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What Can I Take For Stomach Inflammation

What Is Stomach Inflammation

Gastritis (Stomach Inflammation) Signs & Symptoms, Complications (& Why They Occur)

Inflammation of the lining of the stomach is called gastritis. The most common symptoms of stomach inflammation are nausea and vomiting, burping, bloating, a burning sensation in your stomach, and weight loss. Erosive and nonerosive are the two types of gastritis.

A protective mucous layer lines the stomach insulating it from the strong acidic gastric juices used to break down food. The lining is constantly being naturally destroyed by gastric juices and replenished, but if this process is disrupted, the mucous layer of the stomach can become inflamed. In erosive gastritis, stomach inflammation results from the inability of the stomach to repair the eroding mucosal lining and is caused by long term, regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , excessive alcohol use, and physiological stress. Nonerosive gastritis involves a variety of mechanisms which damage the mucous lining. It is caused primarily by infection of the stomach by Helicobacter pylori, but can also be caused by the inability to absorb B12 through the stomach, a condition called a pernicious anemia, or bile reflux disease.

Try Supplements That Can Help You Maintain A Healthy Gut

Supplements should be personalized to you and your individual needs. So if you are looking for ideas, Youkilis suggests probiotics, which can be found in foods like yogurt, or sauerkraut in addition to supplements Youkilis says you can also try digestive enzymes, which are typically taken before meals, to help break down food more efficiently.

Again, everyone is different. So if you’re looking to take supplements you should consult with your doctor first just to make sure it’s safe for you.

How To Reduce Stomach Inflammation

If you are experiencing stomach inflammation, the vital question of how to reduce it and improve your symptoms depends greatly upon what the cause or causes are. For this reason, seeing your doctor is an important first step in the process so you can get professional guidance.

Some treatments that your doctor might prescribe or recommend for you to reduce inflammation are:

  • Antibiotic medications
  • Antacids
  • H-2 blocker medications
  • B12 vitamin shots
  • Dietary changes

Reducing stomach inflammation can be a gradual process, and it may take some lifestyle adjustments to relieve your symptoms. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re feeling better and are able to get back to focusing on the things you love.

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Nsaids And Stomach Issues

The most common complication from NSAIDs is digestive problems. These medicines can give you minor stomach upset or indigestion. In more severe cases, people can develop gastritis, ulcers, or bleeding in the stomach or intestines.

The risk of stomach problems from NSAIDs goes up if you have other conditions or take certain medications. You may be high risk if you:

  • Are 65 or over
  • Currently have a chronic inflammatory bowel disease
  • Are already taking an NSAID regimen
  • Are taking low-dose aspirin for heart issues
  • Are taking blood thinners, prescription steroids, or SSRI antidepressants.

Top 22 Effective Home Remedies For Inflammation In Stomach

Treatment of Gastric Ulcer
1. Honey

Honey is a natural antibacterial for health that works better than other antibiotics. According to a review from 2016, the antimicrobial effects of Manuka honey may help to fight against H. pylori. It may be useful in healing stomach ulcers. In addition, honey also contains prefix A, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, and folic acid, all of which are very good for the stomach. Therefore, honey is listed as one of the most effective home remedies for inflammation in the stomach.

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey into a glass of warm water and then drink it. You can drink honey before going to sleep and in the morning when you wake up. Honey not only heals wounds on the lining of the stomach, but it also helps you to have a sound sleep. This is great for people who suffer from insomnia.

Or, you can mix honey and garlic. Both garlic and honey contains an antibiotic that may kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of bacteria present in the throat.


  • Prepare garlic and pure honey
  • Peel garlic cloves
  • Crush 15 g of garlic cloves and soak it in 100 ml honey

After 3 weeks, the mixture is ready to be used. Lets take about 2 tablespoons of the mixture in the morning and in the afternoon. Also, you can eat some garlic cloves in your meals. This also helps you to relieve abdominal pain quickly.

2. Radish And Fresh Lotus Seeds


3. Lemon



  • Make sure you use warm water to make lemon juice.
4. Turmeric

Method 1: Turmeric


Method 2: Turmeric And Honey

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Cook With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Choosing the right kind of cooking oil can lower inflammation in your gut, Lisa Richards, the creator of the Candida Diet, tells Bustle. “High-quality olive oils contain omega-3 fatty acids that prevent the formation of pro-inflammatory compounds and balance out the omega-6s in the rest of your diet,” she says. Having a good balance of fatty acids is essential in keeping your body healthy. So if you’re cooking, look for high-quality extra virgin olive oil from a reputable brand.

Ways To Reduce Inflammation

Now that we know inflammation is a primary contributor to most chronic diseases, here are 5 effective strategies to combat its insidious effects. These 5 strategies are not at this time FDA approved to prevent, mitigate, treat or cure chronic inflammation but we know from research that they can support a healthy inflammatory response by the body.

Using these strategies can help your body get back in balance and help you start feeling better!

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Lifestyle Measures To Manage And Prevent Inflammation Of The Stomach

Lifestyle modifications can help in managing inflammation of stomach or in prevention of gastritis.

  • Eat smaller and frequent meals, drink plenty of water and include fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy, fried and fatty foods. Maintain ideal weight and avoid skipping meals.
  • Practice stress management techniques, involve in meditation and exercise regularly to release stress and improve digestion.
  • Limit intake of pain-killers or medications used to treat arthritis. Consider other alternatives, less harmful medications, physical therapy, warm and cold compresses, etc. to relieve pain and arthritis.
Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: July 17, 2017

What Are The Treatments For Gastritis

How to Fix Stomach Lining

If you have indigestion and stomach pain, you can try treating this yourself with changes to your diet and lifestyle as follows:

If you think the cause of your gastritis is repeated use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , try switching to a different painkiller that isn’t in the NSAID class, such as paracetamol. You may want to talk with your GP about this.

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New Approaches In Gastritis Treatment

Submitted: November 24th 2010Reviewed: May 31st 2011Published: September 15th 2011

DOI: 10.5772/23221

  • Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos , Argentina
  • Cecilia Rodríguez*

  • Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos , Argentina
  • Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos , Argentina
  • Graciela Font de Valdez*

  • Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos , Argentina
  • *Address all correspondence to:

    What Other Symptoms Relate To Abdominal Pain

    Pain in the abdomen may be experienced as aching, stabbing, burning, twisting, cramping, dull, or a gnawing pain.

    The pain may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, bloating, constipation, wind , belching , fever, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, fever, dehydration or loss of appetite

    The pain might be steady or it might get stronger. It can be made worse or it can be improved by changes in posture or by coughing.

    Describing the pattern and location of your symptoms to a doctor may help them in identifying the cause of your abdominal pain. These causes include:

    • Peptic ulcer The pain is often felt in the upper abdomen, as a knife-like pain which goes through to the back.
    • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease The pain usually causes a central burning pain that develops just under the breastbone, and may rise upwards. It may be accompanied by belching.
    • Appendicitis The pain usually starts near the navel before moving down to the lower right abdomen when it becomes more constant.
    • Gallstones or gallbladder irritation The pain is felt in the upper right abdomen, back or right shoulder.
    • Lower abdominal pain: Also referred to as lower stomach pain, it is probably coming from your bowel.
    • Period pain This is usually a dull, cramping pain, felt low down, which may radiate through to the back.

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    What Is The Safest Anti

  • What Is the Safest Anti-Inflammatory to Take? Center
  • If you have ever had a headache or pulled a muscle, you have probably headed to the medicine cabinet to reach for a pain killer. Over-the-counterpain medicines are affordable and safe for most people in the United States. They are so common that many people don’t think twice about taking them to manage discomfort.

    The most common pain medications are a class of drugs known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . Like all medications, NSAIDs have risks, including stomach problems, allergic reactions, and an increased risk of heart attack. Your risk of complications from pain killers might increase depending on your age, what other medications you’re taking, and your health in general.

    Learn more about whether anti-inflammatory pain relievers are safe for you.

    How Can I Prevent Gastritis

    Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases

    H. pylori is one of the top causes of gastritis, but most people dont know theyre infected. The bacteria are easily transmitted. You can lower your risk of infection by practicing good hygiene, including hand-washing.

    You also can take steps to minimize indigestion and heartburn. These conditions are linked to gastritis. Preventive measures include:

    • Avoiding fatty, fried, spicy or acidic foods.
    • Cutting back on caffeine.
    • Not lying down for 2 to 3 hours after a meal.

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    Things You Can Do To Ease Gastritis

    If you think the cause of your gastritis is repeated use of NSAID painkillers, try switching to a different painkiller that’s not in the NSAID class, such as paracetamol.

    You may want to talk to a GP about this.

    Also consider:

    • eating smaller, more frequent meals
    • avoiding foods that can irritate the stomach, such as spicy, acidic or fried foods
    • avoiding or cutting down on alcohol

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    Theyre all here and ready to answer your questions online or by phone. Keep asking questions until you get the answer you need.

    Chronic gastritis is found in two subjects. In malignant anemia patients, there is an autoimmune cause. Severe gastrointestinal trauma, such as gastric atrophy accompanied by complete or incomplete loss of wall cells, cause gastric acid deficiency or absence of acid. There are three types of autoantibodies against the wall cells. In the elderly with no malignant anemia, there are also 60% of cases with autoantibodies against the wall cells, but no antibodies against the intrinsic factor. Very few cases have autoantibodies against gastrin secretory cells. Patients in this group often have a gastric ulcer, which may be due to dyspnea of the pyloric sphincter and reflux of bile acid.

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    How Is Gastritis Treated

    Treatment for gastritis varies depending on the cause. Certain medications kill bacteria, while others alleviate indigestion-type symptoms. Your healthcare provider might recommend:

    • Antibiotics:Antibiotics can treat the bacterial infection. You may need to take more than one type of antibiotic for couple of weeks.
    • Antacids:Calcium carbonate medications reduce stomach acid exposure. They can help relieve inflammation. Antacids, such as Tums® and Rolaids®, also treat heartburn.
    • Histamine blockers: Cimetidine , ranitidine and similar medications decrease the production of stomach acid.
    • Proton pump inhibitors: These medications, such as omeprazole and esomeprazole , reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces. Proton pump inhibitors also treat stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease .

    Nsaids And Heart Disease And Stroke Risk

    Magical 03 Tips To Cure Inflammation In The Stomach Exclusively

    There is evidence that the use of non-aspirin NSAIDs can increase your risk of heart disease or stroke if you take them for a prolonged period of time. Higher doses are more likely to cause heart complications. The risk of heart-related complications from NSAIDs increases if you already have heart disease.

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    Symptoms Of Chronic Gastritis

    In chronic gastritis, a distinction is made between types A, B and C, depending on the cause, as well as various special forms.

    Symptoms of type A gastritis

    In type A gastritis, less gastric acid is produced. This can cause digestive problems. In addition, this form of gastritis results in a vitamin B12 deficiency, which triggers a so-called pernicious anaemia, a special form of anaemia. Symptoms are then, among others, sensations of discomfort, tiredness and exhaustion.

    Symptoms of type B gastritis

    Type B gastritis usually shows only unspecific symptoms. Some patients develop bad breath and as the disease progresses, additional conditions such as:

    • Duodenal ulcer
    • Stomach cancer
    • MALT lymphoma

    Symptoms of type C gastritis

    Even a chronic type C gastritis usually causes only unspecific symptoms. Many patients report discomfort in the upper abdomen. Often the symptoms correspond to those of a irritable stomach.

    What Are The Complications Of Gastritis

    If left untreated, gastritis can lead to serious problems, such as:

    • Anemia:H. pylori can cause gastritis or stomach ulcers .that bleed, thereby lowering your red blood counts .
    • Pernicious anemia: Autoimmune gastritis can affect how your body absorbs vitamin B12. Youre at risk of pernicious anemia when you dont get enough B12 to make healthy red blood cells.
    • Peritonitis: Gastritis can worsen stomach ulcers. Ulcers that break through the stomach wall can spill stomach contents into the abdomen. This rupture can spread bacteria, causing a dangerous infection called bacterial transloction or peritonitis. It also can lead to a widespread inflammation called . Sepsis can be fatal.
    • Stomach cancer: Gastritis caused by H. pylori and autoimmune disease can cause growths in the stomach lining. These growths increase your risk of stomach cancer.

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    Best Home Remedies For Gastritis

    Some of the best home remedies to treat gastritis include teas, such as maytenus ilicifolia tea or Brazilian peppertree tea, and juices, such as potato juice and cabbage juice, as these help to reduce symptoms.

    In addition, there are certain habits you can adopt that will help you manage gastritis, such as drinking water several times a day, eating small quantities frequently, and avoiding alcoholic drinks, coffee, spicy seasonings, and acidic foods . In addition, you should also avoid eating deep-fried food and sweet foods containing dairy or those that are processed. Learn which foods to avoid and which you can eat.

    If the pain or burning sensation in your stomach remains for over three days, if it increases overtime, or if you start vomiting with blood, you must seek medical help as quickly as possible to start suitable treatment.

    Here are some proven home remedies to help relieve gastritis symptoms:

    What Is The Outlook For A Person With Gastritis

    Gastric Erythema and Related Health Issues (Inflammation ...

    Most people recover from gastritis. Depending on the many factors that affect the stomach lining, gastritis symptoms may flare-up from time to time. Overall, gastritis is a common ailment that responds well to simple treatments.

    On occasion, rare forms of gastritis can be serious or even life-threatening. Severe, ongoing symptoms or internal bleeding should alert a health-care professional to search for a more serious underlying cause.

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    Treatment With Alternative Medicine

    Homeopathy: Homeopathic remedies for inflammation of the gastric mucosa are for example Carbo vegetabilis and Lycopodium. They should ease the discomfort.

    Schuessler salts: Schuessler salts against nausea or belching are for example No. 9 Sodium phosphoricum, which should regulate the acid balance in the body and No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum, which is said to have a relaxing, cramp-relieving effect on the digestive organs.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine: Treatment according to Traditional Chinese Medicine for example in the form of acupuncture can also relieve gastritis symptoms, as patients report

    Are Prescription Nsaids Better

    NSAIDs are available both over-the-counter and as a prescription medication. It is very important to understand that while there are differences between prescription and non-prescription NSAIDs, this difference is not the potential relief of symptoms. Many patients find their best response from over-the-counter NSAIDs.

    There has been no study showing that newer NSAIDs , prescription NSAIDs, or more expensive NSAIDs treat pain or swelling any better than more traditional NSAID medications. Most of the research evaluating the effects of NSAIDs has been done using over-the-counter ibuprofen.

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    Here Are Some Simple But Effective Home Remedies For Gastritis:

    1. Freeze It OutTake a glass of ice cold water, put two tablespoons of sugar, stir it really well and gulp it down. Repeat the process if you have to. This remedy is a quick fix and my personal favourite. A glass ice cold water helps to stabilise the body fluids. It is believed that cold water calms down the throat and chest burning. Therefore, drink a full glass of cold water and take a small walk. The acid rushing up to your throat will subside slowly.

    A glass ice cold water helps to stabilise the body fluids

    2. Nothing Like CoconutGet tender green coconut water and keep sipping it till your pain subsides and you can make it a habit to drink it every day too. But be sure the coconut water is not tangy as that can cause acid reflux. Coconut water is rich in fibre, which is why it helps aid digestion and prevents the re-occurrence of acidity. Moreover, coconut water is known to cool the lining of the stomach, which further reduces the burning sensation.

    Coconut water aids digestion.

    Ginger has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

    4. Sip Chamomile

    Chamomile tea provides relief from sudden pains and helps to eliminate gas.

    5. Papaya All the Way

    Raw papaya is good for inflammation of the stomach.

    6. Baking Soda And Water

    7. Cabbage Juice

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