Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What To Give Baby For Stomach Ache

Taking Care Of Your Child With Abdominal Pain

Causes of stomach ache in infant who is on formula milk? – Dr. Sailaja Vummadi

General suggestions on easing the pain include:

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.
  • Help your child drink plenty of clear fluids such as cooled boiled water or juice.
  • Do not push your child to eat if they feel unwell.
  • If your child is hungry, offer bland food such as crackers, rice, bananas or toast.
  • Place a hot water bottle or wheat bag on your childs tummy or run a warm bath for them. Take care not to scald yourself or your child.
  • Give paracetamol if your child is in pain or is miserable. Remember that doses for children are often different to those for adults, so check the packet carefully for the right dose. Avoid giving aspirin.

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While medical treatment is often not needed, there may be ways you can help relieve symptoms more quickly.

  • Drink adequate fluids to prevent dehydration. Adults and older children can drink sports drinks.
  • If you can keep food down: Eat mild, bland foods such as rice and bananas.
  • Over-the-counter medications.
  • Why Is My Baby So Gassy

    Every person on the planet produces and expels gas. As food moves through the gastrointestinal tract, the small intestine absorbs the usable ingredients. Bacteria in the large intestine break down the leftovers, releasing hydrogen and carbon dioxide and producing bubbles of gas in the process. Burping allows some gas to escape from the stomach early on, and the rest travels from the colon to the rectum, where it’s ejected primarily via bowel movements or farts.

    But when gas doesn’t pass easily, it collects in the digestive tract and causes bloating and discomfort. Babies are especially prone to this. “Newborn digestive systems are immature, so they produce a lot of gas, and this is normal. Infants also take in a lot of air while feeding and crying, which produces more gas,” says Samira Armin, M.D., a pediatrician at Texas Children’s Pediatrics in Houston. Bottle-fed babies have it the worst, but breastfeeding doesn’t make a baby immune. Ultimately, a newborn baby may pass more gas than a grown man.

    Recommended Reading: How To Clear Stomach Gas

    Try Burping Your Baby

    Burp your baby after every feed by tapping gently on his back, while his head rests on your shoulder. If your baby doesnt burp easily, try the football hold. Place him face-down on your forearm, with his legs straddling your elbow. Rest his chin in your hand and apply gentle pressure while stroking his back. This should release the excess air which he may have swallowed while feeding.

    More About Peppermint Water For Babies:

    What To Give A Newborn Baby For Upset Stomach

    A single cup of peppermint water produces antispasmodic effects in the body. It can bring instant relief from extreme gas pain and heartburn. The leaves of peppermint contain methanol, which has a coolant effect. Methanol accelerates the flow of bile secretion and digestive juices in your babys body. Thus, the soothing effect of methanol fights against stomach ache, soothes the irritated stomach muscles, reduces gas, colic and bloating in your baby .

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    How To Ease Upset Stomach In Baby

    1. Be Patient

    Your baby thrives from your love, as she understands nothing less or nothing more than love. When babies cry, they expect you to fix their problem, as crying is the only way they can ask for your help. The easiest way of soothing your baby is by using patience. When you hold your baby, do it in a way that they feel your warmth and they can sense love and patience from you. When you do this, your baby will calm own.

    2. Do Not over or under Bundle Your Baby

    A too hot or too cold room can make your little one cranky. Under bundling or over bundling your baby might make your baby too cold or too warm and she can become cranky. Many parents can mistake this discomfort for a gassy baby. Besides gas, one of the biggest and most common things that can upset your baby is a room that is too cold or too hot.

    3. Give Your Baby a Massage

    A light massage can give a gassy baby relief. It can help move gas bubbles along. You can also help a baby be more relaxed and comfortable by placing her in a warm bath.

    Watch the video below to learn how to massage your baby:

    4. Burp Your Baby

    fussy or gassy babies might be full of air that they swallowed during feeding sessions. Making her burp can help reduce air building up in her belly. Hold your baby upright against a shoulder and pat her back until she burps.

    5. Apply Heat on Your Babys Tummy

    place a heating pad or a bottle of hot water on your little childs tummy when she is lying or sitting down. This helps to relieve some pain.

    Rub The Foot Using Reflexology

    “There are thousands of nerves in the feet and hands that, when specific techniques are applied, can cause the entire body to relax and feel calmer,” says Laura Norman, a reflexology practitioner and author of Feet First: A Guide to Food Reflexology. The tummy region corresponds with the center arch of the left foot. Using a reflexology technique, hold your child’s left foot with the palm of your right hand and with your left hand under the ball of the foot, apply a steady, even pressure with your thumb.

    Use a forward, caterpillar-like motion to go across the foot. Switch hands and repeat from right to left, with the thumb of your right hand, and continue until you cover the center of the arch. “The child will respond positively to her mom’s loving touch, the parent feels wonderful for being able to help their child, and the parent-child connection is strengthened,” Norman adds.

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    Upset Stomach In Baby

    Babies that have an upset stomach or gas will appear to be quite uncomfortable. However, they do not need medical attention. It is advised that parents contact their babys doctor if they notice that their baby looks ill. Reflux, food intolerance, colic, constipation, an intestinal blockage or a stomach bug are some of the common causes of gas and stomach pain in infants. There are a number of home remedies that can help ease the symptoms of a stomach upset and help your baby feel better. Parents are supposed to talk these home treatments over with their childs pediatrician before they use them so as to be sure that they are appropriate.

    Stomach Pain In The Lower Right Part Of The Abdomen

    Baby Digestion & Stomach Health : Newborn Stomach Cramps

    Appendicitis is a serious medical emergency that can cause sudden, severe pain in the lower right part of your childs stomach. If your child complains of stomach pain that moves to the lower right side of the belly, watch for other symptoms of appendicitis including:

    • Fever
    • Constipation
    • Diarrhea

    You should contact your childs pediatrician immediately if you suspect your child has appendicitis. Early diagnosis decreases risk of a ruptured appendix or serious complications.

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    What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Stomach Pain In Children

    A parent or caregiver usually can notice pain in a child’s abdomen. Infants and very young toddlers may cry, express pain facially, and curl up. Young children are usually quick to tell you what is wrong. Some teenagers may be reluctant to report pain, and you must try to get a clear explanation of what they are feeling. Ask about these conditions:

  • Duration of the pain: Most simple causes of abdominal pain do not last long. Most of us have experienced gas pains or the stomach/gut flu, and recall that the pain was usually gone within 24 hours. Any abdominal pain that continues longer than 24 hours should be evaluated by a physician.
  • Location of the pain: Most simple pains are located in the center of the abdomen. The child will rub around his or her belly button. Pain felt in other areas is more concerning. This is especially true of pain located low and down on the right side of the abdomen. Pain in that area should be considered as appendicitis until proven otherwise.
  • Appearance of the child: As a general rule, if the child looks very ill in addition to being in pain, medical help should be sought. Often, the caregiver “just knows” the child is very sick. When abdominal pain occurs, key things to look for include pale appearance, sweating, sleepiness or listlessness. It is most concerning when a child cannot be distracted from the pain with play, or refuses to drink or eat for several hours.

    Why Does My 9 Year Old Have Stomach Pain

    There are many causes of abdominal pain. The associated symptoms are the most important factor, along with where the pain is. Symptoms include waking from sleep, weight loss, or a strong family history of a particular GI disease. hobie1: I have a 9-year-old daughter who has complained of general stomach pain for almost a year now.

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    What Can I Give My Child For Stomach Pain

    Stomach pain usually resolves itself after your child:

    • Rests
    • Passes gas
    • Recovers from a stomach virus

    Theres no specific treatment for an upset stomach, but you can help relieve your childs symptoms. Trusted home remedies for stomach pain in kids include:

    • Offering plenty of clear liquids to keep your child hydrated
    • Offering ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain
    • Using a heating pad to ease cramps and pain
    • Offering a bland diet, like crackers and soups
    • Giving your child stool softeners, like MiraLAX® to ease constipation
    • Mixing a probiotic in your childs water, which may help stop diarrhea

    When To See A Doctor For Your Childs Stomach Ache

    What are the Causes of Upset Stomach in Children?

    As you try these home treatments for your child, you should also monitor them to see whether they are helping.

    Mild stomach aches will usually go away pretty quickly, but be careful not to ignore other serious symptoms that may accompany stomach pain. Contact your childs doctor right away in the cases of:

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    Other Ways To Reduce Gas

    Helping a baby maneuver her body can also help rid the stomach and intestines of trapped gas. For example, giving your infant tummy time is one way to put pressure on this trapped air and facilitate the burping or passing of gas 2. Allowing your baby to lay on her back and kick her legs, or giving her a tummy massage may also help. Infant simethicone drops, an common anti-gas remedy which breaks up gas bubbles in the gut, can also be tried, however its effectiveness in treating fussy or colicky babies has not been established.

    Lactose Intolerance In Babies

    Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk including breast, formula and cows milk. Its an important source of carbohydrate but for our bodies to use it properly, it has to be broken down by an enzyme called lactase. If there is enough lactase produced, this is referred to as lactose intolerance, because the lactose cant be digested.

    Babies can develop a temporary form of lactose intolerance called secondary lactose intolerance after an illness such as gastroenteritis. Symptoms of this normally disappear after a few weeks, when the lining of the gut heals, and the cells start to product lactase again.

    Lactose intolerance symptoms

    Symptoms of lactose intolerance in babies include:

    • Vomiting
    • Wind

    Lactose intolerance treatment

    Speak to your doctor if you are worried about the symptoms. Your doctor may recommend a lactose-free milk formula for a few weeks, until the symptoms have cleared.

    Try this:you can also discuss with your doctor or pharmacist using Colief colic drops that contain a natural lastase enzyme to break down the lactose in milk.

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    Switch Up Your Burping Strategy

    Some babies are awesome burpers others, not so much. For those kiddos who require a little extra effort to release air, consider adjusting your burping strategy.

    Try burping baby mid-feeding or in a different position to prompt bubbles to make their exit. A few good, big belches could make a big difference in their discomfort.

    How To Stop The Vomiting

    Causes of stomach pain in an infant who is on formula milk – Dr. Shaheena Athif

    Theres no single surefire way to halt puking in its tracks. The sad-but-true reality: The best course of action is usually to simply let an illness run its course.

    In fact, though it might be tempting to reach for medication for a vomiting child, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against using any over-the-counter or prescription anti-vomiting drugs in kids .

    Using antibiotics to treat throwing up is especially discouraged, as many stomach illnesses are caused by viruses, not bacteria.

    Typically, the more important goal is to make sure your child stays hydrated throughout their bout of sickness. As they lose fluids through throwing up, giving them plenty to drink is your best bet.

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    When To See A Doctor

    It is wise to contact your doctor when it is obvious that home remedies for stomachache fail and the pain is growing worse with time. If you notice any one or more of the following signs, you should get in touch with your doctor immediately:

    • Your child is hesitant to move or stand up straight
    • He will not allow you to touch his belly, even gently
    • Stomach pain accompanied by high fever
    • The presence of blood or pus in his stool
    • Vomiting of what appears to be yellow substances or even blood
    • A stiff swollen abdomen which sticks out more than usual
    • Pain during urination
    • The presence of pus or blood in urine


    When To Rush The Baby To The Doctor

    Home remedies can do wonders for most, but it always safe to know when to consult the doctor. Constipation should be addressed if it continues for more than three days. If the child is vomiting, has a fever, or is generally feeling worn out most of the time, it is better to consult the doctor. Other than this, I would say you trust your instincts. After all, a mother knows best!

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    Cows Milk Allergy In Babies

    Allergy to cows milk is the most common food allergy in children. Many children grow out of it by the time they go to school. Cows milk allergy is an immune reaction to one or more milk proteins in cows milk. There are two types of cows milk allergies:

    • Immunoglobin E antibody: the first type has an immediate reaction and is caused by the immunoglobin E antibody, the symptoms of allergy come on within minutes of having cows milk or within two hours.
    • Non-immunoglobin E: the second type is a delayed response caused by non-immunoglobin E reaction and is the more common one. The symptoms come on slower, after two hours of having cows’ milk but it can take up to 72 hours.

    Cows milk allergy symptoms

    Symptoms of cow’s milk allergy in babies can vary. They usually begin when cows milk is introduced into the diet and often include the following:

    • Vomiting or diarrhoea.
    • Skin problems such as a red itchy rash.
    • Problems with breathing such as wheezing.

    Cows milk allergy treatment

    Breastfeeding is the best way to avoid getting an allergic reaction to cows milk. If your baby is allergic to cows’ milk, breastfeeding mums should cut out cows milk from their diet too.

    After diagnosing a cows’ milk allergy for your baby, your doctor may recommend milk formula that are extensively or fully hydrolysed. These milk formulas have the milk protein broken down making it easier to digest and less likely to cause an allergy.

    : 26-11-2020

    Physical Exam And Investigations

    baby in stomach pain

    a) physical exam

    ABCs vitals and growth parameters .

    • Inspection: look for contour, symmetry, pulsations, peristalsis, vascular irregularities, skin markings, wall protrusions , any signs of trauma , and abdominal distension
    • Auscultation: auscultate before palpation in the abdominal exam, listen for bowel sounds, abdominal bruits, pressure of the stethoscope also tests for tenderness
    • Percussion: assess general tone , percuss for liver span and spleen tip, assess for ascites .
    • Palpation: assess tenderness with light and deep palpation, assess for guarding and rebound tenderness, palpate for liver, spleen, kidney and abdominal masses .
    • Digital rectal exam: first exam the anus for fissures and skin tags, then assess for tone, stool, and blood
    • Special Tests: there are a number of special tests for each differential diagnosis

    table 4: findings on physical exam for common differential diagnoses

    Medical Condition

    The differential diagnosis of abdominal pain is extensive making a concise approach sometimes difficult.

    Key points:

    1. Determine if abdominal pain is acute or chronic

    2. Is the abdomen acute/surgical or benign

    3. Are red flags present.

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