Why Is My Stomach Getting Bigger
By Holly Klamer, RDResearched Based Article
Seeing your waist line expand can be frustrating, especially if you are working hard to eat a healthy diet balanced by exercise and healthy lifestyle choices. However, if your stomach is getting bigger, it may not always be from excess calories.
There are other reasons your stomach can be getting bigger especially if it occurs rather suddenly.
Besides fat gain and being pregnant for women, if your stomach is getting bigger it could mean you are retaining water weight, are bloated, hormone changes or maybe your digestive system is getting off kilter.
If you have any pain, discomfort or any other unusual symptoms in your abdomen associated with it getting bigger, always seek immediate medical attention.
Left Side Of The Abdomen
Upper left:
This part of the abdomen contains a portion of the body of your stomach, the tail of the pancreas, and your spleen.
The spleen is an organ that filters blood and supports the immune system.
Center left and center middle:
The transverse colon and the small intestine make up the center left and center middle of the abdomen. The small intestine is where most food digestion occurs.
The transverse colon is the upper part of the large intestine, where unabsorbed food is carried after going through the ascending colon. The small intestine is the organ that takes up most of the abdomen.
Lower left:
The descending and sigmoid colon portions are the part of the digestive system that stores unabsorbed food remains and waste before they leave your body.
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What does it mean when your stomach hurts every time you eat? Gastritis Gastritis causes the lining of the stomach to become inflamed. It can cause stomach pain, sickness, vomiting, and indigestion. Mild gastritis can be treated at home with medication and changes to diet. Cutting out acidic foods and eating smaller meals throughout the day can
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How Is Ascites Treated
Limiting sodium in your diet is crucial for treating ascites. For people with ascites, recommended sodium intake is less than 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams a day.
A dietitian can help create a healthy eating plan for you. You may also need to take diuretics . These water pills help fluid and sodium leave your body.
Why Is My Stomach Bloated
The most common cause of stomach pain and bloating is excess intestinal gas. If you get a bloated stomach after eating, it may be a digestive issue. It might be as simple as eating too much too fast, or you could have a food intolerance or other condition that causes gas and digestive contents to build up. Your menstrual cycle is another common cause of temporary bloating. Sometimes a bloated stomach can indicate a more serious medical condition.
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Youre Sitting Too Much
Sit all morning, rush to lunch, eat at your desk, barely move until its time to clock out. Sound familiar? This pattern of staying sedentary through most of the work day can make it hard for food to move through your digestive tract, which can lead to feeling bloated, Manning says. Ill often tell someone to go take a walk after lunch to help them to digest so they dont feel so uncomfortable, she explains.
Speaking of going for a walk, being active can be extremely helpful if your bloat seems to be related to constipation. Exercise helps speed up your bowel transit and helps you to go to the bathroom more frequently, Manning says. So even if youre not interested in becoming a fitness beast, a routine that gets your blood flowing may be what you need to help get your bowels in shape.
Causes Of Feeling Bloated After Eating Only A Small Meal
The most common cause of feeling bloated after eating a small meal is consuming foods or drinks that can cause bloating, such as carbonated drinks, lentils, and beans. However, if you experience bloating regularly, and regardless of what food types you eat, there could be another underlying cause. There are several potential disorders which can cause bloating or fullness, but it is important not to self-diagnose, and you must visit your health professional for further investigation.
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What Is Wrong With You If You Bloat After Everything You Eat
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Bloating, which is generally caused by the buildup of gas in the digestive tract, is not uncommon. In fact, the Cleveland Clinic notes that many people believe that they have excess gas when in fact they have normal amounts. While bloating is a common complaint, feeling bloated every time you eat may be a sign of an underlying digestive issue. If you’re struggling, see your doctor to rule out a medical issue.
What Exactly Does It Mean To Feel Bloated
A common misconception about bloating is that its always the result of eating too big a meal. To doctors, it usually means an excess of gas in the gastrointestinal region, causing abdominal discomfort and distension.
Causes can range from an imbalance of bacteria, to eating too much fiber, to not eating enough. When you take antibiotics, the bacteria responsible for breaking down complex carbohydrates may fail and produce gas. The most common causes of bloating, however, are swallowing too much air and eating too fast.
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You Could Be Nearing Perimenopause
Perimenopause is the stage when your body starts to transition to menopause , and can occur anywhere from your mid-30s to your 40s. When women become perimenopausal, your ovaries dont have a synchronized secretion of hormones anymore, Dr. Christmas explains. Fluctuating hormones may increase water retention and bloating, and some foods, like dairy, can make it worse. Usually, by the time you reach menopause, estrogen levels drop, and bloating tends to subside, she says.
How Common Is Stomach Bloating
Between 10% and 25% of otherwise healthy people complain of occasional abdominal bloating. As many as 75% describe their symptoms as moderate to severe. About 10% say they experience it regularly. Among those diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome , it may be as much as 90%. Up to 75% of women experience bloating before and during their period. Only 50% of people who experience bloating also report a distended abdomen.
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What Can I Eat On The Low
Certain fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins are higher and lower in FODMAPs. Some are OK to eat in limited amounts but will bother you in larger amounts. For example, most legumes and processed meats are high in FODMAPs, but plain-cooked meats, tofu and eggs are low-FODMAP protein sources. Apples, watermelon and stone fruits are high in FODMAPs, but grapes, strawberries and pineapples are OK. A ripe banana is high in fructose, but you can have up to a third cut up in your cereal, or you can have a whole one if its not quite ripe. Your dietician can help provide you with these kinds of specific guidelines for your diet.
What Causes A Big Stomach In Females
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What causes a big stomach in females? Many metabolic and psychological factors cause stomach enlargement in females. It leads so many chronic diseases as well.
In this post, you will learn what causes a big stomach in females and how you can improve your lifestyle and lose belly fat if you have it.
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Causes Of Stomach Distension
By paying a little closer attention to your eating habits, you can help prevent excessive bloating. Heres a quick list of sneaky foods and habits that could be to blame:
Gum chewing. Your favorite breath-freshening pastime may be the number one cause for a straining waistband. When you chew gum, you swallow air which gets trapped in the GI system and extends the stomach.
Eating too fast. When you eat a large amount of food in a short period of time, your GI system doesnt have enough time to digest and dispel. A backed up system means a buildup of gas and fluid, causing distension.
Drinking from straws. When you go to sip a drink from a straw, you first suck in a straw-length volume of air, which ends up trapped in your stomach.
Not enough fiberor too much. Fiber is notorious for moving things along. When youre backed up, excess gas in your GI track cant escape, causing you to bloat. Next time you need a snack, reach for fibrous-skinned produce like apples and strawberries. Make sure to go easy on insoluble fibers like beans and lentils. Eating too much of these produces excessive gas.
Fermented Foods Can Help
If the balance of gut microbes is a little messed up, increasing your probiotic intake could help to restore your microbiome back to equilibrium. Foods that decrease bloating might include fermented examples, like kefir and yogurt containing natural probiotics .
Some research has shown that Bifidobacterium infantis could be helpful for IBS patients. However, other studies have shown that some probiotics, like those containing Lactobacillus, can help with IBS symptoms, but dont necessarily reduce bloating.
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What Are Complications Of Ascites
Ascites can lead to:
- Abdominal problems: The fluid buildup may lead to pain, discomfort and difficulty breathing. These symptoms can interfere with your ability to eat, walk and do daily activities.
- Infection: The fluids can become infected, called spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. You may have fever and stomach pain. Call your healthcare provider if you have these symptoms. Youll need IV antibiotics and long-term antibiotic treatment to keep the infection from coming back.
- Hepatic hydrothorax, or fluid in the lungs: Abdominal fluid fills the lung, usually on the right side. You may experience shortness of breath, cough, chest discomfort and hypoxemia . You may need thoracentesis to remove the fluid.
- Ascites-related hernias: The increase in abdominal pressure can lead to hernias, specifically umbilical and inguinal hernias. Your healthcare provider will discuss your treatment options.
- Kidney failure: If cirrhosis worsens, it may lead to kidney failure .
How To Get Rid Of A Severely Bloated Belly
Extreme Bloating of your belly, are you fed up with it? How to get rid of a severely bloated abdomen. Stop painful stomach bloating and never have to deal with a swollen, distended or bloated belly again!
How to fix and get rid of an extremely bloated stomach at the root cause not just temporary relief. Find out what causes a severely bloated stomach even if you eat healthy.
Looking at my picture you would think that I’m pregnant, because I was so ridiculously bloated, but I was a far cry from being pregnant!
I dont know how many of you out there have had to deal with a severe bloated belly like this, but anyone who has knows that it is one of the most uncomfortable and depressing situation to be in.
Super Bloated, Not Pregnant!!
This extreme bloating is what I lived with for far too long!
Do you bloat up excessively and painfully no matter what you eat and even when you do not eat? And, your belly bloating up from what you drink!
Has your swollen belly become so severe that it is causing pain all around your torso including back pain and pain when you breathe?
That was me too, but not anymore! I do not have to deal with any stomach bloating, not slight bloating or severe bloating absolutely no bloating at all.
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Bad Eating Habits = Bloating
Its no surprise that bad eating habits can contribute to bloating. Overeating or eating too quickly can cause that stuffed feeling because your digestive system slows down, trying to process a large or fast intake of food. When you talk while eating, drink through a straw or chew gum, you swallow air that can go into your digestive system, causing bloating.
Processed foods, such as hotdogs and chips, also can create bloating. Many processed foods are high in sodium, which makes your body retain water and can cause your stomach to feel bloated. Sugary foods and snacks break down in your body and can make you gassy.
Even what you drink can upset your stomach. Carbonated beverages like beer and soda contain bubbles with carbon dioxide, a gas that releases into your stomach.
What Is A Bloated Stomach
A bloated stomach is first and foremost a feeling of tightness, pressure or fullness in your belly. It may or may not be accompanied by a visibly distended abdomen. The feeling can range from mildly uncomfortable to intensely painful. It usually goes away after a while, but for some people, its a recurring problem. Digestive issues and hormone fluctuations can cause cyclical bloating. If your bloated stomach doesnt go away, you should seek medical care to determine the cause.
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Ways To Avoid Bloating After Eating
Once you know the reasons behind bloating,you can take steps to deal with it. Here is what you can do to keep bloating at bay.
1. Avoid Carbonated Drinks
You should avoid carbonated drinks or at least limit their intake. Drink more of these drinks and carbon dioxide will build up in your system. This will lead to bloating. The best thing is to stick with plain water or add a slice of lemon to make it taste better.
2. Eat Slowly
Do not eat too fast because this makes you swallow air that leads to bloating after eating. Take more time to eat this keeps you from swallowing air and also helps reduce your overall food intake.
3. Take a Walk
Go for a walk after you eat your meal. Even a short walk after a meal can work wonders in reducing the gas buildup that usually leads to bloating. Besides, walking will also benefit your overall health.
4. Mind the Food You Eat
Whats more, several difficult-to-digest, bloat-inducing foods can make things extremely difficult when you are already having a hard time dealing with bloating after eating.
5. Try a Supplement
You can find gas-busting or anti-gas supplements such as a-galactosidase tablets to avoid dealing with gas after eating certain foods. These pills not just help relieve bloating, but they also prove effective against flatulence and belching. You need to take most of these supplements before every meal, but talk to your doctor about how often you should take it.
How Is Functional Dyspepsia Diagnosed
When you explain your symptoms to your healthcare provider, they will test you for common causes. Tests may include:
- Blood tests to check for common infections and diseases that might explain your symptoms.
- Upper endoscopy, an imaging test to look inside your organs for any structural problems.
- Breath tests to screen for abnormal bacteria in your gut. The urea breath test can detect H. pylori infection, while the hydrogen breath test can detect SIBO.
- Gastric emptying studies to see how fast your stomach empties into your small intestine.
If theres no evidence of a structural or biochemical disease, and your symptoms have been persistent for three months or more, youll be diagnosed with FD.
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Should I Visit A Gut Clinic
Upper belly bloating after eating may be an uncomfortable yet mild condition that could make it difficult for you to enjoy a meal. However, bloating may be a symptom of a more serious underlying gastrointestinal condition.
Getting in touch with a specialist at a gastrointestinal clinic may help you find out if your abdominal bloating is related to other gastrointestinal conditions.
Can A Food Intolerance Test Help With Bloating
The market for food intolerance tests is heavily saturated due to an increased demand of interest in health and wellbeing. Thats why its important for you, the reader, to make sure you make well-informed choices when it comes to purchasing a food intolerance test.
Here at yorktest, weve been going for over 35 years and are the UKs leading provider in food intolerance testing. We also provide post-test support in the form of guidebooks and nutritional consultations with BANT* registered nutritional therapists to ensure youre replacing your trigger foods with healthy and nutritious alternatives.
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When Lifestyle Changes Dont Help
Bloating is usually just your bodys natural response to certain foods or habits. But when bloating doesnt ease up with dietary changes, it may be time to address the problem with your doctor.
This is especially the case if the bloating is accompanied with severe cramps and abnormal bowel movements. Possible underlying health problems include:
Excess Gas Can Build Up
Gas is a normal part of digestion, but if it builds up in your intestines, it may cause bloating and pain. Gas happens when food that is not digested is broken down in your colon. This process produces methane and hydrogen, which you pass naturally as gas.
If you do experience bloating due to gas, modifying your food intake may help. Here are some common drinks and foods that can cause bloating:
- Foods high in fiber or fat
- Fried and spicy dishes
- Carbonated drinks, such as soda or beer
- Lactose found in milk, cheese and yogurts
Over-the-counter supplements can even trigger bloating.
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