Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Advil Help With Stomach Pain

Risks Of Food Poisoning

Ibuprofen vs. Aleve vs. Turmeric vs. Tylenol (Updated with Aspirin) Pharmacist Chris Explains

Most of the time, food poisoning isnt serious and you can safely treat it at home. It will usually pass on its own. However, children under the age of five, pregnant women, and people with chronic illnesses or certain medical treatments that cause a weakened immune system are more likely to get it and to get very sick.

The most important part of managing food poisoning is staying hydrated. Fluid loss can lead to dehydration. In severe cases, you may need to be hospitalized.

Some infections can lead to serious long-term effects, including:

Gastritis: How Can You Prevent Painkiller

When taken for a long time, painkillers like diclofenac and ibuprofen can lead to ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. But the risk of this happening can be clearly reduced by also taking medication to protect your stomach.

Many people who have osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis regularly take non-steroidal in order to reduce pain or inflammation in the joints. Commonly used NSAIDs include acetylsalicylic acid , ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen.

One disadvantage of these medications is that they often cause stomach and bowel problems when taken for several weeks or months. Stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers may develop as a result. These ulcers are collectively known as peptic ulcers. The duodenum is the first part of the intestine just behind the stomach.

NSAIDs reduce the production of the hormone prostaglandin. One of the things prostaglandin does is increase the production of gastric mucus and substances that neutralize stomach acid. If there is too little prostaglandin, the stomach lining becomes more susceptible to damage from stomach acid. It can then become inflamed, and eventually ulcers may develop.

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Signs Of An Ibuprofen Overdose

Do not take more than the recommended dose of Advil Arthritis. An overdose can be a serious matter. While most people will recover from an overdose with prompt medical treatment, some people may develop chronic liver or kidney injury. In the case of a large overdose, recovery is less likely.

If you suspect you or someone close to you has accidentally or intentionally taken more than the recommended dose of Advil, alert emergency services.

The signs of an ibuprofen overdose are as follows:

  • Ringing in the ears

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Caring For Your Abdominal Pain

If the practitioner has given you pain relief, take this as advised. You should take simple pain relief regularly, eg paracetamol. You can take up to 8 paracetamol tablets in a single 24 hour period.

It is often best to avoid using anti-inflammatory medication e.g. ibuprofen, unless instructed to do so by the practitioner looking after you.

What About Diet And Stress

Advil Ibuprofen 200mg Rapid Release Tablets (Pack of 96)

The idea that ulcers can be caused by taking over-the-counter pain relievers may come as a surprise to people who have long believed that diet and stress are major factors.

Dingell, a self-described junk food queen and Diet Coke addict, who typically drinks 10 to 12 bottles a day, said she anticipated being told by her doctors that she would need to make changes to her diet. But, experts said, the belief that certain foods and carbonated or acidic beverages can cause or worsen ulcers is a common misconception.

Either of those can cause abdominal pain for different reasons, Stevoff said. A lot of times, people equate their abdominal pain with having an ulcer.

Your gastrointestinal tract only has a limited amount of ways to express its displeasure, Staller said, such as nausea, vomiting, a sour stomach or indigestion, pain and bowel symptoms. It can be challenging for laypeople and doctors to determine whats causing symptoms, and its common to confuse another gastrointestinal malady, such as indigestion, with ulcers, he said. The vast majority of patients with indigestion that Staller performs endoscopies on dont have an ulcer when we look, he added.

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The Risk Of Stomach Bleeding Associated With Nsaids Is Increased In Certain People Including Those







Before Taking This Medicine

Ibuprofen can increase your risk of fatal heart attack or stroke, even if you don’t have any risk factors. Do not use this medicine just before or after heart bypass surgery .

Ibuprofen may also cause stomach or intestinal bleeding, which can be fatal. These conditions can occur without warning while you are using ibuprofen, especially in older adults.

You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to ibuprofen or phenylephrine, or if you have ever had an asthma attack or severe allergic reaction after taking aspirin or an NSAID.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist if this medicine is safe to use if you have:

  • liver or kidney disease or

  • if you drink 3 or more alcoholic drinks per day.

If you are pregnant, you should not take ibuprofen unless your doctor tells you to. Taking an NSAID during the last 20 weeks of pregnancy can cause serious heart or kidney problems in the unborn baby and possible complications with your pregnancy.

Ask a doctor before using this medicine if you are breastfeeding.

Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain is not approved for use by anyone younger than 12 years old.

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When Is Your Stomach Pain Something More

Nearly everyone experiences stomach pain or abdominal discomfort at some point in their lives, but its hard to know when it could be a sign of something more serious and if its time to see your doctor. In this blog, well explore the common culprits, as well as soothing solutions your doctor can help provide.

Please note: If your stomach pain was caused by a recent injury or accident, or if your chest hurts in addition to having stomach pain, please call 911 immediately.

What Causes Abdominal Pain

What Ibuprofen Does to the Body

Abdominal pain is frequently caused by a problem in the digestive tract . However, it can also be caused by other organs located in the abdomen, such as the kidneys. Large blood vessels, such as the aorta are also found in the abdomen and may give rise to pain. Abdominal pain can even be caused by some medicines.

Causes of abdominal pain connected to the gut include:

  • trapped wind or indigestion
  • gallstones, gallbladder problems, liver problems
  • appendicitis
  • aspirin
  • medicines to help manage the symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease

Some of the causes of abdominal pain are short-term , whereas others are long-term or ongoing conditions. Find more information about the underlying causes of abdominal pain here.

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How Nsaids Affect Your Gastrointestinal System

NSAID medications work by decreasing the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which contribute to pain and inflammation in the body. Most NSAIDs do this by blocking COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, which are used to make prostaglandins.

However, prostaglandins also have positive effects on the body, so blocking COX enzymes can have unwanted effects. COX-1 plays an important role in protecting the lining of the stomach. Taking NSAIDs that block COX-1 can lead to GI side effects such as abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, and diarrhea. In extreme cases, patients may develop ulcers and life-threatening internal bleeding.

There is currently one NSAID approved in the U.S. Celebrex that blocks only COX-2. The incidence of GI side effects is lower compared to other NSAIDs, Dr. Bhana says. However, Celebrex is more expensive, and it may have more cardiovascular side effects than other NSAIDs.

So are there any NSAIDs that block COX-1 and COX-2 that are milder on the stomach than others? Studies have found that ibuprofen and meloxicam may be less likely to bother your stomach, while ketorolac, aspirin, and indomethacin are associated with a higher risk of GI problems. Read more about how to pick the right NSAID for your needs here.

That said, the specific NSAID you take isnt the most important concern, Dr. Bhana says: Excluding Celebrex, the dosage and frequency are of more concern than the particular NSAID used.

Needless to say, she no longer takes NSAIDs.

The Popular Medications Are Each At Their Best When Taken For Certain Ailments

When a headache, back pain or other complaint strikes, many people believe Advil, Tylenol and other over-the-counter analgesics are pretty much interchangeable. Far from it.

These medications are each at their best when taken for certain ailments, in part because they work differently in the body and can have different side effects.

Got a headache? Tylenol, or its generic version acetaminophen, might be your best bet since it comes with fewer side effects, many experts say. Inflamed elbow? Advil, whose active ingredient is ibuprofen, is likely to bring greater relief. And if youre trying to bring down a fever, either medication will probably work, although some studies have found Advil to have a slight edge.

Both medicines are largely considered safe. But taking too much acetaminophen can damage the liver. And ibuprofen is part of a category of medicines called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, that can cause gastrointestinal problems such as upset stomach and internal bleeding. Other types of NSAIDs include Motrin, which also contains ibuprofen aspirin and naproxen, which is in Aleve.

One solution for people needing an analgesic often, such as children with high fever or adults with intense pain: Alternating ibuprofen with acetaminophen can provide greater relief and minimize side effects.

Experts say prolonged use of NSAIDs may also boost the risk for cardiovascular disease, increase blood pressure or cause swelling or edema.

Write to Sumathi Reddy at

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Home Remedies: Struggling With Stomach Flu

What some people commonly refer to as stomach flu is also known as viral gastroenteritis. It’s an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever.

The most common way to develop viral gastroenteritis is through contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water. If you’re otherwise healthy, you’ll likely recover without complications. But for infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems, viral gastroenteritis can be deadly.

Symptoms include:

  • Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection
  • Abdominal cramps and pain
  • Occasional muscle aches or headache
  • Low-grade fever

There’s no effective treatment for viral gastroenteritis, so prevention is key. In addition to avoiding food and water that may be contaminated, thorough and frequent hand-washing can be your best defense. If you get the stomach flu, staying hydrated is extremely important.

The stomach, small intestine and large intestine are part of your digestive tract, which processes foods you eat. Viral gastroenteritis is an inflammation of these organs caused by a virus.

To help keep yourself more comfortable and prevent dehydration while you recover, try the following:

What Are The Side Effects Of Ibuprofen

Advil Ibuprofen 200mg Rapid Release Tablets (Pack of 24)

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reactionor a severe skin reaction .

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of a heart attack or stroke: chest pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder, sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, leg swelling, feeling short of breath.

Stop using ibuprofen and call your doctor at once if you have:

  • changes in your vision
  • swelling or rapid weight gain
  • a skin rash, no matter how mild
  • signs of stomach bleedingbloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds
  • liver problemsnausea, upper stomach pain, itching, tired feeling, flu-like symptoms, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice
  • low red blood cells pale skin, feeling light-headed or short of breath, rapid heart rate, trouble concentrating or
  • kidney problemslittle or no urinating, painful or difficult urination, swelling in your feet or ankles, feeling tired or short of breath.

Common side effects may include:

  • nausea, vomiting, gas
  • bleeding or
  • dizziness, headache.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

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Risk Factors For Peptic Ulcers

Not everyone who regularly takes NSAIDs will also need to take medication to protect their stomach. This will mainly depend on your personal risk of developing a peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcers are more likely to develop in people who

  • are over the age of 65,
  • have had a peptic ulcer in the past,
  • take several different painkillers at once for instance, including acetylsalicylic acid for the prevention of complications following a heart attack or stroke,
  • take steroids too,
  • take a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor antidepressant as well as a painkiller.

Younger people who dont have any risk factors arent likely to get peptic ulcers. So they hardly benefit from taking medication to prevent peptic ulcers.

What Is The Average Duration Of A Stomach Ache

If you develop any of the following symptoms, contact your provider: Discomfort in the abdomen that lasts a week or more. Abdominal discomfort that does not go away in 24 to 48 hours, or worsens and gets more frequent, and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Bloating that lasts longer than two days.

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How To Prevent Treat Ulcers

To lower your risk of ulcers, follow the recommended-use instructions on products containing NSAIDs, Abdi said. These typically note that the medication shouldnt be taken for longer than 10 to 14 days. The longer you take it and the higher dose that you take it outside of the labeled use, youre at greater risk for developing complications, she said.

Switching to a lower-risk pain reliever, such as Tylenol, or acetaminophen, may also be helpful, experts said. But although acetaminophen treats pain, it isnt an anti-inflammatory, and taking too much can cause liver damage.

Experts recommended that people who use NSAIDs to help manage chronic pain talk with their health-care provider, rather than self-medicate. Keep in mind that there isnt a specific dosage or use period that is considered universally safe, Stevoff said.

Everybodys different, he said. For some people, they can take massive doses of these things and never have a problem. Other people can take relatively small amounts and get an ulcer right away.

If your treatment requires taking NSAIDs over a long period, your doctor may also prescribe a common acid-reducing medication known as proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, experts said. Some PPIs, such as Prilosec and Nexium, are over-the-counter medicines.

As I have learned, NSAIDs have side effects and ignoring their potential impact isnt a good idea, she . I am exhibit A.

Ibuprofen For Pancreatitis Risk Vs Benefit

Stomach Ache vs. Stomach Ulcer â How Do You Know? | Gastroenterologist Dr. Anish Sheth

With acute pancreatitis there is risk as well, a lot of risk. Risk that it will escalate in to necrotizing pancreatitis , organ failure, bleeding, shock and/or death. Severe acute pancreatitis with complications poses a mortality risk of up to 30%.

There is also risk with Ibuprofen for pancreatitis and you need to be aware of the risk.

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What Other Information Should I Know

If you are taking prescription ibuprofen, do not let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

If You Taken Ibuprofen Every Day You Could Develop Internal Bleeding

Ibuprofen is a medicine cabinet staple for many families across the globe, as the over-the-counter painkiller is widely believed to be safe for people of all ages.

Whether you have a headache or a toothache, or youre suffering from those pesky period cramps, ibuprofen is great for relieving pain. However, if you take too much of it every day, the NSAID can actually cause your body to bleed excessively.

Research from the Spanish Center for Pharmacoepidemiological Research in Madrid found that regular use of ibuprofen was fine however, when taken in excess every day, things could turn worrisome . According to the study, higher doses of ibuprofen could mean a five-fold increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding or torn stomach lining. And as Alberta Health Services warns, if you already have gastrointestinal or rectal bleeding, taking ibuprofen or other NSAIDs to ease the pain might actually cause the bleeding to worsen.

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Could Stomach Pain Be Caused By Taking Ibuprofen

Guest over a year ago


over a year ago

I have osteoarthritis of the hip and relied on ibuprofen on a daily basis as well, for a long time. Then, I started getting heart palpitations and started wondering whether the ibuprofen could be to blame. I had no idea that ibuprofen could cause so many side effects until I started looking more deeply. Its really scary when you realize, and I dont consider ibuprofen to be among the best pain killers for me personally at all anymore, even though I initially had no problems with it. Needless to say, I said goodbye to ibuprofen and am now using aspirin for pain relief and looking into corticosteroid injections.

I dont remember if ibuprofen causes stomach pain as well, but I wouldnt be surprised. Look it up and talk to your doctor, I say.

shirleen141553967 over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

Madisonmc012 over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

ABSOLUTELY ibuprophen/motrin ALSO naproixin/alieve ET AL will all reduce your stomachs protective lining of mucous. DO NOT assume that just because SOME people get away with it for a week/month or even years with little or no ill effect. and FATAL. SO if you take aspirin, ibprophen or naproxen sodium, you MUST be vigilent to your own bodys warning signs. Sharp pain or diffuse stomache pain about 1-2 hours after taking any of these meds, followed by 6 to 12 hours of loose stools can mean your body is saying HEY ! dont DO THAT !

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