What Is The Prognosis For Constipation In Adults
Most people with constipation have no physical disease of the digestive system nor any widespread disease associated with constipation. Most of the time, constipation is related to poor dietary habits, low fluid intake, and lack of exercise.
- For people with constipation caused by an illness, recovery will be determined by how sick the affected individual is.
- The person will usually recover well if his or her constipation is caused by painful hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
How Is Constipation Treated
Most cases of mild to moderate constipation can be managed by you at home. Self-care starts by taking an inventory of what you eat and drink and then making changes.
Some recommendations to help relieve your constipation include:
- Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day. Avoid caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol, which can cause dehydration.
- Add fruits, vegetables whole grains and other high-fiber foods to your diet. Eat fewer high-fat foods, like meat, eggs and cheese.
- Eat prunes and/or bran cereal.
- Keep a food diary and single out foods that constipate you.
- Get moving, exercise.
- Check how you sit on the toilet. Raising your feet, leaning back or squatting may make having a bowel movement easier.
- Add an over-the-counter supplemental fiber to your diet .
- If needed, take a very mild over-the-counter stool softener or laxative . Mineral oil enemas, like Fleet®, and stimulant laxatives, like bisacodyl or senna , are other options. There are many laxative choices. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for help in making a choice. Do not use laxatives for more than two weeks without calling your doctor. Overuse of laxatives can worsen your symptoms.
- Do not read, use your phone or other devices while trying to move your bowels.
Medication/supplement review
Prescription medications
Why Does Your Stomach Hurt
Stomach cramps can range from mild achiness to severe, stabbing pain.
Common causes of stomach cramps include eating foods that can irritate your stomach, constipation, food poisoning, or a stomach infection. People who have anxiety may also develop stomach cramps.
Pregnant people may experience stomach cramps as the fetus grows. Menstrual cramps are also very common, though they actually take place in the uterus.
Sometimes stomach cramps are constant. In this case, a chronic digestive illness, such as irritable bowel disease, may be the cause.
Most stomach cramps go away on their own within a few hours or a couple of days. Changing what you eat and taking over-the-counter medication can help with symptoms while you recover.
Some stomach cramps may require medical attention. You should be concerned about stomach cramps if they last for a week or longer or are so severe that you cant function, or you also have symptoms like fever or blood in your vomit or stool.
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What Are Treatments For The Causes Of Constipation
There are several principles in approaching the evaluation and treatment of constipation. The first principle is to differentiate between acute and chronic constipation. Thus, with acute constipation or constipation that is worsening, it is necessary to assess for the cause early so as not to overlook a serious illness that should be treated urgently. 2) start treatment early of constipation and use the treatments that have the least potential for harm, which will prevent constipation from worsening, and it will prevent potential damage to the colon that can be caused by the frequent use of stimulant products. 3) know when it is time to evaluate the cause of chronic constipation. Evaluation for the cause of chronic constipation needs to be done if there is no response to the simple treatments.
Red Sings: When To See Your Doctor For Your Stomach Cramps And Gas
The above 7 conditions are the common causes of stomach cramps and gas. But this is not the complete list of causes. Some other medical conditions can cause stomach cramps and gas. Some of these medical conditions may be dangerous and require emergency medical consultation.
They include :
- Intestinal obstruction.
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Home Remedies And Lifestyle Changes
The following tips may help to relieve or prevent constipation and other bowel problems:
- eating more fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes
- drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated
- exercising regularly
- taking probiotic supplements to encourage a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut
- not postponing bowel movements once the urge arises
- not rushing a bowel movement and making sure all of the stool passes from the body
- doing pelvic floor exercises to help bowel movements and prevent incontinence
Does Biofeedback Exercise And Surgery Help Relieve Symptoms Of Constipation
Most of the muscles of the pelvis surrounding the anus and rectum are under some degree of voluntary control. Thus, biofeedback training can teach patients with pelvic floor dysfunction how to make their muscles work more normally and improve their ability to defecate. During anorectal biofeedback training, a pressure-sensing catheter is placed through the anus and into the rectum. Each time a patient contracts the muscles, the muscles generate a pressure that is sensed by the catheter and recorded on a screen. By watching the pressures on the screen and attempting to modify them, patients learn how to relax and contract the muscles more normally.
People who lead sedentary lives are more frequently constipated than people who are active. Nevertheless, limited studies of exercise on bowel habits have shown that exercise has minimal or no effect on the frequency of how often you go to the bathroom. Thus, exercise can be recommended mostly for its many other health benefits, but not for its effect on constipation.
Electrical pacing
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How Common Is Constipation
You are not alone if you have constipation. Constipation is one of the most frequent gastrointestinal complaints in the United States. At least 2.5 million people see their doctor each year due to constipation.
People of all ages can have an occasional bout of constipation. There are also certain people and situations that are more likely to lead to becoming more consistently constipated . These include:
- Older age. Older people tend to be less active, have a slower metabolism and less muscle contraction strength along their digestive tract than when they were younger.
- Being a woman, especially while you are pregnant and after childbirth. Changes in a womans hormones make them more prone to constipation. The baby inside the womb squishes the intestines, slowing down the passage of stool.
- Not eating enough high-fiber foods. High-fiber foods keep food moving through the digestive system.
- Taking certain medications .
- Having certain neurological and digestive disorders .
Causes Of Acute Stomach Pain
- Eating Too Much. Eating too much can cause an upset stomach and mild stomach pain.
- Hunger Pains. Younger children may complain of stomach pain when they are hungry.
- GI Virus . A GI virus can cause stomach cramps as well as vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Food Poisoning. This causes sudden vomiting and/or diarrhea within hours after eating the bad food. It is caused by toxins from germs growing in foods left out too long. Most often, symptoms go away in less than 24 hours. It often can be treated at home without the need for medical care.
- Constipation. The need to pass a stool may cause cramps in the lower abdomen.
- Strep Throat. A strep throat infection causes 10% of new onset stomach pain with fever.
- Bladder Infection. Bladder infections usually present with painful urination, urgency and bad smelling urine. Sometimes the only symptom is pain in the lower abdomen.
- Appendicitis . Suspect appendicitis if pain is low on the right side and walks bent over. Other signs are the child won’t hop and wants to lie still.
- Intussusception . Sudden attacks of severe pain that switch back and forth with periods of calm. Caused by one segment of bowel telescoping into a lower piece of bowel. Peak age is 6 months to 2 years.
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Relieve Constipation Pain For Good: Normalize Your Breathing
If one retrains their unconscious respiratory pattern and reaches a certain number for the body-oxygen test, problems with constipation pain, as well as many other common symptoms of chronic diseases, disappear nearly completely. Furthermore, clinical remission takes place at even higher body O2 levels. Both numbers required to ease and subsequently defeat constipation pain are will be provided right below as your bonus content.
You need to have 30+ s for the body O2 test 24/7 to eliminate constipation pain nearly completely. But, up to 50-60 s for the morning CP will be required for total relief of symptoms.
This page in Spanish: Alivio del estreñimiento en 1 minuto: Ejercicios de respiración para el dolor debido al estreñimiento.
For references and clinical abstracts click here: Relief for painful constipation .
How automatic-breathing parameters relate to spasms and cramping
Respiratory Frequency* |
Using Other Techniques To Relieve Discomfort
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A More Serious Condition Such As Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common condition that causes abdominal pain with bloating, diarrhea or constipation. The cause of IBS is unknown, but it may be brought on by certain triggers, including:
- Bacterial infections
- Food sensitivity
- Stressful events
If you think you may have IBS, reach out to your doctor for an evaluation. Many times, lifestyle modifications and medicines can help ease symptoms. You may also try some at-home techniques to relieve your bloating.
Causes Of Lower Abdominal Cramping
Lower Left Side Pain
The abdominal organs found in the lower left abdomen include a portion of the descending colon , part of the small intestine, the spleen, the lower portion of the left kidney, the left ureter, ovary and fallopian tube, the urinary bladder and all the nerves, blood vessels muscles and skin in the left lower quadrant.
An abnormal condition in any of these organs may result in abdominal cramping in the left lower side, including:
- Constipation
- Uterine disorders, such as myoma or endometriosis
- Intestinal obstruction
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Ruptured spleen
Lower Right Side Pain
The organs found in the right lower side of the abdomen include the appendix, the ascending colon, part of the large intestine, the right ovary and fallopian tube, parts of the small intestine, the lower portion of the right kidney and the ureter. Pain in the right lower quadrant may be caused by:
- Appendicitis
- Mesenteric lymphadenitis
- Colon cancer
- Uterine disorders, such as myoma or endometriosis
- Intestinal obstruction
Other Causes of Lower Abdominal Cramps
- Trapped wind in the gut
- Diarrhea
- Strenuous exercise causing muscle pain
- Prostatitis
- Cystitis
- Psoas abscess
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
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Prevention Of Abdominal Pain
In many cases, abdominal pain can be prevented by adopting lifestyle and dietary choices that address the cause of your pain. Constipation, digestive upset, and even abdominal injury can often be prevented.
The following steps may help you prevent abdominal pain:
Drink plenty of water.
Develop regular bowel habits. Many people can train themselves to have regular bowel movements to help avoid constipation.
Follow a balanced, fiber-filled diet. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods, like whole grains, can help support healthy digestion and reduce constipation.
Eat regularly and slowly. Eating moderately-sized meals, instead of waiting until youre very hungry and stuffing yourself, can help avoid pain from overeating or eating on an empty stomach.
Exercise regularly. Getting enough physical activity can help prevent constipation and strengthen your abdominal muscles, which may help prevent straining.
Wear a seatbelt properly.
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is a common intestinal disorder that affects the colon . It can cause cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. It’s sometimes called a “nervous stomach” or “spastic colon.”
Many people have IBS. While it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, IBS doesn’t cause serious health problems.
Doctors can help teens manage IBS symptoms with changes in diet and lifestyle. Sometimes they prescribe medicines to help relieve symptoms.
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To Be Perfectly Honest I Hate Ovarian Cancer
Im angry that surgery is the only option for me, and that theres no medication I can really take at this point. I often ask myself, Why me? But then I remember that everyone has their own issues, and this is the situation that I was dealt. Sometimes, I cry and get upset about it. But it is what it is. I just have to keep on going.
Because ovarian cancer tends to recur , follow-ups are a must for the rest of my life. In order to manage my cancer, I have to be vigilant and go in for a routine screening every six months to a year.
In 2017, during one of my routine scans, we found another small tumor between my kidney and liver which had to be removed. Then, in June 2019, I had surgery to remove another six small tumors. Before I went in to get checked out, Id felt a gassy sensation from time to time, but it wasnt painfulso I ignored it. Otherwise, I never experienced any symptoms whatsoever with these tumors.
While I dont have a set prognosis, I am glad that I can prolong my life through surgery and screening. Im grateful for my team of doctors.
Constipation And Poor Bowel Habits
Ignoring the desire to have bowel movements may initiate a cycle of constipation.
- After a period of time, the person may stop feeling the desire to move the bowels.
- This leads to progressive constipation. For example, some people may avoid using public toilets or ignore going to the toilet because they are busy.
If these initial measures fail, the health-care professional may try a number of laxatives on a short-term basis. The patient should consult with his or her doctor before using any of these agents, particularly on long-term basis.
A doctor will treat any underlying diseases .
- If the patient has irritable bowel syndrome , he or she should stop smoking and avoid coffee and milk-containing foods. A food diary may help to identify foods that seem to worsen the symptoms.
- Thyroxin will be prescribed if the doctor determines through clinical and laboratory tests that the patient has an underactive thyroid gland .
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What Kind Of Pain Does A Dog Have In The Stomach
Repeated episodes of discomfort in a dogs stomach are medically referred to as acute abdomen. Acute abdominal pain often times implies an underlying condition that must be treated in order to relieve your dog of its stomach pain. It is generally delineated into two types of acute abdomen: infectious or noninfectious.
If your dog has constipation, they will either strain to defecate or not attempt to go. They may have rock-hard stool if they can go, which is very painful for them. Other signs to watch for in your dog include decreased appetite, vomiting, lethargy, and depression. These can signal that your dog is not feeling well and might have constipation.
Causes And Risk Factors Of Abdominal Pain
While we dont usually feel the inner workings of our abdomen, pain can occur when there is a disruption of the normal functioning of an organ or area of tissue inside.
Abdominal pain can be caused by inflammation , organ distention or stretching , or loss of blood supply .
Some prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as dietary supplements, can cause stomach pain. Medications can do this by irritating the stomach, leading to nausea, pain, and diarrhea, or by slowing digestion, leading to constipation. Be sure to check the label of any drug you take to see if abdominal pain is listed as a possible side effect.
- Lead poisoning, often from eating paint chips
- Emotional upset
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Counseling And Stress Relief
Many people who seek care for IBS also have anxiety, panic, or depression. Stress is also an issue for people with IBS because it can make the symptoms worse. Research shows that psychological therapy can help ease IBS symptoms. Therapies that can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy , a short-term treatment that mixes different types of therapies and behavioral strategies. The type of CBT used to treat IBS may focus on managing life stress. Or, it may focus on changing how a person responds to anxiety about IBS symptoms.
- Dynamic psychotherapy, an intensive, short-term form of talk therapy. It may focus on in-depth discussions about the link between symptoms and emotions. The therapy may also help people identify and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
- Hypnotherapy, where people enter an altered state of consciousness. Visual suggestions are made to imagine pain going away, for example.
General stress relief is also important. Exercising regularly is a good way to relieve stress. It also helps the bowel function better and improves overall health. Meditation, yoga, and massage may also help.