Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why Do I Have Diarrhea And Stomach Pain

Fecal Impaction And Constipation

Irritable Bowel Syndrome | IBS

It may surprise you to know that constipation can also cause symptoms of diarrhea. How is it possible to have impacted hard stool as well as watery diarrhea?

Doctors from the National Health Service explain that what looks like diarrhea is actually anal leakage. Fecal impaction can make it almost impossible to having a bowel movement. However, watery stool can leak around the hard stool and look as if you have constipation and diarrhea at the same time.26

Please read my article on the best way to treat anal leakage naturally and avoid embarrassment.

Giardia Hiv And Other Infections

Infections are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.

They can cause both short-term and long-term gastrointestinal symptoms, and include:

  • Giardia: This waterborne parasite found in pools, hot tubs and streams is known to cause chronic stomach pain and diarrhea. Symptoms can take one to three weeks to show up and may linger for six weeks or more. For some, the issue can become long-term and trigger both irritable bowel syndrome and food allergies .
  • HIV: This virus can also cause chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain due to an increased rate of infection and cancer .
  • Clostridium difficile: This infection often emerges after a course of antibiotics, which kills some of the guts good bacteria. This can make way for bad bacteria like Clostridium difficile to colonize the digestive system and cause chronic diarrhea .
  • H. pylori: this is a common and contagious bacteria which can cause gastritis and present with symptoms including stomach pain in about 20% of those infected.

Summary: Bacterial, viral and parasitic infections from Clostridium difficile, HIV, giardia and H. pylori can all result in chronic stomach pain. In some cases, long-term issues can occur.

What Are The Symptoms Of Stomach Flu

The main symptom of gastroenteritis is diarrhea. When the GI tract becomes infected during gastroenteritis, multiple activities from the virus brings on diarrhea. Malabsorption occurs because of the destruction of the gut cells called enterocytes. The virus can also disrupt the reasbsorption of water and induce secretory diarrhea, which is responsible for the loose liquidy stools.

  • Headache and body aches.

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Diarrhea And Digestive Disorders

Medical conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease, and celiac disease can also cause of diarrhea. Ulcerative colitis can lead to sores or ulcers on the internal lining of the colon, resulting in frequent bouts of diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Crohns is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that often manifests with diarrhea as well as abdominal pain, blood in the stool, anemia, and sometimes weight loss and fever, said Charabaty. Celiac disease is a disease caused by an allergy to gluten, which is a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley. In patients with celiac disease, gluten is toxic to their small bowel, destroying its normal lining. This in turn prevents the absorption of water and nutrients, causing not only diarrhea, but also weight loss, anemia, osteoporosis, and other intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms.

When To Get Concerned About Your Dog Vomiting

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Your dog is most likely fine if he vomits once without any other symptoms, according to veterinarians. If your dogs vomiting can be described as any of the following, then it is time to start getting concerned: Vomiting with other symptoms, like fever, weight loss, lethargy, anemia, etc. It never hurts to play it safe when it comes to dog health.

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Colon Damage From Impaired Blood Flow

Acute intestinal ischemia means that the blood flow to the large and/or small intestines has been cut off. It is also called acute mesenteric ischemia, or AMI.

The ischemia is caused by blockage in one of the arteries leading into the abdomen, usually due to atherosclerosis or a blood clot.

Most susceptible are those with very high or low blood pressure heart disease or using illegal drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamine.

Symptoms include sudden, severe pain in one area of the abdomen nausea and vomiting and repeated, urgent bowel movements, often with blood.

Acute intestinal ischemia is a life-threatening medical emergency. If it is suspected, take the patient to the emergency room or call 9-1-1.

Diagnosis is made through arteriogram, which involves injecting dye into the abdominal arteries under x-ray in order to find the exact location of the blockage.

Treatment involves “clot-busting” drugs to destroy a clot, or emergency surgery to remove whatever is causing the blockage and possibly some of the damaged intestine as well.

Rarity: Rare

Top Symptoms: abdominal pain , nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, being severely ill

Urgency: Hospital emergency room

Is Stomach Flu Contagious

Viral stomach flu spreads easily to others. You can catch a stomach flu virus any time of the year, but the common norovirus is more widespread from November to April when people tend to be more indoors. Because a variety of viruses can cause stomach flu, you might get different versions of gastroenteritis many times throughout life.

Its spread from person to person by coming into contact with tiny, invisible particles from a sick persons stool or vomit if you:

  • Touch a surface and come in contact with the germs and you touch food or your mouth.
  • Eat or drink food or beverages that have a sick persons germs.
  • Have close contact with someone who has stomach flu .

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When To Call The Doctor

If you experience symptoms for more than a week, its wise to make a doctors appointment. However, if you have severe symptoms at any point throughout, it is also a good idea to be seen. Other symptoms that warrant a doctor visit include high fever, nausea and vomiting, confusion, difficulty speaking, vision problems, rapid heart rate, and seizures. While the most common symptoms of diarrhea and stomach problems are flu, food reactions, medications, stress, alcohol consumption, IBD, and IBS, these conditions can also be indicative of cancer, cystic fibrosis, appendicitis, or intestinal obstruction. If you have persistent symptoms, its best to be safe and be seen.

If you need to see a doctor for diarrhea and abdominal pain, or you are experiencing other GI upset, book an appointment at Carolina Digestive today.

When Stomach Pain Is And Is Not An Emergency

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Stomach pain can have a variety of causes, some of which you can address by resting, avoiding heavy and spicy foods, taking medication, or using a heating pad. Others, however, may require urgent medical care.

While it can be hard to determine this on your own, at least with total certainty, there are some guidelines you can use to figure out if you should head to the ER, your doctor’s office, or try some at-home solutions. Regardless of how your case matches up if you feel severe, out-of-the-norm pain that you think needs immediate attention, seek it.

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Mucus And Blood In Stool With Abdominal Pain: 6 Causes Explained

Our content is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice by your doctor. Use for informational purposes only.

Common causes of abdominal pain, with blood and mucus in the stool are:

  • Dysentery: the most common cause of acute abdominal pain with blood and mucus in stool.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease .
  • Proctitis .
  • Diverticulitis.
  • Intussusception.

How Can Diarrhea Be Prevented

It’s almost impossible to prevent all cases diarrhea. But there are some ways to make it less likely:

  • Wash your hands well and often, especially after using the toilet and before eating. Hand washing is the best way to prevent diarrheal infections that pass from person to person.
  • Keep bathroom surfaces like sinks and toilets clean.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating.
  • Clean kitchen counters and cooking utensils well after they’ve been in contact with raw meat, especially poultry.
  • Refrigerate meats as soon as possible after bringing them home from the store. Cook them until they’re no longer pink. Refrigerate all leftovers as soon as possible.
  • Never drink from streams, springs, or lakes unless local health authorities have checked that the water is safe for drinking.
  • Avoid washing pet cages or bowls in the same sink that you use to prepare food. And try to keep pet feeding areas separate from family eating areas.

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What Can I Do At Home To Feel Better

Get plenty of rest and keep drinking lots of liquids until your symptoms pass. Drinks that have both sugar and salt help your intestine absorb fluids better and replace the lost electrolytes. Nibbling salty crackers along with ginger ale or a similar sweet drink could also help. Avoid dairy products like cows milk for one or two days milk can make diarrhea worse due to temporary lactose intolerance that often come with gastroenteritis.

To control severe diarrhea, your healthcare provider may recommend an over-the-counter medication such bismuth subsalicylate . You shouldnt use these medicines if you have a high fever or bloody diarrhea, which can be signs of deeper infection from bacteria or a parasite. Antidiarrheal medications arent safe for children to use. Instead, see your healthcare provider for treatment.

Nearly everyone gets a bout of stomach flu at some point. Its not pleasant, but it usually passes in less than a week. Give yourself time to rest and recover before you go back to your daily activities. Fortunately you can take steps to avoid the likelihood of passing it on to others or picking it up again in the future.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/26/2020.


How To Avoid Broccoli Intolerance

Himalayas Tea Blog

The good news is that you can still enjoy broccoli if it gives you gas or stomach pain you just need to tweak how you’re eating it. For starters, Dr. Houghton recommends taking small bites and chewing each one completely to break down as much of the vegetable as possible before it enters your digestive tract. Keep your portions small and avoid eating raw broccoli.

Should you decide to cook your broccoli regardless of whether it’s steamed, stir-fried or tossed into a side dish know that doing so can actually be to the vegetable’s detriment. “Cooking broccoli will cause you to sacrifice some of the plant’s important phytonutrients,” Dr. Houghton says.

In fact, a study published in the journal Heliyon in March 2019 found that boiling broccoli significantly reduces its retention of flavonoids, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory benefits. Research published in the journal Food Chemistry in November 2019 found that flavonoids can not only inhibit enzymes important in inflammation, but that they can also reduce the effect of tissue damage.

Another option to help you combat broccoli intolerance can be gas-fighting over-the-counter medications. If you know you’re going to have the cruciferous vegetable, consider taking Beano before eating. “It contains the alpha galactosidase enzyme that helps break down the trisaccharide raffinose that’s found in broccoli,” Dr. Houghton says.

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Diagnosing Abdominal Pain And Diarrhea

To determine the cause of abdominal pain and diarrhea, your doctor will first perform a physical exam. Theyll also ask some questions about your health history and lifestyle. Traveling to certain countries may increase your risks of digestive disease. Be sure to mention any recent trips overseas. The doctor will also ask questions about any recent changes in your diet.

Your doctor may perform a stool culture, in which theyll send a sample of your feces to a lab to check for bacteria, viruses, and parasites. If this comes up negative, they may run a more complete analysis of your feces to look for possible digestive disorders.

Other common diagnostic tests include:

Endoscopy: In an endoscopy, a doctor sends a camera down your throat and into your stomach to check for problems, such as ulcers and signs of celiac disease.

Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy involves sending a camera into the rectum and intestines to check for signs of damage and signs of disease, such as ulcers and polyps.

Lower GI tract radiography: In a lower GI tract radiography, a technician will perform a real-time X-ray of the abdomen. This occurs after your doctor injects a barium-based contrast material into the rectum to check for intestinal obstructions and other conditions.

Medical treatments can help address the underlying condition causing your abdominal pain and diarrhea. If your symptoms are caused by stress or need to be managed, home remedies can help.

When Should I Call My Doctor

Tell an adult if you have diarrhea, fever, vomiting, or severe belly pain. That person can help you decide whether to call your doctor.

If you feel listless and your mouth and skin feel dry, or if your bowel movements contain blood or mucus, you should contact or see a doctor right away. Also go to the doctor if you are vomiting so much that you can’t keep down fluids or if your symptoms last more than 3 days.

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Sudden Stomach Cramps With Diarrhoea

If your stomach cramps have started recently and you also have diarrhoea, the cause may be a tummy bug . This means you have a viral or bacterial infection of the stomach and bowel. It should get better without treatment after a few days.

Gastroenteritis may be caused by:

  • coming into close contact with someone who’s infected
  • eating contaminated food

If you have repeated bouts of stomach cramps and diarrhoea, you may have a long-term condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome .

When Diarrhea Won’t Go Away

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If you still have diarrhea after 4 weeks, then you have chronic diarrhea.

To figure out the cause, your doctor will want to know your symptoms and medical history. You’ll get the most out of your appointment if you can tell them:

  • How long you’ve had diarrhea
  • Whether your diarrhea comes and goes, or is continuous
  • If you think certain foods and situations make things better or worse
  • If your stool looks bloody, oily, fatty, or watery
  • Other symptoms you have and how long youâve had them
  • If you have a family history of chronic diarrhea
  • Places you’ve traveled to recently
  • Unusual foods you’ve tried in the last little while
  • Any medication or supplements you’re taking
  • If you’ve lost a lot of weight

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What Procedures And Tests Diagnose Diarrhea

In healthy people with diarrhea, and who appear well otherwise, the health-care professional may elect to do no tests at all. Stool cultures are not usually necessary unless there is high fever, blood in the stool, recent travel, or prolonged disease.

  • In some cases, the health care professional may send a sample of the stool to the laboratory to evaluate if the cause of diarrhea can be determined . It usually takes approximately one to two days for the results of these tests.
  • Blood tests are sometimes necessary for patients with other medical problems or with severe disease.
  • A colonoscopy is an endoscope procedure that allows the physician to view the entire colon to evaluate for infections or structural abnormalities that could cause the condition.
  • Imaging tests such as X-rays or CT scans are performed to rule out structural abnormalities as the cause of diarrhea, particularly when pain is a prominent symptom.

Diarrhea After Eating: The Most Common Causes And Treatments

Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Health

Having diarrhea is an unpleasant experience for anyone, but if you suffer from persistent or intermittent bouts of diarrhea after eating, it can make mealtimes a stressful event. You may find it hard to enjoy a meal because of worrying that it will be followed by the runs. In fact, the stress itself may also cause diarrhea to become worse after your meal.

Some of the possible causes for having diarrhea episodes after a meal, or postprandial diarrhea, are a viral or bacterial infection, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, and even stress. If you suffer from a chronic condition like irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, or have had gastric bypass surgery, you may also frequently experience loose stools immediately after eating your meal.

The first symptoms of diarrhea may be stomach cramps or abdomen pain after eating. This can occur anywhere between a few minutes and a few hours after finishing your meal. The stomach pain is often followed by having to run to the bathroom.

Thankfully, there are many natural treatments to ease the symptoms of diarrhea after eating which can help you find needed relief and, in cases of chronic diarrhea , help manage your symptoms.

Lets look at some of the most common reasons why eating can sometimes cause diarrhea and what natural remedies are available to get rid of the symptoms.

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Other Causes Of Green Poop

Sometimes when our stools are green we are not ill at all but have eaten certain things which can cause a green color in our stool.

This would not normally give you diarrhea but sometimes greenish diarrhea can result from eating a lot of vegetables, for example.

Next time you cook a green vegetable, particularly a leafy one in water, look at the water when you drain it. The water is usually green. This comes from the chlorophyll which is present in the leaves.

Green diarrhea from eating vegetables is more likely in babies and toddlers as their intestines are not mature.

Recovering From Green Diarrhea

Why do i have severe stomach pain and diarrhea â Vwygw

When we have diarrhea it can disturb the helpful friendly microbes that live in our guts. This will make it more likely that we will suffer another bout of diarrhea in the future. To help your bowel recover after diarrhea it is a good idea to take a course of good quality probiotics.

Amazon has a good range of probiotics. Pick one that has 5 billion or more CFUs and a variety of strains.

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