Saturday, July 27, 2024

What’s Good For Bloated Stomach And Gas

Foods And Drinks That Help With Bloating

This Magical Drink Will Treat Bloating & Gas in 5 Minutes | Get Flat Stomach

Bloating is a common problem often caused by issues like constipation or excess gas .

Plus, what you eat and drink can significantly affect bloating and other digestive issues.

Fortunately, many ingredients have been shown to promote regularity, prevent fluid retention, and enhance gut health, all of which can help keep bloating at bay.

Here are 20 foods and drinks that can help with bloating.

2 ).

Theyre also rich in potassium, an essential mineral involved in regulating fluid balance and sodium levels to prevent water retention .

Whats more, theyre high in fiber, which moves slowly through your digestive tract to support regularity and help prevent constipation and bloating (

5 ).

Eating foods with a high water content can help ensure you stay hydrated and meet your daily fluid needs.

This may prevent water retention and alleviate bloating caused by dehydration (

Yogurt is packed with probiotics, a beneficial type of bacteria that plays a key role in gut health.

According to some research, probiotics may improve stool frequency and consistency to promote regularity .

Furthermore, probiotics have been shown to reduce bloating and abdominal distension caused by conditions like irritable bowel syndrome , a common disorder that affects the large intestine (

Flatulence: Gas Buildup In The Intestines

Gas in the small intestine or colon is typically caused by the digestion or fermentation of undigested food, such as plant fiber or certain sugars , by bacteria found in the colon. Gas can also form when your digestive system doesn’t completely break down certain components in foods, such as gluten or the sugar in dairy products and fruit.

Other sources of intestinal gas may include:

  • Food residue in your colon
  • A change in the bacteria in the small intestine
  • Poor absorption of carbohydrates, which can upset the balance of helpful bacteria in your digestive system
  • Constipation, since the longer food waste remains in your colon, the more time it has to ferment
  • A digestive disorder, such as lactose or fructose intolerance or celiac disease

To prevent excess gas, it may help to:

Baking Soda And Water For Bloating

Mix a little baking soda into a glass of water, and what do you have? A TikTok phenomenon. But what do the healthcare experts say about this potential remedy for bloating? This is essentially a DIY antacid, says Dr. Dweck, explaining that baking soda is basic in terms of its pH content. This neutralizes stomach acid along with bloating and discomfort. Dr. Dweck says, It may work, and its likely safe in a pinchbut yuck!

Its harmless, Dr. Farhadi agrees. It could be helpful, but its going to be very temporary. If you respond to the combination of baking soda and water, its likely that you have acid reflux and would also respond to antacids like Tums, which may be a more effective treatment.

If you really want to try it, mix ¼ to ½ teaspoon of baking soda into one cup of water and sip away. This remedy is safe for short-term use for most adults, but not for young children or women who are pregnant, says registered dietitian Nicole Lindel, RD, an advisor forEverlywell. Adults should not use baking soda for longer than two weeks at a time.

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Food Intolerance And Bloating

Food intolerance can lead to bloating when:

  • your bowel does not empty properly
  • the food causes gas to be trapped
  • too much gas is produced as a reaction to the food

The most common foods to cause problems are wheat or gluten and dairy products.

The best approach if you have a food intolerance is to eat less of the problem food or cut it out completely.

Keep a food diary for a couple of weeks, noting everything that you eat and drink and when bloating troubles you most. But do not get rid of food groups long-term without advice from your GP.

Find out more about food intolerance.

Broccoli And Other Cruciferous Vegetables

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The cruciferous vegetable family includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and several others.

These are very healthy, containing many essential nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron and potassium.

However, they also contain FODMAPs, so they may cause bloating in some people .

Cooking cruciferous vegetables may make them easier to digest.

What to eat instead: There are many possible alternatives, including spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, sweet potatoes and zucchini.

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Replace Sodas With Water

Fizzy, carbonated drinks contain gas that can build up in the stomach. The carbon dioxide that makes soda and similar beverages fizzy can also cause bubbling and bloating in the stomach.

Sugars or artificial sweeteners in the diet can also cause gas and bloating. Drinking water eliminates these issues and helps to treat constipation as well.

Look At Supplements And Medications

Some supplements, such as iron, can cause constipation and other symptoms of indigestion. This can increase bloating. Potassium, on the other hand, may reduce bloating by helping to balance the bodys sodium levels .

Medications may also cause side effects that affect GI function or cause indigestion. If this happens, a doctor or pharmacist can suggest alternatives that are more gentle on the digestive tract.

Although it is not common, bloating and swelling of the abdomen can signify a severe medical condition. Liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, heart failure, kidney problems, and some types of cancer can cause bloating.

Bloating that continues for days or weeks may indicate a health issue that needs medical attention. It is advisable to speak to a doctor about ongoing bloating that does not go away over time.

People whose bloating occurs alongside these symptoms should seek medical advice:

  • appetite changes or trouble eating
  • bright red blood in the stool
  • black or dark maroon stools

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Don’t Multitask When Eating

“I’m almost never just eating a mealI’m also on my computer or watching television or scrolling through my phone,” admits Lindsey Metrus, Byrdie’s senior editor. After a lifetime of bloat, she decided to try traditional Chinese medicine to ward off some of her discomfort. It turns out, the distraction was part of the problem. “Multitasking with some sort of digital distraction leads to overeating or scarfing down food hurriedly, which translates to poor digestion. It’s also one of the main reasons people face spleen qi deficiency,” according to Emma Suttie, D.Ac., AP.

Metrus continues, “I made it a point to enjoy as many meals as I could peacefully and undistracted, focusing on chewing each piece of food since breaking down foods before they get to the spleen means the spleen has less work to do.” Not only will chewing slowly encourage healthier digestion and, in turn, less bloat, but it will also speed up your metabolism .

Thiamine For Digestive Energy

Tea to Beat Belly Bloating and Gases!

Thiamine is also a B vitamin. While thiamine helps your body turn the food you eat into fuel, it also participates in the production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which provides the fuel your digestive system needs for proper digestion. Whole-grain breads and cereals, as well as pork, are good sources of thiamine. High doses of thiamine supplementation can cause stomach upset, so you may be better off meeting your daily needs through the food you eat.

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What Are The Symptoms And Causes Of Indigestion

Most of us have experienced indigestion and its symptoms, for example, upper abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting, and the feeling of fullness after only eating a few bites. There are common causes of indigestion like GERD or pregnancy. More serious causes include cancers or heart attack.

The best way to relieve and even prevent symptoms of stomach bloating and gas, is a healthy diet and regular exercise, however, there are many things you can do to prevent and relieve bloating and gas.

  • Identify foods that cause you to have bloating or gas, and eliminate them from your diet. Other than vegetables and fruits, many of these foods are not necessary for a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Stay active and exercise to help your digestive system function at its best.
  • Dont smoke cigarettes because it can cause or aggravate bloating and gas.
  • Eat smaller portions if you feel bloated after overeating.
  • Reduce your intake of fatty foods, which can contribute to feeling overly full.
  • Eat more slowly. It can take up to 20 minutes to feel full after youve started eating.
  • To reduce excess swallowed air that can cause gas and bloating, avoid carbonated beverages such as sodas, drinking with straws, and chewing gum.
  • When adding high fiber foods to the diet, do so gradually to allow the body time to adjust.
  • Reduce salt intake
  • Dont smoke as this can cause or aggravate bloating and gas.
  • Take a walk after eating to stimulate digestion.
  • Peppermint tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Pumpkin
  • Bloating: Causes And Prevention Tips

    How often do you hear yourself or friends complain about bloating? We often just say were bloated when we feel full, but for many women, the problem relates to a chronic underlying condition. If you feel bloated often, you may have a condition like irritable bowel syndrome , which affects up to 24 percent of women.

    Linda Lee, M.D., explains common causes of bloating and what you can do to prevent this uncomfortable condition.

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    How To Soar To Self

    One of the herbs shown to have carminative effects is ginger, the subject of a review published in April 2015 in the journal European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Studies. It found that ginger helps speed digestion, which is important because if your stomach empties faster, gases can move more quickly into your small intestine to relieve discomfort and bloating.

    Additionally, a study published in April 2015 in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that in people with functional dyspepsia, a condition of chronic or recurring pain in your upper abdomen, ginger combined with artichoke extract stimulated gastric emptying.

    Other herbs and spices that may provide gas relief include:

    • Chamomile
    • Peppermint
    • Spearmint

    A combination of caraway and peppermint oils is the active ingredient in FDgard, a nonprescription formulation designed to help manage functional dyspepsia some doctors recommend it for gas and bloating.

    Lemond notes that you should always get approval from your doctor before taking an herbal supplement. She suggests trying to gain the benefit of carminatives from the food you eat rather than by taking supplements, which she says should be taken with caution. “Some people think of herbal supplements as natural or straight from the earth, so they may be taken at will, but a lot of them have pharmaceutical effects and could interact with medication.”

    Swallowing Too Much Air

    13 Home Remedies to Reduce Stomach Gas and Bloating

    Most people think of taking in air when they inhale, but it can also be done a number of other ways. Common daily habitssuch as drinking from a straw, chewing gum and eating too quicklyare ways to add air into your digestive tract instead of your respiratory system.

    When you swallow too much air you can start to feel bloated, Hoffman said. If its becoming a problem, start cutting out gum and straws and see if that helps eases your symptoms.

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    Foods That Cause Bloating

    Bloating is when your belly feels swollen or enlarged after eating.

    It is usually caused by gas or other digestive issues (

    3 ).

    Although bloating may be a symptom of a serious medical condition, it is usually caused by something in the diet .

    Here are 13 foods that can cause bloating, along with suggestions on what to eat instead.

    The Best And Worst Foods For Bloating

    Lets talk about something uncomfortable: gas and bloating. Most of us pass gas anywhere from 12 to 25 times a day, according to Brigham and Womens Hospital, and surveys show that abdominal bloating affects up to 30% of Americans. Having a perfectly flat stomach all the time isnt normal, says Health contributing nutrition editor Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD. After you eat and drink, food and liquids take up space inside your stomach and intestines, and that means some expansion.

    A ballooned belly doesnt necessarily indicate that something is wrong with what you eat, but if your abdomen is too swollen to squeeze into your jeans, you may want to identify the belly bloaters in your diet. 11 Reasons Why Youre Not Losing Belly Fat

    Worst: Broccoli, cabbage, kale Kale, broccoli, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables, which contain raffinose a sugar that remains undigested until bacteria in your gut ferment it, which produces gas and, in turn, makes you bloat. But dont shun those healthful greens just yet. Consistently eating nutrient-rich, high-fiber foods leads to having a stronger, healthier digestive system thats less prone to bloating, Sass says.

    Combine legumes with easily digestible whole grains, like rice or quinoa. Your body will eventually get used to them. If you eat fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and beans often, they wont bother you as much as if you eat them sporadically, Sass said. 24 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises

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    Reasons Why You Feel Bloated All The Time

    Being bloated is no fun, and weve all been there. Whether it was an ice cream sundae bar or Chinese buffet, theres been a time that we just ate too much and had to loosen the belt a few notches just to get some extra relief. However, bloating can happen for a number of reasonssome not related to foodand Matt Hoffman, FNP, clinical assistant professor with the Texas A& M College of Nursing, breaks down why youre feeling uncomfortable and a little extra puffy in your midsection.

    Side Effects Of Abdominal Bloating

    7 Best Tea For Bloating And Stomach Gas Relief

    Some of the side effects and complications of a bloated abdomen that call for immediate medical attention include:

    • A pain or pressure in the chest
    • Breathing difficulty
    • Vomiting blood or some black substance
    • Severe and intolerable abdominal pain
    • Rapid pulse
    • Signs of jaundice such as yellow skin or eyes

    If you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects, visit your doctor immediately. This is because it can have a serious impact on your health if left unattended for too long. However, for mild to moderate cases you can go ahead and try out these effective home remedies for bloated stomach. And yes, do let us know if this article helped you by posting in the comments section below.

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    Diagnosing Gas Gas Pains And Bloating

    Even though gas and bloating are common, a medical evaluation may sometimes be necessary. If you experience blood in the stool, diarrhea, fevers, anemia, or weight loss, you should talk to a doctor.

    Medical History & Physical Exam

    First, your doctor will review your medical history and ask questions about your symptoms and dietary habits.

    The doctor may also examine your abdomen for tenderness or anything that feels abnormal. A stethoscope may be used to help the doctor determine how well the digestive tract is working.

    The results of these preliminary tests will help determine the next level of diagnosis if necessary.

    Additional Tests for Gas, Gas Pains, and Bloating
    • Breath tests Breath tests can help determine problems of malabsorption or intestinal bacteria overgrowth.
    • Colonoscopy In patients 50 or older, or who have a family history of colorectal cancer, the possibility of colon cancer may be considered.
    • Imaging If chronic belching is a problem, x-rays may be used to inspect the small intestine, stomach, and esophagus. This is known as an upper GI series

    Why Is My Stomach Bloated

    The most common cause of stomach pain and bloating is excess intestinal gas. If you get a bloated stomach after eating, it can be a digestive issue. It might be as simple as eating too much too fast, or you could have a food intolerance or other condition that causes gas and digestive contents to build up. Your menstrual cycle is another common cause of temporary bloating. Sometimes a bloated stomach can indicate a more serious medical condition.

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    Dont Eat Foods That Give You Gas

    Some high-fiber foods can make people produce large amounts of gas.

    Major players include legumes like beans and lentils, as well as some whole grains.

    Try keeping a food diary to figure out if certain foods tend to make you more gassy or bloated than others.

    Fatty foods can also slow down digestion and the emptying of the stomach. This can have benefits for satiety , but can be a problem for people with a tendency to bloat.

    Try eating less beans and fatty foods to see if it helps. Also, check out this article on 13 foods that cause bloating.


    If certain foods make you feel bloated or give you gas, try cutting back or avoiding them. Eating fatty foods can also slow digestion and may contribute to bloating for some people.

    Joy Bauer Shares Tips To Beat The Bloat This Summer

    How to Get Rid of Bloating

    Similar to bloating is water retention. This lovely feeling is usually caused by consuming too much salt . High levels of sodium cause your body to hold on to extra unwanted fluid. Not only can bloating and water retention be uncomfortable and less than attractive, it can be downright painful. Here is a guideline to beat the bloat.

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