Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Press On It

How Do Doctors Check Your Stomach

Abdominal Pain | Embryology

An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is a test that lets your doctor look inside your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of your small intestine, called the duodenum. The esophagus is the tube that carries food to your stomach. The doctor uses a thin, lighted tube that bends.

You Have A Food Intolerance

The most common intolerance associated with bloating is lactose intolerance, Dr. Sarker says. But other food intolerances, as well as Celiac disease or bacterial overgrowth, known as SIBO , can cause both distension and other GI symptoms like diarrhea, she says.

If you suspect a food intolerance, Dr. Sarker suggests avoiding the foods most likely to produce uncomfortable gas, including beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, onion and wheat. Feel better? You can then slowly add in small amounts of each food to see what and how much you can tolerate. For example, maybe a quarter-cup of beans on a salad is just fine, but a big bowl of three-bean chili is not. Keeping a food journal during this time will help you play detective and notice trends in order to pinpoint the aggravating food.

If that doesn’t do it, then you might consider a low-FODMAP diet. This diet is geared toward people with irritable bowel syndrome and removes foods that contain certain sugars that are not completely digested and therefore are fermented by gut bacteria. These triggering foods can lead to gas, according to Monash University, which developed the diet and offers a handy app to identify these foods.

The start of the low-FODMAP diet is extremely restrictive in the beginning you’ll be eliminating a lot of healthy foods, some of which may be your favorites. The goal is to create a wash-out period and then slowly add in those foods again and watch for symptoms to crop back up.

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What To Expect At Your Office Visit

Your provider will examine you and gently push on places on your belly. People with peritonitis will often tense the abdominal muscles when the area is touched. This is called guarding.

The provider will note any point of tenderness. The location of the tenderness can indicate the problem that is causing it. For example, if you have appendicitis, you will have tenderness when a certain place is touched. This spot is called McBurney point.

The provider will also ask questions about your symptoms and medical history. These may include:

  • When did the symptoms start?
  • Is this the first time you have had such discomfort?
  • If not, when does the discomfort tend to occur?
  • Are you having other symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, fainting, vomiting, or fever?

You may need to have the following tests:

Read Also: How To Deal With Stomach Ulcers

Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Press Down On It

Deborah WackerIf your pain is the very low part of your right lower quadrant, it could be your appendix. When you press on it does it hurt moe before you press or after you realise you hand and then you get bad pain, that is called rebounding pain which is where your Dr will ask you. If it gets to bad you need to go to the dr because it can get serious.

What Do Ulcers Feel Like

I am having cramps in my lower abdomen after taking I

A peptic ulcer is an open sore that develops in the mucosa of the stomach or duodenum . If the area of damage occurs in the inner lining of duodenum, its called duodenal ulcer. And its possible for both ulcers to be found together at the same time.

Aninfection caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori is responsiblefor most cases of peptic ulcers, though not all people with H-pylori infectiondevelop ulcers .

Anothercommon cause is regular, excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen. NSAIDs can hurt the innerlining of your stomach and intestine, making ulcers more likely to develop this is especially true if you also have H-pylori infection or the combinationof the following risk factors:

  • If you have a compromised,weakened immune system.
  • If youre a smoker.
  • If you have chronic, untreatedstress.
  • Eating spicy foods.
  • If youre a heavy drinker.Alcohol can hurt and erode the inner lining of your stomach and intestine. Tokeep safe, its recommended to moderate your alcohol intake!
  • Inrare cases, the disease may be a consequence of another medical condition suchas major trauma, severe respiratory disease, or even cancer.

    Uncontrolledacid production in the stomach can inhibit or prevent ulcers from healing.Therefore many ulcer medications are aimed to control stomach acid secretion.These options include proton-pump inhibitors and histamine blockers.

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    Reasons Why Your Belly Button Hurts When Pressed

    There are various reasons for belly button pain when pressed. In some cases, it can be mild or intermittent. Sometimes it can be sharp and severe. It usually goes away. But you must not ignore it if it persists for long because some problems are easy to treat such as indigestion or constipation while others can be serious stomach issues. Treatment for belly button pain depends on the underlying reasons.

    Normal Variation Of Constipation

    Constipation means bowel movements which have become infrequent and/or hardened and difficult to pass.

    There is wide variation in what is thought “normal” when it comes to frequency of bowel movements. Anywhere from three times a day to three times a week is considered normal.

    As long as stools are easy to pass, laxatives should not be used in an effort to force the body to a more frequent schedule.

    Constipation is usually caused by lack of fiber in the diet not drinking enough water insufficient exercise and often suppressing the urge to have a bowel movement.

    A number of medications and remedies, especially narcotic pain relievers, can cause constipation.

    Women are often affected, due to pregnancy and other hormonal changes. Young children who demand low-fiber or “junk food” diets are also susceptible.

    Constipation is a condition, not a disease, and most of the time is easily corrected. If simple adjustments in diet, exercise, and bowel habits don’t help, a doctor can be consulted to rule out a more serious cause.

    Rarity: Common

    Top Symptoms: abdominal pain , nausea, stomach bloating, constipation, constipation

    Symptoms that always occur with normal variation of constipation: constipation

    Symptoms that never occur with normal variation of constipation: vomiting

    Urgency: Self-treatment

    Also Check: What To Do When Your Stomach Is Bloated

    Causes Of Acute Stomach Pain

    • Eating Too Much. Eating too much can cause an upset stomach and mild stomach pain.
    • Hunger Pains. Younger children may complain of stomach pain when they are hungry.
    • GI Virus . A GI virus can cause stomach cramps as well as vomiting and/or diarrhea.
    • Food Poisoning. This causes sudden vomiting and/or diarrhea within hours after eating the bad food. It is caused by toxins from germs growing in foods left out too long. Most often, symptoms go away in less than 24 hours. It often can be treated at home without the need for medical care.
    • Constipation. The need to pass a stool may cause cramps in the lower abdomen.
    • Strep Throat. A strep throat infection causes 10% of new onset stomach pain with fever.
    • Bladder Infection. Bladder infections usually present with painful urination, urgency and bad smelling urine. Sometimes the only symptom is pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Appendicitis . Suspect appendicitis if pain is low on the right side and walks bent over. Other signs are the child won’t hop and wants to lie still.
    • Intussusception . Sudden attacks of severe pain that switch back and forth with periods of calm. Caused by one segment of bowel telescoping into a lower piece of bowel. Peak age is 6 months to 2 years.

    Causes Of Pain In Upper Stomach

    Bloating? Constipation? Stomach Ache? Poop Better With This Simple Exercise | Visceral Mobilization

    There are several causes of pain in the upper stomach. Some upper stomach pain goes away on its own. For others, pain in the upper stomach may indicate there are underlying issues, such as:


    When the muscle that normally keeps acid down in the stomach doesnt work properly, it can lead to heartburn . If you experience heartburn a few times a week or if over-the-counter antacids arent working, you may want to call your doctor.

    Inflammation of the stomach

    Sometimes pain in the upper stomach may be caused by gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach as a result of a bacterial infection.


    Pancreatitis is inflammation of the large gland behind the stomach , Normally, digestive fluid travels from the pancreas to the small intestine and activates to help digest food. If this fluid activates while its still inside the pancreas, it causes irritation and inflammation.


    Pain in the upper stomach may be due to ulcers . Different things can cause ulcers, most commonly bacteria or anti-inflammatory drugs that damage the stomachs lining over time. Symptoms of ulcers may include a burning sensation, nausea, vomiting, or heartburn.

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    How Do You Relieve Abdominal Pain

    Stomach pain has a wide variety of causes and treatments. Some conditions, such as gallstones or appendicitis, may require surgery. Others, such as ulcers or infections, may be eased with medicine. And sometimes you may just have to get through a bout of stomach flu or a kidney stone until it passes.

    If you dont know whats causing your abdominal pain, its important to find out, especially if it doesnt go away on its own. Remember that even mild cases can be serious. However, if you have a pretty good idea that your stomachache is related to digestion, you can begin by treating yourself with:

    • Bowel rest. Stop eating, or only eat easy-to-digest foods like crackers or bananas.
    • Hydration. Drink plenty of water or a hydration formula.
    • Heat therapy. Try a warm water bottle or a soak in the bath.
    • Home remedies. Try licorice for gas, ginger for indigestion, or peppermint to help relax your intestinal muscles.

    How Is Abdominal Pain Diagnosed

    Your healthcare provider will ask you detailed questions about your pain. Theyll want to know:

    • Where you feel it.
    • How long youve had it.
    • If it comes and goes.
    • If its getting worse.
    • If it stays in one place or moves.
    • What makes it better or worse.
    • What other symptoms you have.

    From your answers, your healthcare provider will try to determine if you need emergency treatment. Sometimes your healthcare provider will be able to tell right away that your pain is temporary and not serious. Sometimes they may suspect a more serious condition and may want to run some tests. And sometimes they wont be able to solve the mystery on the first visit. Your pain may subside, or you may have to return for further investigation.

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    When You Should Seek Medical Advice

    If your abdominal pain is associated with trauma or an injury, or if you have chest pain with your abdominal pain, seek immediate emergency medical care.

    If you have an underlying medical condition that affects your gastrointestinal system, talk to your doctor about possible treatment plans. You should also see a doctor or seek immediate medical care if you have severe stomach pain accompanied by:

    • Fever
    • Pain lasting longer than one week
    • Pain that is worsening in severity
    • Blood in your stool or vomit
    • Inability to pass stool
    • Persistent nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
    • Weight loss
    • Severe sensitivity or tenderness when you touch your abdomen
    • Swollen abdomen
    • Inability to move without causing further pain and/or inability to get comfortable due to severe abdominal pain
    • Severe stomach pain in pregnancy

    Your doctor will likely check your medical history for underlying causes or chronic conditions that might be causing new complications. Based on your symptoms and medical history, your doctor may order tests, such as an X-Ray, CT scan, colonoscopy, or endoscopy. Once your doctor has determined the cause of your pain, they will develop a treatment plan. These can include everything from prescribed medication to surgery to physical therapy to dietary changes.

    Can Abdominal Pain Be Prevented

    12 Reasons Your Stomach Hurts Slideshow

    Eating enough fibreand doing regular exercise can help prevent constipation and keep your bowels working well, which will prevent some forms of abdominal pain. It will also reduce your long-term risk of some diseases, such as diverticular disease or bowel cancer.

    Drinking plain water but not carbonated or fizzy drinks will reduce the chance of pain from bloating as well as keeping your body healthy.

    Following a specific diet can help reduce pain due to lactose intolerance, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome and trapped gas, or wind.

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    Other Abdominal Pain Causes

    Abdominal pain can also occur due to the following.

    • Bowel issues: Both diarrhea and constipation can cause abdominal pain symptoms. If your bowel movements are less than normal, you can expect some form of abdominal pain.
    • Stress: Many diseases can come from mental and physical distress. Anxiety and panic disorders are connected to abdominal pain as well.
    • Internal injuries: Internal bleeding, stomach ulcers, and tearing in any of the stomach muscles, lining, or nearby organs can cause severe abdominal pain that should be treated as soon as possible.

    Tenderness Anywhere On The Abdomen

    There are several structures of the abdomen that may extend across the entire abdominal cavity or at least across multiple quadrants.

    • Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum that lines the abdominal cavity and its organs. There is usually severe abdominal pain with tenderness.
    • Hernias are outpuchings from the abdominal wall and sometimes a portion of the bowel can get trapped within it . A hernia itself may not always be painful or tender.
    • Trauma to the abdominal wall can occur for a number of reasons, such as a blow to the abdomen, and the area may be tender for days or even weeks.
    • Abdominal muscle strain is a common cause of abdominal pain and tenderness. These muscles may be strained not only be trauma but also by overuse and other forms of stress.


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    Dietary Abdominal Pain Causes

    Dietary habits can result in abdominal pain, such as the following.

    • Indigestion: This is the number one culprit of abdominal pain. Bad eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles can upset your digestive system. This will result in discomfort in the stomach and possibly the chest. Indigestion is also a symptom of many gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, Crohn’s disease, and acid reflux.
    • Drinking habits: Water is always the best choice for proper hydration. However, it’s likely you mix in a few other beverages throughout the day. Drinking too much coffee, soda or carbonated beverages, or alcohol especially on an empty stomach can result in abdominal pain.

    How Do I Handle Stomach Pain In Kids

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    Kids can get a stomach ache just like adults, and it often feels terrible for them. Feed your child simple foods like toast, banana, rice, and applesauce. If your child seems to suffer stomach pain after eating, you may want to ask their doctor to check for lactose or gluten intolerance or a new food allergy. Kids commonly experience stomach pain from constipation, gas, and illnesses like a UTI, or the stomach flu.

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    Is It Wrong To Push On Your Stomach

    Gently pressing down on your belly as it grows is fine, says Dr. Michele Hakakha. Hard hits, kicks or punches can be dangerous, especially as you progress through your pregnancy.

    At what beginning of pregnancy does your stomach become hard?

    At the beginning of pregnancy, around 7 or 8 weeks, the growth of the uterus and the development of the baby harden the belly.

    Why do doctors press on your stomach during an exam?

    Pressing on your belly is a way to find out if your internal organ size is normal, to check if anything is hurting you, and to feel if anything unusual is going on. Looking, listening and feeling are all part of a physical examination. Doctors use all three to check that everything is normal or to assess a health condition.

    Why does my stomach hurt when I press it?

    Tenderness when pressing on these quadrants usually indicates a problem with an organ in the specific quadrant. RUQ: Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine . LUQ: Stomach, small intestine, large intestine , pancreas and spleen.

    What does it mean when a doctor presses on your abdomen?

    Tenderness in the abdomen can be an important sign of various diseases. Depending on the site of the tenderness, for example tenderness in the right iliac fossa could be a sign of appendicitis or tenderness in the right hypochondrium could be a sign i Loading

    Why Does My Stomach Feel Hard When I Press On It

    When your stomach swells and becomes hard, the explanation can be as simple as overeating or drinking carbonated drinks, which are easily remedied. Other causes may be more serious, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Sometimes the gas built up from drinking a soda too quickly can lead to a hard stomach.

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    How Is Stomach Pain Diagnosed

    Most abdominal pain issues can be diagnosed with a careful health history review and physical exam, explains Dr. Greenwald, who adds that the vast majority are not serious. In some cases, additional testing may be required to fully understand the underlying problem, which may include blood analyses, stool and urine samples, and imaging of the abdomen via radiographs, ultrasounds, and CT scans.

    Why Is It Uncomfortable To Lie On My Stomach And Why Does It Hurt When I Press On It

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    Hi, I’m 15 years old and have irregular periods. Recently, my stomach hurts whenever I press on it. The pain is not when I press the right side of my abdomen, but rather, the center and left side. It is uncomfortable to lie on my stomach, and days before my breasts hurt to touch. I’ve never had sex but i masturbate with an object, but always clean it beforehand, so I don’t think I’m pregnant even though I’m still scared due to all the results I’ve seen in the web linking to pregnancy. I share a bathroom with my brother but I don’t do anything with him. My last period only lasted for two days and was really, really light, not even filling a pad, when my periods are usually very heavy.

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