Avoid Foods That Cause Belly Fat
If you want to know how to burn belly fat, there are some foods you should be avoiding. In this section we will share how to burn belly fat by removing a few ingredients from your pantry.
The best diet for losing belly fat involves phasing these foods out by filling your diet with the healthy ingredients in our Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast section above.
There is a chance you are eating food that is causing excess belly fat. You may even think that meal is a healthy one. Its time to start looking at the ingredient list first, and the nutrition label second.
Processed food and fake sugars cause weight gain and increase belly fat. Removing the frozen dinners and diet sodas from your life will immediately help you burn that belly fat.
Exercises To Lose Inches Off Waist
One of the best ways to get rid of inches off your waist is to increase how much fat your body burns via exercise. Studies have found low fitness activity to be linked to an increase in waist circumference . That as well as more inflammation in the body.
And the best thing you can do to burn excess fat off your belly is to do Afterburn workouts. These workouts combine high-intensity interval training in the form of cardio to achieve a higher total amount of fat burned.
Studies have found high-intensity interval training burns a significant more amount of fat than traditional cardiovascular exercise . One study found it burned 900% more fat over a 15 week period compared to another group over 20 weeks .
Depending on your current fitness level intense exercise can mean many things. If youre a total beginner then going for a hike or brisk walk will be better than sitting on the couch. But if youre already working out consistently then youre going to have to crank up the intensity of your exercise. This is the only way to get more results from your workouts. Your body adapts quickly to exercises as well as the intensity you do them at.
Then itll be a good idea to combine high-intensity exercise with specific exercises for your abs. This way youll be able to build some lean toned muscle on your abs. This will help to shrink the inches off your waist even more.
You can also check out some of my best ab exercises as well as belly fat burning exercises.
Take Time To Meditate
The older, wiser, less-bendy sister of yoga, meditation is an amazing activity that people can reap major rewards from. A 2014 study in Eating Behaviorsfound that individuals who meditate are less likely to overeat or give in to emotional eatingand this is key if you want to stay on track with your anti-bloat plan over the next day. To get started, unroll a yoga mat or sit on a carpet in a sunny room and take five uninterrupted minutes thinking about something that you’re grateful for.
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You’re Doing Too Much
Your body needs a healthy balance of exercise and rest. And did you know? Doing too much prevents the body from shifting excess fat according to Dr Luke, aka, has the reverse result that you’re after. “Exercising without rest can impact our levels of the steroid hormone cortisol and cause an increase of stubborn fat stored in the belly. Not allowing your body to recover can increase the risk of injury too, so make sure you factor in rest days to your exercise plan.”
Meal Planning Ideas For Quick Weight Loss
Putting together very-low-carb meals can be simple:
- Start with a generous serving of protein
- Add as many low-carb vegetables as you like
- Use fat as needed for cooking or in salad dressing
- Season with salt, pepper, and spices
- Drink water, coffee, or tea
What about calories? We dont recommend counting calories when trying to lose weight. However, we suggest that you eat only when hungry and stop as soon as you begin to feel full.
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How Long Does It Take To Lose Belly Fat
As mentioned, anyone wondering how to lose belly fat fast isn’t alone, but this isn’t always realistic, and almost always not sustainable. It plays out differently for every single person. Our genetics, age, lifestyle, stress and sleep all play a role in how fast we lose belly fat the same goes for all body fat actually.
It’s not about trying to lose belly fat in a week or get rid of belly fat fast it’s about sticking to a pace that keeps you trucking on. For most people, the best way to lose belly fat looks like an 80/20 split of healthy habits and ones that are, perhaps, more fun than functional.
Read our complete guide on how long it takes to lose weight.
Cook At Home As Much As You Can
When dining out you rarely know exactly what ingredients are included in your meals, but cooking at home brings you a lot more control over what you eat. If you’re trying to eat a healthier diet to reduce fat, cooking at home is a big help. Another great part of eating at home? You’ll most likely save a bunch of money, too.
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Learn More About Weight Loss Tips For Men Today
To learn more about weight loss for men, please contact us at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY today to schedule your initial consultation. Whether youre trying to lose belly fat to be healthier, improve your aesthetic, or for some other reason, we can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.
We have licensed nutritionists to help you create a diet plan that will allow you to meet your nutritional needs while fitting into your daily caloric budget. We also offer medical guidance and treatment for conditions that lead to weight gain, such as hypothyroidism.
Eat Several Small Meals
To keep your metabolism revving throughout the day, focus on small, protein- and fiber-packed snacks or small meals every 3 to 4 hours. You will not only burn more calories eating a series of smaller meals, but also avoid the afternoon crash and end of the workday slump.
Eat This! Tip: Use your smartphone or computer to remind you of these intervals. Some go-to healthy snack ideas include:
- Apple with peanut butter
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Okay Now You Can Do Some Crunches
Although you cant spot reduce fat, you can target building lean muscle tissue, which in turn helps burn fat. There are literally dozens of muscles between your shoulders and your hips that are involved in every movement you do, says DiVecchio. The fastest way to create a lean midsection begins with choosing the right moves.
Aim to do ab work three or four times a week on non-consecutive days with at least 24 hours of rest in between sessions, says Gagliardi. During those sessions, you can start with simpler moves like crunches, bicycle crunches, and planks. Even though you may only be directly targeting your abs three or four times a week, you should still be activating your core in every workout you do, says Gagliardi.
There are tons of different ab workouts you can do right in your home. Once youre comfortable in an ab routine, work your way up to more complex ab exercises, like side-to-side med ball slams and weighted Russian twists, says DiVecchio.
How Quickly Will You Lose Weight
The volunteers reduced their waist sizes by an average of 1 inch for every 4lb they lost.
So if you lose 1lb a week you could hope to reduce your waistline by an inch after four weeks.
Dieticians advise that if you eat 500 calories less than your daily requirement you will lose about 1lb every seven days .
This chart shows you how many pounds you can hope to lose per week based on how many calories you cut out of your daily diet.
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Add Vinegar To Your Diet
If youre trying to lose weight, vinegar is an excellent addition to your diet. Whether white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, vinegar is one of the most versatile condiments regarding health benefits. One study found that a mere 15 to 30 ml of vinegar daily reduced body weight, belly fat and waist circumference over a three-month period.
According to one study, adding vinegar to your diet will reduce your daily caloric intake by 275 calories. Considering there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, you can lose over half a pound of fat per week with this one simple change. To increase your metabolism and satiety, try adding white vinegar to refreshing, hydrating salads and tangy barbecue sauces.
Avoid Eating After Dinner
Stop treating your kitchen like an all-night diner and you’ll stop seeing those unwanted pounds piling onto your frame, too. The results of a study published in Cell Metabolism found that mice who only had access to food during an eight-hour period stayed slim over the course of the study, while those who ate the same number of calories over a 16-hour period gained significantly more weight, particularly around their middle. When you’re finished with dinner at night, shut the fridge and don’t look back until morning your belly will thank you. When you do head back to the kitchen in the A.M., make sure the best healthy kitchen staples for cooking are there waiting for you.
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Eat More Berries Loaded With Antioxidants
Instead of satisfying your sweet tooth with some refined sugar, turn to berries and enjoy a slimmer waistline in no time without exercise. Berries are loaded with antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, and research from the University of Michigan reveals that rats given a cherry-rich diet shaved off a significant proportion of their belly fat when compared to a control group. Berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are also loaded with resveratrol, an antioxidant pigment that has been linked to reductions in belly fat and a reduced risk of dementia, to boot.
Fill Your Diet With Whole Foods
A great way to make this easy for yourself is to subscribe to the 80/20 rule when you’re grocery shopping, suggests NASM-certified trainer, Sarah Pelc Graca. “Before checking out at the grocery store, take a peek at your cartonly about 20% of the contents should be in a box,” she says. “For the most part, boxed foods like crackers, cookies, and frozen meals, are processed and include little nutrients and excess sugar. On the flip side, about 80% of your cart should include real foods, such as meat, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.”
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Reduce Your Intake Of Inflammatory Foods
The foods we consume can cause inflammation within our bodies, which can then contribute to lower belly fat. Some foods that promote inflammation include the saturated fats found in meat and dairy products, processed food, fast food, fried food, palm oil, and more.
“Saturated and trans fats damage blood vessel walls, which triggers the immune response associated with inflammation and encourages blood fats, like cholesterol, to stick and become imbedded in the artery wall leading to atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of heart disease, stroke, and even some forms of dementia,” explains Elizabeth Somer, a registered dietitian and Medical Advisory Board Member at Persona Nutrition.
But we have some good newsthere are many foods that can help inhibit inflammation, like the fats in fish oils, nuts and flaxseed , olive oil, many fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, soy, whole grains, tea, and spices like turmeric and ginger.
“Cutting back on calories and increasing exercise will shrink your waistline, including the dangerous visceral fat around the middle, especially if you’re overweight,” Somer says. To lower inflammation and reduce belly fat, “focus on unprocessed foods, such as colorful fruits and vegetables, 100% whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, fatty fish such as salmon, and low-fat milk products. Then watch portions and exercise daily.”
Ramp Up Your Cardio Exercise
You don’t have to be the next Usain Bolt in the making to enjoy some serious belly-slimming results from hitting the track from time to time. Even a moderate-rate jog a few times a week can blast through that belly fat in fact, a study conducted at Duke University Medical Center found that, over the course of an eight-month study, overweight adult study subjects who jogged 12 miles a week lost the most belly fat and burned 67 percent more calories than participants who did an equivalent amount of resistance exercise, or a combination of cardio and resistance work.
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S For Beating Belly Fat
There are four keys to controlling belly fat: exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management.
1. Exercise: Vigorous exercise trims all your fat, including visceral fat.
Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week. Walking counts, as long as it’s brisk enough that you work up a sweat and breathe harder, with your heart rate faster than usual.
To get the same results in half the time, step up your pace and get vigorous exercise — like jogging or walking. You’d need to do that for 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week.
Jog, if you’re already fit, or walk briskly at an incline on a treadmill if you’re not ready for jogging. Vigorous workouts on stationary bikes and elliptical or rowing machines are also effective, says Duke researcher Cris Slentz, PhD.
Moderate activity — raising your heart rate for 30 minutes at least three times per week — also helps. It slows down how much visceral fat you gain. But to torch visceral fat, your workouts may need to be stepped up.
Rake leaves, walk, garden, go to Zumba, play soccer with your kids. It doesnt have to be in the gym, Hairston says.
If you are not active now, it’s a good idea to check with your health care provider before starting a new fitness program.
2. Diet: There is no magic diet for belly fat. But when you lose weight on any diet, belly fat usually goes first.
Embrace The Power Of Protein
Protein serves a dual role in helping you trim down belly fat by increasing muscle mass and metabolism, while also helping stave off hunger. Research shows that a higher-protein diet increases thermogenesis, which means you burn more calories. Further, eating protein leads to an increased feeling of satisfaction after the meal, often causing you to eat fewer calories later in the day. These High-Protein Breakfast Tacos are the perfect way to start your morning and will keep you feeling full until lunch.
Related:High-Protein Lunch Ideas to Pack for Work
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Is It Bad To Do Zumba Everyday
In fact, these studies show that 2-4 days and ate in moderation, both on a body level as well as on a cardio level, are better for you. Do not overtrain with Zumba each day. It can actually impede your body transformation because youll not get enough time to heal and grow your muscles once youve become overtrained.
Modifying Your Diet To Lose Belly Fat
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Muster Up The Mustard
Eating 1 teaspoon of mustardfor a mere 5 caloriescan increase metabolism by up to 25 percent for several hours, according to researchers at England’s Oxford Polytechnic Institute. Smear some of the spread onto turkey sandwiches, burgers, and hot dogs, brush some onto a fish fillet before baking or use it as a meat marinade. Since eating protein can boost your calorie burn too, combining them is a fat-frying double whammy!
Say Yes To Less Stress
Even if you eat well and exercise, stressing out can prevent your stomach from deflating. Why? Stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol, which increases appetite and fat storagenot what you want when you’re looking to get six-pack abs. Next time your stress levels go through the roof, brew a pot of black tea. Research has found that the beverage can increase the rate at which your body brings its cortisol levels back to normal, helping you slim down. Here are 15 Easy Ways to Lower Cortisol Levels so You Don’t Feel as Stressed.
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You’re Not Tracking Your Progress
Another important point from Dr Luke. While every person is different and what weight loss plan works for them will be different, tracking your progress can serve as an encouraging reminder that what you are doing is working.
“There are some great apps and wearable tech devices available that make it easier to stick to your plan. They can help you monitor your goals, your food intake and the calories burned during exercise. If these arent an option, write down a meal and exercise plan. This will help you stick to your goals and remain focussed,” he explains.