Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What Are Stomach Ulcers Caused From

How Do Nsaids Cause A Peptic Ulcer

The surprising cause of stomach ulcers – Rusha Modi

To understand how NSAIDs cause peptic ulcer disease, it is important to understand how NSAIDs work. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce pain, fever, and inflammation, or swelling.

Everyone has two enzymes that produce chemicals in your bodys cells that promote pain, inflammation, and fever. NSAIDs work by blocking or reducing the amount of these enzymes that your body makes. However, one of the enzymes also produces another type of chemical that protects the stomach lining from stomach acid and helps control bleeding. When NSAIDs block or reduce the amount of this enzyme in your body, they also increase your chance of developing a peptic ulcer.

What Treatments Can Relieve Ulcer Pain

While over-the-counter medications can treat an upset stomach, they are generally not effective in treating ulcers. And taking over-the-counter painkillers could worsen the problem. That is why its better to see a doctor, who may combine several medications and therapies to relieve pain, cure the infection, and prevent it from worsening. Medications usually include:

Your doctor may also recommend making lifestyle modifications, including:

  • Avoiding spicy and oily food

Can Stomach Ulcers Just Go Away

Some ulcers follow a chronic pattern of healing temporarily on their own and then returning. This might happen if the factors contributing to your ulcer, such as NSAID use, smoking and alcohol, are temporarily reduced and then resumed. You wont completely heal your ulcer until you eliminate the cause, whether that is chronic NSAID use, H. pylori infection or an overactive stomach. Even after successful treatment, you can get another ulcer.

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Is Your Persistent Stomach Pain An Ulcer

Digestive Health, Gastroenterology

Its normal to have a stomachache every now and then. Maybe you ate something that isnt agreeing with you or youre having a stressful day. These run-of-the-mill pains usually resolve on their own or with basic treatment.

But if you experience daily abdominal pain, or pain that comes and goes frequently, you could have a more serious problem, such as a peptic ulcer.

UNC Rex Digestive Healthcare gastroenterologist Silpa Yalamanchili, MD, explains how peptic ulcers can develop and how to find relief.

What Is A Stomach Ulcer

Living with Peptic Ulcer Disease

A stomach ulcer, also called a gastric ulcer, is an open sore that develops in your stomach lining. You can also get one in your duodenum, the first part of the small intestine that your stomach feeds into. Duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers are both types of peptic ulcers. Theyre named for pepsin, one of the digestive juices that are found in the stomach and that sometimes leak into the duodenum. These juices are a contributing factor in peptic ulcer disease.

Peptic ulcers occur when the protective mucous lining in your stomach and duodenum has been eroded, allowing gastric acids and digestive enzymes to eat away at your stomach and duodenal walls. This eventually results in open sores that are continually irritated by the acid. If left untreated, they can begin to cause serious complications, such as internal bleeding. Over time, they can even wear a hole all the way through. This is a medical emergency.

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Can Ulcers Affect Bowel Movements

Rectal ulcers are sores that develop inside the rectum. These sores can be caused by several conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, solitary rectal ulcer syndrome and constipation. If you have a rectal ulcer, you may see blood in the stool, have rectal pain or experience painful bowel movements.

Tips To Avoid Getting Stomach Ulcer

If you want to avoid getting an ulcer, health experts advise:

  • Eat a healthy diet. Keep your blood sugar levels steady by eating small meals throughout the day and avoiding high-fat foods.
  • Treat stress. Find ways to manage your daily stress. Take up yoga, meditation or another exercise that brings you inner peace. Schedule time for relaxation such as a walk in the park or reading a book.
  • Alertness. Get enough sleep so youre refreshed when you start your workday. Try to break up mentally demanding tasks into smaller segments to make them easier to handle, and take frequent breaks during long workdays.
  • Less caffeine. Caffeine increases stress on the body and can cause stomach acid production to rise, which can lead to an ulcer. Limit coffee, tea, colas and chocolate to two drinks a day or less, especially before bedtime.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation. Drinking alcohol while taking ulcer medications can cause severe stomach pain and other serious side effects, so avoid alcohol completely if youre on medication for an ulcer.

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What Are The Complications Of Peptic Ulcers

With modern treatment, people with ulcer disease can lead normal lives without lifestyle changes or dietary restrictions. Cigarettesmokers have been found to have more complications from ulcers and treatment failure.

Eradication of the bacteria H. pylori not only heals ulcers but also prevents the recurrence of ulcer disease.

Patients with ulcers generally function quite comfortably.

Some ulcers probably heal even without medications . Therefore, the major problems resulting from ulcers are related to ulcer complications. Complications include

  • obstruction of emptying of the passage of food.

Patients with bleeding ulcers may report

  • a sense of light-headedness or ay even pass out upon standing ,
  • and vomiting blood . Initial treatment involves rapid replacement of fluids intravenously.

Patients with persistent or severe bleeding may require blood transfusions. An endoscopy is performed to establish the site of bleeding and to stop active ulcer bleeding with the aid of specialized endoscopic instruments.

Duodenum A peptic ulcer that forms in the narrow outlet from the stomach, it can obstruct the flow of stomach contents into the duodenum. Duodenal ulcers sometimes also may obstruct the flow of intestinal contents.

Patients with obstruction often report

You Have Heartburn At Most Meals

Peptic ulcer disease – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

If you find yourself experiencing frequent heartburn, regardless of what you eat, an ulcer may be responsible. Many patients with ulcers describe feeling very intense chest pain, which often causes them to burp or hiccup more than usual after eating. In many cases, a simple over-the-counter antacid can be taken to temporarily alleviate some of the pain and gassiness, but if it persists day after day, its likely something more than a regular case of heartburn.

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Top 10 Foods To Avoid When You Have An Ulcer:

  • Alcohol Alcohol, especially beer, is not good for anyone and especially not if you have a stomach ulcer. Alcohol can cause more damage to an ulcer because it irritates any exposed tissue. It also acts as a blood thinner which will make any bleeding worse.
  • Garlic Garlic is one of the top ingredients in many spicy sauces. It can be used as a condiment on just about anything from pizza to fried chicken. The problem is that garlic has the ability to thin blood which will not be helpful when you have an ulcer.
  • Coffee Many people who suffer from ulcers swear off coffee completely. Coffee contains caffeine and the acidity in coffee can irritate the lining in your stomach causing more pain and discomfort.
  • Citrus Fruits Although citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C, they also contain significant acid that can cause even more pain and discomfort when you suffer from an ulcer.
  • Spicy foods Spicy food can irritate your ulcers by increasing acid production in your stomach. If youre craving spicy food because of heartburn , try eating smaller meals throughout the day rather than larger ones less frequently. Caffeine-free herbal teas may help relieve heartburn as well.
  • Carbonated Drinks Carbonated drinks increase the risk for stomach irritation and heartburn. They can also cause indigestion and increase the acidity in your stomach so carbonated drinks should be avoided at all costs if you have an ulcer.
  • Tuna It can cause an allergic reaction in the digestive system.

Fast Facts On Stomach Ulcers

  • Stomach ulcers are common in the West and easy to treat but can become serious.
  • The most common causes are bacteria and use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .
  • The classic symptom of a stomach ulcer is indigestion.
  • Treatment for stomach ulcers normally focuses on removing the cause.

The classic symptom of a stomach ulcer is indigestion, also called dyspepsia.

Indigestion causes pain or discomfort in the stomach area. This symptom can be mistaken for heartburn, which can occur at the same time.

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease may cause heartburn. It occurs slightly higher up from the stomach, and people will feel it in the lower part of the chest.

Stomach ulcer symptoms tend to be more distinct than heartburn, but symptoms can still be vague.

An ulcer also tends to produce a burning or dull pain in the center of the abdomen. People sometimes describe the pain as a biting or gnawing pain. Some individuals may describe a hungry sensation.

Individuals may also be able to relieve pain by eating, drinking, or taking antacids.

Some stomach ulcers go unnoticed and show no typical indigestion-type pains. These ulcers are less common, and doctors tend them after they have started bleeding.

Some ulcers can cause a hole in the stomach wall. Health experts call this perforation, which is a severe condition.

Stomach ulcer symptoms often change over time and can be difficult to spot.

Dietary changes can help prevent stomach ulcers from developing.

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Other Causes Of Peptic Ulcers

  • Genetics: A significant number of individuals with peptic ulcers have close relatives with the same problem, suggesting that genetic factors may be involved.
  • Smoking: People who regularly smoke tobacco are more likely to develop peptic ulcers when compared with non-smokers.
  • Alcohol consumption: Regular heavy drinkers of alcohol have a higher risk of developing peptic ulcers.
  • Corticosteroid use: People on large or chronic doses of corticosteroids are also at greater risk.
  • Mental stress: This stress has not been linked to the development of new peptic ulcers, but symptoms appear to be more severe in people with ulcers who are experiencing ongoing mental stress.

A patientâs description of symptoms will normally cause a doctor to suspect a peptic ulcer.

Tests that can confirm a diagnosis include:

  • a blood test to check for H. pylori, though a positive test does not always mean there is an active infection
  • a breath test, using a radioactive carbon atom to detect H. pylori
  • a stool antigen test to detect H. pylori in the feces
  • an upper gastrointestinal X-ray to identify ulcers

An endoscopy may also be used. This involves a long, narrow tube with a camera attached to the end is threaded down the patientâs throat and into the stomach and duodenum. This is the best diagnostic test.

What Are The Warning Signs Of An Ulcer

Peptic Ulcer

What are the warning signs of an ulcer? Here are 8 warning signs indicating an ulcer, including the following: 1. Discoloration of Stool. The ulcer can cause discolored stools that appear darker, stained or bloody. 2. Loss of appetite. Many people experience loss of appetite due to sudden and intense stomach pains.

What are symptoms of a stomach ulcer? A number of symptoms are associated with stomach ulcers. The severity of the symptoms depends on the severity of the ulcer. The most common symptom is a burning sensation or pain in the middle of your abdomen between your chest and belly button.

What does ulcer feel like in stomach? A stomach ulcer usually feels like burning, gnawing or aching pain anywhere from the navel to the breastbone. This pain can last a few minutes to several hours, and typically is worse when the stomach is empty.

What are the signs of ulcers? Typically, the pain will be more intense when your stomach is empty, and it can last for a few minutes to several hours. Other common signs and symptoms of ulcers include: dull pain in the stomach. weight loss. not wanting to eat because of pain. nausea or vomiting. bloating. feeling easily full.

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How Do You Prevent Stomach Ulcers

To reduce your risk of developing a peptic ulcer:

  • Avoid tobacco products.
  • Use caution with aspirin and/or NSAIDs.
  • Dont ignore your ulcer symptoms.
  • Protect yourself from infections by washing hands regularly and consuming foods that have been cooked thoroughly.
  • Then, what is the main cause of ulcers?

    Stomach and duodenal ulcers are usually due to one of two causes: the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. An ulcer, regardless of the cause, can cause abdominal pain, bleeding, or even cause a hole .

    How are stomach ulcers caused?

    A stomach or gastric ulcer is a break in the tissue lining of the stomach. Most stomach ulcers are caused by infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium or anti-inflammatory medication, not stress or poor diet as once thought. Treatment options include antibiotics and acid-suppressing medications.

    Can stress cause an ulcer in the stomach?

    There is no clear evidence to suggest that the stress of modern life or a steady diet of fast food causes ulcers in the stomach and small intestine, but they are nonetheless common in our society: About one out of every 10 Americans will suffer from the burning, gnawing abdominal pain of a peptic ulcer at

    Muscle Pain And Injuries

    Muscle overuse, a sedentary lifestyle, and trauma from falling or other injuries can cause pain in the abdominal or back muscles. These injuries can cause pain that comes and goes.

    Pain that appears only in certain positions, while lifting, or after exercise could be a sign of a muscle injury.

    A muscle injury is not a medical emergency. Most people can treat muscle injuries at home with rest, hot and cold packs, and gentle massage. Ice packs for pain relief are available for purchase online.

    If home treatment does not work or the pain is very intense, it is best to see a doctor.

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    Gastritis Treatment With Other Medicines:

    Oddly, gastritis is often treated with some of the very medicines that can cause it.


    Antacids are often used to reduce the acid in your stomach, with the thought that this will resolve the gastritis. This does not address the damage to the stomach lining that has often already been caused. Antacids also only act to mask the symptoms. While they can provide temporary relief, they can make the problem of gastritis more pronounced over time, and do nothing to address the underlying issues, such as poor gut health, bacterial infections, etc.


    When antacids dont work, doctors will often then resort to medicines called H2 blockers, like ranitidine , famotidine , nizatidine , and cimetidine . These medicines also reduce the production of acid in the stomach, yet fail to address the underlying cause or causes of gastritis. H2 blockers can also cause numerous unpleasant side effects.


    When these medicines dont work, allopathic medicine usually then resorts to using a proton pump inhibitor such as lansoprazole or omeprazole. These medicines also work on the cells of the stomach to reduce the production of acid.

    Proton Pump Inhibitors can also cause the body to have difficulty absorbing much-needed nutrients, as well as severe diseases ranging from heart attacks to kidney disease.


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    What Are The Symptoms Of A Bleeding Ulcer

    Understanding Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers

    Bleeding ulcers dont always cause pain. Sometimes the first signs of a bleeding ulcer are signs of anemia. These include:

    • Dizziness or lightheadedness.

    You might have a heavier bleed if you notice:

    • Blood in your poop, or black poop that resembles tar.

    These symptoms require urgent medical attention.

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    How Do You Know If You Have H Pylori Infection

    There are some common symptoms which could indicate that you may have H. pylori infection, for example, ongoing indigestion and bloating. The following can also occur:

    • Unintentional weight loss

    However, these symptoms could be a sign of other illnesses as well so to really confirm that you have H. pylori infection, you need to have some tests.

    There are a few types of tests available to diagnose H. pylori:

    • A blood test This will confirm you have H. pylori but its not going to be accurate if youve just been treated for these bacteria and you got rid of it. Thats because the test will still show positive although the bacteria have recently been cleared.
    • A breath test To perform this test you first need to drink a liquid containing a substance called urea. After drinking this, a sample of your breath is collected and then analysed. This test is useful to determine whether you still have an infection about a month after youve finished a course of treatment.
    • An endoscopy This is a more invasive procedure which can be done at the same time when doctors are checking your stomach with a small camera. While they are doing that, they will take a small sample of tissue from your stomach for analysis. This is the most accurate test available for H. pylori but the patient will experience some physical discomfort during this procedure.
    • The stool test A straight forward test which will analyse your stools for infection.

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    You Bleed When You Use The Bathroom

    Blood coming from the gastrointestinal tract can signal a variety of underlying health issues, but Dr. Sengupta says when this bleeding is combined with upper abdominal pain, hes highly suspicious that its one of the signs of an ulcer. Many patients notice this blood either when vomiting, or when using the bathroom, as their stools may appear black. If you notice youre suffering from a bleeding GI tract, along with nausea and pain in the stomach or chest, Dr. Sengupta says doctors will often perform a blood test or an upper endoscopywhere they use a camera to look into the stomach itselfto check if an ulcer is the culprit. Blood in your stool can also be due to hemorrhoids or a symptom of colon cancer, so its a good idea to get checked out by your doctor.

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