Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Remove Stomach Pain

How To Get Rid Of A Stomach Ache After Eating

How To Relieve A Stomach Ache

Have you ever eaten so much that your stomach aches? Or, maybe youâve eaten something specific that causes tummy troubles. Weâve all been there. For the most part, your stomach hurting after overeating is pretty normal and will pass with time. But, if you need to get rid of an upset stomach that just wonât be calmed, weâve got you covered.

How To Get Rid Of The Stomach Discomfort

Whether youâre uncomfortable because of gas, diarrhea or indigestion, there are several things you can do to find some relief. A quick and trusted method is to take Pepto Bismol. When used as directed, Pepto Bismol soothes your discomfort with proteins that enhance the viscosity of the protective layer in the upper gastrointestinal tract to help you feel better. Other ways to battle the bloating include drinking water, going to the bathroom, or waiting it out. If you want to be proactive, you can take note of foods that your body reacts poorly to and make changes in your diet to avoid them.

Eat Foods Rich In Fiber

Fiber improves intestinal functioning. The more fiber you eat, the softer your stool is, and our bodies can then pass it more easily preventing constipation.

The key is to add fiber to your meal plan slowly – it will minimize bloating and gas. Great sources of fiber are fruit, vegetables, whole grain bread and cereal, berries, and dried beans. The last 2 are soluble and work to slow down the passage of consumed food from the stomach to the intestines. If you have diarrhea, soluble fiber is your only option.

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Heres How You Avoid Stomach Pain When Eating Instant Noodles With Coke

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A man in China has demonstrated yet again why it’s not exactly the best idea to consume instant noodles with cola anytime you feel hungry.

On April 4, 2021, Chinese news outlets reported yet another case of a man who being rushed to the hospital after unbearable pains in his abdomen rendered him unable to even walk or stand.

IMAGE: Genano

As it turns out, on the night before, the man named Wang had consumed a dinner of instant noodles together with a cola as a side beverage something many people have claimed can turn out to be a nasty combo in the stomach.

After being rushed to the hospital by a colleague at work, a doctor determined Wang to have excess gas in his gut, and quickly moved to release most of it via a tube inserted directly into his stomach.

The extraction of the gas immediately relieved Wang of his terrible pain, and was admitted to the hospital for further observations as soon as his condition stabilized.

Soothe Your Stomach With Fennel

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Fennel stimulates digestion, reduces gas and bloating, and soothes stomach pain.

Its a common ingredient in many commercial teas that relieve stomach problems. If you like the flavor of licorice, youll probably like how fennel tastes, too.

If you can find raw fennel bulbs at a health food store near you, treat your stomach pain by slicing off a piece and chewing on it.

If you cant find raw fennel, the seeds also work well for treating indigestion and bloating.

Chew on half a teaspoon of them, or steep them in hot water to make fennel tea.

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Drink Prune Juice To Relieve Stomach Pain

Stomach pain from constipation tends to radiate from the lower part of your abdomen and sometimes features a periodic shifting or gurgling feeling accompanied by a temporary spike in pain.

When constipation is your cause, consider a glass of prune juice or another type of laxative. If effective, you can expect to experience sudden relief.

Taking Care Of Yourself At Home

Most abdominal pain goes away without special treatment. Be guided by your doctor, but there are some things you can do to help ease the pain, including:

  • Place a hot water bottle or heated wheat bag on your abdomen.
  • Soak in a warm bath. Take care not to scald yourself.
  • Drink plenty of clear fluids such as water.
  • Reduce your intake of coffee, tea and alcohol as these can make the pain worse.
  • When you are allowed to eat again, start with clear liquids, then progress to bland foods such as crackers, rice, bananas or toast. Your doctor may advise you to avoid certain foods.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Try over-the-counter antacids, to help reduce some types of pain.
  • Take mild painkillers such as paracetamol. Please check the packet for the right dose. Avoid aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs unless advised to take them by a doctor. These drugs can make some types of abdominal pain worse.

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When To See A Doctor About Abdominal Pain

Go straight to your doctor or the emergency department of the nearest hospital if you have any of:

  • severe pain
  • pain lasting for several hours
  • pain and/or vaginal bleeding if you are pregnant
  • pain in your scrotum if you are a male
  • pain and vomiting or shortness of breath
  • pain and vomiting blood
  • blood in your bowel motions or urine
  • pain that spreads to your chest, neck or shoulder
  • fever and sweats
  • unable to move your bowels or pass gas
  • any other concerns.

Can Stress Cause Stomach Pain

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Anxiety and stress are closely related. But they are technically different conditions. It is possible to experience a significant amount of stress without experiencing anxiety. Yet the causes of stomach pain from stress are similar. Muscle tension, digestive issues all of these are also caused by stress and may contribute to stomach pain.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

Get medical help right away or call your local emergency number if you:

  • Are currently being treated for cancer
  • Are unable to pass stool, especially if you are also vomiting
  • Are vomiting blood or have blood in your stool
  • Have chest, neck, or shoulder pain
  • Have sudden, sharp abdominal pain
  • Have pain in, or between, your shoulder blades with nausea
  • Have tenderness in your belly, or your belly is rigid and hard to the touch
  • Are pregnant or could be pregnant
  • Had a recent injury to your abdomen
  • Have difficulty breathing

Lime Or Lemon Juice Baking Soda And Water

Some studies suggest that mixing lime or lemon juice in water with a pinch of baking soda can help to relieve a variety of digestive complaints.

This mixture produces carbonic acid, which may help to reduce gas and indigestion. It may also improve liver secretion and intestinal mobility. The acidity and other nutrients in lime or lemon juice can help to digest and absorb fats and alcohol while neutralizing bile acids and reducing acidity in the stomach.

Most traditional recipes recommend mixing the following quantities:

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon or lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 8 oz of clean water

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Enjoy Some Mint To Get Rid Of Stomach Pain

When your stomach feels like a balloon full of gas, you immediately run for mind candy or mint tea. Yes, its true that mint candy is very helpful in stomach and indigestion. It contains some compounds which activate pain channel in the colon. This channel called TRPM8, which may also reduce the pain which happens from spicy foods like mustard and chilies. Mint oil also used beneficially in medical treatment.


  • Take some fresh peppermint leaves or a 1-2 teaspoon of dried leaves into some boiling water.
  • Cover the mug with a utensil and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain the water.
  • Drink this concoction slowly to cure stomach pain.
  • You can also directly chew the leaves of peppermint or you can make teabags of peppermint.

Fennel Seeds To Getting Rid Of Stomach Pain

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If your stomach is caused by indigestion, then Fennel seeds are the easiest remedy to treat the stomach pain. As channel seeds contain anethole, a volatile oil that helps in secretion of digestive juices to help move things along. To try this remedy, you just need to chew ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds after the meal. If you are suffering from gastric and inflammation then seeds will surely help you.

Note: Avoid consuming fennel seeds if you are pregnant.

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How To Relieve Stomach Pain Symptoms

There isnt necessarily a cure for the stomach pain symptoms themselves. When your body is under stress, your stomach tends to hurt based on the acids in your stomach and the foods youve already eaten. If you have stomach pain as a result of an anxiety attack, you may need to wait it out.

Water can help a little, however. So consider sipping cool water. Antacids may also be beneficial in some cases, but if you have stomach pain often, you may not want to depend on antacid treatments.


Stomach pain from anxiety can be caused by several stress-related issues, including abdominal tension, digestion issues, and irritable bowel. Although the stomach pain may be caused by anxiety, the acids in the stomach are still very real. There are ways to treat both your stomach discomfort and anxiety.

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Chew On A Fresh Piece Of Ginger

Like apple cider vinegar, ginger is another fantastic natural stimulant to digestion.

If you have a piece of fresh ginger in your house, or you can quickly go out to the grocery store to get some, break off about 1 centimeter of it and chew on it for a few minutes. This stimulates digestive fire to keep things moving along and relieve your stomach pain.

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Calm Your Mind And Body

When we are in pain, we tend to get anxious. Unfortunately, anxiety brings with it a heightened state of physical arousal that can make our pain worse. Taking a few minutes to calm down can be quite effective.

Relaxation exercises are a way to break the cycle of anxiety and pain. They offer a way to “turn off” the state of heightened physical arousal. Of course, they work better with regular practice, but can still offer some benefits for immediate pain relief.

Three basic types of exercises are visualization, deep breathing, and muscle relaxation. With a little experimentation, you can decide which work best for you.

Finding The Source Of Your Stomach Cramps

how to get rid of bloating and stomach pain

Try to pinpoint the area of your pain. Doing this is important from the point of view of knowing how to treat them or knowing whether a doctors visit is essential. Abdominal pain is considered to be pain felt anywhere from below your ribs to your pelvis. The following indicators might assist you:

  • Sharp, localized pains that stab or pierce can be a sign of a very serious condition such as appendicitis or a ruptured organ.
  • A dull, generally-spread pain might be indicative that your cramps, while painful, are not dangerous, but may require off the counter medication.
  • Menstrual cramps are clearly experienced only by those of menstruating age. These cramps usually occur in the first days of menstruation and do not last more than a few days.
  • Stomach cramps after eating a large amount of food quickly, greasy food, foods youre allergic to, etc., can indicate a digestive system reaction.
  • Lower back pain that persists might be a sign of kidney stones. See your doctor for advice.
  • Pain and burning sensations on urinating or passing stools can be a sign of a urinary tract infection or constipation.
  • Muscle spasms can bring about cramps when exercising or swimming.

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Yogurt To Relieve Stomach Pain

Plain, unsweetened yogurt containing probiotics, or active cultures, may help with stomach pains as it promotes proper digestion. These work to increase the good bacteria needed to relieve indigestion, bloating, and painful discomfort in the gut.

Consuming plain, unsweetened yogurt throughout the day may reduce stomach pain episodes.

Use the following recipe to create a drinkable form of this remedy.

  • Combine two tablespoons of plain unsweetened yogurt, 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt.
  • Add three teaspoons of fresh coriander juice.
  • Mix in one-half teaspoon of cardamom powder.
  • Mix well and drink one hour after each meal.

Ginger Tea As A Stomach Pain Remedy

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger neutralize excess acids that cause stomach pain.

Drinking ginger tea may help to stimulate proper digestion by promoting the production of digestive juices while fighting harmful free radicals that cause disease.

Drink two to three cups of ginger tea daily.

  • Cut one medium-sized ginger root into thin slices.
  • Add the ginger to one cup of boiling water and boil for three minutes.
  • Lower heat and simmer for five minutes.
  • Strain and add honey for flavor.

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Related Conditions Of Abdominal Pain

Some of the most common conditions associated with abdominal pain include the following:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome This condition is characterized by symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, and bloating.

Constipation If you arent having regular bowel movements, you may feel bloated and full and experience sharp gas pains in your abdomen.

Peptic Ulcer When a sore develops in the lining of your stomach or upper small intestine, you may experience a burning sensation similar to hunger pangs, along with nausea, vomiting, or heartburn.

Pancreatitis Inflammation of your pancreas may cause sharp, severe pain in the upper middle area of your abdomen, along with nausea, vomiting, or fever. This condition can be either acute or chronic.


How Can I Remove The Stomach Pain

Why Am I Getting Stomach Cramps?

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Use A Heating Pad Or Hot Water Bottle

Heat is a simple but effective remedy for stomach pain.

If youre wondering how to get rid of cramps fast, try this tip first.

Grab an electric blanket, heating pad, or hot water bottle. You want something thats very warm, but not so hot it will burn you.

Get comfortable and place your heating pad over the part of your stomach that hurts.

It might take 10-15 minutes to start feeling the soothing effects of the heat.

Dont have a heating pad? You can easily make one with some dry rice and a pair of socks.

Find a pair of socks that dont contain any synthetic material, and pour a cup or two of dry rice into one.

Tie a knot in the top and microwave it for a minute or two. Reheat your makeshift heating pad whenever it starts to cool down.

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Home Remedies For Stomach Cramps & Aches

Eat probiotics and fermented foods. Probiotics come in many forms and have been reported to significantly relieve stomach aches. Kombucha, yogurt, kefir and lacto-fermented vegetables are all good sources of probiotics.

Make an apple cider vinegar and honey elixir. An old folk recipe with a lot of modern praise, it may not work for everyone, but, if you feel up for it, give it a shot it might be just what your stomach needs. Try mixing a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink up!

Enjoy some mint. Fresh peppermint tea can help relax stomach muscles. It also helps improve the flow of bile, which helps you digest properly. This is especially useful if suffering from indigestion or bloating.

  • Cover the peppermint with 1 cup of boiling water, cover, and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Sip slowly while its still toasty warm. If using the fresh peppermint leaves, you can chew on them as well to ease stomach pains. You can also just use a pre-made teabag if you find that more desirable.

Make cinnamon tea. Gently boil two cups of water and two cinnamon sticks together for 15-20 minutes. Remove cinnamon sticks and pour into a mug or glass. Add a tablespoon of honey for sweetness.

Make peppermint tea. Some people prefer peppermint tea to cinnamon tea. Both will help relieve your stomach ache and help you relax.

  • Mix 8 ounces of club soda with the juice of half a lime. Stir and sip slowly.

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Should You Treat Your Stomach Pain At Home

Most of the time, stomach cramps arent a big deal. You can treat them at home without consulting your doctor first.

However, you should call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Pain that doesnt get better in a few hours.
  • Pain that is very intense.
  • Dizziness.
  • Vomiting that persists longer than a day or two.
  • Bloody or black, tar-like bowel movements.

If youre not having any of these symptoms, try these home remedies for upset stomach, and youll be feeling better in no time.

Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain In Adults

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The type of pain can vary greatly. When abdominal pain occurs, it can:

  • be sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp-like, twisting or fit many other descriptions
  • be brief, come and go in waves, or it can be constant
  • make you throw up
  • make you want to stay still or make you so restless that you pace around trying to find just the right position
  • vary from a minor problem to one needing urgent surgery.

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