Have Some Peppermint Oil Or Peppermint Tea
Its not just for your breathpeppermint can act as a spasmolytic, meaning it may help stop your intestines from spasming too much , says Dr. Staller. While this mechanism has mainly been studied in regard to irritable bowel syndrome, the muscle contractions in that disorder are the same ones that can make gas feel so terrible, he says.
Doctors arent totally sure whether its better to take peppermint in a capsule form or via something more standard like a mint or peppermint tea, so feel free to try whatever you have handy .
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Natural And Other Remedies For Gas
Two products on the market can help with food-related gas and bloating. Both products are packaged forms of the enzymes needed to break down the problematic carbohydrates. Lactase, found in products such as Dairy Ease and Lactaid, can be taken with dairy foods to help break down lactose and lessen gas. Beano helps digest the indigestible carbohydrate in beans and other gas-producing vegetables.
Natural remedies for gas include:
- Peppermint tea
Coping With Intestinal Gas
Patients with flatulence can experience abdominal pain, stomach cramps, dizziness, and even headaches.
Patients with flatulence can experience abdominal pain, stomach cramps, dizziness, and even headaches.
Flatulence is intestinal gas from the rectum it is both normal and necessary. While everyone does it, discussing it is socially taboo, and parents teach kids from an early age to pass gas in private. Many people find flatulence funny, but excess gas is no joking matter holding it in can cause stomach cramps, abdominal pain, dizziness, and headaches. Along with physical symptoms, many people with excess gas socially isolate themselves, fearing they will accidently release gas in front of others. Table 1 presents facts about gas some may surprise you.
Table 1. Facts About Gas
âºHealthy people pass gas 10 to 22 times each day men and women pass gas about the same number of times each day.
âºIntestinal gas is a mixture of 5 gases, but only 1% of the gas is responsible for odors. There is no relationship between a gas’s odor and its sound.
âºMen produce more gas than women because males are generally larger. A mans flatulence measures about one half cup per incident a womans measures about one third cup.
âºWomen produce more foul-smelling gas than men.
âºGas is released in 1 of 3 ways: burping, from the rectum, or by being absorbed into the blood stream and exhaled from the lungs.
Causes of Gas
What Can I Do?
Table 2. Gas Producing Foods
Talk to Your Doctor
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What Is Gas In The Digestive Tract
Gas in the digestive tract is created from:
Swallowing air
The breakdown of certain foods by the bacteria present in the colon
Everyone has gas. It may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it is not life-threatening. Gas is eliminated by burping or passing it through the rectum. Most people produce about 1 to 4 pints of gas a day and pass gas about 14 times a day.
Most gas is made up of odorless vapors–carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. Bacteria in the large intestine release gases that contain sulfur and produce an unpleasant odor of flatulence.
Pain Or Discomfort From Gas
Some people may have gas in the digestive tract that causes them discomfort, such as abdominal bloating or distention. This can lead to a desire to make changes to the diet or lifestyle in order to have less gas. Keep in mind that everyone has gas and must pass it several times a day. People who feel that they have an excessive amount of gas or that gas is causing a disproportionate amount of pain should talk to a physician.
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Remedies And Treatments For Gas
If you have gas pains that are disrupting your daily activities, there are some easy remedies that you can try at home to alleviate the pain. The two best ways to treat your gas pains are by changing your diet and taking over-the-counter medications.
You can change your diet and eat foods that reduce the amount of gas your body makes. This can alleviate gas pains quickly. Itâs important to be mindful of what youâre eating by keeping a diary of your diet and gas symptoms. That will help you target what may be reacting with your digestive system.
Changes to your diet should include eating smaller portions, reducing the amount of air you are swallowing by taking slow and deliberate bites of your food, and avoiding chewing gum or hard candy to reduce the amount of air you swallow.
You might need to cut out certain fruits and vegetables that cause intestinal gas. Limiting your milk and whole grain consumption can also help. Try to avoid high-fat foods and beans or lentils that cause bloating and discomfort.
The amount and cause of gas can differ from person to person, so take note of what youâre eating and how your body is responding to it. You can experiment by taking out and gradually reintroducing foods to discover what element of your diet causes gas pains.
Over-the-Counter Medication
These products are designed to reduce gas symptoms. You should take these if you have excessive or painful gas:
What Is New In Intestinal Gas Research
One study has shed additional light on the role of intestinal gas and the way in which it causes symptoms. Investigators studied 30 patients whose primary complaint was flatulence and 20 healthy people without issues related to gas.
The researchers studied the patients’ and controls’ production of gas and symptoms on their normal diet, during and following a standard meal, and during and following a meal that contained foods known to cause more gas . During the basal period on their usual diet, not surprisingly, the patients had more symptoms than the controls and evacuated gas more often than controls . Interestingly, however, the patients and controls produced the same total volume of gas while on the standard meal. This would suggest that the patients were NOT producing more gas than the controls. Two explanations for these observations would be:
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When To Seek Relief
Most minor fluctuations in gas and bowel habits are normal, but if you experience excessive or persistent gas or bloating, its time to seek medical attention, cautions van der Linden. A little gas is probably healthy, but a lot of gas, that could be a problem, he says.
Talk to your doctor if gas symptoms change suddenly, become severe, begin to interfere with your normal activities or are accompanied by other symptoms. A physical exam, stool tests, blood tests and imaging tests, which may include an endoscopy or colonoscopy, might be performed to help rule out or diagnose an underlying health issue. Your physician will also review your symptoms and family history and may recommend keeping a food journal or eliminating certain foods from your diet.
Dietary changes, such as eating more slowly, not gulping food or drinks and avoiding or limiting certain foods or beverages, can help relieve some uncomfortable symptoms. Adding even small bouts of exercise to your day can help push gas through your system and ease bloating. Stress management techniques, like yoga or meditation, can help keep you from unintentionally swallow air when youre talking, which can happen when you’re upset or nervous.
Red Flags You Shouldnt Ignore
Gas is usually not a medical emergency, but when accompanied by certain worrisome symptoms, its a good idea to speak with your doctor. Colon cancer is one potential concern, van der Linden says. If is in the lower part of the colon and causing a partial blockage, it could make things back up a little bit easier, he says.
Additional warning signs of a potentially serious health issue that requires medical attention include:
- Bloody stool
- Changes in frequency of bowel movements
- Persistent diarrhea or constipation
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How Can I Prevent Stomach Bloating
If your stomach bloating is caused by diet or alcohol, you can help prevent it by making some lifestyle changes. Some good general guidelines include:
If the cause of your bloated stomach is something more specific, such as specific food intolerance, perimenopause or a medical condition, you might need a little help with diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Some options include:
Start An Exercise Regimen
Some people can enjoy dairy products like ice cream as long as they stick to working out not only helps you stay fit, but it can also help get rid of gas pain. Heres the scoop: exercise helps lower your odds of constipation, and as a result, limits the amount of gas your colon releases. So try and move regularly, as in 30 minutes, three to four days a week.
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Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Gas
Some lifestyle adjustments can help reduce gas, gas pains, and bloating.
- Eat smaller portions Many healthy foods can also cause gas. Eating smaller portions may help reduce excess gas.
- Chew completely and slow down If you eat too fast, it could cause gas. Tip: put down your fork between each bite.
- Avoid
- chewing gum
- sucking on hard candies
Which Supplements Help With Bloating
If the foods and teas above along with movement arent cutting it, you may want to consider the following supplements.
Prebiotics and probiotics reduce bloating
As previously discussed, prebiotics are food for the good bacteria in your gut. This is important to help them grow and outnumber the bad bacteria, like the ones that cause gas. Probiotics are good bacteria that help digest and absorb your food among MANY other things.
Digestive enzymes help your body naturally reduce bloating
Your body requires enzymes to fully digest the food you consume. Some people lack one or more digestive enzymes for a variety of reasons. Enzyme production also naturally declines as we age, so digestive enzyme supplements can be extremely helpful when it comes to bloating.
Fiber packs a bunch in reducing your bloat
If youre backed up, eating often leads to bloating since theres only so much food and waste your body can hold. This is why its important to get plenty of fiber in your diet. High fiber fruits and veggies include spinach, artichoke, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, onions, sweet potatoes, raspberries, and avocado. If you donât feel like eating much, a fiber supplement or a delicious collagen fiber snack bar might be better options for you.
Keep in mind that fiber works by drawing fluid into your digestive tract, which can also make you feel bloated. So its important to go slow. If the addition of fiber causes discomfort or further bloating, give it a rest.
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Stomach Gas Buildup Can Be Extremely Discomforting And Sometimes Embarrassing Don’t Worry Remedies Like Honey Ginger And Others Can Provide Instant Relief
Having stomach gas is normal and healthy, as it is a byproduct of the human digestive system. On average, a person can pass anywhere from a pint to 2 quarts of gas per day. Most gas, trapped in the body, is expelled via burping. The rest is absorbed by the small intestine and released through the rectum. Various problems occur when gas is not expelled properly from the body. This can result in bloating of the abdomen, nausea, abdominal pain and an acidic taste in the mouth. All these symptoms can be extremely discomforting and will need some relief. To rid yourself of stomach gas problems, the underlying cause should be understood, and appropriate medications and remedies should be used.
Causes Of Gas In Stomach
Gas in the stomach can be due to a myriad of causes. Some are simple causes while others can be due to an underlying medical condition. Some of these causes are provided below.
- Undigested foods slow digestion of foods can result in the production of hydrogen and carbon dioxide and methane that cause a build of stomach gas.
- Lactose intolerance this is a congenital disorder that causes allergic reactions to certain dairy products.
- Aerophagia swallowing air while eating or drinking or talking
- Indigestion
- Pancreatitis sudden inflammation of the pancreas
- Food poisoning
- IBS and constipation
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What Causes Intermittent Abdominal Bloating/distention
Excessive gas
Excessive production of gas by bacteria is a common cause of intermittent abdominal distention and bloating. Theoretically, bacteria can produce too much gas in three ways.
How To Get Rid Of Stomach Gas
Although stomach gas is not life-threatening, it can be extremely embarrassing. Therefore, persons suffering with excessive gas in the stomach can rely on below measures to rid excessive gas buildup.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
You can always rely on apple cider vinegar to treat indigestion and stomach gas. There are many enzymes in ACV responsible for alkalizing your body and promoting better digestion.
Take a glass of warm water and add 2 tsp. of ACV to it. Mix well and leave it for a few minutes to cool to room temperature. Then, drink twice a day. You can use this remedy even when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
2. Ginger
One of the best remedies to deal with stomach gas is to use some ginger. It has antiemetic properties, so it reduces nausea and works amazingly well to help expel intestinal gas. Some studies have also found that ginger may trigger the process of gastric emptying. It also helps soothe the intestinal tract.
Take equal amounts of ground ginger, cardamom, and fennel. Mix well and add a teaspoon of this mixture along with some asafetida to a cup of water. Have it twice a day to relieve indigestion. You can also drink ginger tea or simply chew on raw ginger pieces for relief.
3. Baking Soda and Lemon
Also called sodium bicarbonate, baking soda acts as an antacid and helps expel stomach gas. Combine it with lemon juice to make it even more effective.
4. Cinnamon
5. Fennel
6. Change the Diet
7. Other Remedies
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Why Is My Stomach Bloated
The most common cause of stomach pain and bloating is excess intestinal gas. If you get a bloated stomach after eating, it may be a digestive issue. It might be as simple as eating too much too fast, or you could have a food intolerance or other condition that causes gas and digestive contents to build up. Your menstrual cycle is another common cause of temporary bloating. Sometimes a bloated stomach can indicate a more serious medical condition.
Other Conditions That Cause Gas
Gas is sometimes a symptom of a digestive condition. These include:
- Inflammatory bowel disease. This term describes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract and includes ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, and abdominal pain that can mimic gas pains.
- Irritable bowel syndrome . This is a condition that affects the large intestines and causes a variety of symptoms, such as:
- cramping
- diarrhea
- constipation
- stomach pain
- indigestion that feels like gas
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What Does Gas Pain Actually Feel Like
It might be embarrassing, but passing gas is a completely healthy and normal function of our digestive systems. Most people pass gas 13 to 21 times a day. Thats because when we eat, we swallow air in addition to whatever foods were eating, and eventually that air needs to get out. Gas can also occur when undigested food is being broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. In both instances, our bodies are helping to expel excess materials we dont need in our systems.
So how do you know if your tummy troubles are gas pain versus something else, like an upset stomach? Youll have some tell-tale signs that come with gas, said , an integrative gastroenterologist in San Diego, CA. If you feel bloated, your stomach is distended, you have a sense of fullness, and more than expected belching or flatulence, this could be an indication of having excess gas, Dr. Singh said. Many people get pain and discomfort as a result of this.
Even if youre not belching or passing gas, you may still experience gas pain. Pay attention to whats happening to your stomach, particularly after eating. Gas pains can feel like a stretching sensation and sometimes people get sharp pains, Dr. Singh said. How intense gas pains are can also vary. It can be a low-grade dull feeling and at times it could get worse and bring about more of a pain, Dr. Singh said.