Friday, May 17, 2024

What’s Good To Eat With An Upset Stomach

When To Contact A Clinician

How to Soothe an Upset Stomach | Stomach Problems

Persistent or severe abdominal pain, especially if unrelieved by vomiting or passing a bowel movement

Fever greater than 101 degrees F, not relieved by acetaminophen, or any fever that lasts more than three days

Vomiting or diarrhea without any improvement for more 24 hours

Blood in vomit or stools

No urination for more than 8 hours, or painful urination

When To See A Doctor About Stomach Pain

If your stomach problems stick around for a few days or more, its time to call your doctor and talk to them about any irregular stomach pains or frequent pain, diarrhea, nausea or constipation.

As you prepare for your appointment, keep track of what you eat or if theres anything about your lifestyle that may cause stomach pain, Dr. McKee says. Being aware of all noticeable symptoms you experience can help us determine the cause.

Gluten Free Oatmeal Bowl And Slippery Elm

Stomach aches have so many different causes that its important to treat the cause, not the symptom, says Home & Familys natural lifestyle expert Sophie Uliano. However, the main cause of most stomach discomfort is gas or bloating. This kind of discomfortalong with an irritated digestive trackrequires soothing foods, which contain a good amount of fiber to keep things moving. I recommend a small bowl of gluten-free oatmeal, made with rice or almond milk and slippery elm powder. Oatmeal is a great source of fiber, and the herb slippery elm is mucilaginous, which means that it coats the whole of your digestive tract with a soothing and healing film. To make this combo: Mix one cup of gluten-free oats with two cups of non-dairy milk in a small saucepan over a medium heat. Simmer for five minutes until the oats are cooked. Stir in one tbsp slippery elm powder. Top with cubed apple, walnuts, and a couple of chopped dates.

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Best Foods To Eat And Avoid On An Upset Stomach

Whether you’re trying to tough it out through the stomach flu or just finished a hearty meal, a stomachache can leave you feeling miserableespecially during the holidays. And while your next meal may be the last thing on your mind, food can help you settle your stomach.

“Eating certain foods can help reduce bloating, gas, cramps and diarrhea,” says , family medicine physician at . “Picking the right foods and avoiding others can make a difference.

Dr. Schultz offers advice for which foods to pick and which ones to pass on. Next time you’re coping with symptoms like these, which foods should you turn to?

Foods To Feed Your Dog When Sick With An Upset Stomach

Foods For Upset Stomach

A temporary loss of appetite in your dog is not something to become immediately concerned about. Just like humans, sometimes dogs dont feel hungry or are stressed and dont want to eat. Diarrhea, vomiting, and a decreased appetite can make it challenging to ensure your dog is getting the right nutrients.

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Path To Improved Health

The BRAT diet is a bland food diet recommended for adults and children. The benefits of using the BRAT diet to treat upset stomach and diarrhea include:

  • The foods used in the diet make your stools firmer. Thats because the foods are considered binding foods. Theyre low-fiber, bland, starchy foods.
  • The foods help replace nutrients your body needs and has lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Bananas, for example, are high in the vitamin potassium.

Bland foods dont irritate your stomach. After you have diarrhea or vomiting, follow the BRAT diet to help your body ease back into normal eating. This diet also may help ease the nausea and vomiting some women experience during pregnancy.

You can add other bland foods to the BRAT diet. For example, you can try saltine crackers, plain potatoes, or clear soup broths. Dont start eating dairy products, sugary, or fatty foods right away. These foods may trigger nausea or lead to more diarrhea.

Stomach viruses are easy to catch and can make you feel miserable. For mild cases, I recommend simple home treatment. Read More

Best Foods For A Sensitive Stomach

Having a stomach that is sensitive to mainstream foods doesnt have to keep you down. There are plenty of options out there to satisfy hunger pangs without sacrificing flavor, taste, and variety. Here are ten of the best foods for a sensitive stomach:

1. Yogurt

A lot of dairy products can cause havoc in a persons stomach, especially one that is particularly sensitive. However, yogurt is not one of them. Yogurt contains all of the good bacteria that help keep a person healthy just make sure the yogurt youre buying actually has this good bacterium in it. Keep an eye out for live and active cultures or probiotics next time youre at the grocery store.

2. Bananas

Ever notice the types of food that are handed out before marathons? More often than not, bananas are one of them. This is because they are very easily digestible and gentle on a persons stomach. As an added bonus theyre also a great source of energy.

3. Whole Grains

Did you know that the average person needs about 20 to 30 grams of fiber a day in their diet? Yet most only probably consume around 12g of the needed amount. Wheat bread, oats, and brown rice are just a few examples of whole grains that can pack a fiber punch and aide in digestion.

4. Ginger

Ginger is a spice that has been used to help calm upset stomachs, feelings of nausea, bouts of vomiting, gas, and motion sickness for centuries. Add it to your tea for soothing relief to your sensitive stomach concerns.

5. Sourdough

6. Greens

8. Applesauce

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Eating When You Have Nausea And Vomiting

Almost all breast cancer treatments have varying degrees of risk for nausea and vomiting. Some people never have nausea or vomiting, while others experience it frequently. Many people describe having “stomach awareness,” a type of discomfort in which a person is not interested in eating, but does not feel nauseated. Some people have nausea that lingers more than a week beyond chemotherapy. Thankfully, these side effects can almost always be controlled, or at least substantially reduced, by a variety of medications and lifestyle changes. Learn more about the causes and ways to relieve nausea and vomiting.

Don’t force yourself to drink or eat if you’re nauseated or vomiting. It’s a good idea to avoid eating for about 4 to 8 hours if you’re vomiting often. Along the way, try small sips of water or flat ginger ale. After your stomach settles down a bit, begin to replace some of the chemicals and fluids that you might have lost because of the vomiting. Try sipping chicken or vegetable broth, a sports drink, or small bites of gelatin. These will help keep you hydrated. Don’t rely only on clear liquids for more than 2 days in a row they don’t have enough nutrients.

How Ginger Helps Nausea And Vomiting During Pregnancy

9 Things You Shouldn’t Do on an Empty Stomach

Ginger is also a popular nondrug treatment for morning sickness. The available evidence suggests ginger is safe and effective for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. A randomized, controlled trial involving 291 women less than 16 weeks pregnant was undertaken in Australia. The study showed ginger in early pregnancy reduced symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

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What To Eat During A Workout

Dont let an upset stomach ruin a good workout

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Youre halfway through a workout and crushing it. Then, your stomach starts churning. You keep moving, figuring the discomfort will passbut soon youre doubled over in pain, desperately scanning for the nearest bathroom.

Experiencing this type of GI distress during exercise is more common than people realize, says sports dietitian Angie Asche, MS, RD, CSSD, founder of Eleat Sports Nutrition and author of Fuel Your Body: How to Cook and Eat for Peak Performance. There are a number of reasons why your stomach or bowels may misbehave mid-workout, including dehydration and eating too much protein, fat, and fiber shortly before you break a sweat, according to Jen Scott, RDN, LD, a Road Runners Club of America running coach.

Having a carb-rich snack before or during your workout can decrease your chances of an upset stomach, while also giving your body the energy it needs to perform its best. Thats because your body digests carbs and metabolizes them into glucosethe energy source for your musclesmore quickly than it does protein, fat, and fiber.

Below are five expert-recommended foods to eat during or within 60 minutes of starting a workout. For many, these foods will provide the quick energy you need without upsetting your system.

Foods That Help Relieve Nausea

Eating may be the last thing you feel like doing when your stomach is upset, but some foods actually ease the symptoms. Consider giving these a try.

Most everyone has felt queasy at some time, whether it was testing for a college entrance exam, dressing for a first date, or navigating a new parking lot. But nausea takes that unpleasant sensation one step further. In fact, Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, medical director of the digestive health center at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, describes it as the awful symptom we feel when we need to vomit and the outcome is predictable. You throw up, Dr. Hanauer says.

Nausea can also indicate a serious emergency, especially if its chronic or accompanied by symptoms like chest pain, severe abdominal cramping, fainting, or confusion. Call 911 if you faint from nausea or vomiting, and go to the ER if you arent able to keep food down, Hanauer advises. Its important to find out the cause of your discomfort. Medications, opioids, inflammation of the stomach and intestine, and brain disorders can cause it, he says.

For milder symptoms, such as nausea due to morning sickness, eating low-fat foods that are easy on the stomach or drinking ginger ale may help to ward off cold sweats, a sour stomach, and dizziness. Here are some foods that may help.

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Why The Brat Diet Is No Longer Recommended

With all that said, however, the BRAT diet is no longer recommended for children who are experiencing diarrhea, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. This is because the diet focuses on foods low in essential nutrients necessary to promote recovery, such as fiber and protein.

Following the BRAT diet for an extended amount of time can lead to inadequate nutrition, says Guo, noting that the diet is very low in protein, fiber, fats and micronutrients.

In fact, the diet focuses almost exclusively on carbohydrates, which draw water into the digestive tract. This could actually worsen diarrhea and may ultimately do more harm than good when it comes to gut health and regularity.

Instead, Geiger recommends enjoying a variety of gut-friendly foods when youre not feeling well, including oatmeal, sweet potatoes, low-fiber vegetables and fruits like berries and melon.

Eating only bananas, rice, applesauce and toast doesnt give people an opportunity to reach their energy needs each day unless they are eating large amounts, says Geiger. When creating a meal, its best to have all of your major food groups, even when you dont feel well.

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Other Tips For Treating Nausea


Besides consuming certain foods and beverages, you can take other steps to relieve your nausea :

  • Eat something small every 12 hours. Avoid skipping meals, since an empty stomach can worsen nausea.
  • Eat and drink slowly and in small amounts. This allows you to relax during meals and take time to enjoy your food. You may also want to avoid consuming liquids and solids at the same time.
  • Do not lie flat after eating. Avoid lying down for at least 30 minutes after eating, as this can put pressure on your stomach, making nausea worse.
  • Avoid food preparation. The smell while cooking and preparing food can worsen nausea. If possible, avoid or shorten the time spent in the kitchen.
  • Keep your mouth clean. Nausea and vomiting can leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth, which may prevent you from eating. Rinse and brush your teeth regularly and use sugar-free mints to keep feeling fresh.

In addition, avoid the following types of foods when you feel nauseous (

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Tips To Avoid Indigestion For A Sensitive Stomach

Here are some tips to help you avoid indigestion or upset stomach.

  • Eat slowly and ensure you are properly chewing your food.
  • Consume smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  • Avoid late-night meals or snacks.
  • Ensure your diet consists of soluble fiber.
  • Identify specific triggers and remove them from your diet.
  • Maintain a bland diet without excessive use of spices.
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    Applying a heating pad, hot water bottle, hot towel, or heat wrap over the abdomen and back helps relax the muscles in the abdomen and relieve abdominal cramps and pain. The temperature should ideally be 104° Fahrenheit. Taking a hot bath with bubbles and essential oils or hot showers can also help.

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    Crackers Pretzels And Toast

    Dry foods such as crackers, pretzels, toast, and cereals are often recommended to people experiencing nausea. In fact, one study found that almost 90% of gynecologists recommend soda crackers to women with morning sickness .

    Its not clear why people tolerate dry, plain foods when theyre nauseous, and no scientific research on the topic exists.

    However, its known that people feel more nauseous on an empty stomach and react poorly to strong-smelling foods .

    Thats why its best to avoid preparing and cooking food when youre not feeling well, as the sight and smell of food could trigger nausea.

    Crackers, pretzels, toast, and cereals are quick meal fixes that require little to no preparation, have no strong odor, and may help settle your empty, upset stomach .


    An empty stomach and strong-smelling foods can trigger or worsen nausea. Crackers and other plain, dry foods may help settle your stomach.

    Sports Drinks And Noncaffeinated Sodas

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    Vomiting and diarrhea with upset stomach can cause dehydration. Sports drinks with electrolytes are the best way to prevent dehydration. If you’re having trouble keeping liquids down, try sucking on ice chips and taking small sips of water. You can also drink noncaffeinated sodas, such as Sprite, 7UP or ginger ale.

    Take care to avoid caffeinated sodas, since caffeine can make your upset stomach worse. The carbonation from sodas inflates the stomach while increasing its internal pressure. Combining higher pressure and caffeine’s effects makes acid reflux more likely.

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    Common Causes Of Upset Stomach In Dogs

    There are many reasons your dog may have an upset stomach, though theres one common cause: they ate something they shouldnt have, says Kathy Backus, DVM, at Holistic Veterinary Services in Kaysville, Utah.

    Dogs are curious like kids theyre always putting things in their mouth, she says. Vomiting and diarrhea are signs that a dogs body is trying to expel something that shouldnt be in their system. In a healthy dog, its a protective mechanism of the body thats totally normal.

    These are a few things that can trigger an upset stomach in dogs:

    • Ingesting something that they shouldnt

    • Bacterial imbalances within the digestive tract

    • Chronic conditions such as food sensitivities

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    Water Tea And Electrolytes

    Instead of bubbly or caffeinated beverages, opt for a glass of water or hot tea. Peppermint and chamomile teas are noted for their ability to help soothe the inflammation that accompanies an upset stomach. Ginger tea is also a good option. Ginger can be particularly soothing to an upset stomach.

    If you’ve been vomiting or had diarrhea as part of a stomach virus, it’s important to rehydrate with sports drinks that are high in electrolytes, as well.

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    What Are The Three Worst Foods For Digestion

    Worst Foods for Digestion Artificial Sugar. 3 / 10. Too Much Fiber. 4 / 10. Beans. 5 / 10. Cabbage and Its Cousins. 6 / 10. Fructose. 7 / 10. Spicy Foods. 8 / 10. Dairy Products. 9 / 10. Peppermint. 10 / 10. It can relax the muscle at the top of the stomach, which lets food move back into your esophagus.

    If You Are Vomiting Or Have Diarrhea Start With Clear Liquids

    ð¥THE FOODS TO EAT WHEN YOU ARE NAUSEOUSð¥ # Feeling sick is never great ...

    Clear liquids are the easiest things for your body to digest because they don’t leave any undigested residue behind in your intestines. Plus, they’re an easy way to stay hydrated if you’re experiencing fluid loss from diarrhea or vomiting.

    For something to count as a clear liquid, it can have a color, but you have to be able to see through it.

    Some clear liquids you can try are:

    • Clear broth, such as bouillon
    • Clear sodas like seltzer
    • Herbal teas like peppermint and chamomile, which can also calm nausea

    Other, more solid, options that will be easy on the stomach are:

    • Popsicles with no milk or fruit pulp

    You can start by slowly eating or drinking small amounts of clear liquids. As the symptoms improve and you’re able to keep food down, you can gradually increase the amount.

    Keep in mind that you should not stay on the clear liquid diet for more than a few days, as it does not give you enough calories or nutrients. If you are still unable to keep food down, you should visit your doctor.

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