Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Help An Upset Stomach

How To Make Your Stomach Happy As Soon As Possible

How to Soothe an Upset Stomach

Every day, work out for half an hour. A sequence of muscular contractions moves food and processed substances through the body. These can be the proper stomach pain remedies you might be looking for. Increase your fiber intake. Fiber-rich meals like whole grains, green vegetables, and fresh fruits bulk up your stools and encourage the gut to move food along. Consume yogurt. Live bacterial cultures in yogurt and other probiotic foods like sauerkraut, cottage cheese, and french toast encourage a good breakdown of food bacteria in the stomach. Reduce your meat consumption. Meat, dairy, mature cheddar, and refined carbohydrates like white sugar, wheat bread, and quick oatmeal travel through the digestive system slowly, slowing peristalsis.

How Can You Prevent Indigestion

Most episodes of indigestion go away within hours without medical attention. If indigestion symptoms worsen, consult a health-care professional.

Indigestion caused by lifestyle habits can often be prevented.

  • Do not chew with your mouth open, talk while chewing, or eat quickly. This causes you to swallow air, which can aggravate indigestion.
  • Chew food completely and eat slowly.
  • Drink fluids after meals, rather than during.
  • Avoid late-night eating.
  • Wait at least one hour after eating to exercise.
  • Always take aspirin and NSAIDs with food.
  • If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to a food, avoid the aggravating foods.
  • Meditation may help if indigestion is caused by stress or anxiety.

Remedies For Little Ones

As terrible as it is to get the stomach flu yourself, it is even harder to watch your child go through it. If your infants symptoms havent subsided in a day or two, take them to the doctor.

Their doctor can make sure your child is on their way to recovery without any complications. They can also check to make sure there are no other causes for their symptoms.

Encouraging children to continue to take sips of water to replace lost fluids is important to prevent dehydration. All infants and toddlers can also drink an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte.

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Who Is More Likely To Experience Nausea And Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting can occur in both children and adults. People who are undergoing cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, have an increased risk of nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women in their first trimester may also experience nausea and vomiting, commonly referred to as “morning sickness.” It is estimated that 50 to 90 percent of pregnant women experience nausea, while 25 to 55 percent experience vomiting.

Know When To Call The Doctor

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If these simple solutions for a baby upset stomach aren’t working, call the doctor. Colic, which is inconsolable crying, might not really have a known cause, says Dr. Loizides, and a pooping problem called dyschezia usually works itself out on its own. However, he says to watch out for concerning symptoms like pain during or after feeding, persistent food refusal, vomiting blood or green or yellow fluid, poor growth, breathing problems, or choking.

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Include Sweet Potato Or Pumpkin

Finally, another two great bland foods for a dog with an upset stomach are fresh, raw sweet potato and pumpkin .

Give the dog a fresh pumpkin or cook up a couple of sweet potatoes.

Remove the skin and mash up the insides, then give your dog a few tablespoons to help get rid of diarrhea, gas and soothe their upset stomach.

Sweet potatoes and pumpkin are often part of a bland diet guide for any dog with an upset stomach because of their low-calorie content and nutrition, their fiber content, and that theyre easy on a dogs digestive system.

What You Should Eat

  • Semi-solid Foods

    If your body is rejecting solid foods, dont force yourself to eat. Instead, consume semi-solid foods such as soup or coconut water. Your body should be able to keep them down and they will help replenish essential minerals like potassium, calcium, and sodium that your body can lose when you have irregular bowel movements.

  • White Rice

    Foods that are bland and easy to digest are good to eat when you are fighting an upset stomach. Plain white rice is your best bet. Avoid eating brown rice as it can be hard for your stomach to digest. White rice, being a refined carbohydrate, is also low in fibre and will help stop the common symptoms of diarrhoea.

  • Toast

    Toast made from white flour or maida is another example of a bland, low fibre food that can help neutralise excess stomach acid and stop diarrhoea. Avoid eating toast made from fibre-rich whole grains such as wheat as they can make diarrhoea related symptoms worse.

  • Bananas

    Bananas are easy to digest and are known to ease stomach pain. They have a natural antacid effect and can relieve symptoms such as indigestion. This high potassium fruit also increases mucus production in the stomach which helps prevent the irritation of the stomach lining.

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Feed Some Yogurt As A Source Of Probiotics

Certain foods are good for a dog with an upset stomach.

Yogurt contains natural probiotics, the helpful live bacteria that will relieve an upset stomach and help get rid of gas and diarrhea.

Scientists confirm that a helping of yogurt can positively affect the digestive system in humans, mice, and our pets, dogs, and cats in particular.

When feeding it, ensure that its plain yogurt, the kind used for cooking, and not flavored or sweetened yogurt.

What Causes Nausea Or Vomiting

Family Health : How to Calm an Upset Stomach

The causes of nausea and vomiting are quite similar. Many things can bring on nausea. Some common causes are:

  • Seasickness and other motion sicknesses
  • Early pregnancy
  • Various viruses
  • Certain smells or odors

The causes of vomiting differ according to age. For adults, vomiting is commonly a result of a viral infection and food poisoning, and occasionally a result of motion sickness and illnesses in which the person has a high fever. For children, it is common for vomiting to occur because of a viral infection, food poisoning, motion sickness, overeating or feeding, coughing, and illnesses in which the child has a high fever. Although rare, blocked intestines can cause vomiting, most typically in early infancy.

Usually vomiting is harmless, but it can be a sign of a more serious illness. Some examples of serious conditions that may bring on nausea or vomiting include:

  • Concussions
  • Migraine headaches
  • Brain tumors

Another concern with vomiting is dehydration. Adults have a lower risk of becoming dehydrated because they can usually detect the symptoms of dehydration . Children have a greater risk of becoming dehydrated, especially if the vomiting occurs with diarrhea, because young children may often be unable to tell an adult about symptoms of dehydration. Adults caring for sick children need to be aware of these visible signs of dehydration:

  • Dry lips and mouth
  • Sunken eyes
  • Rapid breathing or pulse

In infants, parents should look for decreased urination, and a sunken fontanelle .

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When Should I Call A Doctor For Indigestion

Indigestion symptoms are signs of other medical conditions or problems.

If indigestion symptoms are mild or resolve in a short time, talk to your doctor about how to treat it.

If you have any of the following symptoms of severe indigestion, if your symptoms last more than a few days, or if they worsen noticeably, seek medical care immediately:

  • Vomiting or blood in vomit
  • Loss of appetite
  • Black, tarry stools or visible blood in stools
  • Severe pain in the upper right abdomen
  • Sudden, severe pain in the abdomen, particularly on the right side
  • Yellow coloring of the skin and eyes
  • Discomfort unrelated to eating
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting due to symptoms

Heart attacks may cause symptoms often are mistaken for indigestion. If indigestion is accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, chest pain, or pain radiating to the jaw, back, neck or arm, seek medical attention immediately.

How To Handle Your Upset Stomach

An upset stomach does not require medical attention in most cases. Pain or discomfort from an upset stomach is typically acute and will go away on its own, or with home treatment. However, its important to realize that many different things can cause an upset stomach or stomach pain. Be aware of these causes, find out how to treat an upset stomach, and learn when to speak to a medical professional.

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Pectin Supplements Can Prevent Diarrhea And Dysbiosis

When a stomach bug or foodborne illness causes diarrhea, pectin supplements can help speed up recovery.

Pectin is a type of plant fiber found in high quantities in apples and citrus fruits. Its often isolated from these fruits and sold as its own food product or supplement .

Pectin is not digested by humans, so it stays within the intestinal tract where its very effective at firming stools and preventing diarrhea .

In fact, one study found that 82% of sick children taking daily pectin supplements recovered from their diarrhea within 4 days, compared to only 23% of children not taking pectin supplements .

Pectin also relieves stomach upset by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

Sometimes, people develop uncomfortable symptoms of gas, bloating or abdominal pain due to an imbalance of bacteria in their intestines.

This can happen for a variety of reasons, but is especially common after gut infections, after taking antibiotics or during periods of high stress (

49 ).

While pectin supplements are effective at relieving diarrhea and promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria, its unknown whether natural foods rich in pectin would have the same benefits. More research is needed.

Summary Pectin, a type of plant fiber found in apples and citrus fruits, may help shorten the duration of diarrhea and promote healthy gut bacteria when taken as a supplement.

What About Aloe Vera Juice

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Some people claim that drinking aloe vera juice is a stomachache remedy, but this hasn’t been proven in research.

“Aloe juice can benefit some people with chronic constipation but can produce diarrhea and cramping as a side effect,” Dr. Epstein says.

If you try it, start by drinking a small amount to see how you react before having any more. You can typically find it in your local supermarket.

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When Stomach Troubles Come Reach For The Real Thing

Though ginger ale may be tasty, when suffering from a stomachache you’re better off opting for the genuine article, explains Dr. Vaidya. “Instead of the beverage aisle, I recommend visiting your grocery store’s produce section and picking up some fresh ginger root.”

Simply add peeled slices to hot tea or plain hot water. And if you’re not comfortable handling the raw ingredient, try ground ginger instead.

And remember: Overtaxing your stomach, even with a good thing, will only lead to more distress. A little ginger tea goes a long way, so don’t overdo it. “Drinking small amounts throughout the day is far better than drinking multiple cups in one sitting,” says Dr. Vaidya.

What Medicine Can You Give A Dog For Upset Stomach And Vomiting

Dog owners frequently wonder if they can give their pup human medicine for an upset stomach.

Most dogs can safely have bismuth subsalicylate . However, it is best to consult your vet before giving your dog any human medication.

Your local emergency veterinary hospital can also offer suggestions. They may also give you a prescription after examining your dog.

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When To Go To The Vet For Dog Diarrhea Or Vomiting

Its not uncommon for dogs to throw up or have loose stools from time to time. Most mild cases of stomach upset improve within 1 to 2 days, but if your pet has been vomiting or passing diarrhea for more than 48 hours, its time to see the vet. Keep in mind, if their digestive upsets occur frequently or with intensity, their condition could worsen quickly due to dehydration.

You know your dog best. Even if they dont display the symptoms listed above, but youre still worried about their health, its always best to call your vet.

Make Wise Food Choices

How to Soothe an Upset Stomach | Stomach Problems

Another way to help prevent indigestion is to avoid eating the foods that bring on discomfort for you, or at least minimize your consumption of them.

As we mentioned, specific foods such as greasy and spicy foods, along with beverages such as coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol can all contribute to an upset stomach.

If you deal with indigestion on a regular basis, it may be worth experimenting with making changes to your diet.

You can keep a food diary to help identify foods that you may be sensitive to so that you can steer clear of them in the future.

And if you’ve overindulged, you can also turn to Reflux Relief after your meal. With a blend of herbs and mineral nutrients, these convenient chewable tablets help cool occasional heartburn and relieve indigestion.*

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How To Help Prevent Upset Stomach In Dogs

To help your dog maintain a healthy gut, consider giving them a prebiotic and probiotic, Dr. Aronson says. There are both prebiotics and probiotics that are made specifically for dogs, some of which are available over the counter. Be sure to ask your veterinarian if they have a particular brand recommendation.

Always talk to your veterinarian first to find out the best course of action.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/Igor Normann

How Long Does Indigestion Last

Because indigestion is a symptom and not a cause, the outlook depends upon resolving the underlying cause.

If indigestion is caused by lifestyle habits, the prognosis is good. Prevention of the lifestyle cause can often resolve the symptoms and cure your indigestion.

If indigestion is caused by medications, talk to your health-care professional about changing medications to ones that do not cause indigestion. Never stop taking a medication without the advice of your doctor.

If indigestion is caused by a disease or medical condition, the prognosis is varied and dependent upon the resolution of that condition. Some conditions such as ulcers, GERD, and gastritis respond readily to medications. Conditions such as food poisoning or pregnancy are self-limited and symptoms should decrease over time. Hernias and gallstones, for example, usually require surgery, and the associated indigestion should resolve post-operatively.

Other conditions are difficult to treat or do not respond well to medication such as pancreatitis, gastroparesis, depression, and cancer. Treatment of these conditions may involve several methods including lifestyle changes, medications, specialist care and/or surgery.

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What Causes Upset Stomach In Dogs

There are dozens of potential causes of your dogs upset stomach. The most common reasons are the same ones humans would have an upset stomach.

These include eating something he should not have eaten or eating too fast right before playing or exercising.

Stomach issues may also be due to parasites, viral or bacterial infections, or a range of other conditions.

Your dog may get an upset stomach if there are issues with his kidneys, liver, stomach, digestive system, or other organs.

A dogs upset stomach can also be from diabetes, cancer, or a range of other conditions.

As you can tell, some of the causes of a dogs upset stomach are minor and nothing to worry about. Others are much more serious.

That is why dog owners should always take their pup to the vet for upset stomachs that last more than a few days.

Symptoms Related To Stomach Pain

Foods to help ease an upset stomach.

The symptoms that come with stomach pain vary depending on whats causing the stomach pain.

For example, if the stomach pain comes with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, the problem could be gastroenteritis or food poisoning.

Cramps and general pain might be associated with excess wind and bloating.

Tummy pain that doesnt go away could be constipation or a urinary tract infection. Children with a urinary tract infection, might also have pain when doing a wee, be doing more wees than normal, and might have a fever, be vomiting and feel irritable.

Tummy pain might also be associated with pneumonia or a viral infection. In this case, your child will probably also have a fever, cough and possibly a sore throat.

A sore tummy is more likely to be a sign of something serious if it wakes your child up, or if the pain is in a specific area of the abdomen, away from your childs belly button. For example, in appendicitis, the pain is usually sharp, and the pain often starts in the middle then moves to the lower right section of the abdomen. Your child might also have fever, loss of appetite and vomiting.

With all types of stomach pain, theres a risk that your child will become dehydrated. You should watch for signs of dehydration, including sunken eyes, less wee than usual, lethargy and weight loss. If your child shows these signs, make sure they’re drinking enough fluids.

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When To See A Doctor About Stomach Pain

If your stomach problems stick around for a few days or more, its time to call your doctor and talk to them about any irregular stomach pains or frequent pain, diarrhea, nausea or constipation.

“As you prepare for your appointment, keep track of what you eat or if theres anything about your lifestyle that may cause stomach pain,” Dr. McKee says. “Being aware of all noticeable symptoms you experience can help us determine the cause.”

Causes Of Abdominal Pain In Adults

There are many reasons why you may have pain in your abdomen. People often worry about appendicitis, gallstones, ulcers, infections and pregnancy problems. Doctors also worry about these, as well as many other conditions. Abdominal pain may not come from the abdomen. Some surprising causes include heart attacks and pneumonias, conditions in the pelvis or groin, some skin rashes like shingles, and problems with stomach muscles like a strain. The pain may occur along with problems in passing urine or with bowel motions, or period problems.With so many organs and structures in the abdomen, it can be hard for a doctor to be absolutely sure about the cause of your problem. The doctor will ask you several questions and then examine you carefully. The doctor may perform no further tests. The cause of your pain may be quite clearly not serious. Another scenario may be that the doctor is unable to find a cause, but the pain gets better within hours or days. All the doctor can do is to be sure that the pain does not require surgery or admission to hospital.

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