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What Causes An Inflamed Stomach

Treatment Of Chronic Gastritis

Gastritis, an ulcer-like stomach lining inflammation (irritation & swelling), by Dr Leah Treadwell

Eliminating any causative infection with antibiotics is important to prevent progression of the chronic gastritis, but the stomach mucosa rarely returns to normal. Vitamin B12 deficiency is treated by intermittent injections.

Patients with severe changes to the mucosa may need an upper endoscopy every year or so to detect and treat lesions which can develop into cancer.

How Can I Prevent Gastritis

H. pylori is one of the top causes of gastritis, but most people dont know theyre infected. The bacteria are easily transmitted. You can lower your risk of infection by practicing good hygiene, including hand-washing.

You also can take steps to minimize indigestion and heartburn. These conditions are linked to gastritis. Preventive measures include:

  • Avoiding fatty, fried, spicy or acidic foods.
  • Cutting back on caffeine.
  • Not lying down for 2 to 3 hours after a meal.

Treatment For Autoimmune Chronic Gastritis

Currently, there is no treatment available that will cure autoimmune chronic gastritis. However, the vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies that it often causes can be treated with supplements, in the form of tablets, shots or intravenous infusions.

Even though autoimmune chronic gastritis cannot be removed by treatment, the risk of developing gastric cancer as a complication of the condition is still modest to low. Nevertheless, a doctor may recommend follow-up endoscopies to detect any early signs of gastric cancer. Treatment on gastric cancer is generally more effective the earlier the condition is detected and treated.

Follow-up endoscopies may be recommended to monitor development of atrophic gastritis and to detect any early signs of gastric cancer which will allow to then treat it as soon as possible with the best possible outcome.

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How Is It Diagnosed

There are several tests that may be performed. You may be tested for an infection with H. pylori which may be done with a blood, stool or breath test. An upper endoscopy may be performed to actually look with a camera in your esophagus, stomach and small intestine. Small tissue samples can be taken and examined under a microscope. Sometime x-rays of the upper GI tract will be obtained.

Possible Causes Of Gastritis

Inflammation of Stomach Lining (Gastritis) Symptoms ...

Gastritis is usually caused by 1 of the following:

  • an H. pylori bacterial infection
  • excessive use of cocaine or alcohol
  • smoking
  • regularly taking aspirin, ibuprofen or other painkillers classed as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • a stressful event such as a bad injury or critical illness, or major surgery
  • less commonly, an autoimmune reaction when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells and tissues

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Lifestyle Measures To Manage And Prevent Inflammation Of The Stomach

Lifestyle modifications can help in managing inflammation of stomach or in prevention of gastritis.

  • Eat smaller and frequent meals, drink plenty of water and include fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy, fried and fatty foods. Maintain ideal weight and avoid skipping meals.
  • Practice stress management techniques, involve in meditation and exercise regularly to release stress and improve digestion.
  • Limit intake of pain-killers or medications used to treat arthritis. Consider other alternatives, less harmful medications, physical therapy, warm and cold compresses, etc. to relieve pain and arthritis.
Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: July 17, 2017

Diet And Home Remedies For Chronic Gastritis

Diet does not play a role in causing chronic gastritis, though to ease symptoms, people may find it advisable to stop eating things that irritate the stomach, such as fatty, spicy or highly acidic foods. Some people choose to reduce foods containing lactose or gluten.

Other lifestyle changes that may help include eating smaller, more frequent meals rather than larger meals, weight reduction and stress management.

Over the counter medicines, such as antacids, may ease stomach and digestive symptoms but will not address the underlying problem. Over-the-counter medicines should not be taken often and relied upon. A medical professional should be consulted if symptoms persist for more than a week or are severe.

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What Is Stomach Inflammation

Inflammation of the lining of the stomach is called gastritis. The most common symptoms of stomach inflammation are nausea and vomiting, burping, bloating, a burning sensation in your stomach, and weight loss. Erosive and nonerosive are the two types of gastritis.

A protective mucous layer lines the stomach insulating it from the strong acidic gastric juices used to break down food. The lining is constantly being naturally destroyed by gastric juices and replenished, but if this process is disrupted, the mucous layer of the stomach can become inflamed. In erosive gastritis, stomach inflammation results from the inability of the stomach to repair the eroding mucosal lining and is caused by long term, regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , excessive alcohol use, and physiological stress. Nonerosive gastritis involves a variety of mechanisms which damage the mucous lining. It is caused primarily by infection of the stomach by Helicobacter pylori, but can also be caused by the inability to absorb B12 through the stomach, a condition called a pernicious anemia, or bile reflux disease.

Inflamed Stomach Lining What Causes This

Acute Gastritis (Stomach Inflammation) | Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Guest over a year ago


healthnfitnessguy112567 over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

over a year ago

In reply to anonymous on 2012-07-08 – click to read

Guest over a year ago

The cause is GMOs – Genetically modifed foods. Anything made with or containing corn, soy, canola, cottonseed oil, sugarbeets have been altered & are not natural anymore. They ad a virus, bacteria, foreign protein/gene to the plant. The process makes the plant an enemy to the body. It doesn’t recognize it as natural anymore and creates inflammation. Read the labels of everything. It might say corn starch, maltodextrin, soy lecithin, soybean oil, vegetable oil, corn syrup, etc. One of those offender is likely in bread, cookies, corn chips, corn tortillas, cake, mayonnaise, salad dressing, etc. Go to Youtube and look up “Genetic Roulette” by Jeffrey Smith. He explains what has been going on for 16 yrs. without our knowledge. Now the above mentioned crops are at 90% of all of them sold. It took some time to feel the pain, now EVERYONE has stomach/bowel issues. NO COINCIDENCE.

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What Are The Potential Complications From Gastritis

If your gastritis is left untreated, it can lead to stomach bleeding as well as ulcers. Certain forms of gastritis can increase your risk of developing stomach cancer, particularly in people with thinned stomach linings.

Because of these potential complications, its important to consult with your doctor if you experience any symptoms of gastritis, especially if theyre chronic.

What Is The Medical Term For Inflammation Of The Stomach And Small Intestine

3.9/5Gastritisinflammationstomachinflammationsmall intestine

Simply so, what is the medical term for intestinal inflammation?

IBD : A group of chronic intestinal diseases characterized by inflammation of the bowel — the large or small intestine. The most common types of inflammatory bowel disease are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Also Know, what causes Duodenitis? The most common cause of duodenitis is infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Another common cause is long-term use of NSAIDs . Less commonly, duodenitis occurs along with another health problem, such as Crohn’s disease.

Consequently, what causes inflammation in the stomach and intestines?

The most common cause of gastritis and duodenitis is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. Large amounts of the bacteria invading your stomach or small intestine can cause inflammation. H. pylori may be transferred from person to person, but exactly how is unclear.

How do you treat inflammation of the small intestine?

Anti-inflammatory drugs are often the first step in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Anti-inflammatories include corticosteroids and aminosalicylates, such as mesalamine , balsalazide and olsalazine .

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H Pylori Bacterial Infection

most common cause of gastritis worldwide. Many people first become infected during childhood, but not everyone experiences symptoms.

While H. pylori infection can cause both acute and chronic gastritis, it is not often associated with erosive gastritis.

Researchers think H. pylori spreads through infected food, water, salvia and other bodily fluids.

Abdominal Inflammation: Causes And Treatment

Gastritis â Inflammation of the stomach lining: symptoms ...

02 April, 2019

Abdominal inflammation can start out as just an annoying condition. But if it goes on, it can lead to more serious issues, like irritable bowel syndrome. Thats just one of the things could be causing your swollen belly, the list is long. This is why experts say its vital for you to know how to spot symptoms and figure out whats wrong.

Below, were going to talk about a few of the most common causes of abdominal inflammation. Well also tell you how to treat it, and how to prevent more major health risks.

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Gastric Polyps Or Tumors

Gastric polyps are growths that form in the lining of the stomach. They do not usually cause symptoms, but when they do, these can include:

  • Anemia
  • In rarer cases, bleeding

Most gastric polyps are benign, meaning non-cancerous, but some can develop into gastric cancers.

Seeking medical advice from a doctor is advisable if any of the symptoms of chronic or acute gastritis are experienced.

Good to know: The chance of developing cancer from gastritis or atrophic gastritis is low. However, a gastric cancer screening is recommended for people diagnosed with atrophic gastritis at regular intervals. These gaps between screenings will likely be between every one and three years depending on a doctorâs recommendations.

Other effective ways of lowering the chances of gastric cancer include:

  • A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables
  • A diet low in highly processed foods containing lots of salt and hydrogenated fats
  • Avoiding red meats, especially processed, smoked ones containing high levels of nitrate salts and/or nitrite
  • Leading a smoke and nicotine free lifestyle
  • Drinking alcohol only in moderate amounts

Damage To The Stomach

Physical trauma or damage to the stomach lining can lead to gastritis. For example, a person who has undergone surgery to remove part of their stomach may develop postgastrectomy gastritis, which causes the lining to degenerate.

The mechanisms behind this issue are still unclear, but postgastrectomy gastritis may stem from increased acid reflux, reactions from the vagal nerve, or a reduction in the number of acids triggered by hormones.

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How Is It Gastritis Treated

Treatment is directed at the cause of the inflammation. Irritating medications may be stopped. If H. pylori infection is diagnosed, antibiotic therapy will be prescribed.

Medications may be used to decrease the levels of acid in the stomach this can improve your symptoms and create an environment in which the stomach tissue is more likely to heal. Medications include those that reduce the production of stomach acid , and/or neutralize the acid already present in the stomach .

Who Might Get Gastritis

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Your risk of developing gastritis goes up with age. Older adults have thinner stomach linings, decreased circulation and a slower metabolism of mucosal repair. Older adults are also more likely to be on medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can cause gastritis. About two-thirds of the world’s population is infected with H. pylori. Fortunately, it is less common in the United States. In the United States, H. pylori is found more often in older adults and lower socioeconomic groups.

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Gastritis: Causes And Risk Factors

Gastritis occurs when the protective mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged. These can be substances that irritate the stomach or factors that stimulate an overproduction of corrosive stomach acid.

Triggers for acute gastritis are, for example:

  • excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Food poisoning by bacteria such as staphylococci or salmonella
  • mechanical irritation, for example by a stomach tube or other foreign bodies
  • Burns caused by acids or alkalis
  • physical stress such as during long-term respiration, craniocerebral trauma, burns, brain diseases, major surgery, shock
  • Competitive sports

If bacteria such as staphylococci or salmonella are the cause, gastritis can be contagious. The pathogens are then excreted with the stool, and other people can become infected, for example by sharing a toilet.

The stomach is a hollow muscle and lined inside with a mucous membrane. It protects the body from gastric acid, so to say for a non medical audience. For digestion, food and gastric acid are mixed together in the stomach and transported further towards the intestines by muscle work.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Gastritis

Symptoms of gastritis do not always correspond to the extent of physical changes in the lining of the stomach.

  • The stomach lining can be examined with an endoscope, a thin probe with a tiny camera at the end that can be inserted through the mouth into the stomach.
  • Severe gastritis may be present when the stomach is viewed without any symptoms being present.
  • Conversely, severe gastritis symptoms may be present despite only minor changes in the stomach lining.
  • Elderly people in particular have a much higher likelihood of developing painless stomach damage. They may have no symptoms at all until they are suddenly taken ill with bleeding.

In people who have gastritis symptoms, pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen are the most common symptoms.

  • The pain is usually in the upper central portion of the abdomen .
  • Sometimes gastritis pain occurs in the left upper portion of the abdomen and in the back. The pain seems to “go right straight through.”
  • People often use the terms burning, aching, gnawing, or soreness to describe the pain. Usually, a vague sense of discomfort is present, but the pain may be sharp, stabbing, or cutting.

Other symptoms of gastritis include the following:

In more severe gastritis, bleeding may occur inside the stomach. Erosive gastritis causes an erosion of the gastric mucosa leading to bleeding.

Any of the following symptoms can be seen as well as those already mentioned.

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What Are The Complications Of Gastritis

If left untreated, gastritis can lead to serious problems, such as:

  • Anemia:H. pylori can cause gastritis or stomach ulcers .that bleed, thereby lowering your red blood counts .
  • Pernicious anemia: Autoimmune gastritis can affect how your body absorbs vitamin B12. Youre at risk of pernicious anemia when you dont get enough B12 to make healthy red blood cells.
  • Peritonitis: Gastritis can worsen stomach ulcers. Ulcers that break through the stomach wall can spill stomach contents into the abdomen. This rupture can spread bacteria, causing a dangerous infection called bacterial transloction or peritonitis. It also can lead to a widespread inflammation called . Sepsis can be fatal.
  • Stomach cancer: Gastritis caused by H. pylori and autoimmune disease can cause growths in the stomach lining. These growths increase your risk of stomach cancer.

Symptoms Of Type A Autoimmune Chronic Gastritis

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Pain may not be in the foreground in people with autoimmune chronic gastritis and most will not experience pain as strongly as those with chronic gastritis caused by H. pylori or NSAIDs.

Some people with autoimmune chronic gastritis may experience a full feeling in the upper abdomen after eating, feel nauseous or vomit.

The main resulting condition from autoimmune chronic gastritis is pernicious anemia, caused by a lack of vitamin B12, due to problems with vitamin B12 absorption due to the effects of the gastritis. It may also lead to iron deficiency anemia or other conditions, though.

Symptoms of pernicious anemia may include:

  • Diarrhea

Read more about Anemia ».

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What Are The Treatments For Gastritis

If you have indigestion and stomach pain, you can try treating this yourself with changes to your diet and lifestyle as follows:

If you think the cause of your gastritis is repeated use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , try switching to a different painkiller that isn’t in the NSAID class, such as paracetamol. You may want to talk with your GP about this.

What Is Inflammation In Stomach

Inflammation in the stomach is also known as gastritis. Gastritis is a condition that occurs when the stomach is inflamed or swollen . It is a relatively clear pathology. However, the term is often abused to explain some symptoms of the digestive system, such as heartburn and indigestion. Actually, gastritis may not cause clinical symptoms at all. According to medical experts, gastritis is a consequence of irritation of the mucosa by exogenous or endogenous factors such as toxicity, infection, and immune disorders. The mucosa is the innermost layer of the stomach that is composed of three layers, including the epithelial layer, the cushion, and the mantle. Depending on the study in the world, the rate of acute inflammation in the stomach in the population is eight per 1000 people.

The disease is not dangerous and may quickly turn better after treatment. However, in some cases, gastritis may lead to stomach ulcers or increase the risk of cancer. Inflammation in the stomach may occur suddenly or prolonged . Each group has its own characteristics. In fact, through daily medical examination and treatment, physicians encounter mainly chronic gastritis. This condition increases with age and accounts for 40-70% of gastric diseases.

  • Acute Gastritis
  • Chronic Gastritis

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