Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Foods Help With Stomach Pain

Practically Medicinal Foods That Help Ease Stomach Pain

BEST Foods to Help Constipation that Relieve Stomach Pain and Bloating

No matter how careful you are with your diet or the number of times you chew your food, stomach upset happens. Because a rumbling tummy is not always preventable, its important to have a remedy or two to combat the inevitable belly bloat, indigestion, and nausea. While we often resort to taking over-the-counter medications to ease stomach discomfort, if there were an all-natural remedy that soothed stomach aches just as well as our favorite antacids, we’d be more than willing to give it a try.

Cue 10 foods that help ease stomach pain, all of which are completely natural and come highly recommended by nutritionists. From high-fiber oats to probiotic-rich yogurt and anti-nausea ginger, these foods aid in digestion and settle the stomach. For the 10 foods that will soothe a rumbling tummy, keep on reading.

Rice Water To Relieve Stomachache

Last but not least, look to rice more specifically, look to the leftover water after you cook rice.

Rice water is capable of forming a coating over certain membranes like, for instance, the lining of your stomach. This barrier can be a soothing lining to help ease inflammation and offer relief from stomach pain.

For a simple rice water remedy, first wash one-half cup of white rice.

  • Add rice to six cups of boiled water, cover, and allow to sit until rice is tender.
  • Strain the water into a cup to cool.
  • Add one-half teaspoon of honey.
  • Sip on two cups daily.

Path To Improved Health

The BRAT diet is a bland food diet recommended for adults and children. The benefits of using the BRAT diet to treat upset stomach and diarrhea include:

  • The foods used in the diet make your stools firmer. Thats because the foods are considered binding foods. Theyre low-fiber, bland, starchy foods.
  • The foods help replace nutrients your body needs and has lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Bananas, for example, are high in the vitamin potassium.

Bland foods dont irritate your stomach. After you have diarrhea or vomiting, follow the BRAT diet to help your body ease back into normal eating. This diet also may help ease the nausea and vomiting some women experience during pregnancy.

You can add other bland foods to the BRAT diet. For example, you can try saltine crackers, plain potatoes, or clear soup broths. Dont start eating dairy products, sugary, or fatty foods right away. These foods may trigger nausea or lead to more diarrhea.

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Q: So How Do I Know If I Am Constipated Whats Normal

A: While the nursery school book Everyone Poops still rings true, how often they do so is another story.

Theres no real normal. Men are different from women. Age changes things. Pregnancy changes things, adds Dr. Zutshi. As long as you have a bowel movement that occurs regularly not too few in a week and has a regular consistency, youre fine.

But whats not too few, you ask? Constipation is defined as lessthan three in a week. Uh-oh. So now what?

If Your Abdominal Cramps Are Making Life Miserable Try To Talk To A Doctor

10 Foods That Help Ease Stomach Pain

Treatments for the above issues can vary wildly. For instance, if you think the issue is that you have a hard time processing beans, which then leads to painful gas, over-the-counter medications like simethicone may help with the distension that causes your pain, Dr. Krishnareddy explains.

However, if youre experiencing cramps that are pretty severe, along with other symptoms that make you think you might have a chronic issue like IBS or IBD, its really important to try to consult with a doctorparticularly because taking over-the-counter medications wont treat the real issue at hand.

These medications can decrease the symptoms just enough that the person doesnt go to their doctor to get evaluated, Dr. Krishnareddy says. But its not actually the underlying problem.

Ultimately, if getting abdominal cramps after eating is affecting your life, its time to consult the professionals. If youre having symptoms that are occurring frequently enough to interfere with your ability to conduct your daily activities, you need to see a doctor, Dr. Chey confirms. This is especially true, he says, if youre having serious symptoms like vomiting , seeing blood in your stool , or inexplicably losing weight.

Trust your gut when it tells you somethings wrong. At the very least, your doctor should be able to ask you some questions that get you closer to figuring out whats going on.


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Foods To Relieve Constipation

Getting enough fiber is a key part of relieving and preventing constipation. Its also important not to skip meals and to avoid highly processed foods, like fast food, potato chips, and white bread. High-fiber foods include:

  • Beans and legumes, including navy beans, garbanzo beans, soybeans, lentils, almonds and peanuts
  • Fresh fruits, especially apples, berries, figs, pears, plums and prunes. Eat edible skins to get the most benefit.
  • Fresh vegetables, especially broccoli, , peas, and potatoes with their skins
  • Whole grain products, especially bran cereal and popcorn

Choose The Right Drinks To Ease Digestion

Drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, colas, tea and some fizzy drinks, boost acid in the stomach, leading to heartburn in some people.

Fizzy drinks in general tend to bloat the tummy, which can also lead to heartburn.

To make digestive problems less likely, choose drinks that are not fizzy and do not contain caffeine, such as herbal teas, milk and plain water.

If you cannot do without your coffee or tea, limit your intake to 1 or 2 cups a day.

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Herbal Tea Or Warm Water With Lemon

Warm liquids help break-up stubborn solids in our system and encourage movement through our intestines.

Herbal teas are great for soothing and making us feel all warm and cozy. Its like a soft blanket for our insides. Teas with ginger, mint, chamomile, fennel, and lavender help relieve digestive issues. Green tea is also useful, but contains caffeine. If youre not into tea, a cup of warm water with a twist of lemon can do the trick.

Drink three to four cups of tea or warm water per day when experiencing symptoms. Do not add sugar, milk, or any other ingredient to the drink. If you choose green or black teas, only have one or two cups earlier in the day. Caffeine is not your friend when your belly is in pain.

So You Feel Like Turning Japanese

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Like the 80s English band, The Vapors, you might feel like turning Japanese, but of course you cant. You might not be able to move to Japan or even buy sushi where you live. But you could have your own amazing miniature Japanese doll house! This one is sold as a kit from Billy, a Japanese dollhouse company.

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What You Should Eat

  • Semi-solid Foods

    If your body is rejecting solid foods, dont force yourself to eat. Instead, consume semi-solid foods such as soup or coconut water. Your body should be able to keep them down and they will help replenish essential minerals like potassium, calcium, and sodium that your body can lose when you have irregular bowel movements.

  • White Rice

    Foods that are bland and easy to digest are good to eat when you are fighting an upset stomach. Plain white rice is your best bet. Avoid eating brown rice as it can be hard for your stomach to digest. White rice, being a refined carbohydrate, is also low in fibre and will help stop the common symptoms of diarrhoea.

  • Toast

    Toast made from white flour or maida is another example of a bland, low fibre food that can help neutralise excess stomach acid and stop diarrhoea. Avoid eating toast made from fibre-rich whole grains such as wheat as they can make diarrhoea related symptoms worse.

  • Bananas

    Bananas are easy to digest and are known to ease stomach pain. They have a natural antacid effect and can relieve symptoms such as indigestion. This high potassium fruit also increases mucus production in the stomach which helps prevent the irritation of the stomach lining.

Peppermint May Relieve Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

For some people, upset stomach is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. IBS is a chronic gut disorder that can cause stomach pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

While IBS can be difficult to manage, studies show that peppermint may help reduce these uncomfortable symptoms.

Taking peppermint oil capsules daily for at least two weeks can significantly reduce stomach pain, gas and diarrhea in adults with IBS (

19 ).

While the research is promising, additional studies need to determine whether peppermint leaf or peppermint tea have the same therapeutic effects .

Peppermint is safe for most people, but caution is advised for those with severe reflux, hiatal hernias, kidney stones or liver and gallbladder disorders, as it may worsen these conditions .

Summary Peppermint, especially when consumed as peppermint oil, may help reduce stomach pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea for those with irritable bowel syndrome.

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Beware Gut Symptom Triggers

Some people find particular foods cause them problems. Acidic foods, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, salad dressings and fizzy drinks, can trigger heartburn, while wheat and onions may cause irritable bowel syndrome.

And if you cannot digest lactose, the sugar in milk, you’ll develop wind and diarrhoea after drinking milk or eating dairy products, including cream, cheese, yoghurt and chocolate.

Try to stay away from foods and drinks that trigger your digestive symptoms. Keep a food diary to work out which foods cause your symptoms.

Yogurt To Relieve Stomach Pain

We all get an upset stomach from time to time. Knowing ...

Plain, unsweetened yogurt containing probiotics, or active cultures, may help with stomach pains as it promotes proper digestion. These work to increase the good bacteria needed to relieve indigestion, bloating, and painful discomfort in the gut.

Consuming plain, unsweetened yogurt throughout the day may reduce stomach pain episodes.

Use the following recipe to create a drinkable form of this remedy.

  • Combine two tablespoons of plain unsweetened yogurt, 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt.
  • Add three teaspoons of fresh coriander juice.
  • Mix in one-half teaspoon of cardamom powder.
  • Mix well and drink one hour after each meal.

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Castle Estate Take Me Away

If capturing another century versus a decade is your thing, and you always felt you would be suited for the royal treatment, then this laser cut castle doll house is your thing. I couldnt find the kit for sale, but it might be possible to find a video with the step-by-step laser saw demonstration. One can dream and wish upon a star I suppose!

Ginger Tea As A Stomach Pain Remedy

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger neutralize excess acids that cause stomach pain.

Drinking ginger tea may help to stimulate proper digestion by promoting the production of digestive juices while fighting harmful free radicals that cause disease.

Drink two to three cups of ginger tea daily.

  • Cut one medium-sized ginger root into thin slices.
  • Add the ginger to one cup of boiling water and boil for three minutes.
  • Lower heat and simmer for five minutes.
  • Strain and add honey for flavor.

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You Might Have A Food Allergy

A food allergy is a step up in severity from a food intolerance. If you have an allergic reaction to a food, it means your immune system has mistakenly identified that food as a potentially harmful invader and mounted a defense against it, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology explains. That immune system defense is what leads to symptoms like abdominal cramping, a tingly or itchy mouth, hives and overall bodily itching, facial swelling, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and even potentially life-threatening trouble breathing.

According to the AAAAI, the most common food allergens are proteins in cows milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, and tree nuts. If you notice youre constantly dealing with pretty intense symptom flare-ups after eating these foods, an allergy could be to blame.

You Might Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome


On top of abdominal pains , symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can include excess gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation , and seeing mucus in your stool, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Its not clear exactly what causes IBS, but there are a few theories. People with IBS may have abnormalities in how their brains and guts interact that lead to digestive problems and pain, the NIDDK explains.

This can manifest in a few different ways. Dr. Chey says that people with IBS may have large intestines that contract more strongly and more frequently when they eat a meal than other peoples, which can then cause abdominal pain and other issues. Another theory is that people with IBS are extra sensitive to the stretch that is normal in the intestines from the breakdown of food products, Dr. Krishnareddy says.

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Take These Additional Steps To Enhance Your Results

To make your diet part of an integrative lifestyle built to reduce chronic pain and reduce or eliminate inflammation, Dr. Welches recommends these additional priorities:

  • Get down to your ideal weight. Weight loss on its own is anti-inflammatory.
  • Get daily exercise in the form of walking.

For a chronic pain patient who is suffering, I recommend the extreme form of the diet so that is no red meat, no refined flour or sugar or simple carbohydrate and no dairy, he says.

Exercise is an added benefit, particularly if people are overweight. If there is any extra weight, you will need to lose it, he says.

Ultimately, what you need to know is that inflammation comes from a biochemical reaction initiated by your immune system or wound-healing coagulation system, Dr. Welches says.

Specific foods can promote or shut down the inflammatory cycle. For instance, simple carbohydrates promote it, while vegetables shut it down.

Nutrition that supportsa diet richin anti-inflammatory foods is the key to anti-inflammation and chronic painmanagement, Dr. Welches says. Although there are no magic foods, putting theright combination of foods into your diet can produce remarkable results.

Types Of Food That Help Relieve Abdominal Pain

24 October, 2020

Abdominal pain is a very common symptom but there are ways to relieve it. It can develop from a digestive difficulty, or it can also be caused by bad habits. In a few cases, its caused by chronic inflammatory diseases. It could also be a change in your nervous system that comes from stress and anxiety, according to this study.

This problem is characterized by a sensation of inflammation in your abdominal area. Its almost always accompanied by gas, acid, and other symptoms of indigestion. In fact, even though it might be due to food intolerance, it may also present itself with constipation and diarrhea.

Eating foods that arent healthy or eating too much increases their recurrence and intensity. However, there are certain foods that help you control this problem and the associated symptoms.

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Applesauce For Abdominal Pain

Applesauce is a delicious quick solution for relieving stomach pain due to gastritis, indigestion. and diarrhea. Its rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients that encourage digestion to get rid of waste.

It has a high concentration of pectin, a natural fiber. This reduces intestinal inflammation. And it encourages bowel movements, which may help with the symptoms of constipation. Besides, as per a study published by Nutrients magazine, it helps balance gut microbiota.

Constipation In Adults Prevention

7 Foods to Ease an Upset Stomach
  • Develop regular bowel habits. Set aside time before or after breakfast to use the toilet.
  • Do not ignore the desire to defecate. Answer natures call to empty your bowel as soon as possible.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet that includes wheat grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Recent evidence suggests that increasing dietary fiber intake may help some people with hard stools, but is not necessarily of benefit in every person with constipation.
  • Drink plenty of water and fruit juice.
  • Exercise regularly. Walking is especially important.
  • Avoid intake of medications that may cause constipation. Discuss the medications and OTC products you current take with your doctor or pharmacist.
  • The use of laxatives can make a constipation problem worse in the long-term and should be avoided.

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Heres How The Digestive System Works

Or how digestion should work when everything goes according to plan.

Your body employs multiple organs to turn the food you eat into energy. When everything is going well, you should barely notice this process, which is good because it can actually take a pretty long time. The Mayo Clinic estimates that it takes two to five days for a mouthful of food to go through all the various digestive processes and come out the other end looking unrecognizable.

First, though, this all starts with one bite. Between the chewing action of your mouth and the enzymes and lubrication from your saliva, you start to break down what youre eating, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases explains. Once the bite is small enough to swallow, your tongue pushes it to the back of your throat into your esophagus, which begins to contract automatically in a motion called peristalsis.

The first organ the newly chewed food encounters after this is the stomach. Muscles in your stomach walls churn the food and release acid and enzymes, slowly mixing the food into a paste called chyme. Your stomach gradually releases the chyme into the small intestine, which reduces it further by mixing it with enzymes from the pancreas and from bacteria, along with bile from the liver, all while pushing the chyme further through the digestive tract. The walls of the small intestine absorb the extracted nutrients and water, which move into your bloodstream.

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