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What To Give Toddler For Stomach Ache

Why Does Belly Pain Happen

Causes of stomach ache in infant who is on formula milk? – Dr. Sailaja Vummadi

Pain is the body’s way of telling us that something’s going on. Belly pain alerts us to something that’s happening inside us that we might not know about otherwise.

Some reasons for belly pain are easy to spot, like when someone gets hit in the gut or eats spoiled macaroni salad. Oher times, it might be hard to figure out.

When you get a pain in your stomach, it might be an actual problem right in your stomach, but not necessarily. Your abdomen is more than your stomach. It’s more than your intestines. It’s the whole area between your chest and your pelvic bones. With so many organs in the abdomen, different problems can have similar symptoms.

You Need To Contact A Doctor Or Nurse Today

Please ring your GP surgery or call NHS 111 – dial 111

We recognise that during the current COVID-19 crisis, at peak times, access to a health care professional may be delayed. If symptoms persist for 4 hours or more and you have not been able to speak to either a member of staff from your GP practice or to NHS 111 staff, then consider taking them to your nearest ED.

If your child:

  • Is alert and interacts with you
  • Develops diarrhoea & vomiting but no red or amber signs
  • Experiences pain associated with menstruation in a girl
  • Is frequently constipated
  • Additional advice is also available to young families for coping with crying of well babies click here.

They Keep Complaining About A Stomachache

If your child is complaining about their stomach pain more than they usually would complain about something, that could be an indication that the pain is severe. See if you can distract them from what theyre feeling if their favorite movie or game doesnt take their mind off of it, thats probably because its really bothering them.

Dr. Leann Poston of Invigor Medical, says, If the pain is severe and your child cannot be distracted from the pain, contact your doctor. If the pain is not as severe, consider the age of the child. Children who cannot express their pain well warrant a call to a physician more quickly than those who can describe where the pain is located and what it feels like and thus provide reassurance.

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Repeat Attacks Of Stomach Pain

Some children suffer repeat attacks of stomach pain, which can be worrying for parents. Often, no health problem can be found.Children may feel stomach pain when they are worried about themselves or people around them. Think about whether there is anything that is upsetting your child at home, school or kindergarten, or with friends. See your local doctor for advice. A referral may be needed to a paediatrician .

What Do You Give Toddlers Who Have An Upset Stomach

Stomach Pain In Babies

18 December, 2018

A toddler can develop an upset stomach after eating spoiled food, in response to an infection or as a reaction to motion sickness or overeating. No matter what the cause, dealing with a child who doesn’t feel good puts stress on everyone in the family.

Left untreated, an upset stomach can lead to vomiting or diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Fortunately, there are plenty of foods and drinks you can give your toddler to help heal her stomach and keep her hydrated while she is sick.

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Stomach Pain In The Lower Right Part Of The Abdomen

Appendicitis is a serious medical emergency that can cause sudden, severe pain in the lower right part of your child’s stomach. If your child complains of stomach pain that moves to the lower right side of the belly, watch for other symptoms of appendicitis including:

  • Fever
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

You should contact your child’s pediatrician immediately if you suspect your child has appendicitis. Early diagnosis decreases risk of a ruptured appendix or serious complications.

Urgent Advice: Get Advice From 111 Now If:

  • you’re worried about a baby under 12 months
  • your child stops breast or bottle feeding while they’re ill
  • a child under 5 years has signs of dehydration such as fewer wet nappies
  • you or your child still have signs of dehydration after using oral rehydration sachets
  • you or your child keep being sick and cannot keep fluid down
  • you or your child have bloody diarrhoea or bleeding from the bottom
  • you or your child have diarrhoea for more than 7 days or vomiting for more than 2 days

111 will tell you what to do. They can arrange a phone call from a nurse or doctor if you need one.

Go to or .

Get an urgent GP appointment

A GP may be able to help you.

Ask your GP practice for an urgent appointment.

Check with the GP surgery before going in. A GP may speak to you on the phone.

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How To Stop The Vomiting

Theres no single surefire way to halt puking in its tracks. The sad-but-true reality: The best course of action is usually to simply let an illness run its course.

In fact, though it might be tempting to reach for medication for a vomiting child, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against using any over-the-counter or prescription anti-vomiting drugs in kids .

Using antibiotics to treat throwing up is especially discouraged, as many stomach illnesses are caused by viruses, not bacteria.

Typically, the more important goal is to make sure your child stays hydrated throughout their bout of sickness. As they lose fluids through throwing up, giving them plenty to drink is your best bet.

What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Stomach Pain In Children

Tips to manage stomach ache in children – Dr. Shaheena Athif

A parent or caregiver usually can notice pain in a child’s abdomen. Infants and very young toddlers may cry, express pain facially, and curl up. Young children are usually quick to tell you what is wrong. Some teenagers may be reluctant to report pain, and you must try to get a clear explanation of what they are feeling. Ask about these conditions:

  • Duration of the pain: Most simple causes of abdominal pain do not last long. Most of us have experienced gas pains or the stomach/gut flu, and recall that the pain was usually gone within 24 hours. Any abdominal pain that continues longer than 24 hours should be evaluated by a physician.
  • Location of the pain: Most simple pains are located in the center of the abdomen. The child will rub around his or her belly button. Pain felt in other areas is more concerning. This is especially true of pain located low and down on the right side of the abdomen. Pain in that area should be considered as appendicitis until proven otherwise.
  • Appearance of the child: As a general rule, if the child looks very ill in addition to being in pain, medical help should be sought. Often, the caregiver “just knows” the child is very sick. When abdominal pain occurs, key things to look for include pale appearance, sweating, sleepiness or listlessness. It is most concerning when a child cannot be distracted from the pain with play, or refuses to drink or eat for several hours.

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    What Should You Do

    • Offer your child a normal diet and plenty of fluids.
    • Give them pain relief such as paracetamol and or ibuprofen.
    • If their pain is not controlled with simple pain relief, if they develop jaundice , have a swollen tummy, are peeing more or less than usual or have blood in their poo or wee, you should arrange for them to be seen urgently by a medical practitioner. Call your GP surgery or NHS 111.
    • If your child also has runny poos , try to avoid them getting dehydrated .

    Make Him Eat Yoghurt And Other Probiotic Foods

    Probiotic foods are also known to help soothe stomach pain. For example, yoghurt, which has probiotics in it, can provide relief from diarrhoea and cramps. Yoghurt is also full of good bacteria which compensates for the loss of microbes in the gut. Fenugreek seeds also help treat stomach pain in toddlers. Grind a handful of fenugreek seeds, add in the yoghurt, and give it to your child if he has stomach pain. Instead of giving any heavy foods, give him khichdi or plain rice. Khichdi is light on the tummy and will soothe your childs upset tummy.

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    Taking Care Of Your Child With Abdominal Pain

    General suggestions on easing the pain include:

    • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.
    • Help your child drink plenty of clear fluids such as cooled boiled water or juice.
    • Do not push your child to eat if they feel unwell.
    • If your child is hungry, offer bland food such as crackers, rice, bananas or toast.
    • Place a hot water bottle or wheat bag on your childs tummy or run a warm bath for them. Take care not to scald yourself or your child.
    • Give paracetamol if your child is in pain or is miserable. Remember that doses for children are often different to those for adults, so check the packet carefully for the right dose. Avoid giving aspirin.

    Know When To Seek Help

    Stomach Aches and Anxiety in a Child

    Home remedies can work wonders, but it’s necessary to know when it’s time to call the doctor. Dr. Lonzer says that pain around the belly button is often the least concern. “Loss of appetite is more serious and would concern me after a few days,” she adds. “Constipation should be addressed within a week if a change in diet is not helping.” As a general rule, if your child is vomiting, has a fever, has blood in his stool, is not thriving, or looks worn-out all the time, it’s best to take him to the pediatrician.

    All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

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    Stomach Pain In Children Facts

    • Abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons for a parent to bring his or her child to medical attention.
    • Symptoms and signs of stomach pain in children include gas , rubbing around the belly button, especially if the pain is located low and down on the right side of the abdomen, you “just know” that the child is very sick, pale appearance, sweating, sleepiness or listlessness, vomiting however, if it does not go away , diarrhea, fever, groin pain, urinary problems, and a rash. Moreover, stomach pain in children depend on if the pain comes and goes , the location of the pain, if the pain is acute or chronic, and how severe the pain is.
    • Possible causes for a child’s stomach pain range from trivial to life-threatening, with little difference in the child’s complaints.
    • Fortunately, abdominal pain in a child usually improves quickly.
    • Stomach pain in children is serious if the he or she has a high fever, has had diarrhea longer than 24 hours, or has been vomiting longer than 24 hours.
    • Each parent or caregiver faces the difficulty of deciding whether a complaint needs emergency care or not.

    Causes Of Abdominal Pain In Children

    There are many health problems that can cause stomach pain for children, including:

    • bowel problems constipation, colic or irritable bowel
    • infections gastroenteritis, kidney or bladder infections, or infections in other parts of the body like the ear or chest
    • food-related problems too much food, food poisoning or food allergies
    • problems outside the abdomen muscle strain or migraine
    • surgical problems appendicitis, bowel obstruction or intussusception
    • period pain some girls can have pain before their periods start
    • poisoning such as spider bites, eating soap or smoking.

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    Stomach Pain On The Left Side Of The Abdomen

    If your child is complaining about pain on the left side of their stomach, it could be caused by something as simple as constipation to a more severe condition like pancreatitis. Dr. Mehta reminds parents not to panic just because their child is experiencing pain.

    “Most of the time, stomach pain on the left side is caused by something mild, like constipation. Rarely, it can be a sign of something more serious,” she says. “Your child’s pediatrician can work with you to better understand the pain and symptoms your child experiences to ensure they receive an accurate diagnosis and more importantly, find relief.”

    The Stomach Pain Is In Their Lower Right Side

    Toddler Tip #2 – Tummy Aches!

    Its important to find out where the pain is coming from, as pain in certain spots can be a sign of a more serious problem. Dr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, associate professor of pediatrics and medical director of UPMC Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, tells Romper that if the pain is in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, especially if its tender to the touch, you should be on the alert. That may signify something such as appendicitis, or in females, ovarian torsion, where the ovary rotates on itself and cuts off the blood supply, she says.

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    Stomach Flu And Dehydration

    How can I prevent dehydration?If your baby or child has had several bouts of vomiting or diarrhea, he or she will need to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

    If you are breastfeeding, continue to give your baby breastmilk. Breastmilk has fluids and electrolytes needed to prevent dehydration. Your doctor may also want you to give your baby an oral rehydration solution .

    If you feed your baby formula, try switching to one that is lactose free while your baby is sick. Lactose can make diarrhea worse. Your doctor may also suggest switching from formula to an ORS for 12 to 24 hours, and then switching back.

    For toddlers and young children, use an ORS, which contains the right mix of salt, sugar, potassium and other nutrients to help replace lost body fluids. Children older than 1 year may also have clear soups, clear sodas or juice mixed with water to help prevent dehydration. You should avoid giving your child plain water and dark sodas. Water alone does not contain enough salt and nutrients to help with dehydration. Dark sodas are typically very high in sugar and can irritate your childs stomach.

    Signs of dehydration

    • Little or lack of urine, or urine that is darker than usual
    • Urinating less frequently than usual
    • Thirst
    • Irritability
    • Dry mouth
    • No tears when crying
    • In babies who are younger than 18 months old, sunken soft spots on the top of their heads
    • Skin that isnt as springy or elastic as usual
    • Sleepiness

    What is an ORS?

    Should I feed my child when he or she has diarrhea?

    Why Is My Poop Watery And My Stomach Hurts

    Diarrhea affects almost everyone at some point. Abdominal pain or cramping may accompany diarrhea. Some of the most common causes include food sensitivities, bacterial or viral infections, and medication or alcohol use. It may also result from stress or chronic conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome .

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    Ayurvedic Medicines Which Could Be Of Help:

    • Hingwashtak Churna: 1 teaspoon could be added with ghee when having rice. Aids in better digestion and addresses bloatedness.
    • Amrita Bindu: To be taken on an empty stomach with 4-5 drops added to water.
    • Amlapittari Vati: A proprietary medicine used for hyperacidity.
    • Pachani Rasayana: Helps in strengthening digestion.
    • Ajamoda Arka: To be taken every morning with 4-5 drops added to lukewarm water.
    • Kumaryasava: Improves functioning of the liver. If the problem persists, a doctor should be consulted without delay. Deworming the child every six months could also be immensely helpful in strengthening their digestive system.

    Other precautions to keep in mind:

    • Dont drink water immediately before or half hour after eating food. This dilutes the digestive fire or agni.
    • Ask kids to not hold their bladder for a long time as it can lead to gastric problem.
    • Give kids more of bland food, soup and freshly cooked vegetables.
    • Avoid junk and fried food. When eating outside, ensure the place has proper hygiene and water is purified.
    • Encourage children to play more of outdoor games. This will improve their metabolism, make the child hungry and help improve the appetite.

    Treating Symptoms Of Your Child’s Stomachache

    Tummy Ache In Babies
    • Have the child lie down and rest.
    • Don’t give the child fluids for about 2 hours after the last vomiting episode. Then give the child clear fluids such as water or flat soda. Start with just a sip at a time.
    • Keep a container nearby in case the child vomits.
    • If the child vomits more than once, watch for signs of dehydration, such as decreased urination or dry diapers, dry lips, and crying without tears.
    • If you think the child could be constipated, put them on the toilet. Passing a stool may ease the pain.
    • Sit the child in warm water to help release a stool if you think the child is constipated.

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