Thursday, April 18, 2024

What Causes My Stomach To Burn

When To See A Doctor

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Its a good idea to see your doctor if your stomach discomfort lasts for more than a few days.

Your physician might ask about your symptoms and perform a physical exam or X-ray. In some cases, an endoscopy, a procedure that lets your doctor look inside your stomach with a tube and small camera, is done to find a cause.

A breath or stool test is typically given to diagnose an H. pylori infection.

You should seek immediate medical help if you experience burning stomach pain along with other serious symptoms, including:

  • black, bloody, or tarry stools
  • severe abdominal pain

Treatment options depend on whats causing your stomach to burn.

Causes Of Burning Sensation In Stomach

Many conditions can contribute to a burning sensation in the stomach. Medical history and current symptoms are important elements which physicians use to determine what is causing this painful symptom. Here are some of the most common reasons for a burning sensation in the stomach.

Gastritis – When an irritated, damaged, or inflamed area in the lining of the stomach is exposed to gastric juices, gastritis can develop. Pain from gastritis varies in individuals but the most common reported symptoms include the following:

  • A burning feeling in the stomach after meals or when lying down.
  • Nausea
  • Hiccups
  • A loss of appetite

H. pylori bacteria cause a form of gastritis that resembles heartburn. Pernicious anemia, smoking, heavy use of alcohol, food intolerance or food allergy, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and other underlying health conditions can also result in gastritis.

To diagnose gastritis, the physician may recommend an additional test called an endoscopy. For an upper endoscopy, the physician inserts a thin, flexible tube that contains a small camera through the patient’s mouth or nose to advance the tube to the patient’s stomach. The endoscopy allows the physician to check the lining of the esophagus and stomach for inflammation and obtain a tissue sample if needed, which would help to determine the underlying cause of burning sensation in stomach.

Known factors that contribute to the development of GERD include the following:

What Should I Do If I Suspect Indigestion Or A Stomach Ulcer

The first step you should take if you think you may have chronic indigestion or a stomach ulcer is make an appointment with Prima Medicine. Our goal is to provide you with relief from the unpleasant symptoms that both conditions can cause as well as keep you healthy by working to prevent further complications.

To arrive at a diagnosis, your Prima Medicine team member will evaluate your medical history and symptoms and conduct a comprehensive physical exam. Your provider may also order a stool test, breath test, and blood work.

Your provider may also order an endoscopy, in which a flexible tube is inserted through your throat, down your esophagus, and into your stomach to take images and samples. Once your diagnosis is confirmed, your Prima Medicine provider will work with you to create a customized plan to treat your indigestion or ulcer issues.

If youre suffering from chronic indigestion or the symptoms of a stomach ulcer, we can help get you well. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Prima Medicine today. We can also schedule telehealth appointments.

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Managing Burning Pain In Stomach

Certain conditions can be serious and should be evaluated in time. Ulcers can perforate and create a medical emergency. Other causes, too, can worsen, if not treated properly.

Your physician may order investigations like imaging studies, barium studies and endoscopies to find the exact cause of burning pain in stomach. Appropriate treatment may be decided accordingly.

A diet, which includes bland foods like rice, crackers, water and eliminates spicy foods, stimulants, fermented and citrus foods may be advised.

Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: April 8, 2019

What Causes Burning Sensations In Your Stomach

Symptoms of Common Stomach and Digestive Problems

Painful burning sensations in your stomach can be caused by more than just a bad reaction to food. While diet is a major factor, that hot feeling in your stomach can also be a sign of digestive problems like gastritis, food allergies, or gastroesophageal reflux disease . Stomach burning can also be caused by infections, the overuse of antibiotics, chlorinated water, and even emotional stress.

To understand what causes that burning sensation in your stomach, you need to understand how the stomach works. The stomach looks like the letter J and is located in the abdominal cavity below the esophagus and above the intestines.

The two primary functions of the stomach are to receive and to store food. To help the body digest the food, your stomach secretes enzymes and acids that break down the food. Food in your stomach that isnt properly digested can result in indigestion and heartburn.

Here is a list of the top conditions that can cause that unwanted, burning sensation in your stomach:

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When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider

Indigestion can be a sign of a serious health problem. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have indigestion and any of these symptoms:

  • Frequent vomiting
  • Weight loss or not feeling hungry
  • Bloody, black, or tarry stools
  • Sudden sharp pain in your belly or abdomen
  • Trouble breathing
  • Pain that spreads to your jaw, neck, or arm
  • Difficult, painful swallowing
  • Yellow coloring of your eyes or skin

Also call your healthcare provider if you have indigestion that lasts longer than 2 weeks.

Burning Stomach How To Know When To Call The Doctor

Your tummys been giving you trouble and youre wondering if you have any other options than calling your doctor. The answer depends on whats causing your symptoms. Its important to consult a medical professional for chronic gastrointestinal conditions, but there are also lifestyle changes that can help.

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Treating Pain From Gas Or Indigestion

If your stomach burning is due to indigestion or gas caused by something you ate, the pain will pass in time, but there are a few things you can do to alleviate it.

“There is a class of herbs called carminatives, which dispel gas and ease abdominal bloating, such as fennel, anise, caraway, cardamom, peppermint and ginger, to name just a few,” Dr. Low Dog says.

For acute stomach burning, Shanta Retelny offers this advice: “Sometimes not consuming anything or just sipping plain water is best.”

Treatments Of Burning Sensation In Stomach

Acute Gastritis (Stomach Inflammation) | Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

The treatment is based on the patient’s medical history and current symptoms. Blood test, endoscopies, upper gastrointestinal x-rays, and other procedures help rule out serious underlying medical diseases. Swift treatment of the symptoms can help to prevent potential long-term medical complications.

  • Medications – Antacids are the first medical line of treatment to control the amount of acid. If antacids are not effective, then the physician will prescribe H2 blockers, like Tagament, Zantac, and Pepcid. These medications work to reduce the production of stomach acid. If gastritis is believed to be a result of H. pylori bacteria, the physician will prescribe antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection.
  • Diet – Avoiding foods that irritate the stomach such as spicy foods, tomato-based foods, citrus foods, chocolate, coffee, mint, garlic and onions may help reduce heartburn symptoms. Snacking on bland foods like crackers, corn, and rice can also help reduce reflux.
  • Emotion regulation – Learning to manage stress with techniques like yoga, deep breathing, prayer and meditation can help the person relax his or her body and decrease the build-up of stomach acid.
  • Change of lifestyle – Losing weight may reduce burning sensations in the stomach in overweight or obese individuals by reducing the pressure on the esophageal sphincter. Regular exercise, eliminating cigarette smoking and reducing alcohol intake also help to improve digestive health.

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Why Does A Burning Sensation In Stomach Occur

Burning sensation in stomach often occurs due to indigestion that may lead to problems such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease .

Burning in stomach happens due to the reverse motion of stomach acid into your food pipeline known as the esophagus.

According to the latest research regarding GERD on the JAMA Network in 2021, it was found that lifestyle changes including these 5 factors can help cure Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease :

  • Prudent diet
  • Daily 30 minute physical activity
  • Limiting the consumption of coffee, soda and tea to 2 cups per day
  • Normal weight

The food and fluids produce stomach acid we consume regularly. A valve called lower Esophageal Sphincter directs the food in the stomach.

Acid reflux occurs when this valve is unable to restrict the food from re-entering the esophagus, causing a burning sensation followed by other symptoms. The weakening of this sphincter might be a result of overeating, stress, obesity, pregnancy, etc.

You might also face other associative problems like trouble in swallowing your food, chest pain, chronic cough, digestive issues, belching, vomiting, etc.

Consumption of certain unhealthy dietary supplements can worsen the burning in stomach and leave you with an unpleasant and sick feeling.

If you dont go to a gastroenterologist on time, this unusual stomach burning gradually tends to extend from your stomach to your chest making you feel terrible. Therefore, it is important to soothe these burning sensations before it gets worse.

Tea For Burning Stomach

Why This Works

Herbal teas can calm the stomach and have anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, they may help in soothing the burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus , .

You Will Need
What You Have To Do
  • Steep the green/licorice/ginger tea bag in hot water for a few minutes.
  • Remove the bag and drink this tea.
  • How Often You Should Do This

    Have a cup or two in the day to keep acid reflux at bay.

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    Causes Of A Burning Sensation

    One of the most common reasons for burning pain is damage or dysfunction in the nervous system. This system is made up of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system .

    The CNS is the primary command center and includes your brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists of the nerves that branch out from your brain and spine, connecting the rest of your body to the CNS.

    Several different types of nerve and spine conditions may cause burning pain as a symptom:

    Accidents, injuries, and traumas are other possible causes of burning sensations:

    • Frostbite occurs when your skin and the tissue under it freeze. Before numbness sets in, frostbite produces a burning sensation.
    • Stings and bites from insects or animals that are venomous, such as snakes, produce a burning sensation at the affected area.
    • Whiplash is an injury that occurs when your head moves back and forth very suddenly with great force. The injury is most common after a car accident. Whiplash can cause burning pain and stiffness in your neck.

    Certain nutritional deficiencies can also include burning pain as a symptom:

    • Beriberi is a deficiency in thiamine, or vitamin B1.
    • Hypoparathyroidism is a rare disease characterized by an underproduction of the parathyroid hormone, a hormone produced by glands in your neck. Hypoparathyroidism can lead to a calcium deficiency.
    • Megaloblastic anemia may be related to a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.
    • Pernicious anemia causes a vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Why Does My Stomach Hurt After I Eat

    Home Remedies for a Burning Sensation in Your Stomach

    Indigestion is when you have an uncomfortable feeling in the upper part of your stomach area, which may sometimes feel like a burning pain. You may also feel really full, or sometimes might feel nauseous. Indigestion is often accompanied by heartburn a burning sensation around your chest area, due to stomach acid rising up into your oesophagus .

    Both heartburn and indigestion are common. While its not always clear what causes them, many people find that certain types of food including spicy foods can trigger symptoms.

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    Stomach Burning After Drinking Alcohol

    Like food, drinking alcohol can cause a burning sensation in the stomach, too. Burning sensation after alcohol is often a result of binge drinking. Chronic alcohol consumption can change the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract, causing a stomach ache after drinking alcohol.

    Alcohol causes a burning stomach because the chemicals in alcohol are rapidly metabolized in the body. When this occurs, a reactive oxygen species cause oxidative stress to the cells and tissues along the gastrointestinal tract.

    Possible causes of stomach pain after drinking alcohol include:

    • Binge drinking
    • Shrinking of the gastric lining due to alcoholism
    • Chronic alcohol consumption
    • Inflammation of the pancreas due to alcohol consumption
    • Gallbladder disease triggered by the alcohol
    • Liver damage resulting from alcohol consumption

    How You Can Avoid A Burning Sensation In Your Stomach

    There are numerous reasons why you may suffer from a burning feeling in your stomach. The question is, how do you treat that burning feeling? It all depends on the cause. Most stomach issues, while painful, are non-life-threatening. Treatments can include dieting, exercise, natural remedies, medication, and other lifestyle changes.

    On the other hand, a burning sensation in the stomach can be symptomatic of something much more serious. Its important that we understand what our bodies are telling us and to recognize whether the symptoms are severe enough to call a doctor.

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    Other Causes Of Stomach Burning

    If you’re feeling the burn daily, your stomach issues could indicate an underlying condition. Dyspepsia, GERD and other digestion-related medical diagnoses can cause painful burning sensations. Burning from dyspepsia occurs at the top of your stomach, says NIDDK, while people with GERD feel that burning sensation in the middle of their chest, the Institute adds.

    Dyspepsia is a type of chronic indigestion that isn’t caused by an ulcer. According to the Mayo Clinic, its cause is unclear, but factors such as age and anxiety or depression could raise your risk.

    If GERD is the culprit, the burning you feel comes from acid and food that sometimes bubbles back up into your esophagus from your stomach. According to the National Institutes of Health, GERD affects about 20 percent of Americans at some point in their lives.

    Dyspepsia and GERD “can be brought on by stress, lack of sleep and poor eating habits,” says Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN, a Chicago-based dietitian-nutritionist. “Foods that are highly processed and contain a lot of saturated fat, sodium and sugar can wreak havoc on your gastrointestinal tract over the long term.”

    ââ¬â¹Read more:ââ¬â¹ GERD: Its Signs and Symptoms

    What Is Indigestion And What Is An Ulcer

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    A lesion or sore that develops on the lining of your stomach or in the first part of your small intestine is called an ulcer. Ulcers are usually caused by the bacterium H. pylori or by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen. A lesion can get aggravated by your stomach acid and causes pain and other symptoms.

    Indigestion or dyspepsia, on the other hand, describes a chronic or recurring pain in your upper abdomen. Indigestion can be caused by many things, including stress, eating too much, taking certain medications, or having an underlying condition, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease or gallbladder disease.

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    Bloating And Burning In The Stomach: Symptoms Causes And Treatment

    The feeling of burning, gnawing, full, or uncomfortable sensation in your stomach during or after a meal isnt very unfamiliar. This may be accompanied by feeling bloated, along with burping and gassiness. Generally, such occurrence of indigestion or dyspepsia is intermittent. However, this condition of functional dyspepsia is commonly long-lasting and indicative of an underlying gastrointestinal or lifestyle problem. Several things can cause burning and bloating in your stomach, but thankfully, these can be identified and there are ways to treat them.

    What are the symptoms that you may be experiencing?

    • Bloating
    • Cramping in the abdominal area
    • Burping
    • Growling and burning sensation in your stomach
    • An uncomfortable fullness after or even during your meal
    • Pain in your belly
    • A bitter, acidic taste in your mouth
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

    These symptoms may be worsened by stress or anxiety. You may also experience indigestion with acidity or heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest due to stomach acids rising up your oesophagus.

    What causes discomfort in your stomach?


    Excessive acidity in your stomach can cause inflammation of your stomach lining. This leads to the sensation of burning in the stomach. You may also feel:

    • An uncomfortable fullness in the stomach after meals.
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

    2.Gastroesophageal reflux disease / Acid reflux

    Stomach acids flowing up the food pipe to your oesophagus is called acid reflux or GERD. During reflux, you may feel:

    • Diarrhoea

    Milk For Stomach Burning

    Why This Works

    Cold milk can neutralize the gastric acids in the stomach. Thus, it can restore the natural acid balance in the stomach, reduce acid reflux, and relieve the burning sensation caused by it .


    If you are lactose and casein sensitive, please avoid using this remedy.

    You Will Need

    A glass of cold milk

    What You Have To Do

    Drink this after your meal.

    How Often You Should Do This

    Have cold milk after your meals to avoid or soothe acidity problems.

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    What Causes Burning In Stomach

    Burning sensation in stomach often occurs due to indigestion or dyspepsia and may lead to problems such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease .

    Burning in stomach happens because of the reverse motion of stomach acid into your food pipeline known as the esophagus.

    The food and fluids produce stomach acid we consume regularly. A valve called the lower Esophageal Sphincter directs the food in the stomach.

    Acid reflux occurs when this valve is unable to restrict the food from re-entering the esophagus, causing a burning sensation followed by other symptoms. The weakening of this sphincter might be a result of overeating, stress, obesity, pregnancy, etc.

    You might also face other associative problems like:

    • Trouble swallowing your food
    • Digestive issues

    Burning in stomach may also happen due to a stomach ulcer or a gastric ulcer.

    Consumption of certain unhealthy dietary supplements can worsen the burning in stomach and leave you with an unpleasant and sick feeling. Moreover, stomach burning may be an early sign of a serious underlying condition like gastritis.

    Here is a tweet by Dr. Javid Iqbal sharing from his experience what you should do if this is a recurring problem you are facing:

    if you have frequent stomach burning, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea you should be checked for #Gastritis and #Pepticulcer.

    Dr.Javid Iqbal

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