Friday, April 26, 2024

Why Do You Get Stomach Cramps

Wide Range Of Symptoms

ABDOMINAL CRAMPS! Why do I get ab cramps? & What can I do? [4K]

One of the more surprising issues with some types of anxiety disorder is the way that they change sensations in our body. For example, for many, feeling full is a nice feeling. However, it can lead to a variety of natural body sensations, including:

  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Slight stomach discomfort

In those without anxiety, these are natural. In people suffering from some degree of anxiety, those sensations feel much more pronounced and can trigger a full-blown panic attack.

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Feeling Nauseous Or Vomiting

At some point in your life, you will feel nauseous which can be accompanied by vomiting . The reasons we feel nauseous and/or vomit are many, including motion sickness, overeating, gastrointestinal infection, or a bowel obstruction . If you or a loved one frequently feels nauseous with or without vomiting, its important to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider.

What Are The Four Types Of Abdominal Pain

Since your abdomen it is home to many organs, your healthcare provider may want to narrow down the kind of pain youre having by narrowing down the region youre feeling it in. Healthcare providers often divide the abdomen into quadrants or four parts. They may ask if your pain is in the:

  • Right upper quadrant.
  • Left lower quadrant.

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You Might Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBD is an umbrella term for two conditions that both cause chronic inflammation of various parts of the digestive tract: Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. People with either type of IBD often experience periods of remission followed by flare-ups, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that Crohns disease usually affects the part of the small intestine that meets the large intestine, but the characteristic patches of inflammation it causes can be anywhere from the mouth to the rectum and seep through multiple layers of the G.I. lining. Ulcerative colitis, on the other hand, affects continuous portions of the large intestine and/or rectum, with the innermost lining becoming inflamed.

If you have Crohns disease, youre likely to deal with abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and weight loss, and might also have additional symptoms like fatigue, nausea, joint pain, and anemia, the NIDDK says. With ulcerative colitis, the most common symptoms are abdominal pain and diarrhea , the NIDDK notes, though you may also have issues such as fatigue, nausea, anemia, and an urgent need to use the bathroom.

When To See A Doctor

What Causes Stomach Cramps After Eating

Most stomach spasms are harmless and go away without further treatment. If your stomach spasms are painful or happen often, they could be a sign of a more serious medical issue. See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms in addition to stomach spasms:

  • blood in your bowel movements
  • severe pain, especially chest pain
  • long-lasting or recurring stomach spasms
  • shortness of breath

You should also see your doctor if your stomach spasms are interfering with your daily life or causing you distress.

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Causes Of Lower Abdominal Cramping

Lower Left Side Pain

The abdominal organs found in the lower left abdomen include a portion of the descending colon , part of the small intestine, the spleen, the lower portion of the left kidney, the left ureter, ovary and fallopian tube, the urinary bladder and all the nerves, blood vessels muscles and skin in the left lower quadrant.

An abnormal condition in any of these organs may result in abdominal cramping in the left lower side, including:

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How To Treat Stomach Cramps During The First Trimester

Needless to say, painful cramps during early pregnancy can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. You might be experiencing physical and emotional changes, and adding cramps to your discomfort might feel overwhelming. Treating pregnancy cramps can help you feel more comfortable and as stress free as possible.

If youre experiencing cramps, here are a few tips for alleviating them quickly:

  • Drink water. You are more likely to experience cramps if you are dehydrated. Make sure that you drink at least eight cups of water each day.
  • Change positions. When you experience cramps, try shifting positions while lying or sitting down. Dont put pressure on the source of the pain.
  • Stretch and exercise. Try doing mild pregnancy exercises or stretch your body to soothe cramped muscles. In addition to relieving active cramps, this can also help prevent future ones.
  • Gentle massage. A massage can stimulate blood circulation in your muscles, relieving uncomfortable cramps. Getting a gentle lower back massage might help relieve aches.
  • Sleep. Try to get a good nights sleep during early pregnancy as this makes you feel rested. Try to get enough sleep every night.

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Is It Normal For Your Stomach To Hurt After Sex 7 Reasons You May Be Experiencing A Stomach Ache After Sex

Are you wondering: âWhy does my stomach hurt after sex?â

Youâre not alone. Many people report feeling physically uncomfortable after sexual intercourse. In this section, Iâll cover the top seven reasons that you could be having a stomach ache after sex. As always, if youâre very worried about the pain youâre feeling, you should visit a doctor, who can help diagnose and treat the pain.

How To Prevent Stomach Cramps

How to Stop a Stomach Cramp Naturally in just 3 minutes!

Not all stomach pain can be prevented. But you may be able to reduce your chances of getting stomach cramps by:

  • Washing your hands before you prepare and eat food
  • Avoiding overeating and, if possible, refraining from eating right before bed or a workout
  • Staying hydrated and eating foods high in fiber
  • Checking expiration dates and tossing food thats not fresh
  • Avoiding foods you know you have a sensitivity to

Not all belly pain can be prevented. But to help avoid common types of stomachaches:

  • Wash your hands before eating or preparing food, and after using the bathroom.
  • Dont overeat, and try not to eat right before going to sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to keep food moving through your digestive system.
  • Avoid foods that have passed their expiration date or or werent stored properly.
  • If you have a food allergy or intolerance, avoid eating foods that make you sick. If you have a food allergy, always carry two epinephrine auto-injectors, and know when you should use them.

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Urgent Advice: Speak To Your Gp As Soon As Possible If:

  • you have severe abdominal pain, especially if it’s concentrated in one area
  • the pain starts suddenly or unexpectedly

If your GP is closed, phone 111.

Serious causes of sudden severe abdominal pain include:

  • appendicitis the swelling of the appendix means your appendix will need to be removed
  • a bleeding or perforated stomach ulcer
  • acute cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder, which may need to be removed
  • kidney stones small stones may be passed out in your urine, but larger stones may block the kidney tubes, and you’ll need to go to hospital to have them broken up
  • diverticulitis inflammation of the small pouches in the bowel that sometimes requires treatment with antibiotics in hospital

If your GP suspects you have one of these conditions, they may refer you to hospital immediately.

Sudden and severe pain in your abdomen can also sometimes be caused by an infection of the stomach and bowel . It may also be caused by a pulled muscle in your abdomen or by an injury.

Visit The Sydney Gut Clinic

If stomach cramps are persistent and if you experience them very often, it is necessary to treat the underlying cause behind them. Schedule an appointment with us to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

At Sydney Gut Clinic, we have a team of gastrointestinal specialists trained to identify the causes behind symptoms you experience and direct you to the best treatment options.

Which conditions can cause stomach cramps?

Stomach cramps are often a result of your body reacting to medical complications in the digestive tract. Most of the time they are triggered as a result of certain types of food.

If cramps occur outside your dietary habits, it may mean a different gastrointestinal condition like inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal obstruction, or even food poisoning and intestinal infections. Visit a gastrointestinal specialist to get an accurate diagnosis of the stomach cramps you experience.

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Figuring Out The Cause

When youre suffering from stomach pain, diarrhea, or both, one of the most important things is to try to determine the root cause. Quite often, this type of abdominal pain is due to stomach flu or another virus, spoiled food, or food that one has developed a sensitivity to. Unless diarrhea and pain are accompanied by other severe symptoms, such as a high fever, the best course of action is to wait it out.

If you feel that it is a reaction to food, most times symptoms will subside in a day or two. However, there are some instances of food poisoning that definitely warrant a doctor visit but again, you will see other severe symptoms along with general GI upset.

If you think you may be having a reaction to food, such as those with celiac disease who have a sensitivity to gluten, its worthwhile to try an elimination diet to confine the source of the upset. It is possible to suddenly develop a food sensitivity later in life its also estimated that up to 20 percent of Americans have food sensitivity. Please note that celiac is a serious condition and ongoing exposure to gluten can cause increasing damage. Celiac should not be self-diagnosed.

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How Do You Relieve Abdominal Pain

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Stomach pain has a wide variety of causes and treatments. Some conditions, such as gallstones or appendicitis, may require surgery. Others, such as ulcers or infections, may be eased with medicine. And sometimes you may just have to get through a bout of stomach flu or a kidney stone until it passes.

If you dont know whats causing your abdominal pain, its important to find out, especially if it doesnt go away on its own. Remember that even mild cases can be serious. However, if you have a pretty good idea that your stomachache is related to digestion, you can begin by treating yourself with:

  • Bowel rest. Stop eating, or only eat easy-to-digest foods like crackers or bananas.
  • Hydration. Drink plenty of water or a hydration formula.
  • Heat therapy. Try a warm water bottle or a soak in the bath.
  • Home remedies. Try licorice for gas, ginger for indigestion, or peppermint to help relax your intestinal muscles.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

Get medical help right away or call your local emergency number if you:

  • Are currently being treated for cancer
  • Are unable to pass stool, especially if you are also vomiting
  • Are vomiting blood or have blood in your stool
  • Have chest, neck, or shoulder pain
  • Have sudden, sharp abdominal pain
  • Have pain in, or between, your shoulder blades with nausea
  • Have tenderness in your belly, or your belly is rigid and hard to the touch
  • Are pregnant or could be pregnant
  • Had a recent injury to your abdomen
  • Have difficulty breathing

Conditions That Cause Severe Abdominal Pain

Appendicitis: This illness happens when the appendix, which is part of the large intestine, becomes infected and inflamed. If the appendix ruptures, it can become life-threatening. Surgery to remove the appendix, called an appendectomy, is the usual treatment.

Stomach ulcers: Crater-like sores in the lining of the stomach and small intestine. They can bleed or burst and be life-threatening if not treated. Medication to reduce your stomach acid can help treat them.

Gallstones: Hard stones, made up of cholesterol and other materials, can form in the gallbladder, which is just below the liver. They can cause inflammation of the gallbladder, which can lead to inflammation known as acute cholecystitis. Treatment for these problems includes removal of the gallbladder.

Kidney stones: Crystals of varying sizes that form in your urine can build up in your kidneys and cause severe pain. You can pass some on your own through urination, or doctors may remove them surgically.

Inflammatory bowel disease : A chronic inflammation in the digestive tract that can cause severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and rectal bleeding. Examples of IBD include Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis.

Pancreatitis: The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon the two hormones that manage how your body processes sugar and aids in digestion. Inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis, which can affect its performance and cause severe stomach pain.

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Tips To Avoid Stomach Cramps On A Run

1. Avoid Fiber.

High fiber foods are beneficial in maintaining a normal transit time for digested products, but try to avoid a heavy fiber meal at least 4-5 hours before a significant distance run.


Hydrate yourself properly before a run. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps the lining of your large intestines absorb water, which helps you go to the bathroom more comfortably.

3.Eat 2-3 Hours Before a Run.

Try to avoid eating for at least 2-3 hours before a run and avoid drinking 1 hour before a run. This gives your stomach time to digest before hitting the road.

4.Keep a Food Log.

For a full week keep track of what you eat/drink, how long before a run you eat/drink, and what symptoms occur during running. Over time youll come to notice trends and come to learn what your body likes and dislikes.

5.Treating Side Stitches Mid-Run.

If you experience a side stitch there are a couple of tips that may keep you on the road: bend forward, breathe deeply in through your nose and out your mouth while your hands are on your head, tighten your abdominal muscles, and finally, just grin and bear it.


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How Do Doctors Diagnose The Cause Of Stomach Cramps

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To diagnose the cause of stomach cramps, your doctor will take a medical history, perform an exam, and possibly order testing. Questions your doctor may ask about your stomach cramps and other symptoms include:

  • Where is the cramping? Is it in one spot or all over?

  • How severe is the cramping?

  • When did the cramping start?

  • When does the cramping occur? Is it continuous or does it only occur at certain times?

  • Have you had this type of cramping before?

  • Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as pain, diarrhea or nausea?

  • What, if anything, seems to make the cramping better or worse?

  • What medications do you take?

  • When was your last menstrual period?

During the physical exam, your doctor will feel your abdomen, checking for areas of tenderness or enlarged organs. Your doctor may also perform a pelvic exam. Depending on the likely causes, a digital rectal exam may be necessary. Using the results of the exam, your doctor may order testing including:

  • Blood, urine and stool tests

  • Imaging exams of the abdomen, including X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, and MRIs

  • Endoscopy exams, including colonoscopy , cystoscopy , and hysteroscopy

It is not always possible to diagnose an underlying cause or condition. If the problem persists and your provider is unable to determine a cause, seeking a second opinion may give you more information and answers.

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Stomach Cramps And Diarrhea After Eating Signs Causes Treatment Prevention

Many factors can cause stomach discomfort or diarrhea after eating. Diarrhoea simply means having a loose or watery stool. According to research, most people experience diarrhoea or stomach discomfort once or twice every year. Typically, it lasts for less than three days, and its often treated with over-the-counter medicines. This condition is however very common and in most cases not serious. If you experience stomach cramps and diarrhea after eating and then it goes away, it means that it is caused by food.

You May Experience The Following Symptoms

  • A Sudden need to have a bowel movement
  • Nausea and vomiting

If you experience watery stool for a more extended period, you should drink more water. Diarrhea causes you to lose fluids, and if they are not replaced, you may become dehydrated thereby causing severe complications.

Treatments For Joint Pain

Joint pain can range from mildly irritating to debilitating. It may go away after a few weeks , or last for several weeks or months . Even short-term pain and swelling in the joints can affect your quality of life. Whatever the cause of joint pain, you can usually manage it with medication, physical therapy, or alternative treatments.

Your doctor will first try to diagnose and treat the condition that is causing your joint pain. The goal is to reduce pain and inflammation and preserve joint function. Treatment options include:

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Stomach Cramps With Bloating

Stomach cramps with bloating are often caused by trapped wind, or constipation. This is a very common problem that can be embarrassing, but is easily dealt with. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend a product, which can be bought over the counter to treat the problem. If problems persist, you should see your GP.

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