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How To Lose Weight On Stomach And Hips

Lose Weight In 5 Days

How to Lose Weight in Your Hips & Tummy Without Working Out : General Fitness Tips

ByJennifer Jolan | Submitted On July 17, 2008

Here’s how to lose weight in 5 days. You’ll lose fat from your thighs, butt, belly, and hips. I’ll spare you the common-sense advice such as eating lots of fruits and vegetables… drinking a lot of water, and exercising more. I’m going to give you specifics.

Lose Weight in 5 Days

1. Eat a big breakfast

I prefer you’d eat eggs, but if not, just eat a big breakfast anyway. Researchers have proven that those who eat a big breakfast and follow it up with smaller meals for the rest of the day lose a lot more weight than people who either skip breakfast or eat a light breakfast.

2. Eat an apples before your meals and a banana after your meals

This allows you to eat your comfort foods so you don’t feel deprived. However, the apples and bananas crowd out how much of the foods you eat. You’ll eat less.

This is an easy way to diet since you can still eat the foods you’re use to. You don’t even have to try eating less of them. The apples and bananas will do that for you.

3. Do deep breathing for 5 minutes a day

It’s been shown that deep breathing helps with weight loss due to the added oxygen intake from taking bigger breaths. Why? Well, because oxygen is the enemy to body fat. The more oxygen you get into your body, the more fat gets burned off through oxidation.

If you combine these 3 tips, you’ll lose weight in 5 days without much effort or willpower needed.

Jennifer Jolan

How To Lose Weight From Bums Hips And Thighs

A common question we are asked at The Healthy Mummy is, how do I lose weight from bums, hips, and thighs when I am trying to lose pregnancy weight?

Of course, as we have covered before, spot fat removal in weight loss is not possible but there are a number of approaches and exercises you can do to help target specific and tone specific areas.

It is also worth highlighting that you will be more successful in reaching your health and weight loss goals if you see your body as something beautiful to embrace and work with rather than battling bulges. Slow and steady is the way to go especially if youve just given birth.

Think About Your Gut If You Want To Lose Belly Fat

Followed everything above to the letter, but not losing belly fat as quickly as you might like? It could be that the levels of good to bad bacteria in your gut arent at their optimum.

Researchers from Washington University found that people with excess weight, including abdominal fat, tend to have greater numbers of Firmicutes bacteria, suggesting this one could encourage the body to absorb more calories from food. Dont believe us? Heres what your poop can tell you about your belly fat.

*Women’s Health Naked Survey 2018

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Learn How Many Calories Your Body Needs

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Fact. To lose belly fat , you need to be in a calorie deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than you’re expending through exercise and general living.

‘When it comes to knowing how to lose belly fat, the best way to start is to watch what you eat,’ Belalij says. ‘When you digest large amounts of calories, your body allocates some of these to functional systems which work to keep you alive ,’ says Belalij. ‘It also uses it to fill up energy stores. Any excess is then stored in fat cells around the body typically being those of the belly.’

But like we’ve said, learning how to get rid of belly fat shouldn’t come at the expense of your health, so you want to make sure you’re not cutting back too much. To calculate your ideal calorie deficit, check out our handy guide below. It’ll help you work out how many calories you need to eat a day to hit your goals, without going too far.

Worried about the price of healthy eating? Stock up on cheap healthy snacks. By having healthier food in the house you’re less likely to face-plant the sugary stuff when hunger strikes.

Focus On The Way Your Clothes Fit More Than Reading A Scale

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As you add muscle mass and lose fat, the reading on your bathroom scale maynot change much, but your pants will be looser. Thats a better mark ofprogress. Measured around, your waistline should be less than 35 inches ifyoure a woman or less than 40 inches if youre a man to reduce heart anddiabetes risks.

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Sneak Extra Activity Into Your Day

Pace around your office while talking on the phone or run into the bank to cash your check instead of using the drive-thru. When researchers at the Mayo Clinic fed a group of volunteers an extra 1,000 calories a day over the course of eight weeks, they found sedentary individuals gained eight times more weight than those who fidgeted a lot during the day.

So How Do I Reduce My Belly Fat

If you want to reduce your belly fat, youll need to burn more calories than you consume, and eat the right kinds of food. Here are my suggestions on what to eat.

  • Make sure you eat a balanced diet. Try to eat at least five portions of fruit and veg each day, and include higher-fibre starchy foods in meals.
  • Have some reduced-fat diary or soya drinks fortified in calcium.
  • Eat more beans, pulses, fish and eggs.
  • Eat small amounts of unsaturated oil.
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water each day.
  • Avoid adding salt or sugar to your meals.

And finally, cut out sports drinks, sugar sweetened drinks and other foods that have a lot of added sugar in them. Be aware that low-fat options might have high amounts of added sugar in them.

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How To Lose Weight In Hips And Stomach

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The Spot Reduction Myth

Spot reduction is a term used to describe the concept of targeted fat loss. That you can magically reduce fat from a specific spot on your body by simply doing exercises that target that body part.

You know, like thinking ab exercises burn stomach fat, back exercises burn back fat, chest exercises burn chest fat, arm exercises burn arm fat, thigh exercises burn thigh fat, etc. etc. etc.

As obvious as this concept seems, its not actually true. Spot reduction is one of the biggest time-wasting fitness myths of all time.

The truth is

The human body is only capable of losing fat from the entire body as a whole.

Exactly where on your body you lose fat from the most, or what part of your body you lose fat from first, second, third, etc. is all predetermined by your genetics and cannot be changed whether we like it or not.

No workout or exercise, type of workout or exercise, form of workout or exercise, type of equipment, amount of reps, amount of sets, amount of advanced methods or anything similar can change this and somehow allow you to burn fat from the exact spot you want to burn it from.

Sorry, but its true.

Whats that you say?

But what about the people I see at the gym doing 100 sets of 100 reps of every ab exercise there is?!?

Those people are wasting their time.

But a few of those people actually have flat stomachs and six pack abs?!?

The one and only thing any of these people are doing is training the muscles under the fat they are trying to target.

Increase Your Neat To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

We’ve been conditioned to think that super hard exercise is going to be the thing to help us get results, especially when trying to lose lower belly fat. In fact surprise, surprise it’s much more holistic than that. Instead of hammering the HIIT, keeping your nutrition, exercise and general movement in check are all important.

Outside of gym workouts , the movement you’re doing walking to the shops, making a cup of tea or taking your pooch out to stretch their legs can contribute more to hitting your healthy fat loss goals. This is known as NEAT and is a cornerstone of healthy body composition.

‘NEAT simply refers to the energy used carrying out any daily activity that isn’t formal exercise or sleeping,’ says Elliott Upton, personal trainer at Ultimate Performance and Head of LiveUP Online Coaching.

NEAT plays a major role in how much energy you expend per day and increasing your metabolic rate. It also helps control your blood sugar, aid muscle recovery, lower stress levels and improve cardiovascular health.

You can increase your NEAT by walking instead of taking public transport, opting for the stairs over the elevator or doing household chores. Whichever you choose, they’ll all contribute to the process in which you lose belly fat.

Get around everything you need to know about NEAT exercise with our full explainer.

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Add Vinegar To Your Diet

If youre trying to lose weight, vinegar is an excellent addition to your diet. Whether white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, vinegar is one of the most versatile condiments regarding health benefits. One study found that a mere 15 to 30 ml of vinegar daily reduced body weight, belly fat and waist circumference over a three-month period.

According to one study, adding vinegar to your diet will reduce your daily caloric intake by 275 calories. Considering there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, you can lose over half a pound of fat per week with this one simple change. To increase your metabolism and satiety, try adding white vinegar to refreshing, hydrating salads and tangy barbecue sauces.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

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How are you sleeping? A study by America’s National Sleep Foundation found that people who slept for less than five hours a night gained more abdominal fat over five years and those who slept for six or more. Aim for eight hours.

Lack of sleep and stress can raise your cortisol levels, which make it harder to lose weight. When this stress hormone is being released, it gives your body the message to hang on to weight. Add to that the urge to comfort eat when you’re tired or stressed and the chances of you putting on weight increase.

This is where exercise comes in. Working out regularly or doing something relaxing such as walking or yoga will naturally help to destress you, so you should see the effects on your mental health.

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Improve Your Sleep Quality

Yes, making sure you’re getting enough sleep and the right kind of sleep can majorly impact your weight-loss goals.

“The relationship between sleep and weight loss has long been documented by science. Studies show that shorter sleepers tend to have higher body mass indexes, higher body fat percentages, and higher amounts of visceral body fat,” says Aaron Brown, a certified personal trainer and research associate for the global business at Ultimate Performance.

“Lack of sleep puts you at higher risk of weight gainand of that gained weight, more of it is likely to come from body fat. Sleep deprivation also reduces our ability to control hunger and satiety and increases the likelihood that we will reach for higher-calorie foods that make managing our weight more challenging.”

Brown suggests you aim to get around 7-9 hours of good quality sleep per night, and he also shared some easy ways you can improve your sleep quality to support more effective weight loss:

What Areas Are More Prone To Gaining Weight

According to our experts, the reason you gain weight so rapidly in your midsection and not in, say, your calves and forearms is because the adipocytes , which are found throughout the body, are more plentiful in the hips, butt, stomach, and thigh area for women and stomach for men. Women are prone to fat along their hips, thighs, butt, and stomach because of something F-Factor creator Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, and best-selling author of The F-Factor Diet, calls “sex-specific fat,” or stubborn fat that “serves as an energy reserve for the demands of pregnancy and lactation. It is typically the last place you will lose weight, as your body wants to save it to help fuel the demands of childbearing,” she explains.

For men, there is no “evolutionary purpose” for harboring belly fat, also known as visceral fat, a dangerous type of fat that envelopes your organs and is linked to metabolic disease, she says. The upside: Zuckerbrot says that, overall, it’s the easiest type of fat to lose because it breaks down more quickly. “Studies have shown that increasing fiber intake can help to decrease the amount of this dangerous visceral fat,” she adds.

Wheeler says that genetics also play a large role in how we gain fat and that there are four primary patterns of fat storage:

  • An even distribution throughout the body
  • The trunk and abdomen
  • The trunk, legs, and glutes
  • The abdominal area only
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    What Causes Love Handles

    The underlying cause of love handles is fat retention.

    Generally speaking, fat cells accumulate when your body takes in too many calories or you dont burn as many calories as youre consuming. Over time, these fat cells can become noticeable as they accumulate in certain areas, such as around your waist and hips.

    Fat can accumulate anywhere in the body, but there are certain factors that increase the likelihood for retaining fat in the hip, lower back, and abdominal areas. Factors that contribute to love handle formation include:

    Don’t Ban The Good Stuff


    If you want to get a flat stomach, you’d be advised to avoid foods that cause bloating such as lentils, onion and broccoli. Ditch that thought! Lentils are a great source of protein as well as being rich in iron, onions both raw and cooked – provide fibre and broccoli and broccoli is packed with Vitamins K and C. These foods are so good for you it’d be ridiculous to cut them from your diet.

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    Targeting Specific Areas Through Food And Exercise

    One of our mums Julie Meadows says that setting mini-goals is key to weight loss success. She uses the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge meal plans and Healthy Mummy Smoothiesand utilises our exercise programs.

    Exercise will not only help you lose weight but it is also fantastic in improving your overall health and fitness. The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges also comes with daily, easy to do exercise ideas which you can do in the comfort of your own home,she says.

    Eating the right foods is the ideal way to ensure you have a healthy diet which helps you lose that pregnancy weight and when you combine this with sensible amounts of exercise, you have a recipe for success.

    The Best Healthiest Ways To Support Weight Loss

    According to some, another way to support weight loss is by recalibrating your hormones. Charles Passler, a nutritionist to models like Bella Hadid, says an estrogen imbalance may create the inability to lose weight and, conversely, the ability to gain it very easily. “At normal levels, estrogen helps insulin do its job to manage blood sugar,” he explains. “When estrogen gets thrown off, it turns the body into a weight-gaining machine.”

    To prevent excess fat storage, Passler suggests eating foods that decrease estrogen in both men and women, such as cruciferous vegetables , green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, apples, and flaxseeds. In contrast, he warns against these estrogen-boosting foods: soy-based products, sugar, red meat, any item with added hormones, and cow’s milk and other dairy products, as well as foods and liquids stored in plastic that contains BPAs. Passler says you can also decrease estrogen levels by reducing stress, getting more exercise, and sleeping more.

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    Monitor Your Fiber Intake

    Pay attention to how much fiber you’re consuming it’s amazing for satiety and important for gut health and optimal digestion. Murdock does issue a note of caution: “If you’re eating a high fiber diet without drinking a lot of water, you’ll become gassy and you’ll notice bloating, which looks a lot like fat but isn’t. I speak from fiber experience. It doesn’t stop me from eating it, but it does stop me from freaking out when I bloat.”

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