Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How To Stop Stomach Pain From Period

Plants That Relieve Pain

STOP Your Stomach Pain and Menstrual Cramps INSTANTLY!

Herbal Treatment

Health practitioners may prescribe herbs to treat a woman’s menstrual cramps. Black cohosh, cramp bark, turmeric, and chasteberry are a few herbs that have been used. They are effective for pain relief and decreasing inflammation. Chasteberry has been used extensively in Europe for the treatment of irregular menstrual cycles, cyclical breast discomfort, premenstrual syndrome , and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Make sure your doctor knows about all of your medical conditions, medications, and supplements because herbs are not appropriate for every woman. Herbs may interfere with the action of some medications or decrease their effectiveness.

Pain During Periods Is Good Or Bad

Symptoms of a period can be uterus contraction, having estrogen migrainies, or experiencing ovulation. But there is two type of period pains.

  • Primary dysmenorrhea.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea.
  • Usually, the primary one is most common and more painful. But periods may not be bad because they help girls more mature and experienced.

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    Way To Reduce Menstrual Pain Instantly

    To get rid of menstrual pain instantly, you have to follow the following rules:-

    • Increase intake of liquids to prevent dehydration during menstrual pain.
    • Ginger helps in reducing the pain instantly as it has a lot of medicinal value.
    • Placing a hot water bag on your stomach also reduces the pain.
    • Avoid caffeine.

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    Causes Of Period Pain

    Period pain happens when the muscular wall of the womb tightens . Mild contractions continually occur in your womb, but they’re usually so mild that most women cannot feel them.

    During your period, the wall of the womb starts to contract more vigorously to help the womb lining shed as part of your period.

    When the wall of the womb contracts, it compresses the blood vessels lining your womb. This temporarily cuts off the blood supply and oxygen supply to your womb. Without oxygen, the tissues in your womb release chemicals that trigger pain.

    While your body is releasing these pain-triggering chemicals, it’s also producing other chemicals called prostaglandins. These encourage the womb muscles to contract more, further increasing the level of pain.

    It’s not known why some women have more period pain than others. It may be that some women have a build-up of prostaglandins, which means they experience stronger contractions.

    A Period Thats Heavy On The First Day

    How to Stop Period Pain Immediately

    Many women experience heavier bleeding on the first day of a period and lighter bleeding on the last days. A heavy flow that might get in the way of your normal activities is unusual.

    Birth control changes

    If you recently stopped using hormonal birth control, your periods may be very heavy in the first days as your cycle adjusts to the hormone changes.

    Medication changes

    Like birth control, medications you take may interfere with your cycle and lead to heavy bleeding on the first day of your period.

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    Shortcut To Do For Period Pain Remedies:

    *Hot water in the stomach.

    * Vitamin E, B1, B6, C. For example, the foods that are used to reduce muscle contractions will reduce pain.

    * If you sit for 20-24 minutes, you will be able to sit in hot water. *Body Massage

    * Excessive pain can lead to pain reduction medications, hormonal medications and sometimes uterine or ovary surgery.

    You Dont Have To Suffer

    Muscle cramps during the menstrual cycle are generally mild with no debilitating effects. That said, there are many women who unfortunately suffer with severe pain and muscle tension.

    The range of cramping discomfort often depends on the timing of puberty, genetics, and lifestyle choices. You could stop cramps fast, and possibly even prevent them from developing before your period, with natural home remedies. By changing your diet, routine, and incorporating exercises that target the stomach muscles, you may be able to stop stressing about your next period and enjoy daily activities every day of the month.

    Doheny, K., 10 Ways To Relieve Period Cramps, Everyday Health , last accessed June 9, 2017.Ipatenco, S., How To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps Fast, Live Strong, August 16, 2013 , last accessed June 9, 2017.13 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Period Cramps, Web MD , last accessed June 9, 2017.Home Remedies to Relieve Menstrual Pain, Healthline, Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT on February 3, 2017 , last accessed June 9, 2017.

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    How To Stop Stomach Cramps And Pain

    Medically reviewed by Abbey Sharp, Registered Dietitian , BASc.

    I discuss the common causes and symptoms of stomach cramps, and share helpful tips and remedies for pain caused by stomach cramps.

    Lets be real, stomach cramps are not fun! Ive had my fair share of annoying tummy troubles and understand just how inconvenient and painful they can be.

    So what exactly is the culprit behind those pesky stomach cramps anyway? Lets discuss the common causes of stomach pain and some helpful strategies to help get rid of cramps in their tracks.

    What Is Menstrual Cramping

    How to stop Periods stomach pain fast..

    The painful cramping women experience during the menstrual period is caused by a release of the hormone prostaglandin. This stimulates the muscles in the uterus to contract. The pain can radiate to the lower back and usually diminishes within the first few days. Other causes of the cramps experienced during this time may be linked to poor diet, emotional stress, thyroid irregularities, or environmental toxins.

    The severity of the cramping can depend on genetics, quantity of blood flow, and whether symptoms began at an early age. A persons lifestyle habits may also affect menstruation such as smoking, physical activity, and the use of alcohol and any illegal drugs.

    Menstrual cramps may become less prevalent after childbirth, but luckily, we have some less drastic methods and tips for how to stop period cramps below.

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    Take Steps To Reduce Stress

    “Stress affects your body in many ways, including lowering your threshold for pain,” says Dr. Borchardt.

    Reducing stress is easier said than done, of course, but taking steps to do so can help you find relief from period cramps.

    In addition to exercise, here are several ways to reduce stress:

    • Yoga
    • Oranges

    Conditions That Can Worsen Menstrual Cramps

  • Endometriosis: the tissue that lines the uterus develops outside the uterus.
  • Uterine fibroids – Noncancerous tumours and growths in the wall of the uterus.
  • Adenomyosis: The tissue that lines the uterus grows into the muscular walls of the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease : a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium.
  • Cervical stenosis: the opening of the cervix is a small and limits menstrual flow.
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    How Long Period Pain Lasts

    Period pain usually starts when your bleeding begins, although some women have pain several days before the start of their period.

    The pain usually lasts 48 to 72 hours, although it can last longer. It’s usually at its worst when your bleeding is heaviest.

    Young girls often have period pain when they begin getting periods. Read more about starting periods.

    Period pain that does not have an underlying cause tends to improve as a woman gets older. Many women also notice an improvement after they’ve had children.

    What Are The Causes Of Painful Periods

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    For more information on endometriosis, click here .

    What is endometriosis? Endometriosis happens when the type of tissue that normally lines the uterus , grows in other places within her body, usually somewhere in the abdomen.

    What causes endometriosis?The cause of endometriosis is not understood, there are several theories. In some women menstrual blood containing endometrial cells travels backwards, up through the fallopian tubes, and into the abdomen. In others, tissue of the type that normally lines the uterus, develops in other parts of the abdomen or pelvis. The tissue appears less responsive to the female hormone progesterone. A genetic factor has also been identified. Whatever the cause, in too many women the diagnosis comes late, after years of suffering. And early diagnosis is important.

    What are the symptoms of endometriosis? The symptoms of endometriosis include painful menstrual cramps, painful intercourse, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. The symptoms are different in different women.

    How does endometriosis affect a womans health? Endometriosis can cause many problems for a women, apart from painful periods. Endometriosis can cause painful cysts on the ovaries, puckering ad scarring in the tissues that line the pelvis, and can affect other structures in the pelvis and abdomen, such as the fallopian tubes, the bladder the bowel, and the wall between the vagina and the rectum. In some cases endometriosis can impair fertility


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    How To Relieve Period Cramps: 17 Ways

    The discomfort is merely annoying for some women. For others, cramps can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities for a few days each month. If you belong to the first group, you need to know how to reduce period cramps. Maybe you will be surprised, but home remedies are the best in these cases. You can relieve cramps naturally, without pills. Does a heating pad help with cramps? How can your diet help? Can vitamins help? Lets discuss the details.

    Up The Magnesium In Your Diet

    Dietary magnesium seems to help ease the pain of cramps, says DeJarra Sims, ND, a faculty member at Bastyr University in San Diego and the author of Your Healthiest Life Now.

    Magnesium is found in many foods, including almonds, black beans, spinach, yogurt, and peanut butter.

    If you want to take a magnesium supplement, Dr. Sims suggests speaking with your doctor, since the dose you need depends on the severity of your cramps along with other factors.

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    How Is The Cause Of Severe Period Pain Diagnosed

    To diagnose severe period pain, your health care provider will ask you about your medical history and do a pelvic exam. You may also have an ultrasound or other imaging test. If your health care provider thinks you have secondary dysmenorrhea, you might have laparoscopy. It is a surgery that that lets your health care provider look inside your body.

    Peppermint Tea To Relieve Stomach Pain

    5 Home Remedies To Reduce Stomach Pain During Periods

    For more generalized pain relief, try peppermint tea, or even sucking on a candy cane if youre feeling festive. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, a natural analgesic known to help nausea and upset stomachs. Whether you get it from a candy, tea, chewing on the leaves, or sniffing some extract, peppermint can alleviate stomach pain and any accompanying nausea.

    • Add one teaspoon of dried peppermint to one cup of boiling water.
    • Steep for five to 10 minutes before straining.
    • Add a dab of honey for taste.
    • Or, chew on one fresh peppermint leaf throughout the day.

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    How To Stop Stomach Pain During Periods Treatment And Lifestyle Changes

    Around 80% of women have experienced stomach pain during periods, also known as menstrual cramps at some point in their life. Usually, menstrual cramp pain is mild. But sometimes it can be severe. The pains can vary from sharp stabs that make you double over to a nagging pain that spreads through the lower abdomen and lower back. Some women also experience dizziness, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.

    Curl Up With A Heating Pad To Ease Period Cramps

    The uterus is a muscle, so anything that helps relax muscles, like applying heat, can be beneficial, Thielen says.

    Indeed, research published in Evidence-Based Nursing found that topically applied heat was just as effective as ibuprofen for period cramps. Over the two study days, the women used heat alone, heat plus ibuprofen, ibuprofen alone, or a placebo. The best results were in the heat plus ibuprofen group adding heat led to faster improvements.

    A review published in March 2014 in The Journal of Physiotherapy also found that heat significantly lessened a womans period pain.

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    A Sprinkle Of Cinnamon

    In a study of young women, those who took capsules containing 420 milligrams of cinnamon 3 times a day for the first 3 days of their menstrual cycle had less menstrual bleeding, less pain, and reductions in nausea and frequency of vomiting compared to those who took a placebo. The women didnât report any side effects associated with taking cinnamon pills. Try a sprinkle of cinnamon on your cereal or cup of hot cocoa. It canât hurt and it might help your cramps and other period symptoms.

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    Potassium Is Your Friend

    Your Ultimate Period Survival Guide

    Bananas can be considered as an excellent source of potassium. From various studies, it has been identified that potassium can provide an excellent assistance to women who deal with the pain associated with period cramps. Therefore, you can simply take a banana and consume it when you come across the frustrating period pains. The craving for food will also be killed by period cramps. In such a situation, you can have a banana and it will assist you to fill the stomach with a healthy food as well.

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    Referral To A Specialist

    If your period pain has not been controlled after 3 months of treatment with painkillers or a suitable hormonal contraceptive, your GP may refer you to a specialist, which will usually be a gynaecologist.

    The specialist will carry out further tests to help confirm or rule out an underlying medical condition. Tests you may have include:

    • a urine or blood test
    • pelvic ultrasound where high-frequency sound waves are used to produce an image of the inside of your body it’s painless and will show any abnormalities in your reproductive organs
    • laparoscopy under general anaesthetic, a small cut is made in your abdomen through which a fibro-optic telescope is inserted it can be used to look at your internal organs as well as take samples of tissue
    • hysteroscopy allows the inside of the womb to be examined using a fibro-optic telescope it’s passed through your vagina and into the womb to check for abnormalities

    Home Remedies To Reduce Period Pain

    If the period pain is unbearable, there are certain home remedies that can provide some relief.

    Over the counter medication: Over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol or prescription painkillers such as ibuprofen and codeine are suitable for short-term use and are highly effective in reducing headaches, stomach cramps, and back pain during menstruation.

    Heat: Applying heat to the abdomen during your period can help the muscles to relax and relieve painful cramps. This can be done by either having a hot bath or using a hot water bottle.

    Massage and oils: Applying lavender oil around your stomach is known to help relieve period cramps. Like, using sesame oil for a massage can also help as it is rich in linoleic acid and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    Exercise: You may think this is impossible considering that you are in pain and barely able to move, however, exercising increases circulation to the pelvic region and releases endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins which are the hormone-like substances that cause the uterine muscles to contract during menstruation.

    Orgasms: Studies suggest that orgasms have a direct effect on menstrual cramps. Vaginal orgasms involve your whole body, including your spinal cord, which signals the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins and oxytocin. These endorphins can decrease pain perception.

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    Using Apple Cider Vinegar As A Stomachache Cure

    Another paradoxical-sounding remedy is using acidic drinks to relieve pain from gastric reflux. Since gastric reflux can result in stomach acid leaking out into places its not wanted, your stomachs acidity can end up lower than is optimal for digesting food.

    Drinking apple cider vinegar can help improve the levels and ease an upset stomach. This assumes that youre able to, well, stomach the drink in the first place. While apple cider vinegar does its work best if taken raw, you may find mixing it with water, a teaspoon of honey, and sipping slowly to be the more tolerable option.

    • Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to one cup of warm water.
    • Mix in one tablespoon of honey.
    • Drink this remedy every three hours until pain is gone.

    Massaging With Essential Oils

    Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps to Stop Period Pain

    Massage therapy for about 20 minutes can help.

    Massage therapy for menstruation involves pressing specific points while the therapists hands move around your abdomen, side, and back.

    Adding essential oils for an aromatherapy style of massage may have additional benefits.

    You can buy a scented massage oil with similar ingredients or make your own.

    You should always dilute your essential oil with a carrier oil. Examples include vegetable or nut oils, such as grapeseed or sweet almond oil. A safe concentration is one drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil.

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    How To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Naturally

    A lot of women have their own ways of dealing with tough menstruation cycles and PMS symptoms, from tips handed down by mom to turning to medications. And if those work for you awesome!

    But if youre looking for some new, natural ways to combat that painful time of the month, then this is the list for you. From essential oils and Epsom salts to fish oil and your favorite tunes, these methods for how to get rid of period cramps will help ease period pain so you can live your best life all month long.

    1. Try acupuncture.

    When youre in pain, the idea of getting pricked by needles probably doesnt sound too appealing. But acupuncture, a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat chronic pain and can be especially effective during a hard-to-handle menstrual cycle. In fact, one small study out of Australia and New Zealand found that acupuncture treatment can ease period pain, including secondary symptoms like headaches and nausea, in women.

    The pilot study of women ages 18 to 45 years old had them undergoing one of four types of manual or electro-acupuncture treatments over three menstrual cycles. Half of the women experienced at least a 50 percent reduction in the severity of their symptoms over three months of being treated with acupuncture and reported they were able to use fewer painkillers to treat pain.

    2. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts.

    3. Get a dose of extra-virgin olive oil.

    4. Try fish oil supplements.

    5. Get more sleep.

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