Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why Is The Top Of My Stomach So Bloated

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pizzabadpizzaBadbadhealthHere are 11 proven ways to reduce or eliminate bloating.

  • Don’t Eat Too Much at a Time.
  • Rule Out Food Allergies and Intolerances to Common Foods.
  • Avoid Swallowing Air and Gases.
  • Don’t Eat Foods That Give You Gas.
  • Try a Low-FODMAP Diet.
  • Be Careful With Sugar Alcohols.
  • Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements.
  • A Note From Cleveland Clinic

    Ascites is a sign of liver damage. People who have cirrhosis may develop ascites. With the right treatments and diet changes, you can manage ascites and feel your best. Restricting your salt intake is one of the most effective treatments for ascites. Ask your provider about working with a dietitian to plan a salt-restricted diet and other treatment options for ascites that doesnt respond to diuretics.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 05/28/2021.


    Bloating And Ovarian Cancer

    Even though ovarian cancer is certainly not the most common cause of abdominal bloatingand is down on the listit is an important cause of abdominal bloating. Among people who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it’s been found that this bloating is often attributed to something else, such as middle-age spread or winter weight gain.

    While ovarian cancer isn’t the most common cause of abdominal swelling and bloating, these symptoms are one of the more common symptoms of ovarian cancer. It is also a symptom that is most ignored. The bloating may be so bad that one can’t button their pants, or even have to go up a size.

    Symptoms of ovarian cancer may also include pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, and frequent urination, but it is also considered the silent killer. In the early stages, the only symptom may be a feeling of being full quickly when eatingin other words bloatingso it is important to make sure you get your symptoms evaluated thoroughly.

    It’s also important to note that sometimes people have two conditions at the same time. For example, someone could have both irritable bowel syndrome and ovarian cancer, so trust your instinct. If your healthcare provider does not seem as concerned as you are, get a second opinion.

    Ovarian cancer is not a common cancer in women, but it’s the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in womenmost likely due to the fact that the diagnosis is missed until it has progressed to the later stages of the disease.

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    Types Of Ovarian Tumors

    The ovaries are made up of three types of cells, each of which has the potential to become malignant.

    Epithelial ovarian tumorsThese are by far the most common type of ovarian tumors and the most likely to be malignant. They develop from cells that cover the outside surface of the ovaries.

    These tumors can be benign , borderline , or malignant.

    The last group, also called carcinomas, account for between 85 and 90 percent of all ovarian cancers.

    Ovarian germ cell tumors These develop in the ova and are usually benign. This category includes a type called a dermoid cyst.

    The malignant kind accounts for less than 2 percent of all ovarian cancers.

    Ovarian stromal tumors These develop in the structural tissue cells that hold the ovary together and produce estrogen and progesterone.

    They make up only about 1 percent of all ovarian cancers.

    Medications And Other Therapies

    Here Are 5 Serious Causes Of Bloated Stomach That You Must Know!

    Some medications and other treatments have been found to help ease the symptoms of bloating and distension. Your doctor may talk to you about some of these options, depending on your symptoms and other health related considerations.

    Antispasmodics: These can relax the muscles of the bowel and provide relief. Examples include dicyclomine and hyoscyamine in the United States and otilonium bromide or pinaverium bromide available in Latin America and some countries in Europe and Asia and a combination of pinaverium bromide with simethicone in some Latin America countries.

    Probiotics: These dietary supplements contain live bacteria that help balance out the existing bacteria of the intestines. Some that include a relatively low level of probiotic bacteria are available over the counter or in yogurt varieties. Other options include Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome in general, and Bifidobacterium animalis DN-0173 10 for patients with IBS with constipation .

    Rifaximin: This antibiotic is only slightly absorbed and can be used for short periods of time. Usually it is used to lessen bloating in people with IBS whose symptoms do not include constipation, or in those with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

    Other options: Medications that increase fluid content in stools, lubiprostone or linaclotide for example, may also be used.

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    Eat At Regular Intervals

    Many people experience bloating directly after a big meal. It is possible to avoid this by eating several smaller meals each day, which can help to keep the digestive system moving.

    Swallowing food quickly can introduce air into the digestive tract. Drinking from a straw can also lead to people swallowing more air, which in turn leads to gas and bloating. People who have bloating should avoid using straws if possible and try eating slowly to avoid swallowing air during meals.

    When Bloating Is A Sign Of Something More Serious

    Each of the previous reasons for bloating can be overcome through diet, exercise, and mindful living. Although not as common, bloating may be an indication of a more serious condition that requires medical attention. The following are three conditions and what to look for.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder that causes a change in bowel habits such as constipation, diarrhea, or both. These changes can cause stomach pain. If you are diagnosed with IBS, youre not alone according to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, 10-15 percent of Americans have IBS. If you notice these symptoms or think you have IBS, see your doctor.

    Crohns Disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that can cause bloating. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and/or fever. If you experience a combination of these symptoms, visit your doctor to get tested for Crohns disease.

    Cancer.Dont panic! Most of the time bloating is a result of something very treatable. However, in rare cases, it can be a sign of a more serious illness such as cancer. If your bloating is combined with symptoms such as blood in the stool and weight loss, you may want to see your doctor who can check you for pancreatic or stomach cancer .

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    Working With A Doctor

    It is important to speak openly and honestly with your physician to express a clear picture of your experiences and symptoms. FGIDs present special challenges when communicating, specifically because of their vague symptoms and sensitive subject matter.

    There isnt a diagnostic test for bloating or distension however your doctor may run some tests to rule out underlying problems or associated disorders.

    For more information about GI tests and how to prepare for them, see our website or see IFFGD publications #111 or #510.

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    B Food Intolerances And Allergies


    Food intolerance means you have trouble digesting or absorption certain types of food or food component.

    As a result, the undigested and/or unabsorbed foods remain longer inside your intestines.

    Bacteria then consume the stagnant food and produce extra gas .

    The more you eat from the offending foods, the more gas, burping, hard stomach you get.

    Food intolerance is widespread, affecting up to 20% of people %20%20%20Raw%20meat,%20seafood.%20Nuts,%20peanut%20Mustard.%20Rice%20Some%20vegetables%20and%20fruits./” rel=”nofollow”> reference).

    Food intolerance is different from food allergy. Food allergy is defined as an allergic reaction to food .

    The differences between food intolerance and allergy are explained in the table below.

    Food intolerance
    Difficulty digesting certain types of food . An immune-mediated reaction to certain foods or food components.
    Causes recurrent acute or chronic attacks of diarrhea and bloating. Usually causes acute attacks related to the ingestion of offending food.
    Intestinal symptoms: diarrhea, extensive gas, bloating , distension , and abdominal pain Intestinal symptoms are the same
    No extraintestinal symptoms Extraintestinal symptoms like rashes, urticaria, swollen lips or face, or severe life-threatening allergic reactions.
    The severity of your symptoms is proportional to the amount you eat from the offending food. Even trace amounts of the offending food can produce severe symptoms.

    Common offending foods:

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    I Get So Bloated I Look Pregnant

    Hannah Lewis, 36, is a model, who is single and lives with her eight-year-old son in Ascot, Berks.

    Abdomen exam: Normal

    Diagnosis: IBS

    Hannah says: Ive suffered from excessive bloating for more than 10 years and can look pregnant after eating certain foods.

    I also get terrible stomach cramps, constipation and severe flatulence. My GP hasnt offered much help.

    Some days my tummy is so bad I dont want to go out. If I have an important event to attend, I either dont eat at all or just eat crisps which dont cause me to bloat. Ive tried over-the-counter medicines, but none have helped much.

    Mr Wests assessment: Hannah has classic IBS symptoms. Her mother apparently suffered from it and it can run in families.

    I reassured her it isnt associated with a higher risk of any other more serious conditions.

    Treatment for Hannah is all about symptom control, as her bloating gets worse with certain foods including roast dinners and curries.

    Ive advised her to avoid these and keep a food diary to spot other triggers.

    Following a low FODMAP diet, avoiding gas producers like onions, broccoli and apples, can improve IBS.

    Which High Fodmap Foods Are The Best To Avoid

    This is the question that youll need to answer for yourself during the process of the low-FODMAP diet. The answer will be different for everyone. The point of the diet is not to deprive you of bad foods but to find out if your symptoms are related to FODMAPs or not and if they are, which ones. Some people may not improve at all on the elimination phase. If you don’t, theres no reason to follow through to the next phase. But if you do, it will be very important to reintroduce foods in a systematic way to separate the real offenders from foods that you can tolerate. Many people find in the end that its only one or two of the FODMAP food groups that bother them. The ultimate goal of the diet is to widen your dietary options as much as possible.

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    When To See A Healthcare Provider

    As noted earlier, the symptom of abdominal bloating is most commonly caused by conditions that are more of a nuisance than life-threatening. That said, it is often the first symptom of ovarian cancer which is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in women and often diagnosed when it is too late, at least to be curable.

    Whether your symptoms are due to a serious cause or not, it is important to see your healthcare provider. So-called nuisance symptoms can interfere with your quality of life, and by that measure, are not just a nuisance.

    If your symptoms do not improve with whatever treatment is recommended, talk to your healthcare provider or seek out a second opinion. In our overworked, over-busy society, its important to be your own advocate in your medical care, no matter what your symptoms or the condition that is responsible.

    Hard Stomach During Pregnancy

    Bloated Stomach Causes, Symptoms &  Treatments

    Generally, you expect a hard stomach when youre pregnant. Your hard-feeling stomach is caused by the pressure of your uterus growing and putting pressure on your abdomen.

    The hardness of your stomach while pregnant can be more pronounced if you eat a low-fiber diet or drink a lot of carbonated beverages.

    If your experience severe pain along with your hard stomach, you should see your OB-GYN or seek immediate medical attention. Sometimes severe pain in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is an indicator of miscarriage.

    Although more common in the third trimester, in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, discomfort can come from labor contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions. Typically Braxton-Hicks contractions pass. If the contractions dont pass and become more persistent, it might be a sign that youre going into labor.

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    If I Have Ascites How Can I Best Take Care Of Myself

    People with ascites should work with a dietitian to plan a sodium-restricted diet. Check food labels, and avoid high-sodium foods.

    You can use several salt substitutes. However, avoid substitutes with potassium, since the medicine you may be taking for ascites can also increase potassium. A dietitian can help you plan a healthy diet and provide recommendations for salt alternatives.

    In addition, you should:

    • Take your diuretics as prescribed.
    • Record your weight every day.
    • Stop drinking alcohol, which can cause further liver damage.
    • Treat hepatitis B or C if necessary.

    Hallmarks Of Abdominal Swelling

    Abdominal swelling is a bothersome, uncomfortable symptom that can leave feeling more full than you are and that your pants are suddenly two sizes too small. It can be due to common gastrointestinal disorders like heartburn, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome or disease, and these conditions typically bring discomfort and pain. More serious causes of abdominal swelling include intestinal blockage, fluid in the abdomen, or cancer. Obesity, pregnancy, and local skin infections may also cause abdominal swelling symptoms. In many cases, abdominal swelling can be treated at home with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter remedies. However, the more serious causes of abdominal swelling require evaluation and treatment by a physician.

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    Your Microbiome Is Out Of Balance

    The microbiome, which is located in the gut, houses trillions of bacteria, according to February 2013 research in Nutrition Reviews.

    Certain foods we eat, including processed meats, red meat, dairy products and sweets, can disrupt the balance of bacteria in our microbiome, leading to more “bad” than “good,” Gans says, which can lead to bloating.

    Fix it:“Adding fermented foods, such as kimchi, miso and sauerkraut, may help balance your microbiome,” Gans says, although she admits these foods can be difficult to fit into your everyday diet, especially for those who don’t enjoy them.

    If, for whatever reason, fermented foods aren’t in the cards for you, Gans suggests taking a postbiotic, like EpiCor, a fermentate ingredient made from plant materials, to help balance your gut bugs.

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    Can You Bloat In Your Upper Stomach

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    Upper stomach bloating is not healthy or expected, but it is widespread.

    Upper stomach bloat causes a very uncomfortable sensation that makes us feel full even if weve only eaten a small amount of food.

    Some popular foods that can cause bloating are cabbage, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and bran cereals.

    If your stomach and gut arent functioning correctly, it is challenging for your body to digest these high-fiber foods.

    Additionally, people that are lactose intolerant often struggle with bloating in the upper stomach area.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of A Bloated Stomach

    As a bloated stomach is only temporary, it is different from gaining fat mass around the stomach. A bloated stomach is caused by built-up gas in the digestive system that makes the stomach uncomfortable and cause it to extend outward. Some people may even describe the belly as looking pregnant. There may be also pain in the abdomen, which should be checked if it is serious. If you experience any of the following additional symptoms, you should seek out medical attention promptly:

    You Are Eating Gassy Foods

    Some foods are more likely to cause bloating and excess gas than others.

    Fat is the hardest food group to digest, so very rich meals and can lead to bloat. Fat takes longer to digest than protein or carbohydrates, so it keeps the stomach full longer.

    Examples of gassy foods include beans and cruciferous vegetables . Some people are more susceptible to certain vegetables and fruits than others. Whole grains which are very high in fiber are also a common cause of gas problems. These foods have incredible health benefits but you may need to eat them in moderation if they cause bloating.

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    Stop Wearing Tight Clothing While Eating

    Its sometimes not about WHAT you eat but HOW you eat. This may seem a little far-fetched but tight clothing can constrict your stomach, making it more difficult for things to pass through, explains The Gut Stuff team. Therefore, loosen your clothes before eating.

    Its the same with the position in which youre sitting when you have your meal check your eating position, says the team.

    Can Food Intolerances Be Prevented

    Common Causes of Stomach Bloating + 5 First Steps to Beat the Bloat ...

    Taking a few simple steps can help you prevent the symptoms associated with a food intolerance.

    • Learn which foods in which amounts cause you to have symptoms, and limit your intake to amounts you can handle.
    • When you dine out, ask your server about how your meal will be prepared. Some meals may contain foods you cannot tolerate, and that may not be evident from the description on the menu.
    • Learn to read food labels and check the ingredients for problem foods. Dont forget to check condiments and seasonings. They may contain MSG or another additive that can lead to symptoms.

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