How Is It Treated
The most important thing to do is to rest the stomach and intestine. You can do this by not eating solid food for a while and drinking only clear liquids. As your symptoms go away, you can start eating soft bland foods that are easy to digest.
If you have been vomiting a lot, it is best to have only small, frequent sips of liquids. Drinking too much at once, even an ounce or two, may cause more vomiting.
Your choice of liquids is important. If water is the only liquid you can drink without vomiting, that is OK. However, if you have been vomiting often or for a long time, you must replace the minerals, sodium and potassium, that are lost when you vomit. Ask your healthcare provider what sport drinks or other rehydration drinks could help you replace these minerals.
Other clear liquids you can drink are weak tea and apple juice. You may also drink soft drinks without caffeine after letting them go flat . It may be easier to keep down liquids that are cold. Avoid liquids that are acidic or caffeinated or have a lot of carbonation. Do not drink milk until you no longer have diarrhea.
Sometimes treatment includes prescription medicine to prevent nausea and vomiting or diarrhea.
Nonprescription medicine is available for the treatment of diarrhea and can be very effective. If you use it, make sure you use only the dose recommended on the package. If you have chronic health problems, always check with your healthcare provider before you use any medicine for diarrhea.
Remedies And Treatments For Bloating
Once a cause of bloating is established, the symptom can be treated. Depending on your doctorâs findings, he or she may suggest one of the following remedies for bloating:
Eating Slowly
Eating too quickly causes you to swallow more air, which can lead to gas and bloating. Eating slowly can help reduce bloating. Additionally, slowing your eating can make you feel full, faster, helping you avoid overeating, which can lead to bloating.
Changing Your Diet
If you notice a trend in certain foods causing you to bloat, try reducing or eliminating those foods from your diet. Foods that commonly cause bloating are wheat, beans, lentils, garlic, onions, and asparagus. Milk and dairy foods can also cause bloating, as some people have a hard time digesting a sugar they contain called lactose.
Antacids can reduce bloating by allowing gas to pass more easily through your digestive tract. Do note, however, that antacids are only effective for bloating caused by food.
Researchers have found that certain antidepressants can affect the way your body reacts to gas, keeping it from overreacting to its presence.
Less Fiber
Eating too much fiber is one of the most common reasons for bloating. Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, but it can cause a lot of gas in your digestive system because your body cannot digest it. The key with fiber is to eat it in moderation. Foods high in fiber include beans, lentils, broccoli, whole wheat, apples, berries, and quinoa.
When To Contact A Clinician
Persistent or severe abdominal pain, especially if unrelieved by vomiting or passing a bowel movement
Fever greater than 101 degrees F, not relieved by acetaminophen, or any fever that lasts more than three days
Vomiting or diarrhea without any improvement for more 24 hours
Blood in vomit or stools
No urination for more than 8 hours, or painful urination
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Chamomile Tea To Cure Stomach Pain
Chamomile tea is known to work as an anti-inflammatory along the digestive tract.
If your stomach pain is caused by gastritis or indigestion, a cup of chamomile can offer relief. It does this by relaxing muscles along the stomach and the esophagus, easing the contractions that push food along, and lessens any cramps or spasms you are experiencing.
- Place one teaspoon of dried chamomile in one cup of boiled water.
- Cover and allow to steep for 15 minutes.
- Strain tea and add lemon or honey for taste.
- Drink up to three cups daily
Drink Prune Juice To Relieve Stomach Pain
Stomach pain from constipation tends to radiate from the lower part of your abdomen and sometimes features a periodic shifting or gurgling feeling accompanied by a temporary spike in pain.
When constipation is your cause, consider a glass of prune juice or another type of laxative. If effective, you can expect to experience sudden relief.
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When To See A Doctor
Persistent stomach pain could be a sign that there is something more seriously wrong, and you should consider seeking medical attention. Continual vomiting, for example, could lead to other ailments like dehydration.
If you experience severe symptoms like consistent intense cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting blood, you should call your doctor. You should also consult the doctor if you consistently have issues with your stomach after eating certain foods or engaging in specific activities.
What Is The Best Thing To Drink If You Have A Stomach Virus
- Drink small sips of water, clear broth, sports drinks , or rehydration solutions. You can also try sucking on ice chips.
- Wait about 2 hours since your last episode of vomiting before you start fluids.
- Continue to drink sips of fluids to help prevent dehydration.
It is important to prevent dehydration which can easily happen with vomiting or diarrhea. Dehydration is a loss of body fluids like water and electrolytes. Symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, thirst, dizziness, confusion and dark yellow urine.
Babies and young children should receive an oral rehydration solution which you can buy without a prescription at the grocery store or pharmacy. Infants may usually continue to breastfeed, but check with your doctor for advice.
Dehydration can be especially dangerous or life-threatening in babies, small children, people with weak immune systems and the elderly. If dehydration is severe, you or your child may need to be given fluids through a vein .
Review: Dehydration in children
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Bland Carbohydrates May Be More Easily Tolerated
Bland carbohydrates like rice, oatmeal, crackers and toast are often recommended for people suffering from upset stomachs.
While this recommendation is common, there is little evidence to show that they actually help relieve symptoms.
However, many people report that these foods are easier to keep down when youre not feeling well .
While bland carbohydrates may be more palatable during an illness, its important to expand your diet again as soon as possible. Restricting your diet too much may keep you from getting enough of the vitamins and minerals your body needs in order to heal .
Many people with an upset stomach find bland carbohydrates easier to tolerate than other foods, but there is little evidence to show that they actually relieve symptoms.
Good Sense Gas Relief Ultra Strength
GoodSense is another well-known brand in the pharmaceuticals market. Their Gas Relief Ultra Strength medicine is known to quickly relieve gassiness, and target a few other symptoms such as pain and diarrhea at the same time.
What makes GoodSense Gas Relief Ultra Strength medicine a common choice among buyers is its price. Combining effectiveness, fast results, and a reasonable cost, buyers often opt for this medication as soon as they see it on a drugstores shelves.
However, dont let price dictate your purchasing behavior. It pays to consider that GoodSense Gas Relief Ultra Strength medicine doesnt work on everyone, with some users claiming that the medication did nothing for them. To avoid spending too much for medicine that wont do you good, try to purchase a few at a time and see how well your body responds to the formula.
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Manage Stress In Your Life
A nervous stomach could mean that youre simply in a nervous state. Are you undergoing a lot of stress lately? Do you have a big event, job interview, or nerve-wracking experience coming up? You could just be nervous about it, and it will pass.
If youre dealing with chronic stressful experiences and a lot of nervous stomach symptoms every day, on the other hand, finding time and ways to manage that stress is essential. Your nervous stomach could then subside.
Using Hot Water Bottles To Relieve Stomachache
Hot compresses can help soothe stomach pain. The word hot is used loosely here, since the desired level of heat will depend on both the level of pain and personal preference.
Fill the bottle or similar object with warm or hot water, place a cloth between it and your skin, and find a comfortable place to lie down.
- Place the hot water bottle, or a cloth soaked in hot water, on stomach for a five- to 10-minute treatment throughout the day.
- Take a warm shower or bath twice a day for 15- to 20-minute intervals.
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Home Remedies For Stomach Pain
Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.
Stabbing, throbbing, pulsing, or burning abdominal pains may be the sign of either minor or serious health conditions.
In most cases, relief can be found with all-natural home remedies for stomach pain.
The powerful yet nontoxic properties of many common kitchen products may help to alleviate the pain and other symptoms caused by gas, constipation, irritating foods, indigestion, food allergies, or viral infections.
Identifying the cause is the first step in knowing how to get relief from stomach pain.
In this article:
What Causes Stomach Pain After Eating
Last reviewed: Medically reviewed
All of Healthily’s articles undergo medical safety checks to verify that the information is medically safe. View more details in our safety page, or read our editorial policy.
If your tummy hurts after eating, a simple bout of indigestion might be to blame. But there are also times when pain after eating can be a sign of something more serious.
Read on to learn about some of the common causes of stomach ache, abdominal pain or stomach cramps after eating, how to treat and manage the discomfort, and when to see a doctor.
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Natural Homeopathic Treatment For Bloated Abdomen
Homeopathic medicines are very efficient in treating bloated abdomen. Sourced from natural substances, Homeopathic remedies are very beneficial in treating cases of bloatedness. Homeopathy provides complete recovery from bloatedness. The Homeopathic treatment for bloated abdomen is also of great help in releasing the wind from abdomen, thereby providing relief to the patient. The pain in the abdomen, burning and other associated symptoms also disappear with the use of natural Homeopathic medicines.
Can Anything Make An Upset Stomach Feel Better
There are few things in this world that are worse than an upset stomachespecially when it’s accompanied by nausea and vomiting. And whether it’s due to a stomach bug or food poisoning, you have one main goal: to feel better ASAP.
Unfortunately, there’s no real cure for either stomach issuemost docs will tell you the best treatment is to just wait for your symptoms to run their course. But some foods can make you feel a bit better while you’re on the road to recovery. Here, doctors recommend TK foods to help soothe your upset stomach so you can finally get back to normal.
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Why Do Bananas Hurt My Stomach
Bananas are quite healthy and loved by many. But for some, bananas lead to serious stomach pain, cramping and discomfort. The first time it happens, you might wonder if the banana is bad or unripe. But if it happens over and over, its possible that a banana allergy or intolerance is at play. Consult your doctor if you experience severe pain after eating a banana for the diagnosis of underlying problems.
Heres The Best Way To Cure An Upset Stomach
A stomach ache can strike for all kinds of reasons, from contaminated food to chronic disease. It passes, sure, but the pain, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and other classic symptoms of stomach flu ensure a crummy couple of days
It can be tough to know what to put in your body when youre dealing with an upset stomach, but there are a few surefire foods. Ginger, scientifically, is a good place to start. Ginger and also turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family, seem to be anti-inflammatory, says Dr. Emeran Mayer, a professor of digestive diseases at UCLA. Both ginger and turmeric are roots, he says, and may have developed special antibacterial properties in order to withstand contamination from microorganisms in soil. Skip the sugary commercial ginger ales, which contain little real ginger, and sip water infused with ginger or turmeric instead, he advises.
Once youve stopped vomiting and your stomach feels a bit better, you will want to eat. But dont sit down for a big meal nibble food throughout the day instead, Murray explains.
Another issue is that nearly all the research linking probiotics to relief of gut-related issues has looked at freeze-dried probiotics in capsules or tablets, Mason says. Eating yogurt or Kefir or other probiotic foods to relieve symptoms may be effective, but that hasnt yet been shown.
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Homeopathic Treatment For Bloated Abdomen With Pain In Abdomen
Although various natural Homeopathic medicines can be prescribed for treating a painful bloated abdomen, the best among them are Magnesium Phos, China and Nux Vomica. Magnesium Phos is a very efficient Homeopathic remedy for treating gastric bloated abdomen with pain in abdomen. The person needing Magnesium Phos may need to bend double for relief. Pressure and warm applications on abdomen also seem to provide relief from pain. China is the best Homeopathic medicine when there is a painful bloated abdomen with wind occupying the whole abdomen. Flatulent Colic with fullness arises soon after eating. The patient feels better by walking. Nux Vomica is the ideal Homeopathic choice of treatment when painful distension of abdomen gets better by passing slight stool. There is colic in abdomen with an urge to pass stool. The pain gets better after passing stool for a short time but is renewed. The bloatedness and pain appear a few hours after eating and not immediately.
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Find Space For Yourself To Relax
Ultimately, find time and space for yourself to clear your head and take control of your nervousness, even if it must be total alone time. Dont be afraid to excuse yourself, even from an important event.
If talking to a friend, family member, or loved one helps, do so during this time. Talking with someone you trust can help you overcome anxiety.
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Switch To A Liquid Diet
If you have an upset stomach, it might be best to limit yourself to liquids for a day or two until it settles down, recommends the University of Wisconsin-Madison 79. But not all beverages are created the same. Roswell Park advises against drinking alcohol in any form while you are experiencing stomach pain. Also, avoid caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea and cola-based drinks. Stay away from energy drinks to avoid irritating your stomach lining.
UW-M suggests that you stick to sports drinks that will help with hydration if your symptoms include diarrhea. Clear sodas that contain no caffeine may also help soothe an upset stomach, the university says 79. Ginger ale is a common home remedy for stomach issues, but a lemon-lime soda or lightly flavored sparkling water may also help. You can flavor sparkling water or club soda at home with a splash of fruit juice â as long as it’s not a citrus juice.
Decaffeinated tea or herbal infusions, such as those made with chamomile or ginger, are often soothing. Fruit juices should be diluted in water to ensure that they don’t irritate your stomach. To stay safe, avoid citrus juices altogether.
When you are feeling a little more stable, clear soups like broth or bullion can make it easier to add protein to your diet. Another way to stay hydrated is to snack on frozen fruit bars. You can find them in grocery stores or make them at home using fresh fruit juices.
Treatment For Stomach Ulcers
If you think you have a stomach ulcer, you should see a doctor, as they may prescribe treatment.
If you take NSAIDs, they will review this, and may recommend an alternative painkiller but you shouldnt stop taking any prescribed medication without talking to your doctor first.
You should get medical help urgently if you:
- feel a sharp pain in your tummy that gets worse
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Keep Your Belly Happy
A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help keep your digestive system healthy and your immune system strong and ready to fight off bugs that might upset your stomach. And watch for triggers â anything from foods that have acid like tomatoes, to fizzy drinks, to stress at work.
Papaya Can Improve Digestion And May Be Effective For Ulcers And Parasites
Papaya, also known as pawpaw, is a sweet, orange-fleshed tropical fruit that is sometimes used as a natural remedy for indigestion.
Papaya contains papain, a powerful enzyme that breaks down proteins in the food you eat, making them easier to digest and absorb .
Some people do not produce enough natural enzymes to fully digest their food, so consuming additional enzymes, like papain, may help relieve their symptoms of indigestion.
There has not been a lot of research on the benefits of papain, but at least one study found that regularly taking papaya concentrate reduced constipation and bloating in adults .
Papaya is also used in some West African countries as a traditional remedy for stomach ulcers. A limited number of animal studies support these claims, but more human research is needed (
46 ).
In fact, one study found that the addition of cooked, green bananas was nearly four times more effective at eliminating diarrhea than a rice-based diet alone .
The powerful antidiarrheal effects of green bananas are due to a special type of fiber they contain known as resistant starch.
Resistant starch cannot be digested by humans, so it continues through the digestive tract all the way to the colon, the final portion of the intestines.
Once in the colon, it is slowly fermented by your gut bacteria to produce short-chain fatty acids, which stimulate the bowels to absorb more water and firm up the stools .
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