When To Seek A Doctors Help
Most cases of stomach pains are not serious and can be easily remedied at home. However, you should seek medical help for your childs stomach pain in the following cases:
There are many reasons for stomach aches in children. If you notice that the stomach pain is persistent, does not go away with home remedies, or is accompanied by any worrisome symptoms, it is advised that you seek immediate medical help.
Cause Of Gastric Problems:
- Fried, junk food
- Sensitivity or allergy to certain foods
- Lactose intolerance
- Gassy vegetables
- Worm infestation
- Irritable Bowel Disease
- Consumption of contaminated water, eating roadside food
- Pitta imbalance
According to Ayurveda, imbalance in the three bioenergies of doshasVata, Pitta and Kaphacould aggravate gastric problems. The three doshas combine in differing proportions to make up an individuals constitution or prakriti. This includes all factorsphysical, mental and emotionalthat express an individuals uniqueness. Imbalance in the Pitta dosha is said to be the main cause of gastric problems and is further aggravated by eating junk, fried, processed and cold foods. Pitta, or the fire element, is said to govern all heat, metabolism and our sensory perceptions, besides transformation in the mind and body. It controls how we digest foods and an imbalance in Pitta dosha creates a lot of toxins or ama in the system. Ama makes one feel more lethargic, fatigued, causes stomach ache, bloatedness and nausea.
Its A Recurring Stomachache
Have you noticed that your child keeps having the same stomachache? Maybe it comes up every few days or every other day, but if you notice the same symptoms are recurring, it could be a warning sign thats something wrong, even if the symptoms seem mild. Poston says that any stomachache that sticks around, especially for a week, needs a doctors attention. Recurring stomachaches can be due to constipation, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases, food intolerances, acid reflux, urinary tract infections, or a myriad of other causes, she says. If the child is pale, febrile, unable to eat or drink, is excessively tired, or has lost weight, a doctors visit is a good idea.
But these recurring stomachaches can be hard to sort out. Poston suggests keeping a diary of symptoms, including the time of day, the foods eaten, any stressors or behaviors, and the last bowel movement your child had. This information combined with a parents observations are more likely to lead to an accurate diagnosis.
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They Have Respiratory Issues & A Stomachache
You probably think of pneumonia as strictly a respiratory illness, but for a child, it can also cause stomach pain, especially if they are very young. Contact your doctor if your child has difficulty breathing, an uncontrollable cough, fever combined with cough, or vomiting with a cough, says Poston.
Treating Symptoms Of Your Child’s Stomachache
- Have the child lie down and rest.
- Don’t give the child fluids for about 2 hours after the last vomiting episode. Then give the child clear fluids such as water or flat soda. Start with just a sip at a time.
- Keep a container nearby in case the child vomits.
- If the child vomits more than once, watch for signs of dehydration, such as decreased urination or dry diapers, dry lips, and crying without tears.
- If you think the child could be constipated, put them on the toilet. Passing a stool may ease the pain.
- Sit the child in warm water to help release a stool if you think the child is constipated.
- Avoid giving ibuprofen , pain medicine, or laxatives.
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What Are Different Types Of Chronic Abdominal Pain In Children
- Abdominal migraine is severe abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite.
- Functional abdominal pain is pain that has no known cause. Your child may not want to do his or her daily activities because of the pain.
- Functional dyspepsia is upper abdominal pain that does not go away when your child has a bowel movement.
- Irritable bowel syndrome is abdominal pain that goes away when your child has a bowel movement. Your child’s bowel movements may also look different, or he or she may have more bowel movements than usual.
The Stomach Pain Is Also In Their Back Or Groin
The right lower quadrant of the abdomen isnt the only spot youll want to watch out for. Owusu-Ansah says, If the pain radiates to the back or groin area, it may be referred pain from other areas in the body, such as the kidneys or the bladder and urinary tract system, and may indicate infections in that area or ailments such as kidney stones.
Another warning sign is if urination is bothering them as well. If a child is complaining that it hurts to pee with abdominal pain, it may be a urinary tract infection, says Owusu-Ansah. And if boys experience groin pain and stomach pain, you should check the testicular area for pain and/or swelling or discoloration.
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They Are Bloated & Have Stomach Pain
Stomach pain that is accompanied by severe bloating can be a sign that your child is very constipated, which isnt something to brush off. This is an especially important sign in children who cant verbalize their pain yet.
It can be a sign of a more benign process such as constipation, but constipation can also be severe in nature and require removal of impacted stool, says Owusu-Ansah.
Medications And Pills For Stomach Pain
Reviewed and approved bythe doctor.
Written by
30 May, 2022
There are different medications and pills for stomach pain. These all should be prescribed by your general practitioner orgastrointestinal tract specialist .
In fact, there are many possible causes of stomach pain. They include the following:
- Intestinal malabsorption
- Chronic gastritis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
Bearing this in mind, in order to refer to the different medications and pills for stomach pain, we will use the classification according to their regular use. These are the nine most commonly used groups.
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Tips For Pinpointing The Cause Of Abdominal Pain In Children
Children cant always identify the spot where their stomach hurts. If they can, it provides a clue to the source of the problem and help doctors treat the condition.
However, keep in mind that the part of the stomach where the child indicates pain may or may not be accurate. This is a judgment call you can make based on their age and maturity.
Other factors used to diagnose general stomach pain include:
- The severity of the pain
- What makes it better or worse
- Accompanying symptoms, such as vomiting, gas, bloating, cramping, or nausea and
- When the discomfort occurs, especially if its recurrent abdominal pain.
What Can I Give My Child For Stomach Pain
Stomach pain usually resolves itself after your child:
- Recovers from a stomach virus
There’s no specific treatment for an upset stomach, but you can help relieve your child’s symptoms. Trusted home remedies for stomach pain in kids include:
- Offering plenty of clear liquids to keep your child hydrated
- Offering ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain
- Using a heating pad to ease cramps and pain
- Offering a bland diet, like crackers and soups
- Giving your child stool softeners, like MiraLAX® to ease constipation
- Mixing a probiotic in your child’s water, which may help stop diarrhea
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How Is Chronic Abdominal Pain Treated
Healthcare providers may not find a medical problem that is causing your child’s pain. If no problem is found, they will work to decrease your child’s symptoms so he or she can return to his or her regular activities. With treatment, your child’s abdominal pain may decrease, happen less often, or go away. Your child may need any of the following:
- Medicines may be given to help calm your child’s stomach and prevent vomiting. Medicines may be given to control your child’s anxiety or to lower stomach acid. Medicines may also be given to prevent or treat pain or a bacterial infection.
- Surgery is rarely needed but may be done to treat certain problems.
Gas Trapped In The Abdomen
While gas is a normal process during digestion, it can cause stomach pain in a toddler if it gets trapped in the abdomen. This often happens when it cannot move well through the intestines. The amount of gas produced in the digestive system is usually influenced by the diet of the child. Certain foods, including carbonated drinks, sugar substitutes, beans, and dairy products, can lead to excessive gas production. Apart from that, eating or drinking in a hurry can also cause an increase in the amount of gas produced.
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Pain For Different Ages
Your child may use different words to describe the pain. You may have to translate the best you can.
For example, maybe your child has localized sharp pain that comes and goes. They might say, Ouch! It hurts sometimes right here!
Heres how to tell if your child is experiencing abdominal discomfort, even if they dont yet have the words to tell you.
How Is The Cause Of Chronic Abdominal Pain Diagnosed
Your child’s healthcare provider will ask about your child’s family history of abdominal pain. Tell him or her if your child takes any medicines, and how well he or she eats and sleeps. Tell him or her if your child has any other health problems or has missed activities because of the pain. Tell him or her if your child has been stressed or worried lately. Your child may also need any of the following:
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Stomach Pain Around The Belly Button
Stomach pain around or near a child’s belly button is usually nothing to worry about. It’s one of the most common stomach pain complaints among kids.
“Children often rub their bellies when they hurt and complain about general pain around the belly button,” says Dr. Mehta. “This type of stomach pain is typically caused by stress or eating something that didn’t quite agree with them.”
If your child is complaining about stomach pain near the belly button, you can:
- Encourage them to lay down and rest
- Check to see if they need to poop
- Offer a glass of water
- Try distracting them by reading a book together or playing a quiet game
They Have A Fever & Stomach Pain
Kids get fevers. It happens! A fever is the bodys way of reacting to an infection or pain, and can be relatively harmless. Still, that doesnt mean you should ignore it, especially if it comes along with severe abdominal pain. Owusu-Ansah says, Children with abdominal pain with fever should be checked out for any type of abdominal infection or kidney/urinary infections in the genital area. Upper abdominal pain with fever and cough can be a sign of lower lung lobe pneumonia with referred pain to the stomach. Abdominal pain with fever should be attended to and evaluated by a physician.
If you notice that your child has a fever, stomach pain, increased sleepiness, and blood in their stool, call your doctor Owusu-Ansah says this could be a sign of infection or even low blood pressure or blood loss.
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Ayurvedic Medicines Which Could Be Of Help:
- Hingwashtak Churna: 1 teaspoon could be added with ghee when having rice. Aids in better digestion and addresses bloatedness.
- Amrita Bindu: To be taken on an empty stomach with 4-5 drops added to water.
- Amlapittari Vati: A proprietary medicine used for hyperacidity.
- Pachani Rasayana: Helps in strengthening digestion.
- Ajamoda Arka: To be taken every morning with 4-5 drops added to lukewarm water.
- Kumaryasava: Improves functioning of the liver. If the problem persists, a doctor should be consulted without delay. Deworming the child every six months could also be immensely helpful in strengthening their digestive system.
Other precautions to keep in mind:
- Dont drink water immediately before or half hour after eating food. This dilutes the digestive fire or agni.
- Ask kids to not hold their bladder for a long time as it can lead to gastric problem.
- Give kids more of bland food, soup and freshly cooked vegetables.
- Avoid junk and fried food. When eating outside, ensure the place has proper hygiene and water is purified.
- Encourage children to play more of outdoor games. This will improve their metabolism, make the child hungry and help improve the appetite.
Stomach Pain In Kids: Causes Symptoms And Treatment Options
Childrens stomach pain is one of the common reasons why parents bring their children to a Pediatrician in Florida. This problem has several causes, ranging from serious things like appendicitis to benign and minor issues like gas. So how can you tell the difference between a minor discomfort and something that requires emergency medical attention? The problem is that children often get confused when it comes to the pain they havent experienced before. Lets get into some of the common causes, symptoms, and medicines for stomach pain for a child.
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What To Do If None Of The Above Is True
This doesnt mean that every other stomachache is fine but if none of the above is true, its less likely to be something serious. Try rest, fluids, and a bland diet . If your child isnt getting better, especially if your child has vomiting or diarrhea that isnt getting better, call your doctor. If your child has recurrent stomachaches, its incredibly helpful when parents keep a diary of the stomachaches, along with details of things like what they ate that day, what their stool was like, how they acted, etc. This information can go a long way toward helping the doctor figure out what is going on, and how to help.
Image: Liderina/Getty Images
There Are Signs Of Allergies With The Stomachache
It may not sound surprising, but stomach pain can also be a sign of an allergy, which isnt something you want to ignore. Watch your child to see if you notice other allergy symptoms, such as hives, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, vomiting, or fainting. Any of these combinations can be collective symptoms associated with a severe allergic reaction otherwise known as anaphylaxis, says Owusu-Ansah. This would be a 911 call.
She adds, If the child has a known allergy and has anaphylaxis and has an epinephrine auto injector available, it should be used immediately to prevent severe illness or death.
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Causes Of Recurrent Stomach Pains
- Stress or Worries. The most common cause of frequent stomach pains is stress. Over 10% of children have a “worried stomach.” These children tend to be sensitive and too serious. They often are model children. This can make them more at risk to the normal stresses of life. Examples of these events are changing schools, moving or family fights. The pain is in the pit of the stomach or near the belly button. The pain is real.
- Abdominal Migraine. Attacks of stomach pain and vomiting with sudden onset and offset. Often occur in children who later develop migraine headaches. Strongly genetic.
- Functional Abdominal Pains. Functional means the stomach pains are due to a sensitive GI tract. The GI tract is free of any disease.
- School Avoidance. Stomach pains that mainly occur in the morning on school days. They keep the child from going to school.
There Is Blood In Their Stool & They Have A Stomachache
As unpleasant as it may be, you should take a look at your childs stool if they have a stomachache to check for blood. Poston says, Blood in the stool, like blood in vomit, can range from serious to innocent. If a child is constipated, pushing the stool out of the rectum may cause a small amount of blood on the outside of the stool.
She adds, If the blood is more than a streak, is mixed with the stool, or the stool has a black, tarry appearance to it, these may be signs of a more serious cause of bleeding such as an infection or inflammation in the bowel. In that case, definitely call a doctor.
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Home Remedies For Your Childs Upset Stomach
When youre watching your kid upchuck for the fourth time in an hour, its only natural to want to do something. But with medications more or less off the table as a treatment, are there any ways you can actually help your poor sick kiddo? Yes to a degree.
As mentioned, staying hydrated is the name of the game for bouncing back from gastrointestinal ailments.
To keep your baby hydrated, offer breast milk or formula at least 15 to 20 minutes after vomiting has subsided. Even if they only take in a small amount of liquid, thats OK. Continue to offer frequently.
For toddlers and older kids, you have more options for hydrating drinks. Besides water, you can try offering:
- nonsugary electrolyte beverages
In addition to providing fluids, focus your energy on offering appropriate foods, especially as your child recovers. A diet of mild, easily digestible foods is best. These may include:
- non-acidic fruits like bananas, melons, and figs
- lean meats without added seasonings
- rice or mashed potatoes
- toast, crackers, or plain cereal
- breast milk or formula for babies and toddlers
And what about probiotics, you may wonder? The most current research shows that the good gut bugs dont do much to help kids get over stomach flu.
According to a 2018 study, probiotic supplements didnt affect the duration or severity of acute gastroenteritis in children.