Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can Uti Cause Stomach Bloating

Complications Of Urinary Tract Infections

Bladder pain // Imitation UTI’s // Lower belly bloating // Interstitial Cystitis

Urinary tract infections are an extremely common condition, and most people recover quickly with antibiotic treatment. However, if left untreated the infection can spread throughout the urinary tract system, increasing in severity and causing complications.

In some cases, the infection can reach the kidneys in the upper urinary tract, an infection known as pyelonephritis. Without medical intervention, this can lead to permanent kidney damage. Possible complications from untreated UTIs include:

  • Formation of abscesses within or around the kidneys
  • Swelling of the kidneys, also known as hydronephrosis
  • , also known as blood poisoning

All of these complications are serious and require immediate medical attention.

Pregnancy And Urinary Tract Infections

Pregnant women with a UTI that develops into a kidney infection are at higher risk of developing additional complications, which may affect both them and the fetus. Such complications include anemia, premature labor, low birth weight and, in very rare cases, stillbirth.

Fortunately, early medical intervention means that urinary tract infections in pregnant women can usually be treated successfully. If the affected person has a lower urinary tract infection, a course of oral antibiotics is the most common treatment method. If an upper urinary tract infection is suspected, the doctor may recommend administering antibiotics intravenously in hospital instead.

Once the infection has cleared, a doctor may choose to prescribe low-level, prophylactic antibiotics for the remainder of the pregnancy to reduce the risk of a UTI returning.

Pregnancy can increase the likelihood of developing a UTI. This is due to numerous factors, including hormonal changes and the increased weight of the uterus putting pressure on the bladder.

Causes / Risk Factors

Urinary Tract Infection CausesWhat is a Urinary Tract Infection?

The urinary tract, the system that produces urine and carries it out of the body, includes the kidneys , the bladder , the ureters , and urethra . A urinary tract infection is usually caused when bacteria from the digestive tract get into the urethra, multiply, and move into the bladder. A bladder infection is by far the most common UTI. If immediately treated, it is generally not serious, though it can be uncomfortable. If not treated, the infection can travel up to the kidneys, where it can cause more serious and potentially permanent damage. Key strategies for preventing infections include drinking lots of water , urinating often and completely, and, for women, urinating immediately after sexual intercourse.

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What Causes Bloating When You Have A Uti

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Symptoms In The Elderly

Do You Feel Bloated All The Time? Heres Why!

Most people who develop a urinary tract infection will exhibit symptoms, such as those listed above. However, elderly people are less likely to display classic symptoms specific to the genital and urinary regions. This may be due to changes in immune function as age increases, as well as the possibility of additional diseases and disorders affecting usual bodily responses.

Additionally, a urinary tract infection may cause certain behavioral changes in an elderly adult, such as confusion, agitation or disorientation. Such symptoms are often categorized as delirium. People with age-related issues such as delirium or dementia are especially at risk of developing a more severe UTI because they may not be able to communicate their symptoms and receive prompt treatment.

Although this connection between UTIs and delirium has been established, the reason why delirium may occur in elderly adults with a UTI is not yet known.

Good to know: If a urinary tract infection is suspected in an elderly person, always contact a doctor as a simple urine analysis test is usually enough to confirm the diagnosis.

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Risk Factors For Developing Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are a very common condition, especially in women, and account for between 1 to 3 percent of all general practice consultations.

Gender is a primary risk factor for urinary tract infections. UTIs are much more common in women than men, and it is believed that roughly half of all women will experience a UTI in their lifetime. Conversely, under the age of 50, only five to eight men out of every 10,000 report experiencing a UTI.

Although there are a number of risk factors specific to either men or women, the majority of risk factors are not gender-specific, including:

  • Age. The likelihood of a UTI increases with age. Over the age of 50, incidences of UTIs increase for both genders, with less disparity between the number of cases in men and women
  • Urinary catheters can cause bacteria to enter the urinary tract
  • Family history of UTIs
  • Urinary tract blockages and conditions which may impair urine flow, such as kidney stones, chronic constipation or abnormal urinary function/structure
  • Diabetes, specifically diabetes mellitus or type two diabetes, due to high urine glucose levels increasing the risk of infection
  • Poor personal hygiene may increase the presence of bacteria in the urinary area
  • Reduced mobility may result in longer gaps between urinations, resulting in a higher risk of infection
  • A weakened immune system reduces the bodyââ¬â¢s ability to defend against infection

Pelvic Pain & Abdominal Pain In Women: Causes & Symptoms

There are a plethora of systems and organs that can cause women to have abdominal and pelvic pain. Sometimes pain is due to digestive issues while other times it can be caused by the reproductive system and menstrual cycle. Your body gives you many signs that can help you uncover what might be causing your pain. Were here to help you understand the pangs, aches, and cramps you may be feeling.

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Prevention Methods For Women

In addition to the above prevention methods, women can also:

  • Avoid contraceptive methods that contain spermicide
  • Avoid using a diaphragm as a birth control method
  • Avoid the use of feminine products on genital regions, such as deodorant sprays and douches, which have the potential to irritate the urethra
  • Receive vaccination against certain E. coli strains

Common Causes Of Left

Causes of severe Stomach Aches – Dr. Bindu Suresh

The common causes for pains on the left side of the abdominal area are kidney stones, a kidney infection and diverticulitis.

The common symptoms for kidney stones and an infection are:

  • pain in the left and/or right abdomen area, the back or the genitals
  • fever, shivers and chills
  • loss of appetite
  • feeling sick

If a kidney stone is too large to pass on its own, then a hospital admission becomes necessary. The avoidance of kidney stones should be discussed with a doctor.

Diverticulitis is an infection that can occur following diverticular disease that affects the large intestine. People with this disease rarely have symptoms until an infection is present. The symptoms caused by the infection are:

  • constant, severe abdominal pain

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Types And Causes Of Stomach Problems

There are numerous different stomach problems and each can be triggered by different cause. The treatment is determined based on the underlying cause. Therefore its important to diagnose the cause clearly.

The intensity, how it feels like, whether it comes with another symptom, or how long the symptom lasts may help doctors make the diagnosis. Unfortunately, sometime the cause is not known.

Abdominal cramps with diarrhea

One of possible answers is gastroenteritis . The abdominal cramps usually come suddenly, and followed with diarrhea. But the problem is usually harmless or even may improve on its own after a few days.

Gastroenteritis is an infection in the bowel or stomach. Many times, it is caused by getting a close contact with an individual whos infected. It may also occur due to food poisoning or consuming contaminated food.

Another possible cause is irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. This is particularly true if the problem becomes chronic or when you have repeated bouts of abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Abdominal cramps with bloating

Most of the time, trapped wind is to blame for abdominal cramps with bloating. It is common and easy to deal with but sometime it can be embarrassing, too. It usually improves with over-the-counter such as mebeverine or buscopan.

Recurring, long-term stomach pain

Sometime urinary tract infection such as kidney infection is to blame for this symptom. But it also can be linked to long-term conditions such as:

Sudden severe stomach pain

Can A Uti Cause Abdominal Bloat

A urinary tract infection symptoms include murky urine and pain when urinating. The bacteria Escherichia coli that cause UTI, on the other hand, can affect your abdomen, particularly your lower abdomen.

As a result, there may be pressure and pain and abdominal bloating. Bloating, in this case, might be mistaken for a dysfunctional digestive system.

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Kidney Infection And Stomach Pain

If you have kidney infection, typically the infection will cause burning sensation or pain when you pee. Sometime pain may also be felt in other areas of the body.

For instances, stomach pain can also be one of the symptoms of the infection. Typically, it is felt in the lower abdomen. You may also have pain in your back, your side , or around genitals .

Your abdominal pain is likely to be associated with kidney infection if you also experience other symptoms of the disease. These include:

  • Problems associated with passing urine such as urinating more often than usual, you have cloudy-bad smell urine, unable to completely empty bladder, or persistent-strong urge to urinate.
  • Fever or feeling sick.
  • Tiredness . You can learn more about how kidney infection can contribute to cause fatigue in this section!
  • Changes in appetite, especially such as decreased or loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea .
  • Or even blood found in the urine, depending on the severity of the infection.
  • Shortness Of Breath After Very Little Effort

    Why Does UTI Cause Stomach Bloating?

    Why this happens:

    Being short of breath can be related to the kidneys in two ways. First, extra fluid in the body can build up in the lungs. And second, anemia can leave your body oxygen-starved and short of breath.

    What patients said:

    At the times when I get the shortness of breath, its alarming to me. It just fears me. I think maybe I might fall or something so I usually go sit down for awhile.

    I couldnt sleep at night. I couldnt catch my breath, like I was drowning or something. And, the bloating, cant breathe, cant walk anywhere. It was bad.

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    Will Uti Go Away On Its Own

    Antibiotics are an effective treatment for UTIs. However, the body can often resolve minor, uncomplicated UTIs on its own without the help of antibiotics. By some estimates, 2542 percent of uncomplicated UTI infections clear on their own. In these cases, people can try a range of home remedies to speed up recovery.

    When Does Excessive Gas Form In The Body

    Have you been feeling a bloated sensation in your body and wondering why you have so much gas building up inside it? There are reasons for excessive gas which can cause severe discomfort in the body, if not released in the same proportion as it is produced.

    Excessive gas can result from:

    • In the upper intestinal tract due to swallowing air in excess while eating, overeating, chewing gum and smoking.
    • In the lower intestinal tract due to overconsumption of certain foods, lack of proper digestion, or a fall in the normal count of bacteria

    Disorders such as:

    • Peptic ulcer
    • Gastroparesis

    Eating foods such as beans, lentils, bran, dairy products, fructose, carbonated beverages, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, etc. can also lead to gas buildup.

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    Heavy Protein Loss Via Urine

    When heavy protein loss takes place in the urine, patients deal with abnormal kidney functions. Heavy protein loss in human urine i.e. more than 0.3 grams in one day with its accompanying fluid retention implies nephritic syndrome. This syndrome leads to further reduction in the albumin concentration in the human blood. We know that albumin plays a prime role to maintain the level or volume of blood present in blood vessels. Hence, protein excretion causes reduction in the actual amount of fluid present in blood vessels. Kidneys then identify the depletion of exact volume of blood and hence, put efforts to retain the salt. Thus, fluid moves within the interstitial spaces and causes water retention. Protein loss in the urine takes place in specific kidney problems and thereby, leads to the edema development. In this situation, doctors go for biopsy of the patients kidneys to diagnose the type of kidney problem and thereby, give the right treatment.

    Food Allergies Can Trigger Gas

    Can holding urine for long hours lead to abdominal pain? – Dr. Ravish I R

    Two other common conditions besides IBS can also provoke intestinal gas, pain, and bloating: food allergy and food intolerance. A significant proportion of IC patients suffer from allergies and intolerances, and allergic IC patients often find relief from bladder symptoms when they avoid the foods they are allergic to. But while the intestinal symptoms may be similar, a food allergy is not the same as a food intolerance. A true allergy is mediated by a substance in the body called IgE. In diagnosing an allergy, a doctor may look for high levels of circulating IgE in your system. An intolerance does not involve IgE. Another difference: allergies are usually triggered by proteins in foods , whereas intolerances can develop in reaction to sugars, gluten, and many other non-protein molecules.

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    When To See A Doctor For A Urinary Tract Infection

    Urinary tract infections usually require a visit to the doctor to confirm diagnosis and receive treatment. If a UTI is suspected, a doctorââ¬â¢s appointment is always recommended for the following groups of people:

    • Children
    • Anyone who has not had a UTI before
    • Anyone with blood in their urine
    • Anyone with symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection
    • Anyone whose symptoms have returned after treatment

    Some people who experience UTIs on a frequent basis might be offered different management options by their doctor, such as long-term, low-dose antibiotics. In these special cases, the onset of UTI symptoms may be managed at home, and a visit to the doctor is not always necessary.

    In very mild cases, a bladder infection/cystitis may clear on its own without the need for medical treatment. However, other conditions such as genital herpes or vaginal thrush can be mistaken for cystitis, so people who are unsure whether they have cystitis should still see a doctor.

    Feeling unwell? People experiencing symptoms that may be linked to a urinary tract infection can carry out a symptom assessment using the free Ada app now.

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    Types Of Abdominal Pain And What You Can Do

    Abdominal pain can occur anywhere between the chest and the lower abdomen and can range from a dull ache to severe pain. Abdominal pain is one of the common reasons people visit urgent care centers and emergency rooms in the 78130 area code of New Braunfels, Texas.

    The doctors and the medical professionals at Riverside ER, a 24-hour emergency care center located near you in New Braunfels, Texas, want to educate the public on the symptoms of abdominal pain and the relevant treatment.

    There are four types of abdominal pain: upper, lower, right-sided and left-sided. Each type has specific symptoms and causes, and all are discussed below.

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    Causes Of Serious Bloating You Dont Want To Ignore

    Bloating everyones had the feeling once before, especially all those pasta lovers out there.

    Bloating is a common side effect of eating too many bloating foods like carbohydrates or downing your oh so good fizzy drinks.

    But what about if youre experiencing chronic bloating where you get so bloated you look pregnant?

    Perhaps youve ruled out pregnancy, cut back on the bloating food and drinks, but still feel as though you have a bowling ball in your stomach.

    Usually are not too worrisome, but if your persistent bloating is accompanied by other symptoms this just might be the canary in the coal mine.

    Persistent bloating along with other symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, fever, or blood in your stool might be a sign of a more serious health issue than just bloating from a bad meal.

    Health issues such as cancer, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions can cause severe bloating.

    So differentiating between a simple case of bloating and severe bloating is important.

    Uti Signs And Symptoms In Childrenare Different

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    UTIs are the second most common type of infection in children, behind ear infections. Unfortunately, early symptoms of UTI in young children are not always apparent. And sometimes there are no UTI symptoms at all, or your child is simply unable to articulate the UTI symptoms he or she is experiencing. When it comes to babies under 2 years old, parents need to tune in to these signs of a urinary tract infection:

    • Fever A fever of 104°F or higher may be the sole symptom in babies. Its also the most common symptom of UTI during babys first two years.
    • Jaundice Up to 18 percent of babies with prolonged or worsening jaundice also have UTIs. When jaundice occurs one full year after birth, its a strong indicator of UTI.
    • Fussiness
    • Poor feeding or failure to thrive
    • Sluggish
    • Vomiting or diarrhea
    • Crying while urinating

    Meanwhile, older children generally have similar symptoms to adults, including urgency, cloudy urine, and pain during urination. For children whove already been toilet trained, bed-wetting is also a sign of a UTI.

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