Friday, April 26, 2024

What Medication Helps With Stomach Ulcers

What Happens After Treatment

Stomach Ulcer (Peptic Acid Disease) Medication â Pharmacology | Lecturio

A repeat gastroscopy is usually advised a few weeks after treatment has finished. This is mainly to check that the ulcer has healed. It is also to be doubly certain that the ‘ulcer’ was not due to stomach cancer. If your ulcer was caused by H. pylori then a test is advised to check that the H. pylori infection has gone. This is done at least four weeks after the course of combination therapy has finished.

What Natural Home Remedies Help Peptic Ulcer Pain

Home care for peptic ulcers often centers on neutralizing the stomach acid.

  • Don’t smoke, and avoid coffee and alcohol. These habits increase gastric acid production and weaken the mucosal barrier of the GI tract promoting ulcer formation and slowing ulcer healing.
  • Don’t take aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Acetaminophen is a good substitute for some conditions. If acetaminophen doesn’t help, talk to your health-care professional about alternatives.
  • If your symptoms are mild, try an over-the-counter antacid or nonprescription histamine blocker to neutralize stomach acid. Usually stronger prescription medications are needed.

What Tests Are There For A Stomach Ulcer

If your doctor thinks you may have a stomach ulcer, the initial tests will include some blood tests. These tests will help to check whether you have become anaemic because of any bleeding from the ulcer. The blood test will also check to see that your liver and pancreas are working properly.

The main tests that are then used to diagnose a stomach ulcer are as follows:

  • A test to detect the H. pylori germ is usually done if you have a stomach ulcer. The H. pylori bacterium can be detected in a sample of stool , or in a ‘breath test’, or from a blood test, or from a biopsy sample taken during a gastroscopy. See the separate leaflet called Helicobacter Pylori for more details.
  • Gastroscopy is the test that can confirm a stomach ulcer. Gastroscopy is usually done as an outpatient ‘day case’. You may be given a sedative to help you to relax. In this test, a doctor looks inside your stomach by passing a thin, flexible telescope down your gullet . The doctor will then be able to see any inflammation or ulcers in your stomach.
  • Small samples are usually taken of the tissue in and around the ulcer during gastroscopy. These are sent to the laboratory to be looked at under the microscope. This is important because some ulcers are caused by stomach cancer. However, most stomach ulcers are not caused by cancer.

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How Can Stomach Ulcers Be Prevented

The best way to prevent stomach ulcers is to avoid the things that cause them. This means not taking NSAIDs if you dont need them, avoiding alcohol, and quitting smoking. You can also reduce your risk of stomach ulcers by eating a healthy diet and managing your stress levels. Taking probiotics may also help to protect against stomach ulcers. If you are taking NSAIDs, your doctor may also recommend that you take a stomach protector like misoprostol or omeprazole to help reduce your risk of developing an ulcer. If you have any questions about stomach ulcers, please talk to your doctor. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the best treatment options.

Graphites For Stomach Ulcers With Vomiting After Eating

Peptic Ulcers Treatment &  Help for Stomach Ulcers for ...

In case of ulcers with vomiting immediately after eating food, Graphites has shown the most promising results among medicines for stomach ulcers. Constrictive and burning pain in the stomach is experienced after eating. Excessive belching, the taste of ingesta is also an attending symptom in such cases where Graphites is prescribed as one of the most reliable medicines for stomach ulcers.

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Treatment For A Stomach Ulcer

Special diets are now known to have very little impact on the prevention or treatment of stomach ulcers. Treatment options can include:

  • medication including antibiotics, to destroy the H. pylori colony, and drugs to help speed the healing process. Different drugs need to be used in combination some of the side effects can include diarrhoea and rashes. Resistance to some of these antibiotics is becoming more common
  • subsequent breath tests used to make sure the H. pylori infection has been treated successfully
  • changes to existing medication the doses of arthritis medication, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medication can be altered slightly to reduce their contributing effects on the stomach ulcer.
  • reducing acid tablets are available to reduce the acid content in the gastric juices
  • lifestyle modifications including quitting cigarettes, since smoking reduces the natural defences in the stomach and impairs the healing process.

Carbo Veg For Stomach Ulcers

Carbo Veg is another of the prominently indicated medicines for stomach ulcers. It is most helpful when burning pain in the stomach is accompanied by sour belching or heartburn. The pain may extend from the stomach to the back. The epigastric area may also be sensitive and tender to touch. Eating the smallest amount of food, even light food, worsens the symptoms in such cases where Carbo Veg will prove the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers to heal the condition.

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When Should I See A Doctor If I Think I Have A Peptic Ulcer

  • If you have burning pain in your upper stomach that is relieved by eating or taking antacids, call a health-care professional for an appointment. Don’t assume you have an ulcer. Certain other conditions can cause similar symptoms.
  • If you vomit blood or have other signs of gastrointestinal bleeding, go to an emergency department right away. Peptic ulcers can cause massive bleeding, which requires blood transfusion or surgery.
  • Severe abdominal pain suggests perforation or tearing of an ulcer. This is an emergency that may require surgery to fix a hole in your stomach.
  • Vomiting and abdominal pain also can be a sign of an obstruction, another complication of peptic ulcers. This also may require emergency surgery.

Peptic Ulcer Disease Treatment

How to Treat Ulcers | Stomach Problems

Peptic ulcers are often caused by an overproduction of gastric acid. Many treatment options focus on reducing or suppressing gastric acid production. If your doctor determines that you have an H. pylori infection, you will need treatment for that as well.

The goal of treatment for peptic ulcer disease is to:

  • Relieve symptoms

Treatments for peptic ulcer disease include:

  • Medication

Sometimes, treatment leads to complications.

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What Kind Of Doctor Treats Peptic Ulcers

  • If you suspect you may have a peptic ulcer, you may first be diagnosed by your family practitioner or internist.
  • Children or teenagers may see a pediatrician.
  • For further treatment you will likely be referred to a gastroenterologist, a specialist in disorders of the digestive tract.
  • If you have an emergency such as vomiting or severe abdominal pain you will be seen by an emergency medicine specialist in an emergency room.
  • In the rare case where surgery is needed, you may see a general surgeon.

Cbd For Stomach Ulcers: What The Research Says

There is evidence that cannabinoids like CBD and THC have a positive physiological impact on stomach pathology, including ulcers.

According to research, there is evidence that CB1 receptor stimulation with cannabinoids inhibits gastric acid secretion in humans and experimental animals .

Studies have shown that CBD can decrease gastric acid and increase blood flow to the lining of the stomach.

Researchers of a 2016 study published in Current Neuropharmacology found that direct activation of CB1 receptors by cannabinoids effectively reduces both gastric acid secretion and gastric motor activity and decreases the formation of lesions on the stomach lining .

A study examined how cannabinoids impact the gastrointestinal tract of some species, like the mouse, rat, guinea pig, and humans .

In another study published in Pharmacology Journal, researchers found that delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibited ulcer formation in animal models .

Although the studies did not focus on the cannabinoid CBD, the results are still encouraging. The authors believe the endocannabinoid system represents a promising target in the treatment of gastric mucosal lesions, ulceration and inflammation.

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Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcers In Dogs And Cats

Stomach ulceration in dogs and cats causes several different clinical signs, most of which remain undetected until the condition becomes severe. Common symptoms associated with stomach ulcers are non-specific and can easily be confused with other conditions.

Initial signs include vomiting, abdominal pain, generalized weakness, and a decrease in appetite. As the condition becomes chronic, affected dogs and cats lose weight. When ulcers start bleeding, bloody vomit may be observed. Oftentimes, blood from bleeding ulcers is ingested and digested and causes a dark, tarry stool.

Severe cases of stomach ulcers and subsequent perforation lead to peritonitis and sepsis. Pets with perforated stomach ulcers often present with severe weakness, anemia, and pain. If left untreated, this can cause shock and eventual death of the pet.

Peptic Ulcer Disease Treatment: Medication


Several different medication therapies are available to help reduce gastric acid and coat the ulcers:

  • Antacids neutralize gastric acid. The disadvantage is that you need to take a relatively large dose for them to be effective, and they can cause unwanted side effects like diarrhea.
  • Histamine blockers reduce gastric acid by blocking the H2 receptors. These medications decrease acid secretion and are a relatively safe treatment option.
  • Proton pump inhibitors are drugs that block the three major pathways for acid production. PPIs suppress acid production much more effectively than H2 blockers. PPIs are the gold standard in medication therapy of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Medications to protect and strengthen the mucous lining of the stomach
  • Antibiotics to treat H. pylori if it is detected

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How Are Peptic Ulcers Diagnosed

If your doctor suspects you might have a peptic ulcer, he will take a full medical history and perform a physical exam. Diagnostic tests you might take include:

  • Lab test for H. pylori A blood, stool, or breath test may be used to determine whether H. pylori bacteria are present in your body.
  • Endoscopy During this procedure, a hollow tube with a lens will be passed down your throat to your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. This will allow your doctor to look for a peptic ulcer and take a biopsy if one is present.
  • Barium swallow For this test, you will swallow a white liquid containing barium, which coats your digestive tract. A series of X-rays of your upper digestive system will be taken and the liquid makes the ulcer more visible.

Best Medication For Ulcer Treatment

In the United States, it is estimated that nearly four million adults have an ulcer. Ulcers are holes that form in the upper gastrointestinal tract lining. The most common cause is the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also cause ulcers. There are a variety of different medication for ulcer treatment that patients can use to help deal with the symptoms and sometimes help in healing them.

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What If I Still Need To Take Nsaids

If you take NSAIDs for other conditions, such as arthritis, you should talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of using NSAIDs. Your doctor can help you determine how to continue using an NSAID safely after your peptic ulcer symptoms go away. Your doctor may prescribe a medicine used to prevent NSAID-induced ulcers called Misoprosotol.

Tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medicines you take. Your doctor can then decide if you may safely take NSAIDs or if you should switch to a different medicine. In either case, your doctor may prescribe a PPI or histamine receptor blocker to protect the lining of your stomach and duodenum.

If you need NSAIDs, you can reduce the chance of a peptic ulcer returning by

  • taking the NSAID with a meal
  • using the lowest effective dose possible
  • avoiding alcohol

Duration Of Peptic Ulcers

Stomach Ulcers: Natural Remedies That Work

Ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori heal when the bacteria is killed. The typical course of treatment includes two weeks of antibiotics along with acid-suppressing medicine. This is followed by an additional four to eight weeks of the acid-suppressing medicine alone.

Its possible for an ulcer to heal temporarily without antibiotics, but it will likely recur or another one will form nearby if the bacteria is not killed.

Peptic ulcers caused by medication usually heal shortly after you stop taking the medication. Doctors typically recommend taking antacids for two to six weeks to assist with healing and relieve pain.

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How Are Stomach Ulcers Diagnosed

Diagnosis and treatment will depend on your symptoms and the severity of your ulcer. To diagnose a stomach ulcer, your doctor will review your medical history along with your symptoms and any prescription or over-the-counter medications youre taking.

To rule out H. pylori infection, a blood, stool, or breath test may be ordered. With a breath test, youll be instructed to drink a clear liquid and breathe into a bag, which is then sealed. If H. pylori is present, the breath sample will contain higher-than-normal levels of carbon dioxide.

Other tests and procedures used to diagnose stomach ulcers include:

  • Barium swallow: You drink a thick white liquid that coats your upper gastrointestinal tract and helps your doctor see your stomach and small intestine on X-rays.
  • Endoscopy : A thin, lighted tube is inserted through your mouth and into the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. This test is used to look for ulcers, bleeding, and any tissue that looks abnormal.
  • Endoscopic biopsy: A piece of stomach tissue is removed so it can be analyzed in a lab.

How Peptic Ulcers Are Treated

A peptic ulcer is a sore or lesion that forms in the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. Peptic ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori , a bacterium that lives in the mucous lining of the stomach and intestine. Symptoms of these ulcers include pain, discomfort, heartburn, nausea, or gas, though some people may not experience any symptoms at all.

Treatment of peptic ulcers include antibiotics to clear H. pylori, prescription and over-the-counter medicines to manage symptoms, and lifestyle modifications to help ulcers heal.

A peptic ulcer is one of the most common gastrointestinal tract issues seen by healthcare providers an estimated 5% to 10% of all people will experience one in their lifetime.

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Can A Peptic Ulcer Come Back

Yes, a peptic ulcer can come back. If you smoke or take NSAIDs, peptic ulcers are more likely to come back. If you need to take an NSAID, your doctor may switch you to a different medicine or add medicines to help prevent a peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer disease can return, even if you have been careful to reduce your risk.

Getting The Right Diagnosis


The two main types of peptic ulcers are gastric ulcers, which form in the lining of the stomach, and duodenal ulcers, which occur at the top part of the small intestine, the duodenum, according to the American College of Gastroenterology.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria cause most of the ulcers affecting Americans, says Harvard Health Publishing. To a lesser extent, ulcers can be traced to the overuse of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , including aspirin and ibuprofen. Both H. pylori and NSAIDs can erode the stomach lining or the duodenum, leaving them vulnerable to the stomach’s strong, corrosive acids, which then causes an ulcer to form.

Ulcers aren’t always obvious. In fact, most people who have ulcers experience no symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, a burning feeling in the abdomen is the most common sign noted.

To determine whether you have an ulcer, your doctor will order diagnostic tests. Laboratory tests can determine whether you have the H. pylori infection. The tests can be on your blood, stool or breath, according to Mayo. Sometimes an endoscopy, which uses a thin tube with a camera on the end, is needed to visualize the stomach lining or small intestine. If an ulcer is detected, small samples of tissue may be taken for further testing.

Read more: When that Burning Sensation in Your Stomach is a Sign of Stomach Ulcers

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Nux Vomica For Stomach Ulcers Where Eating Worsens Pain

Nux Vomica has shown the most satisfactory results in stomach ulcer cases where pain in the stomach is felt from eating even the smallest amount of food. The stomach region is also sensitive to touch in such cases. Nux Vomica is also one of the best-suited medicines for stomach ulcers where spicy food, coffee, tobacco, and alcoholic drinks worsen the symptoms. Tightness and pressure may be felt in the stomach after eating. Nausea, vomiting, eructations, flatulence, and heartburn may accompany the above symptoms.

Causes And Risk Factors Of Peptic Ulcers

For a long time, it was believed that spicy foods or stress led to peptic ulcers but doctors now know that this isn’t the case.

In fact, the most common causes of ulcers are:

Certain factors can put a person at a greater risk of developing a peptic ulcer, including:

  • Taking high doses of NSAIDs
  • Using NSAIDs continuously over a long period of time
  • Being female
  • Having a history of ulcer disease
  • Taking corticosteroids, medications that may be prescribed to treat asthma, arthritis, or lupus

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