Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Causes Frequent Stomach Aches

Why Does My Stomach Hurt After I Eat

What causes frequent stomach ache post delivery? – Dr. Shefali Tyagi

Your stomach may hurt after you eat if you haven’t eaten in a long time, if you’ve eaten a particularly large meal, or if you have an ulcer, tumor, or other mass that is not protected from stomach acid by mucus within the stomach. Stomach pain after eating is most commonly caused by the normal contractions/motions of the stomach as it churns and breaks down food with stomach acid. If you have damage to the stomach or a mass of some sort, these motions can aggravate that point of tenderness causing additional stomach pain. Gas is also a common cause of stomach pain after eating. An antacid or fizzy drink may help you belch, releasing the gas and discomfort.

Why Does Your Stomach Hurt

Stomach cramps can range from mild achiness to severe, stabbing pain.

Common causes of stomach cramps include eating foods that can irritate your stomach, constipation, food poisoning, or a stomach infection. People who have anxiety may also develop stomach cramps.

Pregnant people may experience stomach cramps as the fetus grows. Menstrual cramps are also very common, though they actually take place in the uterus.

Sometimes stomach cramps are constant. In this case, a chronic digestive illness, such as irritable bowel disease, may be the cause.

Most stomach cramps go away on their own within a few hours or a couple of days. Changing what you eat and taking over-the-counter medication can help with symptoms while you recover.

Some stomach cramps may require medical attention. You should be concerned about stomach cramps if they last for a week or longer or are so severe that you cant function, or you also have symptoms like fever or blood in your vomit or stool.

If Everything Is Physically Normal What Causes My Child’s Pain

Experiencing pain when there is no underlying physical problem is surprisingly common. It can be difficult for children, who may feel as though their friends and family will think they are inventing the pain or that they are suspected of imagining it. It is important to explain that you know that their pain is real and that it needs to be managed and treated just as much as if it came from a broken bone.

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What Is A Bloated Stomach

A bloated stomach is first and foremost a feeling of tightness, pressure or fullness in your belly. It may or may not be accompanied by a visibly distended abdomen. The feeling can range from mildly uncomfortable to intensely painful. It usually goes away after a while, but for some people, its a recurring problem. Digestive issues and hormone fluctuations can cause cyclical bloating. If your bloated stomach doesnt go away, you should seek medical care to determine the cause.

Other Stomach Cramps Causes

when i put pressure on my stomach it hurts onettechnologiesindia com ONETTECHNOLOGIESINDIA.COM” alt=”When i put pressure on my stomach it hurts > ONETTECHNOLOGIESINDIA.COM”>

Other causes that can result in stomach cramps include the following.

  • Anxiety: Frequent worry takes a physical toll on the body and proper treatment from a professional goes a long way in relieving symptoms.
  • Medications: Certain drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen can be harsh on the stomach, especially when taken without food. There are suggestions to keep in mind when taking these medications to avoid abdominal cramps.
  • Menstrual pain: Women can experience stomach cramps as a regular part of the menstrual cycle.

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What Are Some Of The Home Remedies To Cure Constant Stomach Pain

Home remedies can be beneficial in case of indigestion and mild bowel problems. In case of chronic and acute stomach pain there can be a presence of a serious underlying cause. Medical assistance should be sought in such cases. Few general home remedies to cure constant stomach pain involve-

Hot Compress: In case of abdominal cramps due to menstruation, hot compress with a heating pad or hot water bag may help ease out the pain.

Light Boiled Food: Eating light boiled food in case of diarrhea may help soothe the digestive system.

Ginger Tea: Drinking ginger tea may help improve digestion and reduce stomach pain as it is a good source of antioxidant.

Lemon and Hot Water: A combination of lemon and hot water helps reduce bloating as it restores the pH level of the body and removes gas. One may also use apple cider vinegar.

Fennel Seeds & Chamomile: Fennel seeds and chamomile are known for their antimicrobial muscular relaxant properties giving instant results in acute stomach pain occurring due to indigestion. Fennel seeds are beneficial to soothe menstrual cramps.

Home remedies for constant stomach pain also involve using varied spices like ginger, fennel seeds or even peppermint to help combat indigestion problems. Lemon and apple cider vinegar are good detoxifying agents of the digestive system. Above all, healthy diet and a proper lifestyle help keep the body clean, boosting metabolism and proper digestion.

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How Can I Feel Better

Most bellyaches don’t have a serious cause. They can happen for many different reasons, but most are easy to treat.

If stress or anxiety seem to be behind the pain, the doctor may recommend that you talk to a counselor or therapist. They help people figure out what’s behind their stress and give advice on how to fix problems or handle them better.

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What Is Stomach Churning

Stomach churning and gurgling can be an uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen. Although a queasy stomach is usually only temporary if you have an upset stomach for a week or longer it could be a sign of an underlying condition.

If you have ever experienced stomach growling, especially stomach gurgling after eating, then you may well know the other symptoms that run alongside it. Other symptoms of a sour stomach can include nausea and digestive issues.

Moreover, continue reading to find out what causes upset stomach and gas. We also explain when you should see a doctor, and further signs to look out for.

Stomach Noises such as stomach churning and gurgling and Pain: Causes and Symptoms for Those Belly Noises and Cramps

Common Causes Of Stomach Pain

Causes & Treatment of Chronic Abdominal Pain In Children | Dr. Mridul Chandra Das

Harmless abdominal pain usually subsides or goes away within two hours.

  • Gas: Formed in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food, this can cause general stomach pain and cramps. This often can be indicated by belching or flatulence.
  • Bloating: Related to gas, this occurs when excessive gas builds up in your digestive tract. Your stomach will usually feel full, and you may experience cramps.
  • Constipation: This occurs when you are having difficulty making bowel movements. If you are having two or fewer bowel movements a week, constipation is the likely cause. In addition to feeling bloated and nauseous, you may experience cramping and pain in your rectum.
  • Indigestion: You typically experience this as an upset stomach, burning, or belly pain after eating.
  • Stomach flu: Your stomach may hurt before each episode of vomiting or diarrhea.

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What Is Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain may be felt anywhere between the chest and groin region of your body. The pain may be generalized, localized, or it may feel like cramps in your belly. If you have cramping or discomfort in your stomach, it may be due to gas, bloating, or constipation. Or it might be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

Colicky pain in the abdomen region comes and goes. One moment, you may feel fine, but the next, you may experience sharp, sudden pain in your abdomen. Kidney stones and gallstones are often the cause of this type of pain.

Many conditions can cause abdominal pain. But the main causes are:

  • infection

Mild abdominal pain may go away without treatment. For example, if youre experiencing abdominal pain because of gas or bloating, it may simply need to run its course.

But in some cases, abdominal pain may warrant a trip to the doctor.

You should seek immediate medical care if the pain is so severe that you cant sit still or need to curl into a ball to get comfortable, or if you have any of the following:

  • unexplained weight loss

If you dont already have a gastroenterologist, the Healthline FindCare tool can help you find a physician in your area.

What Causes Sharp Pain In The Stomach

Sharp pain in the stomach can be caused by indigestion, stomach or intestinal infection, ulcer, or a stomach tumor. Indigestion and stomach infections usually self-resolve and are much more common. Many sharp stomach pains are benign, and if they happen infrequently, they can be ignored. “Infrequently” is considered not frequently enough to be remembered. Additionally, sharp pains may also come from intense muscle contractions associated with vomiting. However, in this case, it is best to treat the cause of vomiting as the sharp pains will diminish as vomiting stops.

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What Can Be The Underlying Causes Of Constant Stomach Pain In Adults

Often the cause of the persistent stomach pain is not much serious and proper lifestyle change can be beneficial. Some of the causes involve-

Irritable Bowel Syndrome This is the most common condition and often the prime reason of constant stomach pain experienced by people. Feelings of bloating accompanied by constipation or diarrhea are seen to be often associated. Such type of stomach pain usually goes away when the bowel movements get clear.

Urinary Tract Infection – In case of inadequate consumption of water and liquids essential for proper flushing of toxins from the body, urinary tract infection can occur. They keep returning in case proper hygiene is not maintained. An individual with UTI can have recurrent and constant pain in the abdomen due to this accompanied by burning sensation while urinating.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inflammatory bowel disease is a condition where the digestive system undergoes inflammation while the person is left with a persistent/ constant stomach pain. Such a condition leads to soreness of the intestine and the rectum.

Menstrual Cramps Women undergoing menstruation can have severe muscular pain in the lower abdomen. Such pain is persistent and stays on for two to three days.

Constipation Sometimes, due to irregular food habits and unhealthy lifestyle, there can be constant stomach pain due to difficulty experienced in bowel movements. Stool hardens due to lack of hydration which can lead to the persistent stomach pain.

If Your Stomach Hurts Suddenly

5 Most Common Causes of Stomach Aches

Acute stomach pain comes on quickly and lasts for a limited amount of time, typically a few hours to a few days. It’s usually caused by external factors, like a particular food or contaminant that didn’t agree with your stomach. Even people with completely healthy digestive tracts will experience occasional stomach pain.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain may take several different forms. In addition to how severe it is, abdominal pain can be described in the following ways:

Generalized Pain This refers to pain felt in more than half of your abdominal area, and is typical of stomach viruses, indigestion, or gas as the cause of your pain.

Localized Pain This refers to pain felt in just one area of your abdomen, and is typical of a problem with an organ like your stomach, appendix, or gallbladder as the cause of your pain.

Cramping This type of pain come and goes, or changes in its severity or perceived position in your abdomen. Cramping is rarely serious and is typical of gas, passing a stool, or menstruation as the cause of your pain.

Colicky Pain

Its important to call your doctor if your abdominal pain is so severe that you cant move without feeling more pain, or sit still in a comfortable position.

  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting that doesnt resolve
  • Weight loss
  • Abdomen very tender to touch
  • Swollen abdomen

What The Doctor Does

Doctors first ask questions about the person’s symptoms and medical history. Doctors then do a physical examination. What they find during the history and physical examination often suggests a cause of the pain and the tests that may need to be done or come and go . Chronic abdominal pain usually occurs in children… read more ).

Doctors ask particularly about activities that relieve or worsen the pain. Whether the pain or other digestive upset occurs after eating or drinking dairy products is important because lactose intolerance is common, especially among blacks, Hispanics, Asians , and American Indians. Doctors also ask about other symptoms , about diet, and about any surgery involving the abdomen, drugs used, and previous tests and treatments for the pain. Whether any family members have disorders that cause abdominal pain is also important.

Doctors also ask about a person’s diet because ingesting large amounts of cola beverages, fruit juices , or gas-producing foods can sometimes be the cause of otherwise puzzling abdominal pain.

Between the initial visit and follow-up visits, people are often asked to record information about the pain, bowel movements, diet, any activities that seem to trigger pain, any remedies tried, and the effects of the remedies.

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About Stomach Pain Or Ache

Stomach pain in children is very often caused by wind and indigestion, neither of which is serious.

A sore tummy might also be a sign of infections like food poisoning, gastroenteritis, pneumonia or urinary tract infections.

Anxiety or stress can cause butterflies in the tummy.

Severe stomach pain might be caused by more serious illnesses like appendicitis or intussusception, which is when part of the intestine slides into or over itself.

Tummy pain that keeps coming back might be associated with constipation, food intolerances or inflammation in the gut.

In adolescent girls, stomach pain can be caused by reproductive issues, including period pain, a twisted ovary and ectopic pregnancy.

Sometimes stomach pain is functional abdominal pain. This means that the stomach is very sensitive, even to the normal movement of food through the digestive system.

Explained: The Link Between Stress And Stomach Problems

What is Abdominal Pain? Causes, Common Tests | STOMACH PAIN – Dr. Rajasekhar M R | Doctors’ Circle

If you are experiencing stomach problems, then you may also be feeling stressed. When we experience high levels of stress, our gut also feels this stress. Stress and anxiety have been linked to chronic health problems such as heart disease, depression, and obesity. There is also a connection between stomach gurgling and bloating, constipation, and stomach pain. Further symptoms of stress induced stomach gurgling include:

  • Bad Bacteria Grows, Good Bacteria Dies
  • Leaky Gut
  • Reduced production of Serotonin

If your stomach gurgling is a symptom of stress, there are many things you can do to change your behavior and response to stress. In general, most of us will often respond to stressful events in a poor way. We will wait and hope that the source of our stress goes away by itself, excessively shop, drink alcohol, treat ourselves to something we want, or gamble. As a result, we then experience more stress and get stuck in a vicious circle.

There are far better ways to handle stress, including:

  • Meditation
  • Remove the Source of Stress
  • List Ways to Solve the Problem

Learn these 3 simple steps to boost digestive health in the morning from BIOHM Health:

How do you manage stomach disturbances? Are you experiencing persistent stomach growling after eating? Lets talk about gut health in the comments below. Up Next:

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Recurrent Abdominal Pain In Children

Recurrent tummy pain is common in children. One to two of every 10 children will experience it at some time. Children with recurrent tummy pain are often worried or sad .

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Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children

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What Is Childhood Ibs

IBS is remarkably common in adults, affecting up to 1 in 5 people at some point. While it is most commonly diagnosed in young adults, it can start at any age. In fact, one US study suggested that 1 in 16 children aged 11-13, and almost 1 in 7 teenagers, experience IBS-type symptoms.

The causes of IBS in children are thought to be similar to those in adults. Although there is no problem with any one part of the gut, it’s thought that the different bits don’t work smoothly together. In addition, the gut may be hypersensitive to pain signals and the nerves or muscle of the gut may be overactive.

IBS may be the cause if your child has abdominal pain which can be made better by going to the toilet , or pain which is associated with needing to poo more often or with the poo being different. IBS is diagnosed if your child has abdominal pain or discomfort and a change in bowel habit.

Other symptoms of IBS in children may include diarrhoea , constipation . Symptoms may occur after eating.

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What Are The Treatment Procedures Of Constant Stomach Pain

In the first place once the patient with constant stomach pain visits the doctor, he is going to diagnose the underlying problem of such form of pain. There may be a set of diagnostic tests which may be recommended. Such tests are done to rule out problems of infection of the internal organs. The medical treatment is followed for constant stomach pain once the cause is known.

  • In case of the problems appendicitis or infection in the gall bladder, surgery has to be done as a form of treatment. The doctor may appoint a date for surgery and medications may be given.
  • In case of milder causes of the pain like constipation or food poisoning, the doctor may give IV fluids to the patient.
  • Painkillers may be prescribed to the patient along with other medications to clear out the toxins from the body.
  • Patient may be given antacid to cure the acid reflux so occurred.

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