Middle Of The Abdomen
Upper middle:
The upper middle part of the abdomen contains the liver, the cardiac region of the stomach, part of the body of the stomach, the pyloric region of the stomach, and the pancreas.
The liver filters blood and creates bile, which is a substance that helps in the breakdown and absorption of fat in the foods you eat.
The cardiac region of the stomach is where food enters from the esophagus.
The pyloric region of the stomach is the last part of the stomach before food enters into the duodenum of the small intestine.
The pancreas is a large glandular organ that releases digestive enzymes and hormones.
Lower middle:
The lower middle part of the abdomen contains the urinary bladder, rectum, and anus.
The urinary bladder is the organ that collects urine for excretion out of the body through the urethra.
The rectum goes into the anus, the final section of the large intestine that carries stool for excretion from the body.
The Foods Most Likely To Cause Gas
Beans have the reputation of being “the musical fruit,” but there are plenty of other gassy foods that have the potential for contributing to intestinal discomfort, bloating, and flatulence. If gas has become a problem for you, knowing about these gassy foods can help you make better food choices.
Symptoms: How To Know If Ibs Is Causing Your Stomach Cramps And Gas:
Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by 30048-8/fulltext?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2F” rel=”nofollow”> reference):
- Abdominal pain that occurs at least one day per week in the past 3 months :
- The onset stomach cramps have to be associated with at least 2 of:
- Defecation: defecation may improve your abdominal pain .
- Change in your stool form: the stool becomes harder or softer.
- Change in stool frequency: onset of stomach cramps is associated with diarrhea, constipation or a mix of both.
Although Gas is not in the ROME IV of diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, it is one of the most frequent features of irritable bowel syndrome. Gas and bloating are more common in people of IBS with constipation or mixed type.
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What Causes Intermittent Abdominal Bloating/distention
Excessive gas
Excessive production of gas by bacteria is a common cause of intermittent abdominal distention and bloating. Theoretically bacteria can produce too much gas in three ways.
- First, the amount of gas that bacteria produce may vary from individual to individual. In other words, some individuals may have bacteria that produce more gas, either because there are more of the bacteria or because their particular bacteria are better at producing gas.
- Second, there may be poor digestion and absorption of foods in the small intestine, allowing more undigested food to reach the bacteria in the colon. The more undigested food the bacteria have, the more gas they produce. Examples of diseases that involve poor digestion and absorption include lactose intolerance, pancreatic insufficiency, and untreated celiac disease.
- Third, bacterial overgrowth can occur in the small intestine. Under normal conditions, the bacteria that produce gas are limited to the colon. In some conditions, these bacteria spread back into the small intestine. When this bacterial spread occurs, food reaches the bacteria before it can be fully digested and absorbed by the small intestine. Therefore, the colonic-type bacteria that have moved into the small intestine have a lot of undigested food from which to form gas. This condition, in which the gas-producing bacteria move into the small intestine, is called bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth .
Red Flags You Shouldnt Ignore
Gas is usually not a medical emergency, but when accompanied by certain worrisome symptoms, its a good idea to speak with your doctor. Colon cancer is one potential concern, van der Linden says. If is in the lower part of the colon and causing a partial blockage, it could make things back up a little bit easier, he says.
Additional warning signs of a potentially serious health issue that requires medical attention include:
- Bloody stool
- Changes in frequency of bowel movements
- Persistent diarrhea or constipation
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It Could Be Constipation
While youre spending a lot of time at home, you may not be moving as much as you usually do. You may also be eating different foods. This can lead to constipation. You may be constipated if you experience:
- Fewer bowel movements than normal for you
- Stool that is lumpy or looks like pebbles
- Difficulty passing stool or a feeling that you still need to go after youre finished
Fortunately, you can make a number of at-home changes to help relieve your constipation. These include:
Dont Stop Eating Fruits
My advice would be to not stop eating healthy fruits like apples, grapes, cherries and bananas, even though they may cause you some gas on occasions.
Usually, its only when eaten in excess that fruits cause gastrointestinal issues like stomach ache, belly bloat and diarrhea.
Rather, try a week off from all of the gassy fruits listed here, like pineapple, pears, mangoes, bananas, strawberries, and especially problematic canned fruit and dried fruits like apricots.
Then, once youve taken this break, slowly reintroduce them one at a time and see how they affect you.
Eat only that particular fruit on its own at first, in a decent amount and away from other foods, and you should be able to identify which fruits give you an upset stomach and cause the worst bloating and flatulence for you personally.
Once youve identified a particular fruit that causes you gas you can still choose to eat it by taking a comprehensive digestive enzyme, like this potent and fast acting one I use.
These supplements break down sugar alcohols like sorbitol, indigestible fiber, flatulence causing fructose, and other problematic substances in fruits, well before they can cause intestinal problems later on.
I hope this list of both gas causing fruit and non gassy alternative fruits has been helpful and would appreciate if you could share it to help others out there.
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What Foods Cause Gas
Foods that cause gas fall into a category summarized by the acronym, FODMAP, which stands for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.” Many people attempt a FODMAP elimination diet, but it can be difficult to eliminate these dietary constituents because they are present in a majority of foods. Any condition causing flatulence will respond to a low-FODMAP diet, but the diet is not an easy one to follow, and may require the assistance of a dietitian. If the diet is successful it may be possible to add back some of the excluded foods without a recurrence of flatulence. Examples of FODMAP foods include:
- Oligosaccharides: Vegetables such as asparagus, garlic, leeks, onions, and lettuce. Grains such as barley, rye, and wheat. Nuts such as cashews and pistachios. Legumes such as baked beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, and soy beans
- Disaccharides: Milk (cow, goat or sheep, evaporated milk, ice cream, margarine, yogurt, and cheese
- Monosaccharides: Primarily fruits such as apples, boysenberries, figs, mangoes, pears, and watermelon, as well as high-fructose corn syrup and honey
- Polyols: Fruits such as apples, apricots, blackberries, cherries, peaches, pears, nectarines, plums, and avocados sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol as well as cauliflower, green pepper, mushrooms, and pumpkin
I Was Amazed To Feel The Pain Melt Away
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted .
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Does Mushroom Help You Poop
Based on studies and facts, it is very clear that mushrooms cause loose stool helping you in severe constipation. Mushrooms also contain fiber content known for helping your intestine in better digestion and so help you with an easier poop.
Mushrooms have proteins that trigger more histamine production. One side effect of excess histamine is a loose stool that helps you with easier poop if you have constipation.
Had I Known About This Remedy Before I Would Not Have Received The Dire News That Day
But with what I knew then, I couldnt have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors , medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% .
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut , these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I cant live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers , may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
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Are These Signs Or Symptoms Accompanying Your Bloat
Fortunately, if you feel bloated its usually harmless and caused by something as simple as gas, indigestion, or premenstrual symptoms.
But when there are other symptoms occurring with your persistent bloating symptoms you may want to dive deeper into the actual cause.
Other signs and symptoms to look out for with your constant bloating include:
- Severe abdominal pain
- Nausea, vomiting, or both
- Jaundice
Dont shrug your constant bloating off if youre experiencing any of the above symptoms.
Because when detected early, certain diseases such as colon cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, or diverticulitis are easier to treat and can reduce more complications.
And if gastrointestinal issues like leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases arent properly treated it could lead to other complications such as autoimmune diseases or cancer.
You Might Have A Gastrointestinal Condition
Gas can be a symptom of many gastrointestinal disorders. If it’s isolated, it’s most likely your diet or excessive air-swallowing. But if you’re experiencing other symptoms like belly pain, heartburn, changes in your weight, or frequent bouts of diarrhea, that could mean your gas is a sign of a more serious issue. For instance, GERD, celiac disease, and even intestinal blockages can all be causes of excessive gas. Additionally, your excessive gas coupled with other ailments like abdominal pain could be a symptom of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, according to Hopkins Medicine. So if your gas doesnt resolve itself or if its causing any other concerning symptoms, its important to talk to your doctor.
Finally, know that gassiness is a normal part of life. Its a good time to remind you that passing gas is healthy, so if your belches and farts arent excessive, this might not be something you need to worry about. Its normal to expel about 1 to 4 pints of gas, per day! So try to think of any lingering awkwardness as a sign that your digestive processes are humming along. “It’s important to understand that farting is normal,” Dr. Balzora reiterates. “But it shouldnt be ignored if you’re having other symptoms.”
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Does The Smell Mean Anything
The smell of your gas depends on the food that you eat and is a result of the gasses made in your small intestine and colon during digestion. The consensus is that animal proteins, such as eggs or meat, cause more foul-smelling gas, whereas soluble fiber can cause gas, but it won’t smell as bad.
A foul smell doesn’t mean anything by itself, except for the possible embarrassment when passing gas happens at an inopportune time.
Food Allergies Vs Food Intolerance
Sometimes people become sick from eating a particular food, because they cannot properly process or digest the food, or because they have a true allergic reaction to the food. Food allergies and food intolerance are sometimes confused with each other, but they are quite different in terms of their origin, symptoms and treatment.
Less common symptoms of lactose intolerance include:
- abdominal bloating,
- nausea.
Constipation is not a sign of lactose intolerance.
Unfortunately, these symptoms can be caused by several gastrointestinal conditions or diseases, so the presence of these symptoms is not very good at predicting whether a person has lactase deficiency or lactose intolerance.
Not all of the lactose that reaches the colon is split and used by colonic bacteria. The unsplit lactose in the colon draws water into the colon . This leads to loose, diarrheal stools.
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How Can I Prevent Intestinal Gas
Most foods containing carbohydrates can cause gas. A food diary can help you determine which foods make you gassy. But dont cut out too many things. Many vegetables, fruits, dairy products, wheat products and beans cause gas, but theyre also very good for you.
To reduce your bodys gas production, you can:
- Chew slowly, and dont talk while eating.
- Cut back on carbonated beverages, chewing gum and hard candies.
- Drink through a straw.
Gas: Whats Normal And What Isnt
7 min Read Time
Everyone burps and passes gas. Some do these things more often than others. It can be loud and sometimes smelly, but gas is a normal part of the digestive process even if its uncomfortable or embarrassing.
Understanding what causes gas can help you feel less self-conscious and find some relief. Its also important to recognize when gas, bloating and belly pain are actually warning signs of a more serious health condition, according to Brian van der Linden, MD, an HCA Healthcare gastroenterologist.
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Can Mushrooms Upset Your Stomach
Mushroom is a type of fungi, but thankfully, it is good for your health and does not cause any infection. It is a complete food with many vitamins and nutrients, making it a good food to eat. But this is not always true, and in some cases, it can do terrible things with your digestive system.
Your digestive health depends on what you eat and how much you eat. Indigestion often causes bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or a severe condition of flatulence commonly called a fart.
Surprisingly mushrooms have all the bad qualities that can upset your stomach and cause discomfort.
In this guide, we will discuss how mushrooms can affect your digestion and cause gas, bloating, or even diarrhea-like conditions.
Fundoplication Surgery For Hiatal Hernias And Gerd
Surgery is never the first option for treating GERD. Changes in lifestyle, diet, and habits, nonprescription antacids, and prescription medications all must be tried before resorting having hiatal surgery. Only if all else fails, surgery is recommended because lifestyle changes and medications work well in most people, surgery is done on only a small number of people.
Like all surgical procedures, fundoplication does not always work and can have complications.
Hiatal hernias do not cause symptoms, and most are found incidentally when a person has a chest X-ray or abdominal X-rays, including
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What Foods Have Lactose And Should Be Avoided In The Diet
Although milk and foods made from milk are the only natural sources of lactose, lactose often is “hidden” in prepared foods to which it has been added. People with very low tolerance for lactose should know about the many food products that may contain lactose, even in small amounts. Food products that may contain lactose include:
Smart shoppers learn to read food labels with care, looking not only for milk and lactose in the contents but also for such words as whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and nonfat dry milk powder. If any of these are listed on a label, the item contains lactose.
Is There Surgery To Treat Gastroparesis
Electrical pacing: Electrical pacing of the stomach is a newer method for treating severe gastroparesis. Electrical pacing of the stomach is analogous to cardiac pacing for the treatment of an abnormally slow heartbeat and involves the placement of a pacemaker. The pacemaker usually is placed laparoscopically and does not require a large abdominal incision for entering the abdomen. During placement, wire electrodes are attached to the muscle of the stomach. The wires are brought out through the abdominal wall just beneath the skin. The wires are attached to a small, battery-operated pacemaker that is buried in a surgically-created pouch just under the skin. The skin is then sutured so that the pacemaker and wires are beneath the skin. The pacemaker generates electrical impulses that are transmitted by the wires to the muscles of the stomach, and the muscles contract in response to the impulses. Electrical pacing is effective in many patients with severe gastroparesis, but the numbers of patients who have been treated is small.
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