a bloated tummy when gas or air builds up in your gut.
The causes of this build-up are usually easy to treat with simple lifestyle changes like eating less, avoiding certain foods and exercising regularly. And if those dont help, certain medicines may help to get rid of your bloating quickly.
But sometimes, even with self-care measures and medication, you may still have a very bloated tummy, bloating that wont go away and other worrying symptoms. This may mean you have a more serious condition, so youll need to see a doctor.
Discover how you can stop or relieve bloating with self-care, natural remedies and medicines and when its time to see a doctor.
Feeling Bloated Discover 6 Tips To Heal A Bloated Belly
Dr. Joey Shulman DC, RNCPbloated belly6 tips to easy a bloated stomach1. Eat 25 to 35 grams of fibre per dayaim to eat a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre sources2. Watch the gum chewing!3. Reduce your sodium intakeTry decreasing your salt intake4. Drink 2 liters of water per dayMake sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day5. Consider food sensitivity testing food sensitivity testing6. Eat smaller mealsRaw vegetables: Try lightly steaming some of your vegetablesBrussels sprouts, broccoli, beans, onions and cabbage: Alcohol:Coffee:yoga class Dr. Joey Shulman is a national bestselling author and the founder of the Shulman Weight Loss Clinics. For more information, please visit
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Rule Out Medical Conditions
In some cases, bloating may result from a medical condition. To get rid of this bloating, a person may need help from a doctor to diagnose and manage their condition.
Inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis, may cause people to experience bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome , can also cause this symptom.
Gynecological conditions, such as endometriosis and ovarian cysts, can also cause pain, swelling, and feelings of bloating in the abdominal area.
People with these symptoms should discuss them with a doctor, who will also want to know about any relevant family medical history and other medical conditions. The doctor may order diagnostic tests to look for any problems. These may include an X-ray, ultrasound, colonoscopy, or blood tests.
How To Cure Stomach Bloating
This article deals with different remedies to cure stomach bloating naturally and fast. Bloating and gas are common stomach problems. It is a condition in which the stomach feels full and gaseous. It may also be visibly inflamed or swollen. Stomach bloating is a common among adults. However, due to bad eating styles, even childrens are not untouched with this stomach problem. Stomach bloating can disrupt persons ability to work. It is generally caused by constipation, swallowing air, weight gain, eating too fast, some medications and heartburn. These factors lead to cramps, pain, diarrhea, belching, shortness of breath and lower back pain. Nevertheless, it is not a chronic disease that cannot be treated. There are many remedies that can treat the bloating and gas problem. Read the article, to know about different remedies to cure stomach bloating.
Symptoms of Stomach Bloating:
- A fast or even pulse
- Feeling dizzy
- Some foods such as beans, lentils, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and sweeteners.
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Take An Epsom Salt Bath
Relaxing in any tub is always nice, and adding two cups of magnesium-rich Epsom salt may help deflate your belly more effectively Your skin also absorbs the mineral and electrolyte, magnesium, which can help reduce inflammation and may even reduce muscle cramps. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes can help alleviate constipation as well, which is another cause of bloating.
Look At Your Eating Habits
Try to avoid eating habits that cause you to swallow excess air, such as chewing gum, using straws, smoking, and talking whilst eating. Always ensure that you eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to make it easier for the body to digest, and try to avoid large gaps between meals. Also, avoid eating fruits straight after a meal as these are gas forming and will likely increase bloating.
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Fennel Seeds To Cure Stomach Bloating And Gas
Fennel seeds are effective to treat digestive problems like stomach bloating due to their diuretic, carminative, anti-microbial and pain relieving properties. Fennel seeds help in relieving bloating by relaxing muscle spasms in the digestive tract.
Steps to Use Fennel Seeds to Prevent Bloating and Gas:
- Chew a few fennel seeds after having a meal.
- Add 1 tsp of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water.
- Cover it and allow it to steep for five to ten minutes.
- Strain the solution and have this tea 2 or 3 times a day.
Cumin Seeds Relieve Gas
Cumin is considered to be a wholesome digestive aid that can stimulate a lax digestive system. The carminative properties of cumin find special use in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as chronic flatulence, bloating, and other symptoms of IBS.
How to use:
This cheap and readily available spice can be used in a variety of culinary preparations, making it easier for you to include it in your daily diet.
Cumin exhibits gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that can help provide digestive relief from increased flatulence, bloating, and other gas-related problems.
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When To See A Doctor For Bloating
If you have an occasional bout of bloating, its probably nothing to worry about, especially if youre pretty sure you know the cause. For example, if you know that your diet is often the culprit, you could start by eliminating gas-producing foods like beans. You could also cut back on the carbonated drinks.
But if youve tried eliminating the factors that tend to cause bloating for you without experiencing any relief, that may be a sign that its time to consult your doctor. If you have a red flag, dont sit on it, says Dr. Farhadi.
More serious causes of bloating may include:
- Uterine fibroids
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Celiac disease
These medical conditions may require other more intensive treatments. So, if you experience bloating along with persistent or severe pain, severe diarrhea, or unexplained weight loss, those are reasons that justify a call to your doctor, says Dr. Farhadi. Thats especially true if you have a close relative with a history of gastrointestinal disease or colon cancer.
Women may also want to keep a lookout for symptoms like abnormal vaginal bleeding and vaginal discharge, says Dr. Dweck. Pain during sex and urinary tract infections also should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.
When To See A Doctor
Most stomach bloating will resolve on its own. However, you should see a doctor if it does not go away or if you notice any of the following symptoms:
- Change in stool color, consistency, and frequency
- Unexplained overfullness or loss of appetite
Show Sources
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology: âEffects of ginger on gastric emptying and motility in healthy humans.â
Gastroenterology & Hepatology: âManagement Strategies for Abdominal Bloating and Distension.â
Gastroenterology & Hepatology: âPathophysiology, Evaluation, and Treatment of Bloating: Hope, Hype or Hot Air?â
Harvard Health Publishing: âGut reaction: A limited role for digestive enzyme supplements.â
Harvard Health Publishing: âWhatâs causing that belly bloat?â
John Hopkins Medicine: âBloating: Causes and Prevention Tips.â
Mayo Clinic: âBelching, gas and bloating: Tips for reducing them.â
Phytotherapy Research: âA review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of peppermint tea .â
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