Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Relieve Stomach Ache

Have A Bowl Of Yogurt

How To Relieve A Stomach Ache

Yogurt might not seem like an obvious remedy for stomach problems, but if you want to know how to get rid of cramps, a bowl of plain, regular yogurt might do the trick. Thats because yogurt is full of probiotics that can restore balance to your gut, improving your digestion.

Go for plain yogurt rather than the sweetened kind, since sugar can upset your stomach and throw off your balance of gut bacteria even more. If you cant stomach the taste of plain yogurt, drizzle a little honey over the top or mix in a few berries.

Get the freshest yogurt you can find. For long-term relief, make yogurt part of your diet every day.

Know When To Seek Help

Home remedies can work wonders, but it’s necessary to know when it’s time to call the doctor. Dr. Lonzer says that pain around the belly button is often the least concern. “Loss of appetite is more serious and would concern me after a few days,” she adds. “Constipation should be addressed within a week if a change in diet is not helping.” As a general rule, if your child is vomiting, has a fever, has blood in his stool, is not thriving, or looks worn-out all the time, it’s best to take him to the pediatrician.

All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

Castle Estate Take Me Away

If capturing another century versus a decade is your thing, and you always felt you would be suited for the royal treatment, then this laser cut castle doll house is your thing. I couldnt find the kit for sale, but it might be possible to find a video with the step-by-step laser saw demonstration. One can dream and wish upon a star I suppose!

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Peppermint Tea To Relieve Stomach Pain

For more generalized pain relief, try peppermint tea, or even sucking on a candy cane if youre feeling festive. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, a natural analgesic known to help nausea and upset stomachs. Whether you get it from a candy, tea, chewing on the leaves, or sniffing some extract, peppermint can alleviate stomach pain and any accompanying nausea.

  • Add one teaspoon of dried peppermint to one cup of boiling water.
  • Steep for five to 10 minutes before straining.
  • Add a dab of honey for taste.
  • Or, chew on one fresh peppermint leaf throughout the day.

Home Remedies For Stomach Pain May Work For You

4 Ways to Cure a Child

Stomach pain is a common complaint that can range from mild stabs of pain to debilitating painful cramps.

Causes of stomach pain may be linked to an underlying health condition such as appendicitis or kidney stones, or it may be a reaction to a food product that irritates the stomach lining.

Many cases of discomfort are mild and may be alleviated by home remedies for stomach pain.

Using natural and widely available products like herbal teas and probiotic yogurt may offer fast relief without causing the additional pain sometimes triggered by the irritants in shelf medications.

Sudden and severe stomach pain may indicate a serious health condition. If it is accompanied by a fever, breathing difficulty, or bloody vomit, seek immediate medical attention.

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Regular Exercise Help Digestion

Moderate exercise can help effectively get rid of stomach upset or other digestive problems. Going for a walk after a meal or doing a light exercise promote digestion and stimulates intestinal transit.

Make sure to do a lower-intensity exercise after a meal. These exercises include brisk walking, cycling, hiking, or swimming.

What Questions Will My Doctor Ask About My Abdominal Pain

Diagnosing the cause of abdominal pain is one of the hardest tasks for a doctor. Sometimes all that the professional can do is be sure that the pain does not require surgery or admission to the hospital.

The healthcare professional may ask these or similar questions to try to determine what is causing the patient’s pain. Some may seem unrelated to the patient’s current condition, but it is important to try to answer them as completely as possible. The answers to these questions can help the healthcare professional find the cause of the patient’s pain more quickly and easily.

  • How long have you had the pain?
  • What were you doing when it started?
  • How did you feel before the pain started?
  • Have you felt OK over the last few days?
  • What have you tried to make the pain better? Did it work?
  • What makes the pain worse?
  • Where is the pain located?
  • Right side?
  • Does the pain make you want to stay in one place or move around?
  • How was the ride to the hospital? Did riding in the car hurt you?
  • Is the pain worse when you cough?
  • Have you thrown up?
  • Did throwing up make the pain better or worse?
  • Have your bowel movements been normal?
  • When was your last bowel movement?
  • Are you passing gas?
  • Do you feel you might have a fever?
  • Have you had a pain like this before? When? What did you do for it?
  • Have you ever had surgery? What surgery? When?
  • Are you pregnant? Are you sexually active? Are you using birth control?
  • Have you been around anyone with symptoms like this?
  • Does it hurt to breathe?
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    When Is Stomach Pain Most Likely To Occur

    If you have anxiety, stomach pain can occur at any time even when no anxiety is present. However, many people experience stomach pain during panic attacks.

    The exact link between an anxiety attack and stomach pain is not clear, other than the fact that during a panic attack, your body is under a considerable amount of stress, and your hormones are often on overdrive. Also, those with anxiety attacks are prone to hyperventilation, which may lead to symptoms that create stomach pain.

    How To Relieve Stomach Pain Symptoms

    How to relieve a stomach ache naturally

    There isnt necessarily a cure for the stomach pain symptoms themselves. When your body is under stress, your stomach tends to hurt based on the acids in your stomach and the foods youve already eaten. If you have stomach pain as a result of an anxiety attack, you may need to wait it out.

    Water can help a little, however. So consider sipping cool water. Antacids may also be beneficial in some cases, but if you have stomach pain often, you may not want to depend on antacid treatments.


    Stomach pain from anxiety can be caused by several stress-related issues, including abdominal tension, digestion issues, and irritable bowel. Although the stomach pain may be caused by anxiety, the acids in the stomach are still very real. There are ways to treat both your stomach discomfort and anxiety.

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    Chamomile Tea With Honey

    · Try having chamomile tea with honey during this time of the month as it helps in reducing the pain instantly. Chamomile too is known for anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce prostaglandin production responsible for the contraction of uterine muscles. Prostaglandin in the bloodstream can also induce nausea, vomiting, severe lower abdominal cramps, headache, etc.

    Avoid Sugary Drinks To Prevent Stomach Acid

    Some sweet fruit juices or smoothies often contain as much sugar as soft drinks. These sugars often take a long time to be digested by the stomach, and it also promotes the production of stomach acid.

    One of the best remedies for stomach upset and digestive disorders is water rather than sugary drinks. In addition, water also helps promote intestinal transport and treat constipation.

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    Heat To Cure Distressed Stomach

    Another super effective remedy to ease stomach pain is to use hot water bottles or heating pad on the stomach. It is exclusively effective in lower stomach pain and extreme stomach pains during periods.


    The heat increases the flow of blood in the body and transfers the perception of pain from inside the stomach to the outside. This technique is particularly effective during period cycles and cramps.

    Preventing The Stomach Flu

    Cure Stomach Ache

    If you know the stomach flu is going around, take extra precautions. Avoid close contact with infected people if possible and wash your hands frequently.

    Some basic ways to avoid getting the stomach flu include washing your hands regularly and getting plenty of rest. Here are additional methods of prevention:

    • Use the dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand when possible.
    • Use soap and water instead of hand sanitizer.
    • Keep a sick family member isolated. Try to restrict them to one bathroom, and have the rest of the household use another.
    • Wipe off shopping cart handles.
    • Clean countertops and surfaces with a disinfectant spray, and be sure to wash clothes and bedding as well.

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    Calcium Manganese Magnesium And Zinc

    · Proper amounts of calcium, manganese, magnesium, and zinc can help to alleviate menstrual cramps instantly. Calcium helps the muscles to tone up whereas manganese and magnesium prevent dysmenorrhea. It helps the muscles to calm down which reduces the menstrual cramps. You can have bananas during periods because bananas are a rich source of magnesium and potassium.

    Verbena To Relieve Stomach Cramps

    Verbena is often used to relieve stomach cramps. It can also be used for common digestive diseases such as abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Verbena contains flavonoids that have antioxidant properties which help with digestion.

    To drink herbal tea, place 1 to 2 grams of verbena leaves in about 250 ml of boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes and then drink after the meal.

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    Do 5 Minutes Of Breath Work To Focus The Body On Digestion

    Especially if you were stressed when eating, or if you experience chronic stress, that can take a toll on digestion.

    The body has two states: fight or flight or rest and digest. If youre experiencing a stressor, such as from work, the body is in fight or flight mode to address the stress, not rest and digest to focus on digesting food. This makes digestion particularly difficult, which can often result in a stomachache.

    To reset the body for digestion, taking a few deep breaths can help to recenter it and shift its focus to digesting your food. At the onset of a stomachache , take 3-5 really deep breaths in and out to help reduce the stomachache.

    Watch this video to learn some deep breathing exercises :

    Head To The Drugstore

    Quickly Stop Stomach Aches/Pain Self Massage

    Some people find relief with over-the-counter products, such as simethicone and activated charcoal. Of the two, simethicone is considered the better option, although experts are not quite sure how it works. Brand names for simethicone include:

    • Maalox Anti-Gas
    • Gas-X
    • Phazyme

    You should know that activated charcoal may result in constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Therefore, its use is somewhat controversial within the medical community.

    In addition, if you decide to try activated charcoal, you may find that it turns your stool black. However, black stools from charcoal supplements are not something to be concerned about.

    As with any OTC product, check with your doctor before use. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should generally avoid these products.

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    Take Some Deep Breaths

    Deep breathing may help with gas pain. But this only tends to work if it’s something you practice regularly.

    Since deep breathing from the diaphragm is so effective for reducing stress, it’s worth taking the time to learn how to do it. You can then use this breathing technique as needed for future gas attacks.

    When To See A Doctor For A Stomach Ache

    If your symptoms are persistent and you’re having ongoing abdominal pain, it’s best to see your doctor rather than continuing to take these meds to rule out serious conditions.

    Also, if your stomach ache is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever, Gagneja says you should seek medical attention as soon as possible instead of trying to mask the symptoms with OTC medications. These symptoms could be a sign of appendicitis, which must be treated by a doctor.

    Keep in mind that OTC medications are just band-aids for relieving symptoms. They are not designed to address any serious underlying condition, such as inflammatory bowel disease , celiac disease, ulcers, or cancer, Gagneja says. This is why it’s not recommended to take these medications long-term if symptoms are persisting.

    “If people keep on taking these symptom relief over the counter meds, then those diseases can be missed,” says Gagneja.

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    Take More Time To Chew

    To digest well, you must first chew well. If you suffer from an upset stomach or digestive disorders, spending more time chewing can effectively promote digestion. During chewing, foods are reduced to pieces and are impregnated with saliva. This is the first but important step in the long process of digestion.

    Saliva contains enzymes and digestive juices that can help softens foods and participate in the digestion of food by several chemical processes.

    Anise Can Decrease The Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

    Best Home Remedies for Stomach Ache

    Anise has traditionally been used in Iranian Medicine. This aromatic plant, in particular, the seeds, can have a calming effect on the stomach and help to reduce abdominal pain, a symptom of acid reflux.

    Anise has been found to reduce the amount of time food is retained in the stomach after eating. It can lessen the pain you experience in your abdomen by lessening the time you have food sitting in your stomach and creating gas following a meal.

    Studies have also found that anise can help to reduce the symptoms of stomach ulcers, which can be the result of long-term indigestion problems.

    It is common to experience abdominal pain associated with acid reflux while pregnant. If you are expecting a baby, anise is one of the herbs which can help to calm these irritating symptoms.

    Read The Best Way to Get Rid of Acid Reflux When Pregnant on our Health Hub for further information about acid reflux and pregnancy.

    The Anise seeds can be used whole or ground and steeped in hot water to make tea. The distinctive liquorice flavour does not even require any sweetener.


    When used in conjunction with some lifestyle changes, herbal teas such as liquorice, chamomile, ginger, and anise can help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux and the resulting abdominal pain.

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    Settle Your Stomach With Baking Soda

    No need to pop an antacid when you feel some heartburn coming on. Baking soda is the active ingredient in most commercial antacids, so if youve got a box on hand, you can settle your stomach in seconds. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda into some warm water and drink it. You can do this several times a day if your stomach pain comes back.

    What Home Remedies Soothe Abdominal Pain In Adults

    Abdominal pain without fever, vomiting, vaginal bleeding, passing out, chest pain, or other serious symptoms often get better without special treatment.

    • If the pain persists or if a person believes the pain may represent a serious problem, they should see a doctor.
    • A heating pad or soaking in a tub of warm water may ease the pain.
    • Over-the-counter antacids, such as Tums, Maalox, or Pepto-Bismol, also can reduce some types of abdominal pain. Activated charcoal capsules also may help.
    • Acetaminophen may help. This product should be avoided if liver disease is suspected. Patients should try to avoid aspirin or ibuprofen stomach or intestinal ulcer disease is suspected these drugs can make the pain worse.

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    When To Contact A Clinician

    Persistent or severe abdominal pain, especially if unrelieved by vomiting or passing a bowel movement

    Fever greater than 101 degrees F, not relieved by acetaminophen, or any fever that lasts more than three days

    Vomiting or diarrhea without any improvement for more 24 hours

    Blood in vomit or stools

    No urination for more than 8 hours, or painful urination

    Have A Warming Cup Of Bone Broth

    Natural Health & Hygiene : How to Treat a Stomach Ache With Natural Medicine

    Similar to aloe juice, bone broth offers numerous benefits to our digestion. Not only is it potentially anti-inflammatory, its also extremely healing.

    Bone broth is rich in both collagen and gelatin, which help to repair damage to cells. If you eat a nutrient-poor diet, have a known digestive health condition, or have taken medications that may have compromised the integrity of the digestive tract, cellular damage may have occurred and bone broth is a great way to begin repairing.

    At the onset of a stomachache, drink 1 cup of warm bone broth and take a few deep breaths.

    Heres how to make organic bone broth:

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    What Kind Of Doctor Treats Abdominal Pain In Adults

    Abdominal pain can be treated by a variety of doctors depending on the cause of the pain. It is usually best to start off with a primary care physician who can start the process of diagnosing the origin of the pain. Depending on the final diagnosis you will be treated by a primary care doctor or referred to a surgeon , gastroenterologist, or gynecologist. If the pain is severe you might end up in the emergency department where an emergency medicine physician will be the first one to take care of you.

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