Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What Are The Early Symptoms Of Stomach Cancer

Symptoms And Cancer Stage


The alarm symptoms accompanying dyspeptic symptoms do not only have a diagnostic role in indicating the possible presence of gastric cancer, but when referred to, at diagnosis, in gastric cancer patients, may suggest the site, stage and aggressiveness of cancer and usually indicate poor prognosis.

In a retrospective study on a series of 92 young gastric cancer patients, we have evaluated the relationship of alarm symptoms, such as dysphagia, anorexia, weight loss, gastro-intestinal bleeding and vomiting with pathology and site of cancer and stage, according to the TNM classification. Patients presenting with alarm symptoms were comparable to those with uncomplicated dyspepsia as far as concerns age, sex and pathology of gastric cancer, but more frequently showed a proximal site and more advanced TNM stage. These findings have been confirmed by Stephens, who also showed that the number of alarm symptoms, at presentation, correlated with the stage of the tumour, in that patients with the greatest number of alarm symptoms presented with the most advanced disease and by Bowrey, in a more recent study, in which approximately 50% of the patients with alarm symptoms had stage IV disease.

Tests That Examine The Stomach And Esophagus Are Used To Diagnose Gastric Cancer

The following tests and procedures may be used:

  • Physical exam and health history: An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. A history of the patients health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken.
  • Blood chemistry studies: A procedure in which a blood sample is checked to measure the amounts of certain substances released into the blood by organs and tissues in the body. An unusual amount of a substance can be a sign of disease.
  • Complete blood count : A procedure in which a sample of blood is drawn and checked for the following:
  • The amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells.
  • The portion of the sample made up of red blood cells.
  • Upper endoscopy: A procedure to look inside the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum to check for abnormal areas. An endoscope is passed through the mouth and down the throat into the esophagus. Enlarge Upper endoscopy. A thin, lighted tube is inserted through the mouth to look for abnormal areas in the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine.
  • What Are The Different Stages Of Stomach Cancer

    Stomach cancer is staged based on the severity of cancerous cell growth and spread. Adenocarcinoma is initially evaluated by the tumor, node metastasis system.

    • T: How deeply has the tumor spread into the stomach wall?
    • N: Has the stomach cancer spread to the lymph nodes?
    • M: Has the stomach cancer spread to other parts of the body?

    After the TNM staging information has been taken into account, the cancer is staged at 0 or 1 to 4. Tumor classifications for staging are as follows:

    • Stage 0 is early cancer on the surface of the stomach lining.
    • Stage 2A or 2B, commonly with deeper stomach wall involved
    • Stage 3A or 3B or 3C, commonly with lymph node involvement
    • Stage 4 means cancer has metastasized elsewhere in the body outside of the stomach.

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    How Can You Detect Stomach Cancer Early

    Be sure to contact your medical provider if you feel like something is not right. There are screening tests for stomach cancer when people are at risk for or are experiencing signs and symptoms. Diagnostic evaluations for gastric cancer include:

    • Complete medical history and physical exam
    • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to view the esophagus, stomach and small intestine after sedation. A small, flexible tube is inserted into the mouth with a tiny camera on the end that allows the doctor to see inside your stomach.
    • Biopsy of stomach tissue to be evaluated under a microscope
    • CT scan to visualize organs during X-ray
    • Endoscopic ultrasound to diagnose and treat stomach cancer at the same time by visualizing organs and nearby blood vessels
    • Positron emission tomography scan to illuminate cancer cells. A radioactive sugar tracer is used because cancer cells use more sugar than healthy cells and the tracer illuminates the cancer cells.

    Catch Stomach Cancer Early

    What are the early stage signs and symptoms of stomach cancer?

    Late-stage stomach cancer can be aggressive. Its important that you do not ignore the early signs of stomach cancer and consult with your physician if you are experiencing these symptoms. It may well be another gastrointestinal condition, but it is still better to get it checked than to risk the possibility of letting cancer go untreated.

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    Why Choose The University Of Kansas Cancer Center For Stomach Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

    For a diagnosis as crucial as stomach cancer, there are many benefits to trusting our cancer team with your care. Our cancer center is 1 of only 71 NCI-designated cancer centers nationwide, and we have experts for diagnosing and treating stomach cancer. We are a pioneer in new clinical trial research that leads to innovative treatments. In addition, our hospital continues to rank as the best in Kansas City and in Kansas according to U.S. News & World Report.

    When To See A Doctor

    It’s important to remember that while the early signs of stomach cancer are similar to symptoms of less serious health concerns, you shouldn’t disregard any symptoms. Making an appointment with a doctor to address your concerns could lead to an earlier diagnosis of a serious illness like stomach cancer. The earlier the diagnosis, the more treatment options you’ll have.

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    Surgery To Remove Your Stomach

    You may need to have part or all of your stomach removed.

    Surgery to remove part of your stomach is known as a partial or sub-total gastrectomy, and surgery to remove all of your stomach is known as a total gastrectomy. In some cases, your surgeon may remove part of your oesophagus as well as all of your stomach, using a procedure known as an oesophagogastrectomy.

    These operations may be carried out using either a large incision in your tummy , or a number of smaller incisions through which surgical tools can be passed . Both of these techniques are carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you’ll be unconscious throughout the procedure.

    During these operations, your surgeon will also remove the lymph nodes nearest to the cancer. It’s possible that your stomach cancer may have spread to these lymph nodes, and removing them helps prevent the cancer returning.

    Stages Of Stomach Cancer

    Stomach Cancer, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    The stage of stomach cancer indicates how far the cancer has spread in the body.

    Usually, the TNM system from the American Joint Committee on Cancer is used to determine the stage of stomach cancer. The system looks at three areas:

    • T category: the size of the tumor and how far it extends
    • N category: how far the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes
    • M category: whether the cancer has spread to distant areas of the body

    The findings in each category are combined to determine a stage of 0 to 4. A lower number represents an earlier stage of cancer. While tumor growth and spread will vary, in general, each stage looks like:

    As long as the cancer hasnt spread to distant parts of the body, it will be between stage 0 and 3. If it has spread to other areas, the diagnosis will be stage 4 stomach cancer.

    Different stages have different treatments and expected survival rates. With early stage cancer thats only in the stomach, theres a

    32 percent of all people with stomach cancer are expected to survive at least 5 years after getting a diagnosis.

    Most of these survivors have a localized diagnosis. This means that the stomach was the original source of the cancer and it hasnt spread. When the origin is unknown, it can be difficult to diagnose and stage the cancer. This makes the cancer harder to treat.

    Its also more difficult to treat stomach cancer once it reaches the later stages. If your cancer is more advanced, you may want to consider participating in a clinical trial.

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    Treatment For Stomach Cancer

    Treatment for stomach cancer depends on the stage of the cancer, your age, medical history, nutritional needs and general health.

    You might feel confused or unsure about your treatment options and decisions. Its okay to ask your treatment team to explain the information to you more than once. Its often okay to take some time to think about your decisions.

    Staging Can Be Done At Different Times

    Stomach cancer might be staged at different times during the course of a persons treatment.

    Usually, the cancer is first given a clinical stage. This is based on the results of any physical exams, biopsies, imaging tests, and procedures that have been done. The clinical stage can be used to help plan treatment.

    If surgery is done to remove the cancer, the pathological stage can be determined. This is based on the results of any exams or tests that have been done, as well as the results from the surgery. Sometimes the pathological stage is different from the clinical stagefor example, if surgery finds the cancer has spread farther than could be seen on imaging tests.

    Some people might get other treatments before surgery, such as chemotherapy or radiation, to try to shrink the cancer and make the surgery easier. This is known as neoadjuvant treatment. Staging might be done again after this treatment to assess how well it worked.

    The table below, describing the TNM stage grouping in more detail, is based on the pathological stage of the cancer. If your cancer has been clinically staged or if you have had neoadjuvant therapy, it’s best to talk to your doctor about the specific stage for your situation.

    AJCC Stage

    Any N

    The cancer might or might not have grown into any of the layers of the stomach wall , and it might or might not have spread to nearby lymph nodes .

    The cancer has spread to distant organs such as the liver, lungs, brain, or the peritoneum .

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    Signs And Symptoms Of Stomach Cancer

    Early-stage stomach cancer rarely causes symptoms. In countries where screening for stomach cancer is not routine, such as the United States, most stomach cancers arent found until theyve grown fairly large or have spread outside the stomach.

    When stomach cancer does cause signs and symptoms, they can include:

    • Vague discomfort in the abdomen, usually above the navel
    • Feeling full after eating only a small meal
    • Heartburn or indigestion
    • Vomiting, with or without blood
    • Swelling or fluid build-up in the abdomen
    • Blood in the stool
    • Feeling tired or weak, as a result of having too few red blood cells
    • Yellowing of the skin and eyes , if the cancer spreads to the liver

    Most of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by things other than stomach cancer, such as a viral infection or an ulcer. Some of these symptoms may also be caused by other types of cancer. But people who have any of these problems, especially if they dont go away or get worse, should see a doctor so the cause can be found and treated, if needed.

    Our team is made up of doctors and oncology certified nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing.

    Ku GY, Ilson DH. Chapter 72: Cancer of the Stomach. In: Niederhuber JE, Armitage JO, Doroshow JH, Kastan MB, Tepper JE, eds. Abeloffs Clinical Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier 2020.

    How Is It Diagnosed


    Since people with stomach cancer rarely show symptoms in the early stages, the disease is often not diagnosed until its more advanced.

    Diagnosing stomach cancer involves receiving a physical exam to check for any abnormalities. A doctor may also look for possible bleeding in the stomach by using a test to check for blood in your stool along with a blood test to look for anemia.

    More diagnostic tests for stomach cancer may need to be done if your doctor believes you show signs of the disease. Diagnostic tests specifically look for suspected tumors and other abnormalities in the stomach and esophagus. These tests may include:

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    Gastric Cancer Is A Disease In Which Malignant Cells Form In The Lining Of The Stomach

    The stomach is a J-shaped organ in the upper abdomen. It is part of the digestive system, which processes nutrients in foods that are eaten and helps pass waste material out of the body. Food moves from the throat to the stomach through a hollow, muscular tube called the esophagus. After leaving the stomach, partly-digested food passes into the small intestine and then into the large intestine.

    The wall of the stomach is made up of 5 layers of tissue. From the innermost layer to the outermost layer, the layers of the stomach wall are: mucosa, submucosa, muscle, subserosa , and serosa. Gastric cancer begins in the mucosa and spreads through the outer layers as it grows.

    Stromal tumors of the stomach begin in supporting connective tissue and are treated differently from gastric cancer. See the PDQ summary on Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Treatment for more information.

    For more information about cancers of the stomach, see the following PDQ summaries:

    I Have Been Diagnosed With Stomach Cancer What Can I Do

    If you have been recently diagnosed with stomach cancer, you may feel overwhelmed, scared, anxious and upset. These are all normal feelings. Seek support from family and friends and ask your doctor to refer you to local services and relevant support groups.

    You can also contact the Cancer Council in your state or territory. For more information, call the Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20.

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    Stomach Cancer Symptoms: What Are The Signs Of Gastric Cancer

    Read our blog to discover the symptoms of stomach cancer. We discuss the symptoms at both an early and advanced stage, as well as risk factors for stomach cancer.

    Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is cancer found anywhere in the stomach or stomach wall. It is fairly rare in the UK roughly 1 in every 10,000 people is diagnosed with stomach cancer. Keep reading to learn the symptoms of stomach cancer.

    Youre Seeing Blood In Your Stool

    Stomach Cancer – All Symptoms

    While, yes, this can be a sign of stomach cancer, its also linked to tons of other conditions that arent cancer-related, says Allyson Ocean, M.D., a gastrointestinal oncologist at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York Presbyterian.

    If it is stomach cancer, however, the blood is likely related to inflammation caused by cancer, and tends to show up in more advanced stages of the disease, though it can also show up earlier on.

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    Is Stomach Cancer Curable

    The prognosis of stomach cancer mainly depends on the patients general health and stage of the disease.

    • Stomach cancer is often detected in later stages when the disease has spread to other parts of the body.
    • In the advanced stage, cancer can be treated but not cured.
    • When detected in its initial stages, there are higher chances of recovery from stomach cancer.

    Blood In The Stool Or Vomit

    This is not a sure sign of stomach cancer. Bleeding is rare and can also be caused by other noncancerous conditions. However, when tumor bleeding occurs, you may notice blood in your stool or vomit. The blood may be dark red or dark brown depending on how long it has been in the stomach.

    Even when present in small amounts, blood in either your vomit or stool requires a visit to the doctor.

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    When To Call Your Doctor

    If your symptoms persist, dont hesitate to see your doctor.

    Your doctor will do a comprehensive evaluation and ask about your family history to determine whether further investigation is required, says Dr. Joyce.

    If more testing is needed, there are a few options available:

    • An upper endoscopy. A thin tube with a tiny camera attached is inserted through your mouth and into your stomach. A biopsy, or sample of tissue, of any areas in question will be taken.
    • Endoscopic ultrasound. A thin tube with an ultrasound probe is placed in your stomach through your mouth. By getting a visual of your stomach, your doctor can help determine the stage of your cancer.
    • CT scan or MRI. If the tumor is large enough, these radiologic tests will detect it.

    To treat stomach cancer, your doctor may recommend chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation. Surgery is an option, but your doctor may opt for other routes first. Some very early gastric cancers can be treated endoscopically , too, but thats a rare situation in the U.S.

    Theres significant potential for spread of cancer to other areas, says Dr. Joyce. So, we often recommend chemotherapy before proceeding with a surgery.

    Are there ways to lower your risk?

    But dont panic if your gastrointestinal system seems to be acting weird.

    Most of the time, GI symptoms are not from stomach cancer they have benign causes, assures Dr. Joyce. Our gastrointestinal systems are quite fickle sometimes.

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