Thursday, April 25, 2024

Why Does My Stomach Feel Tight And Bloated

How Long Do You Have To Treat Dog Bloat

Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating

Bloat/GDV can kill a dog within an hour if untreated. This is why we vets cant stress it enough: If you notice that your dog is bloated, it is officially the time to get them to the nearest open veterinary hospital ASAP.

If your regular veterinarians office is closed, bring your dog immediately to the closest Animal ER. Please, don’t trifle with or delay in the face of this condition. GDV is no joke!

Still unsure if your dog has GDV? Even if you think theres a chance that your dog may currently be suffering from GDV, please err on the side of caution and take them for immediate veterinary evaluation. The cost of an emergency vet visit will pale in comparison to the peace of mind youll get by doing so. Below is an email from one reader whose dog was fortunate enough not to have bloat, but was thankful she had the information from our 101 Essential Tips book that she took the appropriate precautionary measures.

How Long Does Alcohol Bloating & Beer Bellys Last

The bloating duration can vary from one person to the other, experts explain. It often depends on the severity of alcohol consumption and whether the patient also has a chronic health condition. It may take somewhere from a couple of days to a few months.

The only thing that will have a heavy impact on the bloating duration timeline is the type of drinking habit. People who are occasional drinkers are still vulnerable to bloating. However, their body is more capable of flushing out the toxins from the system.

Since their organs are still working at full steam, they will need less time for the bloating to subside. In many cases, their stomach goes back to normal in just 2 to 3 days.

Chronic alcoholism is different.

Heavy alcohol abuse can severely damage multiple organs. So, its normal for people to need weeks or months to manage the bloating. The constant drinking will have already taken a toll on every part of their body. Therefore, its imperative that they detox their system to get the organs back on track.

According to research published in Science Daily, moderate alcohol consumption can cause small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Thats why people experience mild bloating, pain, constipation, and gas.

In individuals with alcohol-related weight gain, the bloating length will depend on their calorie intake, activity, and fitness level. Overall, if they are physically active or their digestive system works well, the bloating can disappear in less than a week.

About Heart And Vascular Institute

The UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute has long been a leader in cardiovascular care, with a rich history in clinical research and innovation. As one of the first heart transplant centers in the country and as the developer of one of the first heart-assist devices, UPMC has contributed to advancing the field of cardiovascular medicine.


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You Have A Gi Condition

GI illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome can cause diarrhea, constipation, or both, says Inra. And a lot of patientsespecially womenexperience significant bloating, she says. If you have a GI disorder, your gut can be hypersensitive, says Inra. Breaking down food can leave you with a slew of unwanted stomach woes, pain, and bloating.

Coeliac Disease And Bloating

The Real Reason Why Your Stomach Is Bloated And How To Fix ...

Coeliac disease is a common digestive condition where your intestine cannot absorb gluten found in wheat, barley and rye.

If you have Coeliac disease, eating foods containing gluten can also trigger diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fatigue.

See your GP if you suspect you may have Coeliac disease.

There is no cure for Coeliac disease but, once the condition has been diagnosed, switching to a gluten-free diet should help.

Find out more about Coeliac disease.

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Bloating And Other Diseases

Constantly hungry and yet a bloated and tired feeling is a sign that you are having digestive problems. Thyroid disorders are a very common suspect for having these kinds of problems. The thyroid gland is located at the front area of your neck above your collarbone. It regulates the body’s major functions that include your mood, appetite, and rate of metabolism.

Conditions in your thyroid can escalate or delay the normal rate of metabolism. It can make you lethargic, bloated, or even hungry at times. Alarming symptoms like enlargement of the thyroid gland, pain in the neck, rapid mood swings, irregular heartbeat, loss or excessive appetite are concerning.

Associated diseases like cardiac, renal, or hepatic are may show some initial signs of bloating. Diabetic patients at times have compromised digestive tract and may have issues related to bloating. It becomes important to control these conditions so that you are not feeling bloated regularly.

Bloating is common in:

  • Gluten intolerance and Celiac diseases
  • Liver diseases
  • Intestinal obstruction

Food Sensitivity And Intolerances

Most people will have a sensitivity to one or more foods which will cause them to feel bloated. So doing an elimination diet to figure out which food might be the culprit is a good idea. A simple way of doing elimination diet is to eliminate foods that are not good for your system and see if bloating gets better and then reintroduce them back one at a time to figure out which food is the culprit. Most commonly people will eliminate gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn, sugar, peanuts, alcohol, carbonated beverages, alcohol, red meat. And then they do this elimination for 3-4 weeks and then slowly introduce them one at a time.

A large number of people are able to find out the cause for their bloating with elimination diet.

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Reasons Why Your Dogs Stomach Is Hard And What To Do

When your dogs stomach swells or hardens, there may be a serious cause for concern, or it may just be a case of your dog overheating. Its important to know the difference between something that can take care of itself versus something that can cause your dog serious harm.

The four main reasons why your dogs stomach may be hard are Gastric Dilation Volvulus , Peritonitis, Cushings Syndrome, and Ascites. Of course, there may be a few other reasons, but these are the most likely ones. By knowing the symptoms of stomach problems in dogs, you will know what to do in the event of something more serious happening.

Take note that when a dog has stomach swelling or hardness, your pooch may be in critical condition. Swelling in dogs can be fatal if the situation is not remedied promptly. Take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as you notice stomach swelling. A veterinarian is the best person to diagnose your dog because you do not want to misinterpret their symptoms and cause them more harm.

Menstrual Cycle & Bloating


Does your stomach feel bloated around the time of your period? Oestrogen has a big role in deciding how women retain water.

Levels of this hormone fluctuate during a womans monthly cycle, with the body typically retaining more water when oestrogen is higher in the week or so leading up to the start of a period.

As a result, a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome is bloating.

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What To Do When You Arrive At The Animal Hospital

  • Be ready to move quickly. Hospital staff will quickly take your dog to the back for initial diagnostics . You almost certainly won’t be able to go or stay with your dog, but someone will update you as soon as possible, usually after about 1530 minutes.
  • Know whether you want to resuscitate. If your dog with GDV suffers a cardiac arrest which is not uncommon the hospital staff can begin CPR, but they’ll need your permission to do so and they’ll need it quickly.
  • Fill in the paperwork. Upon check-in, there will be forms and paperwork for you to complete. Use the time that your dog is in the back being stabilized and evaluated to complete these steps so that your dog can be entered into the system as efficiently as possible.
  • Know that GDV will require surgery to correct, specifically a procedure called a “gastropexy.” As with any surgery, complications can arise.
  • Your Health Questions Answered

    • Answered by: Healthily’s medical teamAnswered: 09/09/2021

      If you have a swollen stomach and have put on weight, the 2 could be connected or not. If youve been exercising less than normal or your diet has changed, this may have caused you to put on weight and become constipated, which may be making your stomach look swollen. Another cause could be pregnancy. But if your stomach is swollen, it could also be that your bodys holding on to too much water and youve got a build-up of fluid in your tummy, which can also make it look like youve gained weight. It can be a serious problem, so see a doctor if youve got a swollen stomach and have gained weight.

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    How To Treat Dog Bloat

    You 100% cannot and should not attempt to treat dog bloat at home. There are no home remedies, medications, or supplements that are safe or effective to give a dog that is suffering from GDV/Bloat. The only correct way to treat bloat is to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible! Even if it turns out not to be a case of GDV, you will be happier for the peace of mind and relief veterinary evaluation can provide.

    If your dog is suffering from GDV, no amount of Gas-X or any other at-home treatment will cure or help your dog. In fact, the struggle of trying to get oral medications into your dog when they have a twisted stomach will worsen their discomfort and distress, and also carries the risk that the medication will wind up in their lungs .

    The time wasted trying to give at-home treatments will unnecessarily delay the proper veterinary evaluation and care needed to give your dog the best chance of survival.

    Check For A Food Intolerance Or Allergy

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    Occasionally, a wheat allergy or lactose intolerance results in a lot of undigested food that can be acted on by bacteria and cause bloating, says Dr Chopada.

    If you want to reduce bloating consider food intolerances, says Claire. The most common intolerances are lactose , fructose , wheat and gluten, and eggs. You can do this by cutting out food you think you might be intolerant to and seeing how your body reacts. If you arent sure, find a specialist who can test you, she advises.

    Over the counter medications like Deflatine tablets can help, adds Dr Chophada.

    Drinking enough water can actually reduce bloating, rather than cause it.

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    Treatment Of A Bloated Stomach

    Treatment depends on the underlying cause of abdominal bloating. The following is the usually recomended treatment of each of the common causes of a bloated stomach.

  • Aerophagia – Behavioral modification is necessary to treat this condition .
  • Avoid chewing gum
  • Avoid hard candy
  • Avoid carbonated drinks
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – Low dose antidepressants and antispasmodics are used to treat or manage irritable bowel syndrome. Recent meta-meta-analyses have indicated the benefit of antibiotics, probiotics, and anti-tumor necrosis factor agents in patients with IBS .
  • Constipation Osmotic laxatives and plenty of fluids will be helpful. Certain fiber supplements like psyllium should be avoided as they can worsen bloating.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth Bacterial infections are treated with a course of antibiotics. For example, an analysis of small bowel biopsies in elderly patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth revealed blunting of the intestinal villi, thinning of the mucosa and crypts, and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes. All of these symptoms reversed with antibiotic treatment.
  • Malabsorption syndrome Nutrients that are not absorbed well are eliminated from the diet. For example, lactose is to be avoided in lactose intolerance and gluten in case of celiac disease. Alternatively, digestive enzymes can be taken for relief.
  • Intestinal obstruction Surgery is done urgently to treat this condition.
  • Foods That Cause A Bloated Belly

  • Wheat. If youre sensitive to gluten, bread, pizza, cakes and biscuits can be a trigger for bloating.
  • Cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are known for being particularly gassy vegetables.
  • Beans. Legumes like lentils and chickpeas are fermented by gut bacteria in the colon. The process can produce excess gas
  • Fibre. High fibre foods, such as beans, fruit and peas, absorb water in the gut causing bloating.
  • Onions and garlic. Theyre both rich sources of fructans. These are complex sugars that your small intestine struggles to break down.
  • Dried fruit. If your body has difficulty absorbing natural sugars, they may give you a bloating feeling.
  • Salt. A diet thats high in sodium can cause water retention, which adds to feelings of fullness.
  • Fatty foods. Foods that are high in fat take longer to digest, slowing down stomach emptying and adding to bloating.
  • Alcohol. Drinking too much can delay stomach emptying and cause your stomach to bloat.
  • Carbonated drinks. The gassy fizz introduces extra air into your digestive system.
  • Some artificial sweeteners. Theyre sweet-tasting, but theyre not easy for your body to digest.
  • Dairy foods. If you have a sensitivity to lactose you may find your waist expands after eating more than your gut can tolerate.13,14
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    Bloated Irrtable And My Clothes Feel Tight

    Guest over a year ago


    Guest over a year ago

    Guest over a year ago

    Well, it is interesting that your belly was flat after the treatment. That seems to suggest that there is something going on with your gut. To get rid of a bloated belly, it sometimes helps to avoid foods that are known to cause bloating and burping, such as beans and cabbage. You should also chew your food extra well and stay away from carbonated drinks.

    Activated charcoal and fennel tea are great ways to deal with a bloated belly if it was caused by some food you ate that is bad.

    If none of that helps, I do think you should see your doctor.


    You May Be Getting Your Period Soon

    How To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach | Reduce Stomach Bloating Instantly

    Bloating typically accompanies the natural hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle, Dr. Christmas tells Good Housekeeping, and it happens most often during the luteal phase. Thats the time when your hormone levels are rising because its right after you ovulate and your body starts to prepare the uterus for an impending pregnancy, she explains. The luteal phase ends when your period actually begins.

    During this time, the hormones estrogen and progesterone increase in the body and are usually to blame for bloating. Estrogen can heighten water retention, and progesterone can slow the gastrointestinal tract, causing constipation in the long run. You might counteract some of this around your cycle.

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    Possible Causes Of Bloating In Upper Abdomen

    Abdominal bloating is a health condition in which the upper abdomen is gaseous, may be visibly swollen or distended, and feels uncomfortably full. Its a common complaint among both children and adults, and the symptoms can be difficult to live with. Moreover, it can also be accompanied by burping or belching, pain, excessive gas or flatulence,swallowing of air, and abdominal rumbling.

    How To Relieve Bloating After Eating

    The best way to relieve bloating is to prevent its occurrence. As dietary triggers are often the cause of bloating, knowing which triggers you are most sensitive to is vital to avoid bloating. Keeping an eye on your intake of fiber, salt, and carbonated beverages can also play a big part in preventing stomach bloating. Also, make sure you are not consuming a high-fat diet, as fatty foods are a major culprit in stomach bloating after eating. There also may be a difference between trans fats, saturated fats, and unsaturated fats for your digestion as well, so try and keep track of which ones make you feel the worst.

    Although it is a dairy product, eating yogurt can help to fill your stomach with healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics, which boost digestion and gut health. When eating, try not to drink too many liquids. Beverages dilute stomach acids and cause the digestion process to become prolonged. Wait until after eating to finish your drink. Finally, take your time and eat slowly while sitting up straight. Allowing your digestive tract time to begin the digestive process will help to decrease the risk of bloating after eating.

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    Drinking Too Much Soda

    Carbonated beverages, such as soda or sparkling water, are a common reason for bloating. The fizz in your favorite sodas can cause gas to get trapped in your stomach, which can lead to bloating and belching.

    Try limiting the amount of soda you drink and switch to a healthier alternative. Water with cucumber or lemon can offer a flavorful drink with your meal, and black tea can provide the caffeine kick you may need in the early afternoon. If youre already feeling bloated, peppermint tea is a common remedy that can be used to help reduce the discomfort.

    Bloating: Causes And Prevention Tips

    Why is My Stomach Bloated?  Entirely Health

    How often do you hear yourself or friends complain about bloating? We often just say we’re bloated when we feel full, but for many women, the problem relates to a chronic underlying condition. If you feel bloated often, you may have a condition like irritable bowel syndrome , which affects up to 24 of women.

    Here are some common causes of bloating and tips on preventing this uncomfortable condition.

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