Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Do I Have Constant Stomach Pain

How Can I Live Without My Gallbladder

Why Do I Still Have Stomach Pains?

Gallbladder removal is a very common surgery. Removal of the gallbladder does not significantly affect digestion because the liver can also make bile to help with the break down of fatty foods. Symptoms experienced after gallbladder removal include gas, bloating, or more watery bowel movements. Fortunately, there is a very small chance that gallstones will recur after removal.

Colon Damage From Impaired Blood Flow

Acute intestinal ischemia means that the blood flow to the large and/or small intestines has been cut off. It is also called acute mesenteric ischemia, or AMI.

The ischemia is caused by blockage in one of the arteries leading into the abdomen, usually due to atherosclerosis or a blood clot.

Most susceptible are those with very high or low blood pressure heart disease or using illegal drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamine.

Symptoms include sudden, severe pain in one area of the abdomen nausea and vomiting and repeated, urgent bowel movements, often with blood.

Acute intestinal ischemia is a life-threatening medical emergency. If it is suspected, take the patient to the emergency room or call 9-1-1.

Diagnosis is made through arteriogram, which involves injecting dye into the abdominal arteries under x-ray in order to find the exact location of the blockage.

Treatment involves âclot-bustingâ drugs to destroy a clot, or emergency surgery to remove whatever is causing the blockage and possibly some of the damaged intestine as well.

Rarity: Rare

Top Symptoms: abdominal pain , nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, being severely ill

Urgency: Hospital emergency room

When It’s Not An Emergency

If your stomach pain is not severe or long-lasting, and if you’re not having symptoms like those discussed above, the pain may go away on its own.

This kind of pain is often caused by minor problems such as constipation, gas, or something you ate. Waiting a few hours, having a bowel movement, or passing gas may help.

Try taking these steps:

  • Limit yourself to clear liquids for a few hours.
  • If you have vomiting or diarrhea, stick with the BRAT diet. Eat mild foods until you feel better.
  • Avoid foods that are hard to digest. Fatty, fried, or spicy foods can cause stomach pain. So can drinks containing alcohol or caffeine.
  • Try an over-the-counter antacid or a product to relieve gas.
  • Try to have a bowel movement. Eating raw fruit, vegetables, beans, or high-fiber cereal can help.
  • Use a hot water bottle or heating pad. Place the pad on your abdomen for a half hour at a time, and be sure to place a towel under the pad to protect your skin.

Your symptoms may improve within a day or two. If they do not, call your healthcare provider.

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Who Might Get Intestinal Gas

Excess gas can make your stomach feel swollen or bloated. You may pass flatulence . Though uncomfortable, excess gas is rarely a concern. Things that make you produce too much gas include:

What Causes A Hernia

Why Do I Have a Stabbing Pain In My Upper Stomach?

Inguinal and femoral herniasare due to weakened muscles that may have been present since birth, or are associated with aging and repeated strains on the abdominal and groin areas. Such strain may come from physical exertion, obesity, pregnancy, frequent coughing, or straining on the toilet due to constipation.

Adults may get an umbilical hernia by straining the abdominal area, being overweight, having a long-lasting heavy cough or after giving birth.

The cause of hiatal hernias is not fully understood, but a weakening of the diaphragm with age or pressure on the abdomen could play a part.

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How Is Indigestion Diagnosed

A healthcare provider will review your medical history, symptoms and lifestyle. Try to explain your indigestion in as much detail as possible. Note the type of discomfort and where you feel it. Also tell your healthcare provider when you experience indigestion. For example, does it occur after a meal or on an empty stomach? Is it worse in the morning or at night? Do certain foods make it worse?

Your healthcare provider will do a physical exam. Theyll check your belly for swelling or tenderness. They may use a stethoscope to check your stomach for growling or gurgling.

Other diagnostic tests may include:

  • Blood tests, to assess your liver, kidney and thyroid function.
  • Breath test, to check for H pylori.
  • Imaging exams, to check for blockages or other problems in the intestines. Imaging exams may include X-ray,CT scan or upper endoscopy.
  • Stool test, to check poop for H. pylori or other bacterial infections.

Treatments For Joint Pain

Joint pain can range from mildly irritating to debilitating. It may go away after a few weeks , or last for several weeks or months . Even short-term pain and swelling in the joints can affect your quality of life. Whatever the cause of joint pain, you can usually manage it with medication, physical therapy, or alternative treatments.

Your doctor will first try to diagnose and treat the condition that is causing your joint pain. The goal is to reduce pain and inflammation and preserve joint function. Treatment options include:

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How Can I Feel Better

Most bellyaches don’t have a serious cause. They can happen for many different reasons, but most are easy to treat.

If stress or anxiety seem to be behind the pain, the doctor may recommend that you talk to a counselor or therapist. They help people figure out what’s behind their stress and give advice on how to fix problems or handle them better.

Eat Plenty Of Fruit And Vegetables

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It is recommended that we eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit or vegetables each day. If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables then your chances of developing heart disease, a stroke or bowel cancer are reduced. In addition, fruit and vegetables:

  • Contain lots of fibre, which helps to keep your bowels healthy. Problems such as constipation and diverticular disease are less likely to develop.
  • Contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, which are needed to keep you healthy.
  • Are naturally low in fat.
  • Are filling but are low in calories.

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Fecal Impaction And Constipation

It may surprise you to know that constipation can also cause symptoms of diarrhea. How is it possible to have impacted hard stool as well as watery diarrhea?

Doctors from the National Health Service explain that what looks like diarrhea is actually anal leakage. Fecal impaction can make it almost impossible to having a bowel movement. However, watery stool can leak around the hard stool and look as if you have constipation and diarrhea at the same time.26

Please read my article on the best way to treat anal leakage naturally and avoid embarrassment.

Factors That Makes Your Liver Prone To Illnesses

It is widely believed that the only thing that damages a liver is heavy alcohol consumption. But that’s not the only cause of liver damage. The liver is the largest internal organ of the body and is involved in more than 500 different functions including digestion, metabolism, nutrients storage, and removal of toxins. So, there can be several things and health conditions that can unknowingly cause liver damage. Here are a few things that can damage the liver.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

You may want to ask your healthcare provider:

  • Could a medical condition be making me gassy?
  • What tests can determine the cause of intestinal gas?
  • What steps can I take to cut down on intestinal gas?
  • What foods or drinks should I avoid?
  • Whats the best treatment for my gas symptom?
  • How can I tell the difference between gas and something more serious?
  • Should I look out for signs of complications?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

While intestinal gas is common, the symptoms belching, flatulence, bloating and stomach discomfort can be embarrassing and even painful. Gas is sometimes a symptom of a more serious health problem. Talk to your healthcare provider about your concerns. The right treatment can ease gas symptoms so you can go about your day in confidence.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/11/2020.


Coping With Constant Stomach Pain

Why do I have stomach pain after eating?

Once you have been diagnosed, treatment should help. Unfortunately, treatment doesnt always make the pain disappear completely. There are coping methods that will help you deal with the chronic pain.

  • Relaxation techniques can often help ease the severity of the pain, as can meditation exercises, and deep breathing techniques.
  • Eat small, frequent and light meals to reduce the stress of digestive track and prevent its irritation.
  • Eat your meal according to schedule and never skip meals. Besides, add fresh, various vegetables and fruits to your diet to get the needed nutrition.
  • Try heat compress by using a heating pad or a hot moist cloth on your abdomen to soothe your pain.
  • Use 2 fingers to give your abdomen a massage in circular motions.
  • Eat some yogurt and drink cinnamon tea, peppermint tea or ginger tea to fight against stomach pain.
  • Get plenty of rest so your stomach has the time to heal itself.
  • Get away from stimulants, like alcohol, coffee, drugs, spicy or raw foods.

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Causes Of Abdominal Pain And Diarrhea In Pregnant People

Pregnant people are especially prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea. One common reason is that many people make changes to their diet when they find out theyre pregnant. This can cause digestive trouble.

If youre pregnant, you may also start having sensitivities to particular foods. This can include foods you eat on a regular basis, resulting in abdominal pain and diarrhea. On top of that, hormone changes in your reproductive system that occur during pregnancy may also cause these symptoms.

Seek medical help if youre having abdominal pain and diarrhea that last for 3 days, if the pain grows increasingly worse over a 24-hour period, or if its accompanied by any of these symptoms:

  • frequent nausea or vomiting
  • a sustained fever of 101°F for adults or 100.4°F for children
  • stool that contains blood or dried blood, which looks like wet coffee grounds
  • an inability to keep food down
  • extreme thirst or dry mouth
  • an inability to speak or see
  • mental confusion or loss of consciousness
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes
  • swelling of the genitals
  • external bleeding

Diarrhea can be more dangerous for infants, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. In these cases, discuss symptoms with a doctor.

If you dont have a primary care doctor, you can browse doctors in your area through the Healthline FindCare tool.

Types Of Abdominal Pain

There are several types of abdominal pain, which are based on how quickly your pain starts and how long it lasts:

  • Acute pain starts over a few hours or days and may come with other symptoms.
  • Chronic pain lasts longer — from weeks to months or more — and may come and go.
  • Progressive pain gets worse over time and often comes with other symptoms.

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Treatment And Home Remedies For Abdominal Pain

How abdominal pain is treated is highly dependent on the diagnosis. Medications that reduce inflammation may help with stomach pains resulting from ulcers.

But other conditions, like kidney stones, may require more intensive treatment like shock wave lithotripsy. Inflammation of the gall bladder might require gall bladder surgery.

Your doctor might prescribe a pain-modifying drug, like amitriptyline or trazodone, to address the pain. These may help change the way the brain processes pain signals.

If you and your doctor have determined that your abdominal pain is not the result of a serious medical condition, there are a number of home health remedies that may provide relief. Heres a brief list:

  • bitters and soda
  • BRAT diet
  • peppermint

Not all forms of abdominal pain are preventable. But you can minimize the risk of developing abdominal pain by:

  • eating a healthy diet
  • exercising regularly
  • eating smaller meals

If you have an intestinal disorder, like Crohns disease, follow the diet your doctor has given you to minimize discomfort. If you have GERD, dont eat within 2 hours of bedtime.

Lying down too soon after eating may cause heartburn and abdominal pain. Try waiting at least 2 hours after eating before lying down.

What To Expect At Your Office Visit

Why do we get abdominal pain and what can we do about it?

Your provider will perform a physical exam and ask about your symptoms and medical history. Your specific symptoms, the location of pain and when it occurs will help your provider detect the cause.


  • Where do you feel the pain?
  • Is it all over or in one spot?
  • Does the pain move into your back, groin, or down your legs?


  • Is the pain severe, sharp, or cramping?
  • Do you have it all the time, or does it come and go?
  • Does the pain wake you up at night?


  • Have you had similar pain in the past? How long has each episode lasted?
  • When does the pain occur? For example, after meals or during menstruation?
  • What makes the pain worse? For example, eating, stress, or lying down?
  • What makes the pain better? For example, drinking milk, having a bowel movement, or taking an antacid?
  • What medicines are you taking?


  • Have you had a recent injury?
  • Are you pregnant?

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When Should I Call My Doctor

Tell an adult if you have diarrhea, fever, vomiting, or severe belly pain. That person can help you decide whether to call your doctor.

If you feel listless and your mouth and skin feel dry, or if your bowel movements contain blood or mucus, you should contact or see a doctor right away. Also go to the doctor if you are vomiting so much that you canât keep down fluids or if your symptoms last more than 3 days.

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How Common Are Stomachaches

Just about everybody will experience abdominal pain at one point or another. Most causes of abdominal pain are not serious and resolve spontaneously. A healthcare provider can usually readily diagnose and treat these conditions. However, abdominal pain can also be a sign of a serious illness, or even an emergency. Abdominal pain is responsible for some 5% of emergency room visits.

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What Causes Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is frequently caused by a problem in the digestive tract . However, it can also be caused by other organs located in the abdomen, such as the kidneys. Large blood vessels, such as the aorta are also found in the abdomen and may give rise to pain. Abdominal pain can even be caused by some medicines.

Causes of abdominal pain connected to the gut include:

  • trapped wind or indigestion
  • gallstones, gallbladder problems, liver problems
  • appendicitis
  • aspirin
  • medicines to help manage the symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease

Some of the causes of abdominal pain are short-term , whereas others are long-term or ongoing conditions. Find more information about the underlying causes of abdominal pain here.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Hernia

Why do you have stomach pain after eating?

A hernia in the abdomen or groin can produce a noticeable lump or bulge that can be pushed back in, or that can disappear when lying down. Laughing, crying, coughing, straining during a bowel movement, or physical activity may make the lump reappear after it has been pushed in. More symptoms of a hernia include:

  • Swelling or bulge in the groin or scrotum .
  • Increased pain at the site of the bulge.
  • Pain while lifting.
  • Increase in the bulge size over time.
  • A dull aching sensation.
  • A sense of feeling full or signs of bowel obstruction.

In the case of hiatal hernias there are no bulges on the outside of the body. Instead, symptoms may include heartburn, indigestion, difficulty swallowing, frequent regurgitation and chest pain.

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Other Causes Of Green Poop

Sometimes when our stools are green we are not ill at all but have eaten certain things which can cause a green color in our stool.

This would not normally give you diarrhea but sometimes greenish diarrhea can result from eating a lot of vegetables, for example.

Next time you cook a green vegetable, particularly a leafy one in water, look at the water when you drain it. The water is usually green. This comes from the chlorophyll which is present in the leaves.

Green diarrhea from eating vegetables is more likely in babies and toddlers as their intestines are not mature.

Why Do I Have Stomach Pain And Diarrhea

Abdominal pain and diarrhea can be all-too familiar, and nearly everybody will suffer from this combination at some point during their lifetime. But how do I know if my stomach pain is serious?

Having diarrhea with stomach pain is a common symptom of stomach flu. The good news is, the discomfort and pain usually disappear within a few days. However, there are other reasons you may have stomach cramps or diarrhea, and its important to know when to see a doctor and when to ride the symptoms out.

Read on to learn about the different possible causes of stomach pain and diarrhea, how to prevent some instances of it, and when to give your physician a call.

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