/6best Foods For An Upset Stomach
Having an upset stomach is a very uncomfortable situation to be in, as one feels nauseous and does not feel like eating anything. Staying empty stomach can worsen the situation, as your body flushes out essential salts along with water from the body quickly and if you dont refill it at frequent intervals, it can get dehydrated. Usually, ORS or salt-sugar-water mixture is recommended when you are suffering from loose motions. Apart from this, here are some light food items that will soothe your stomach and cure your upset system in no time.
Remedies And Treatments For Nausea
Most of the time nausea is not a cause for concern. However, there are actions you can take to minimize the unpleasant feeling.
Because nausea upsets your stomach, eating food may temporarily make things worse. A diet of clear liquids can provide the sugar, salt, and some nutrients your body needs until you can eat solid food again. Clear liquids are easy to digest and dont put extra strain on your stomach or intestines.
The best things to drink when youre nauseous are:
- Clear broth
- Water
You should avoid alcoholic beverages, dairy products, smoothies, and vegetable juice.
If your nausea causes frequent vomiting, doctors may give you oral rehydration therapy, which involves drinking a rehydration solution that replaces the minerals and body fluids you lost.
Because peppermint tea contains a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it is used for a variety of ailments. One of its most well-known traditional uses is to reduce nausea by soothing your stomach. In oil form and through aromatherapy, peppermint has been studied as a nausea remedy among pregnant people.
To make this kind of tea, steep 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water and strain it after ten or so minutes. When it becomes a safe temperature to drink, slowly sip the infusion and let the benefits take effect.
You can find fresh ginger root at your grocery store, or you can buy ginger supplements.
Choose The Right Drinks To Ease Digestion
Drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, colas, tea and some fizzy drinks, boost acid in the stomach, leading to heartburn in some people.
Fizzy drinks in general tend to bloat the tummy, which can also lead to heartburn.
To make digestive problems less likely, choose drinks that are not fizzy and do not contain caffeine, such as herbal teas, milk and plain water.
If you cannot do without your coffee or tea, limit your intake to 1 or 2 cups a day.
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Ways To Treat Diarrhea
Look for liquids with sugar and salt Pedialyte or full-salt soups work well,” he says. “If your urine is not clear, or you are not making much urine, you are not drinking enough.”
In terms of diarrhea treatment, Higgins says, if you dont have an infection and are not seeing blood, you can take over-the-counter loperamide to slow your bowel movements. But this kind of medication should only be taken for a day or two.
If diet and simple remedies aren’t working, and if symptoms persist for more than a few days and include bleeding, gas, and bloating, you should see a doctor. Your doctor can determine whether the diarrhea is caused by a more serious condition, and can recommend treatment.
Additional reporting by MarÃa Villaseñor.
Nutrition For Nausea Vomiting Or Diarrhea
Nutrition for nausea, vomiting or diarrhea consists of foods that are bland and gentle on the stomach. If you have nausea or vomiting, it may be hard to hold down food. Some foods may even make your symptoms worse. If you are experiencing diarrhea, the diet suggested below may help solidify your stools.
You may have heard of the BRAT diet which stands for Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast. The BRAT diet was often recommended for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but is no longer because of how restrictive it is. Below are lists of foods to focus on and avoid when experiencing nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, but there are many more foods that can be included.
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Do You Get Nausea And Vomiting At The Same Time
Vomiting Sometimes, but not always, nausea and vomiting go hand-in-hand. Vomiting is uncomfortable and can come in waves until the stomach has emptied its contents. When the stomach has emptied itself through vomiting, but is still trying to remove its contents, this is known as dry heaving. Causes of Vomiting
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Top 15 Best Foods To Eat When Youre Nauseous
The word nauseous is defined in the dictionary as feeling an urge to vomit. It is a common symptom of many health problems, including infections, motion sickness, and morning sickness. But can eating certain foods really help relieve your nausea? Possibly. And here are what are believed to be the best foods for reducing nausea.
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How Are Abdominal Bloating And Nausea Treated
Abdominal bloating and nausea related to foods you eat will typically resolve after your body has had time to digest whatever has upset your stomach. Common food intolerances include lactose and gluten. Avoid eating any foods that you determine are causing abdominal bloating and nausea.
Your doctor may prescribe medication if you have underlying conditions such as acid reflux or constipation. More serious disorders, such as congestive heart failure or dumping syndrome, may require prolonged treatments.
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Stick To Simple Carbs Like White Rice And Crackers
If you aren’t vomiting or having serious diarrhea, you don’t necessarily need a liquid diet, but you should still aim for easy-to-digest foods. This means you’ll want to eat foods low in fiber since fiber can worsen diarrhea and nausea.
There are two types of fiber:
Whole grains, like oats and brown rice, are generally great for health because they contain both types of fiber. However, this is not what you want when you’re trying to relieve an upset stomach.
“Simple refined carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, or crackers are often better tolerated” by the digestive tract, says Smith. This is because refined grains are low in fiber and they pass more quickly through your digestive tract. This means refined grains won’t sit in your stomach for long periods of time, which can trigger nausea.
Some examples of simple carbs that you can eat on an upset stomach are:
- Pasta
- Crackers, such as saltines
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Path To Improved Health
The BRAT diet is a bland food diet recommended for adults and children. The benefits of using the BRAT diet to treat upset stomach and diarrhea include:
- The foods used in the diet make your stools firmer. Thats because the foods are considered binding foods. Theyre low-fiber, bland, starchy foods.
- The foods help replace nutrients your body needs and has lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Bananas, for example, are high in the vitamin potassium.
Bland foods dont irritate your stomach. After you have diarrhea or vomiting, follow the BRAT diet to help your body ease back into normal eating. This diet also may help ease the nausea and vomiting some women experience during pregnancy.
You can add other bland foods to the BRAT diet. For example, you can try saltine crackers, plain potatoes, or clear soup broths. Dont start eating dairy products, sugary, or fatty foods right away. These foods may trigger nausea or lead to more diarrhea.
Stomach viruses are easy to catch and can make you feel miserable. For mild cases, I recommend simple home treatment. Read More
Water And Clear Beverages
When youre nauseous, you may not feel like eating at all. However, drinking fluids and staying hydrated is crucial, especially if you have been vomiting or have a fever.
Water is always a good source of hydration, but if you have been throwing up or experiencing diarrhea, you may also need to replace lost electrolytes.
Some of the best drinks to fight dehydration and nausea include (
Very sweet, caffeinated or dairy-based beverages may worsen your nausea, so it may be best to avoid them.
You may tolerate sipping cold drinks throughout the day better than drinking a lot at once, especially if you have been vomiting.
Its important to stay hydrated, especially when youre ill. Clear, cold beverages like water, oral rehydration solutions, iced tea, juice, sports drinks and coconut water can be sipped throughout the day when youre nauseous.
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Try Spices Like Ginger For Symptoms Relief
Ginger has been used for centuries to treat digestive issues, and it works especially well to ease nausea and vomiting. Some studies even suggest that ginger can work as well as a prescription anti-nausea medication.
You can find ginger capsules at stores that sell herbal supplements. Most clinical studies use between 250 and 500 mg of ginger to control nausea. You can also buy ginger tea or add sliced ginger root to boiling water to make your own ginger tea.
Chamomile is another natural remedy for norovirus symptoms. Chamomile has been shown to reduce vomiting, but it doesn’t work as well as ginger to control nausea.
Clear Liquids With Electrolytes Can Prevent Dehydration
When an upset stomach is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, its easy to become dehydrated.
Vomiting and diarrhea cause your body to lose electrolytes, the minerals that maintain your bodys fluid balance and keep your nervous system functioning correctly.
Mild dehydration and electrolyte losses can usually be restored by drinking clear liquids and eating foods that naturally contain electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.
Water, fruit juice, coconut water, sports drinks, broths and saltine crackers are great ways to restore fluid loss and electrolyte imbalances associated with mild dehydration .
If dehydration is severe, drinking a rehydration solution containing an ideal ratio of water, sugars and electrolytes may be necessary (
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Bland Carbohydrates May Be More Easily Tolerated
Bland carbohydrates like rice, oatmeal, crackers and toast are often recommended for people suffering from upset stomachs.
While this recommendation is common, there is little evidence to show that they actually help relieve symptoms.
However, many people report that these foods are easier to keep down when youre not feeling well .
While bland carbohydrates may be more palatable during an illness, its important to expand your diet again as soon as possible. Restricting your diet too much may keep you from getting enough of the vitamins and minerals your body needs in order to heal .
Many people with an upset stomach find bland carbohydrates easier to tolerate than other foods, but there is little evidence to show that they actually relieve symptoms.
Licorice Can Reduce Indigestion And May Help Prevent Stomach Ulcers
Licorice is a popular remedy for indigestion and may also prevent painful stomach ulcers.
Traditionally, licorice root was consumed whole. Today, its most commonly taken as a supplement called deglycyrrhizinated licorice .
DGL is preferred over regular licorice root because it no longer contains glycyrrhizin, a naturally occurring chemical in licorice that can cause fluid imbalances, high blood pressure and low potassium levels when consumed in large quantities (
34 ).
Summary Ground flaxseed meal and flaxseed oil can help regulate bowel movements and relieve constipation in humans. Animal studies suggest they may also prevent stomach ulcers and intestinal spasms, but more research is needed.
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Causes Of An Upset Stomach
If your stomach is bothering you, it is most likely due to irritation or inflammation of your stomach lining. There are several different reasons why the lining could get irritated or inflamed.
One of the reasons could be from eating or drinking too much. Sometimes its as simple as that you had too much food during you most recent meal. Instead of having two slices of pizza you ate seven.
Drinking too much of anything can also cause an upset stomach. That includes alcohol, soda, juice, sports drinks, and even water. Although you should drink plenty of water throughout the day, if you drink too much of it too fast it can cause your belly to hurt.
Food allergies are another cause of your problem. If you are unsure about foods you may be allergic to, you can consult with your doctor and get some tests run. Common food allergies include gluten, dairy, fish, or nuts. If certain foods bother your stomach every time you eat them, its best to avoid those and find out if you are allergic.
Its also possible to get sick from food that you are not allergic to. Food poising occurs when bacteria, viruses, or parasites are in the food youre eating. That can happen if your meal is not properly prepared. For example, undercooked meat or chicken can lead to food poisoning.
Indigestion is another common cause of stomach pain. It happens when your body cannot properly process the food you ate. Poor diet choices and dehydration can cause indigestion.
Does The Brat Diet Work
As a temporary solution a day or two the BRAT diet can be useful but shouldnt be used as a daily way of eating, for weight loss or as a solution for those with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome , gastroesophageal reflux or diverticulitis.
The BRAT diet lacks vital nutrients like calcium, vitamin B12, protein and fiber.
In the short term, its kind of a means to an end, says Dr. Beers. But youre not getting any great nutritional value from it and youre not going to get everything that you need if you use it long term.
As for how long it takes the BRAT diet to work? Sometimes the BRAT diet just doesnt work. If youre vomiting or having diarrhea for more than a day or two and arent feeling any better, its time to contact your healthcare provider for medical advice.
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Keep Your Belly Happy
A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help keep your digestive system healthy and your immune system strong and ready to fight off bugs that might upset your stomach. And watch for triggers â anything from foods that have acid like tomatoes, to fizzy drinks, to stress at work.
What You Should Not Eat
Dairy products like Milk, Cheese or Ice-cream
Milk, cheese, and ice cream are hard for your body to digest as they are high in fat. They should thus be avoided during a stomach upset. Plain low-fat yoghurt can, however, be good for your stomach health. Yoghurt is rich in probiotics or good bacteria and yeasts that help maintain good gut health. Having a little yoghurt during a stomach upset may help relieve diarrhoea.
Fried Foods
Foods that are fried are rich in oils and fats and are generally tougher for your stomach to digest. During a stomach ache, keep away from such fried foods to ease your symptoms.
Raw Fruits and Vegetables
While raw fruits and vegetables are great for health otherwise, when consumed on an upset stomach they can worsen diarrhoea. This is because they are high fibre foods. It is advisable to keep away from them temporarily until the stomach upset passes.
Caffeine or Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol can both increase stomach acidity levels, causing you to feel nauseous. Caffeine can also aggravate diarrhoea symptoms. Keep away from caffeine and alcohol to avoid making your symptoms worse.
Citrus Fruits and High Acid Foods
High acid foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes are likely to cause abdominal pain and acid reflux, especially if you are predisposed to Irritable Bowel syndrome. This can worsen already existent symptoms by further causing heartburn and nausea. Limes, grapes, pineapples, processed foods, and sugar are examples of high acid foods.
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Dont Eat: Raw Fruits And Vegetables
Theyâre great when youâre healthy. But when you have an upset stomach, the fiber in them â which normally makes your poop easy to pass â can make things worse. Itâs best to wait until you feel better to add them back into your diet. Start with small portions of cooked vegetables and juices.
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What To Eat With An Upset Stomach
Having an upset stomach blowsespecially when it leaves you doubled over in pain. Add to that cramping, nausea, belly bloating, or diarrhea, and it becomes near impossible to deal with day-to-day tasks. While it’s a good idea to keep your diet simple during these periods , certain foods can actually double as upset stomach remedies. Here, the best food to settle a struggling tum.
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Peppermint May Relieve Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
For some people, upset stomach is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. IBS is a chronic gut disorder that can cause stomach pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
While IBS can be difficult to manage, studies show that peppermint may help reduce these uncomfortable symptoms.
Taking peppermint oil capsules daily for at least two weeks can significantly reduce stomach pain, gas and diarrhea in adults with IBS (
19 ).
While the research is promising, additional studies need to determine whether peppermint leaf or peppermint tea have the same therapeutic effects .
Peppermint is safe for most people, but caution is advised for those with severe reflux, hiatal hernias, kidney stones or liver and gallbladder disorders, as it may worsen these conditions .
Summary Peppermint, especially when consumed as peppermint oil, may help reduce stomach pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea for those with irritable bowel syndrome.