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What To Do For Stomach Pain In Periods

When Stomach Pain Is An Emergency

5 Home Remedies To Reduce Stomach Pain During Periods

Stomach pain can sometimes be caused by a life-threatening condition. Some examples are:

These emergencies usually cause pain that feels extreme. Your stomach pain may be urgent if:

  • You are pregnant
  • Your pain started within a week of abdominal surgery
  • Your pain started after a procedure in your stomach area, such as an endoscopy
  • You have ever had surgery on your digestive tract, such as gastric bypass, a colostomy, or a bowel resection
  • Your pain started shortly after an abdominal trauma
  • Your abdomen is bruised or rapidly expanding

Even if you don’t have these symptoms, get help if you feel unusually severe pain.

Sometimes stomach pain is mild at first but gets worse after a few hours. You may also develop other symptoms. Get help right away if you have any of these symptoms along with stomach pain:

  • Extremely hard abdomen
  • Inability to have a bowel movement, along with vomiting
  • Pain in neck, shoulder, or between shoulder blades
  • Vision changes

If you have these symptoms, call for an ambulance or have someone drive you to the emergency room. You should not “wait and see” or take medicine for the pain. Get help right away.

When To Call Your Doctor

If you have severe or unusual menstrual cramps, or cramping that lasts more than 2 or 3 days, tell your doctor. Whatever the cause, cramps can be treated, so it’s important to get checked.

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and menstrual cycles. Youâll get a pelvic exam, in which your doctor will use a tool called a speculum to see into your vagina and cervix. They may take a small sample of vaginal fluid for testing and use their fingers to check your uterus and ovaries for anything that doesnât feel normal.

If it turns out that your cramps arenât due to your period, you might need other tests to find the right treatment.

The Different Types Of Period Pain

Doctors divide period pain into two different types. The more common type is called primary dysmenorrhoea. This type of period pain typically starts from your first period, or in the years shortly after.

With this type there is no underlying condition causing the period pain, says Dr Manwaring.

“The levels of pain can vary in primary dysmenorrhoea,” she says. “Typically, the pain has a regular pattern, beginning just before or as the period begins. It usually lasts for 1-3 days, but is most severe during the first or second day of the period.”

The pain is usually located in the lower abdomen , but can also affect the lower back and thighs. It’s often described as a constant ache or a cramping, gripping pain.

Dr Manwaring says the period pain from primary dysmenorrhoea can usually be well controlled with over-the-counter painkillers , the oral contraceptive pill, or through other means for example, a hot water bottle or heat pack, physical activity or relaxation techniques.

“However, if these techniques are not managing the pain, seek advice from a health practitioner,” says Dr Manwaring.

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What Are Signs Of Period Coming Discharge

Vaginal discharge before period is thick white discharge.

During your menstrual cycle, your vaginal discharge may change from time to time. At the beginning of your cycle, after menstruation ends, vaginal discharge is thick white. Some women may experience vaginal dryness just after period ends.

At the middle of your cycle or just before ovulation occurs, vaginal discharge becomes stretchy and egg white. After ovulation occurs and before your period, vaginal discharge is thick white again.

Changes in vaginal discharge are due to hormone changes during menstrual cycles. Thick white discharge is a sign your period is coming. It occurs due to low levels of progesterone and estrogen.

The Sunshine Of Vitamin D

How To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Using Natural Ways

Cramps associated with dysmenorrhea can be disabling. Painful cramps associated with dysmenorrhea occur due to increasing levels of prostaglandins, which cause the uterus to contract. These contractions cause the shedding of the uterine lining. Vitamin D reduces the production of prostaglandins. In one study of young women who had primary dysmenorrhea and low vitamin D levels, high weekly doses of supplemental vitamin D decreased pain intensity significantly both 8 weeks into treatment and 1 month after the end of treatment. The women taking vitamin D also took less pain medication to treat period pain. You can ask your doctor to measure your vitamin D levels with a simple blood test.

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When Should I Get Medical Help For My Period Pain

For many women, some pain during your period is normal. However, you should contact your health care provider if:

  • NSAIDs and self-care measures don’t help, and the pain interferes with your life
  • Your cramps suddenly get worse
  • You are over 25 and you get severe cramps for the first time
  • You have a fever with your period pain
  • You have the pain even when you are not getting your period

What Are Treatments For Severe Period Pain

If your period pain is primary dysmenorrhea and you need medical treatment, your health care provider might suggest using hormonal birth control, such as the pill, patch, ring, or IUD. Another treatment option might be prescription pain relievers.

If you have secondary dysmenorrhea, your treatment depends upon the condition that is causing the problem. In some cases, you may need surgery.

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How Do I Know If My Cramps Are Severe

Menstrual cramps feel like a throbbing or cramping pain in your lower abdomen. You may also feel pressure or a continuous dull ache in the area. The pain may radiate to your lower back and inner thighs.

Cramps usually begin a day or two before your period, peaking around 24 hours after your period starts. They typically last for two to three days.

Menstrual cramps can be accompanied by other symptoms, including:

Using Apple Cider Vinegar As A Stomachache Cure

How to manage back and stomach pain with excessive menstrual bleeding? – Dr. Shefali Tyagi

Another paradoxical-sounding remedy is using acidic drinks to relieve pain from gastric reflux. Since gastric reflux can result in stomach acid leaking out into places its not wanted, your stomachs acidity can end up lower than is optimal for digesting food.

Drinking apple cider vinegar can help improve the levels and ease an upset stomach. This assumes that youre able to, well, stomach the drink in the first place. While apple cider vinegar does its work best if taken raw, you may find mixing it with water, a teaspoon of honey, and sipping slowly to be the more tolerable option.

  • Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to one cup of warm water.
  • Mix in one tablespoon of honey.
  • Drink this remedy every three hours until pain is gone.

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What Causes Painful Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps happen when a chemical called prostaglandin makes the uterus contract . The uterus, the muscular organ where a baby grows, contracts throughout your menstrual cycle. During menstruation, the uterus contracts more strongly. If the uterus contracts too strongly, it can press against nearby blood vessels, cutting off the supply of oxygen to muscle tissue. You feel pain when part of the muscle briefly loses its supply of oxygen.

Fish Oil And Vitamin B1

Researchers studied the effects of vitamin B1 and fish oil on dysmenorrhea symptoms in high school students. The young women were separated into 4 different groups. One group took 100 milligrams of vitamin B1 per day. Another took 500 milligrams of fish oil per day. One group took a combination of both vitamin B1 and fish oil daily. The last group took a placebo. The women took the treatment at the beginning of their menstrual cycles and continued for 2 months. Compared to those in the placebo group, those who took vitamin B1, fish oil, or both reported significantly less pain. The women who took fish oil or B1 also reported their pain didn’t last as long compared to those in the placebo group.

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How To Tell If Your Period Cramping Is Normal

Each girl or woman typically experiences a similar level of cramps from one month to the next, says Jackie Thielen, MD, an internist and womens health specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. For some women, monthly pain is minor. For others, it can be quite debilitating.

The main question doctors ask when determining whether your cramps are normal is Are they normal for you? Dr. Thielen says.

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How Can You Relieve Mild Menstrual Cramps

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To relieve mild menstrual cramps:

  • For the best relief, take ibuprofen as soon as bleeding or cramping starts. Ibuprofen belongs to a class of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . They reduce the output of prostaglandins. If you cant take NSAIDs, you can take another pain reliever like acetaminophen.
  • Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower back or abdomen.
  • Rest when needed.
  • Avoid foods that contain caffeine.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Massage your lower back and abdomen.

Women who exercise regularly often have less menstrual pain. To help prevent cramps, make exercise a part of your weekly routine.

If these steps dont relieve pain, your healthcare provider can order medications for you, including ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medication in a higher dose that is available over the counter. Your healthcare provider might also suggest oral contraceptives since women who take oral contraceptives tend to have less menstrual pain.

If testing shows that you have secondary dysmenorrhea, your provider will discuss treatments of the condition causing the pain. This might mean oral contraceptives, other types of medications, or surgery.

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Important Questions To Ask Yourself

To find out if you need extra help, Dr Manwaring recommends you ask yourself these five questions:

  • Does your period pain get so bad it stops you from going to school or work, or generally going about your day?
  • When you have your period, do you get pain when you go to the toilet?
  • Does your period pain get so bad that even over-the-counter painkillers don’t help?
  • Do you commonly experience pain in your pelvic area outside of the times of your period? For example, for a few days every week or every second week?
  • Do you experience painful sex?
  • If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions, talk to a trusted doctor about your painful periods.

    Pain, heavy bleeding or other factors regarding your period that get in the way of you going about your life shouldn’t be suffered in silence.

    If you’re finding your period hard to manage, you don’t need to go it alone. Help and effective treatments are available.

    Why Does Your Stomach Hurt

    Stomach cramps can range from mild achiness to severe, stabbing pain.

    Common causes of stomach cramps include eating foods that can irritate your stomach, constipation, food poisoning, or a stomach infection. People who have anxiety may also develop stomach cramps.

    Pregnant people may experience stomach cramps as the fetus grows. Menstrual cramps are also very common, though they actually take place in the uterus.

    Sometimes stomach cramps are constant. In this case, a chronic digestive illness, such as irritable bowel disease, may be the cause.

    Most stomach cramps go away on their own within a few hours or a couple of days. Changing what you eat and taking over-the-counter medication can help with symptoms while you recover.

    Some stomach cramps may require medical attention. You should be concerned about stomach cramps if they last for a week or longer or are so severe that you cant function, or you also have symptoms like fever or blood in your vomit or stool.

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    Abdominal Bloating Gas And Pain

    Do you feel your abdomen is swelling up just before period?

    Abdomen bloating is swelling and tightening experienced by women which could occur for many reasons. If you are expecting your period, a hard, distended and tight abdomen may indicate your period will start soon.

    Other causes of bloating are pregnancy, anorexia nervosa , ovarian cyst and hormone imbalance.

    What to do?

    • Take more fiber diet like vegetables and fruits
    • Drink plenty of water every day
    • Avoid meals that contain beans and cabbage

    How Do You Know Which Type You Have

    What Causes Stomach Pain During My Menstrual Cycle?

    Primary dysmenorrhoea is much more common than secondary dysmenorrhoea. However, because the period pain of secondary dysmenorrhoea can be severe and linked with serious health conditions, it’s important to be aware of what’s ‘normal’ and what’s not when it comes to period pain.

    It’s also important to know when it’s okay to manage the pain on your own, and when it’s better to reach out for extra help.

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    Home Remedies For Stomach Pain

    Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

    Stabbing, throbbing, pulsing, or burning abdominal pains may be the sign of either minor or serious health conditions.

    In most cases, relief can be found with all-natural home remedies for stomach pain.

    The powerful yet nontoxic properties of many common kitchen products may help to alleviate the pain and other symptoms caused by gas, constipation, irritating foods, indigestion, food allergies, or viral infections.

    Identifying the cause is the first step in knowing how to get relief from stomach pain.

    In this article:

    Ginger Tea As A Stomach Pain Remedy

    The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger neutralize excess acids that cause stomach pain.

    Drinking ginger tea may help to stimulate proper digestion by promoting the production of digestive juices while fighting harmful free radicals that cause disease.

    Drink two to three cups of ginger tea daily.

    • Cut one medium-sized ginger root into thin slices.
    • Add the ginger to one cup of boiling water and boil for three minutes.
    • Lower heat and simmer for five minutes.
    • Strain and add honey for flavor.

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    Home Remedies To Reduce Period Pain

    If the period pain is unbearable, there are certain home remedies that can provide some relief.

    Over the counter medication: Over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol or prescription painkillers such as ibuprofen and codeine are suitable for short-term use and are highly effective in reducing headaches, stomach cramps, and back pain during menstruation.

    Heat: Applying heat to the abdomen during your period can help the muscles to relax and relieve painful cramps. This can be done by either having a hot bath or using a hot water bottle.

    Massage and oils: Applying lavender oil around your stomach is known to help relieve period cramps. Like, using sesame oil for a massage can also help as it is rich in linoleic acid and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    Exercise: You may think this is impossible considering that you are in pain and barely able to move, however, exercising increases circulation to the pelvic region and releases endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins which are the hormone-like substances that cause the uterine muscles to contract during menstruation.

    Orgasms: Studies suggest that orgasms have a direct effect on menstrual cramps. Vaginal orgasms involve your whole body, including your spinal cord, which signals the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins and oxytocin. These endorphins can decrease pain perception.

    Q Is It Safe To Have Sex During Period

    How to Relieve Menstrual pains instantly? Ayurvedic home ...

    A. It is completely safe to have sex during your period. It is very unlikely that you will get pregnant but make sure to always use a condom. It all depends on the comfort you share with your partner. Most people find it a little off-putting because of the presence of blood, and it can be a messy affair.

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    Drink Prune Juice To Relieve Stomach Pain

    Stomach pain from constipation tends to radiate from the lower part of your abdomen and sometimes features a periodic shifting or gurgling feeling accompanied by a temporary spike in pain.

    When constipation is your cause, consider a glass of prune juice or another type of laxative. If effective, you can expect to experience sudden relief.

    Drink Warm Lemon Water To Relieve Stomach Pain

    Since pregnant women should avoid fennel, they can try warm lemon water instead. The high acidity of the lemon will trigger extra production of your stomachs hydrochloric acid to further break down food and keep things moving smoothly.

    • Squeeze the juice from one-half of a lemon into one cup of warm water.
    • Mix well and drink while warm.

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    How To Use Essential Oils For Menstrual Cramps

    If youre looking to use essential oils to relieve menstrual cramps, massaging the oils into the affected area is considered to be the best approach. Add a few drops of your preferred oil to a carrier oil.

    Carrier oils are neutral oils that will help stretch the potent oils and make it easier to apply and use during a massage. Common carrier oils include:

    • coconut
    • almond
    • extra-virgin olive

    Massage a small amount into your abdomen once per day for at least one week before the start of your period.

    Having Menstrual Cramps Don’t Make A Habit Of Taking A Painkiller To Get Rid Of The Pain Try Something Natural Instead

    Stomach Pain during Periods Symptoms, Irregular Periods Treatment

    Written by Pavitra Sampath | Published : June 10, 2020 10:50 PM IST

    When you’re on your period, you may not want to do anything but just lie down and relax. With all the pain, discomfort and cramping, periods can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Popping a painkiller may give you some relief from the pain, but it might not be good for your body. Instead of relying on painkillers to get rid of the period pain, you can try natural remedies. But before that understand why you have periods and why it hurts so much.

    Why do periods hurt so much?

    Menstrual cramps are caused due to the shedding of the inner lining of the uterine wall. This shedding is assisted by a host of hormones, the master being prostaglandins . Where there is pain there are prostaglandins! This hormone is also prominent during delivery. It is responsible for pushing the lining of the uterus out. Apart from all the hormonal action, the poor uterus is devoid of blood, therefore the muscle spasms. In severe cases this condition is called Dysmenorrhea.

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