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What Causes Cramps In Woman Stomach

Pain Around The Belly Button

What causes stomach cramps with negative pregnancy test? – Dr. Mamatha Reddy YV

If you experience pain around the belly button it could be one of the following:

Early appendicitis

Inflammation of the appendix is often initially felt around the belly button. It may come and go and gradually move to the right side. It gets more severe over 24 hours and is worse on movement. You may feel nauseated, have slight loose stools and a temperature. Surgery is often required to remove an inflamed appendix so dont wait at home if you think this may be the diagnosis.

Stomach ulcers

Conditions of the stomach lining such as inflammation or ulcers may be felt in the centre of your abdomen. The pain is often burning in nature. Nausea, indigestion, belching and even vomiting are common. Blood in the vomit or black, tar-like stools are worrying signs and need urgent assessment. Treatment to stop acid production and ease pain are required so see your doctor.

Heart Attack Or Angina

Although heart attacks or angina can cause pressing heavy discomfort in your left chest, the symptoms can also be similar to heartburn. However, heart attack chest pain usually radiates to your left arm, neck, shoulder, and jaw.

Dr. Melissa Conrad Stöppler on MedicineNet says that heart attack symptoms also cause abdominal pain. For example, many people report that before their heart attack they felt a pain like something heavy pressing on the middle of the upper abdomen.12

To keep your heart healthy, you should make positive lifestyle changes like getting physically active and eating healthily.

Treatment Of Cramps After Menopause

Fortunately, its possible to overcome pain. The treatment will be prescribed according to the reasons and the current state of a patient. Lets review the most efficacious measures to handle a menopause cramp:

  • Progestin therapy. Its effective against endometrial hyperplasia. The methods of administration are various injection, cream, pills, etc.
  • Dilation and curettage surgery. This form of curing is applied when certain parts of the undesired growths are too thick and thus, induce a menopause cramp
  • Hysterectomy. This is another form of surgery but it has other goals. Its against cancer fibroids. A part or even the entire womb may be fully removed.

There are some other forms of therapies. They are also dependent on the causes of the pain. At times, certain home remedies can be useful too. They are applied from the permission of a doctor. Commonly, they are useful if the cramps after menopause are not too serious and painful. For example, ibuprofen and such-like drugs are quite effective. Another simple and smart way is to use a bottle of hot water or a heat pack. Some light exercise may help too . The maintenance of bowel movements is vital for such situations.

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When Should You Call Your Health Care Provider

While some pain or achiness is normal, severe abdominal pain or cramps could be a sign of a serious problem. Many conditions can cause this type of pain, like ectopic pregnancy, urinary tract infection or preterm labor .

Contact your provider if you have:

  • Severe pain
  • Lightheadedness or faintness

Last reviewed: December, 2013

Some short-term pain in the belly is normal during pregnancy. But severe cramping or pain never is. Call your health care provider when you show signs of severe pain.

Abdominal Pain Examination And Investigations

7 Common Causes Of Abdominal Cramps

Your doctor will have a good idea as to what might be causing your pain after listening to your description and asking questions. They will usually examine your abdomen too to see if there is any pain on pressing on certain areas of your tummy and to check for any lumps.

They may be able to give you a diagnosis and recommend treatment but if any further clarification is needed then further tests will be arranged. These will vary according to what condition is suspected but may involve:

  • Taking urine, stool or blood samples
  • Taking vaginal swabs
  • Arranging a scan of your abdomen
  • Possibly referring you to a specialist

It can be a tricky business figuring out exactly what the cause of lower abdominal pain is so do make an appointment if you are concerned and always go back to your doctor if your symptoms arent resolving.

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Can Stomachaches Be Prevented

Not all belly pain can be prevented. But to help avoid common types of stomachaches:

  • Wash your hands before eating or preparing food, and after using the bathroom.
  • Don’t overeat, and try not to eat right before going to sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to keep food moving through your digestive system.
  • Avoid foods that have passed their expiration date or or weren’t stored properly.
  • If you have a food allergy or intolerance, avoid eating foods that make you sick. If you have a food allergy, always carry two epinephrine auto-injectors, and know when you should use them.

Meaning Of Nausea And Stomach Cramps

Both nausea and stomach cramps are symptoms. It occurs with several different diseases. Nausea is a sensation of wanting to vomit although a person may not always vomit even with intense nausea. Sometimes vague digestive symptoms are also described as nausea. Stomach cramps is a muscular type of pain that is felt in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, including under pain under the left ribcage. However, many people refer to the entire abdomen as the stomach so stomach cramps could therefore refer to abdominal cramps.

A problem in the upper digestive tract usually gives rise to nausea and stomach cramps. However, it is not uncommon for disorders or diseases in other organs within the area of the stomach to also cause similar symptoms. Apart from diseases of the digestive or abdominal organs, both nausea and stomach cramps may also occur with anxiety and therefore be seen with related mental health disorders. Sometimes severe hunger can also cause nausea and stomach cramps, that are usually referred to as hunger pangs.

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Lower Abdominal Pain In Women: 15 Possible Causes And Treatments

Lower abdominal pain can indicate a series of problems. Read our guide to work out what might be causing your pain.

Lower abdominal pain in women generally refers to pain, discomfort or cramps below the belly button. From appendicitis to period cramps, there are a number of potential causes for lower abdominal pain in women and the right treatment depends on the correct diagnosis.

Dr Juliet McGrattan looks at 15 possible causes of lower abdominal pain in women, so you know when to reach for the hot water bottle or when to call your doctor:

Diagnosing Cramps With No Period

What does nausea, cramps with white discharge indicates in young women? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Always call a doctor if you have cramps that wonât go away, whether or not you have your period.

Your doctor will want to know if your pain is sudden or ongoing. The more details you can give, the faster they may be able to diagnose and treat you. Youâll be asked questions about your symptoms and your periods.

Your doctor may do tests or procedures to learn the cause of your cramps. If your doctor suspects it is related to your uterus, or ovaries, common tests are:

  • Pelvic exam

  • Ultrasound

  • Laparoscopy, a type of exploratory surgery to look at the structures inside your pelvic area, including your uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

Your doctor may refer you to someone who specialize in stomach or intestinal disorders or a urologist if they suspect that cramps are caused by any of those areas .

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Diagnosing Lower Abdominal Pain In Women

When a woman experiences lower abdominal pain and goes to the doctor, she will be asked a series of questions about her period, urination habits, and bowel movements. She will also be asked to describe her general health and any symptoms that might seem unrelated, such as fever or fatigue. In some cases, the doctor may deem it appropriate to ask a woman about her family, career, and sex life.

Once the initial chat with the doctor is complete, a physical exam will take place. The doctor will check the abdomen and may even conduct an internal examination. Often physicians will ask for a urine sample, which can detect infection. In cases where a woman mentions vaginal discharge, the doctor may take a vaginal swab.

Here are some other possible tests:

  • Gynaecologicalâ This could include swabs, cervical smears, or pelvic ultrasounds. Special blood tests for ovarian cancer can also be performed.
  • Endoscopic examâ An examination of the bowel may occur if a colonic cause is suspected.
  • CT scanâ This is a computerized topography scan that can detect abdominal abnormalities.
  • Ultrasoundâ Can investigate urinary causes

Diagnosis Of Menopausal Cramps

Doctors have various methods to use to diagnose the root cause of menopausal cramps. The first step will likely be a pelvic exam to ensure that the uterus and surrounding area appear normal. Next, a doctor may send you for an imaging test, including CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasounds, or an Ultrasound procedure. All of the aforementioned tests are safe and will help your doctor to diagnose the cause of your menopausal cramps. The tests are discussed in more detail below.

  • CT Scan. A CT scan is a detailed imaging test that produces images of any part of the body. CT scans provide doctors with more detail about internal organs. For example, they can provide a clear, detailed picture of bones, muscles, fat, organs, and blood vessels. Some CT scans may require a special dyeing agent , which can be given either orally or through an IV.
  • MRI. An MRI scan uses magnets and radio waves to produce sharp, detailed images of the body. During an MRI scan, you will likely be lying down flat on a table inside of a tube-like structure the MRI scanner may be loud as it scans your body and produces images. Although some people may feel claustrophobic during an MRI scan, its best to speak with your doctor to manage your concerns.

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Common Causes Of Abdominal Cramps

You are getting through your day which seems fine, and then you are suddenly hit with abdominal cramps. Alternatively, you wake up with a dull ache low down that gradually gets worse through the day. While you may consider taking painkillers to help get rid of the pain, you are just treating the symptoms. It is important to get to the bottom of the reason for your cramps.

Abdominal pain and cramps can occur for all types of reasons. We often push them off as that time of the month but there could be something else happening. If the cramping persists, you may want to speak to a doctor to find the exact cause of them.

There are seven highly common reasons why we suffer from cramping in the abdomen. Here they are to help you determine if they are the reason you are getting cramps.

What Is Definition Of Menopause

Your Guide to Pregnancy Abdominal Cramps ...

Menopause is a natural biological process that every woman experiences. It marks the end of a womans reproductive years through the cessation of menstruation. Menopause is a common and healthy part of growing older. Most often, women experience the menopausal transition between the ages of 45 to 55 years old. A woman is considered to enter menopause when she has not had a period for 12 consecutive months. There are three stages of the menopause journey:

  • Perimenopause. This stage can begin several years before a womans last period. A host of symptoms, such as irregular periods and hot flashes, can occur. Perimenopause may last anywhere from 2 to 5 years.
  • Menopause. This stage happens one year after a womans last menstrual period, which usually happens in your 40s or 50s. Menopause may last anywhere from 7 to 14 years.
  • Post-Menopause. This stage is after menopause, which can leave women more susceptible to osteoporosis or heart disease.

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What Causes Abdominal Cramping

Abdominal cramping is a painful condition caused by contractions of the muscles in and around the abdomen. The pain can be acute and sudden or chronic and gradual. Though most cases are caused by minor illnesses, severe cramping can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition. Mild to moderate abdominal discomfort is generally a symptom of digestive problems or menstruation, but more severe pain may be caused by cancer, inflammation of an organ, or pregnancy-related disorders.

Digestive Conditions

Many cases of abdominal cramping are caused by things like diarrhea, food poisoning, constipation, lactose intolerance, or excessive gas. More serious problems with the digestive system such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome , ulcers, diverticular disease, bowel obstructions, or hernias may also cause cramps. Inflammation of the pancreas, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis frequently cause abdominal discomfort as well.

Women-Specific Disorders

Referred Pain

Less Frequent Causes

Treating Abdominal Cramps

Nausea With Stomach Cramps Meaning And Causes

Posted by Dr. Chris

Nausea and stomach cramps, whether they occur together or separately, are common symptoms that every person experiences at some point in life. It is usually acute, meaning that it may be intense but it is short lived and often resolves without medical treatment. The causes in these acute cases are usually not serious. Most of the times it occurs with digestive problems but nausea and stomach cramps can be related to kidney, gynecological and even mental health conditions.

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Symptoms Related To Cramping After Menopause

When you are in perimenopause, or menstrual flow gradually decreases, you may still have symptoms such as cramping and bleeding. These are all signs that your menstrual period is not completely over.

Once your doctor tells you that you have officially entered menopause and your periods have stopped, your cramps are likely a sign of something else. Along with the cramps, you may have the below symptoms:

  • Bleeding, possibly hemorrhage
  • Stomach upset accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Unexpected weight loss or gain

Youd better discuss your medical history and symptoms with your doctor to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome/crohns Disease/etc

Fishy Discharge And Cramps What Causes Fishy Discharge And Cramps In Women

IBS is one of the most common reasons for getting stomach cramps. However, you may have something more seriously wrong with your digestive system, such as Crohns disease. While there are some similarities, Crohns disease is considered an autoimmune disorder and much harder to deal with by many doctors.

IBS, Crohns disease, and other digestive complaints are often linked to the food that you eat. Your digestive system houses most of your immune system. It iseasy for the immune system to see something within the food that it incorrectly views as dangerous. The immune system attacks, causing inflammation within the body.

This is highly common with wheat, gluten, and dairy. However, other foods and ingredients may cause problems.

You may be surprised to hear that gluten tends to be included in a lot of unsuspecting foods, especially if you buy processed. Sausages are often the most surprising ingredients with gluten in them! You should always check thepackaging to make sure you are not accidentally eating gluten if your body cannot handle it.

A high fiber diet can also be a problem. You may get some digestive upsets if you have suddenly changed your diet, too

You can also suffer from some bowel discomforts, especially with the likes of IBS. Your body is not able to process all the food correctly, causing trapped wind, constipation or loose stools.

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How Do You Treat Stomach Cramps

Treating stomach cramps depends on the underlying cause of the problem. If your doctor diagnoses a condition such as IBS or IBD, he or she may prescribe medications. Stomach cramping related to a viral infection will resolve as the infection clears. For causes like appendicitis, surgery may be necessary. Otherwise, everyday stomach cramps due to , gas, constipation, or other stomach upset may respond to over-the-counter medicines.

Stomach Cramps With Bloating

Stomach cramps with bloating are often caused by trapped wind, or constipation. This is a very common problem that can be embarrassing, but is easily dealt with. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend a product, which can be bought over the counter to treat the problem. If problems persist, you should see your GP.

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Why Does My Stomach Hurt

There are numerous reasons for abdominal pain. It can come from any of the organs in your belly gallbladder, pancreas, liver, stomach and intestines or the abdominal wall the outer shell of the body. Sometimes you feel the pain in your belly, but its actually coming from the chest, back or pelvis.

Abdominal wall pain is common and easy to miss as healthcare professionals may direct their attention to internal organs as a cause of the pain. Once the abdominal wall is considered as a suspect, it is generally easy to nail down this diagnosis. If a patient strains the ab wall muscles from exertion, he may tell his doctor that he has right sided stomach pain. Clearly, this pain is not caused by a diseased internal organ such as the gallbladder or the stomach.

Healthcare providers can often determine where pain is coming from by taking a detailed history from you. Depending upon the physicians style, you may be simply asked to relate your medical story in your own words as a narrative. Other physicians may prefer to ask a series of detailed questions. Others may utilize both techniques. This medical history is paramount, even more important than the physical examination. After the history and physical, certain diagnostic tests may be advised to make an accurate diagnosis.

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